

单词 前一



in the recent past

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previous page n

前一年 n

previous year n
subsequent year n

External sources (not reviewed)

前一年相 比,保安部队对于声称由其队伍内成员所 犯的案例而作出的反应更加适当,而且还在普通的司法系统内进行了调查。
In comparison with the previous year, the reaction [...]
of the security forces to cases attributed to their members was more
appropriate and investigations were initiated under the ordinary justice system.
他还坚称,前一名加 拿大人的引渡案件没有提供任 何信息可供对这两起案件进行比较,也决不能减低申诉人遭受酷刑的严重的个人 [...]
He also maintains that the previous case of extradition [...]
of a Canadian had been presented without any information that might
allow comparison between the two cases and in no way diminished the existence of serious and personal risks of torture in the case of the complainant.
咨询委员会前一份报告(A/65/576,第 29 段)中强调,秘书长、管理 [...]
委员会和项目指导委员会必须持续作出承诺,以推动本组织适应采用企业资源规 划后带来的变化及得到改进的工作方法。
In its previous report (A/65/576, [...]
para. 29), the Advisory Committee emphasized that the sustained commitment of the Secretary-General,
the Management Committee and the Project Steering Committee would be required to facilitate the Organization’s adaptation to the change and the improved methods of work that the introduction of enterprise resource planning would bring about.
[...] 届会议提出、但大会尚未对其采取行动的 前一 份 关 于加强和统一联合 国安保管理系统的报告中提出的一些问题(见 [...]
A/63/605 和咨询委员会的 相关报告 A/63/769)。
The proposal also revisits some of the issues raised by the
[...] Secretary-General in his earlier report on a strengthened [...]
and unified security management
system for the United Nations, which was submitted to the General Assembly at its sixty-third session but on which no action was taken (see A/63/605 and the related report of the Advisory Committee in document A/63/769).
政務司司長進一步表示,由 於吳議員前 一 天舉行的政制事務委員會會議上 , 亦 就 擬 議問 責 制提出 相同疑 問,當局會盡 快向該事務委員會提 交 文件,解釋為 何 透 過 分 別 根 據 第 1章第54A及 62(3) 條提出的決 議及命 令 , 移轉有關法 定 職能此 一 做 法 是 合法、 恰 當及合理的。
CS further said that as Miss NG had raised the same query concerning the proposed accountability system at the meeting of the Panel on Constitutional Affairs (CA Panel) held on the previous day, a paper would be provided to the Panel as soon as possible to explain why it was legal, appropriate and reasonable to effect the transfer of statutory functions by way of a resolution and an Order made respectively under sections 54A and 62(3) of Cap 1.
(b) 指定規格之代表委任表格連同經簽署之授權書或其他授權文件(如有)或經由簽署證明 之該等授權書或授權文件副本,最遲須於大會或其任何續會指定舉行時間48小 前一 併交 回本公司在香港之股份過戶登記分處香港中央證券登記有限公司,地址為香港灣 仔皇后大道東183號合和中心17樓1712至1716室,方為有效。
(b) To be valid, a form of proxy in the prescribed form together with the power of attorney or other authority, if any, under which it is signed, or a certified copy of such power
or authority, must be
[...] deposited at the Company’s branch share registrar in Hong Kong, Computershare Hong Kong Investor [...]
Services Limited,
at Shops 1712-1716, 17/F, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong not less than 48 hours before the time fixed for holding the meeting (or any adjourned meeting).
[...] 因为每一个双年度财务期都是完全独立的 前一 个 双 年度财务期的未清偿承付款不会被补加 [...]
(The problem of double-counting of ULOs does not exist for the regular budget, as each financial
period – biennium – is completely independent
[...] and the ULOs of one biennium are not [...]
added to the expenditures of the following biennium.
2009 年 7 月 27 日经济及社会理事会第 37 次全体会议表示注意到,非政府 组织委员会在确认秘书处向尚未提交报告的组织发出了最后催复通知,要求每 个组织在 2009 年 5 月 1 日前提交一份涵盖前一个四年期的报告,以及确认已 向相关非政府组织总部所在的会员国常驻代表团发出了最后催复通知,明确表 明如果这些非政府组织不能在最后期限前履行义务,委员会则要向理事会提出 应承担后果方面的建议之后,决定在理事会续会上提交一份因连续两次或更多 次没有提交四年期报告而要中止其咨商地位的非政府组织清单。
At its 37th plenary meeting, on 27 July 2009, the Economic and Social Council took note of the decision of the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations to submit, at its resumed session, a list of non-governmental organizations that had failed to submit their quadrennial reports for two or more consecutive periods, for suspension of their consultative status, after having confirmed that the Secretariat had sent final reminders to those organizations with outstanding reports and had requested each to submit a report covering the preceding four-year period by 1 May 2009, and that the permanent missions of the Member States in which the headquarters of the non-governmental organizations concerned are based had been notified of the final reminders, which clearly indicated the consequent recommendations the Committee would make to the Council should those non-governmental organizations fail to meet the deadline.
据申诉人在遭驱逐前一天 称 ,未提出上诉的原因是移民事务法庭决定不暂缓执行驱逐,而且,鉴于上诉庭 很可能不会批准他上诉的请求,因此,他完全有理由认为,移民上诉庭也会拒绝 他要求暂缓执行的要求。
As reasons for his failure to appeal, the author submitted that the day before he was to be expelled [...]
from Sweden, the Migration
Court decided not to stay the enforcement of his expulsion, and that he had good reasons to believe that the Migration Court of Appeal would also reject his request for a stay of enforcement, in view of the fact that the Court of Appeal would probably not grant him leave to appeal.
(a) 如前一节所 述,审判分庭目前正在审议根据规则第 11 条之二提出的将 三个案件移交卢旺达的申请。
(a) As detailed in the previous section, the Trial Chambers are currently considering [...]
motions under Rule 11 bis for the
referral of three cases to Rwanda.
如适用,主席应前一周通知技术执行委员会观察员 在会议上的拟议发言。
The Chair shall
[...] notify the TEC one week in advance [...]
of the meeting of the proposed interventions by observers, if any.
工作组满意地回顾到,在小组委员会 2009
年第四十六届会议上,由小组委 员会 2007
[...] 年第四十四届会议设立的科学和技术小组委员会与国际原子能机构 (原子能机构)的联合专家组前一 年 完 成了其多年期工作计划所载《外层空 间核动力源应用问题安全框架》的拟订工作,该《安全框架》于 [...]
2009 年获得小 组委员会第四十六届会议通过,并由和平利用外层空间委员会第五十二届会议 加以核可。
The Working Group recalled with satisfaction that at the forty-sixth session of the Subcommittee, in 2009, the Joint Expert Group of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), established by the Subcommittee at
its forty-fourth session, in 2007,
[...] had completed, one year ahead of the schedule contained [...]
in its multi-year workplan,
preparation of the Safety Framework for Nuclear Power Source Applications in Outer Space and that in 2009 the Safety Framework had been adopted by the Subcommittee at its forty sixth session and endorsed by the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space at its fifty-second session.
[...] 难,尤其是高失业率、环境恶化、武装冲突、饥饿以 及缺乏教育将使前一代人 和未来的子孙后代都受 到影响。
The effects of the many difficulties they were currently experiencing, such as high unemployment,
environmental degradation, armed conflicts, hunger and lack of education, would
[...] be felt by the current and future generations.
24.21 宣佈或議決派付任何類別股份股息或其他分派的任何決議案(無論是本公
司於股東大會作出的決議案或董事會決議案),可訂明,於指定日期的營 業時間結束時須向登記為有關股份持有人的人士支付或作出該等股息或
[...] 分派,即使指定日期為通過決議案之日 前一 日 ; 及須按照上述人士各自 登記的持股量支付或作出股息或其他分派,但不會影響任何該等股份的轉 [...]
24.21 Any resolution declaring or resolving upon the payment of a dividend or other distribution on shares of any class, whether a resolution of the Company in general meeting or a resolution of the Board, may specify that the same shall be payable or made to the persons registered as the holders of such shares at the close of business on
a particular date, notwithstanding that it
[...] may be a date prior to that on which [...]
the resolution is passed, and thereupon
the dividend or other distribution shall be payable or made to them in accordance with their respective holdings so registered, but without prejudice to the rights inter se in respect of such dividend of transferors and transferees of any such shares.
在 選 舉 新 的 董前 一 個 月,提 名 委 員 會 向 董 [...]
事 會 提 出 董 事 候 選 人 的 建 議 和 相 關 材 料;在 聘 任 新 的 高 級 管 理 人 員 前,提 名 委 員 會 向 董 事 會 提 出 新 聘
高 級 管 理 人 員 人 選 的 建 議 和 相 關 材 料。
Prior to the appointment of any new [...]
senior management staff, the Nomination Committee will also propose to the Board of
Directors candidates to be appointed as senior management staff and furnish the Board with relevant information.
在一九九三年獲委任為本公司行政總 前 , 一 直 受 僱於大東電報局,擔任工程、市場推 [...]
Prior to his appointment as the CEO in [...]
1993, he was employed by Cable & Wireless plc where he held engineering, marketing
and management positions and was responsible for several satellite telecommunications ventures.
随着这一进程继续回应市场主导 的“廉价”开采需求,前一个越 来越明显的趋势是,采矿项目的规模越来越大, 所涉及的区域也越来越广,从而给这些地区造成更大的影响,并使环境和那些依 赖环境的行业受到更深层的长期破坏。
As this process continues to respond to market-dominated demands for “cheap” extraction, there is now a growing trend for mining projects to increase in scale [...]
and to extend over
wider areas, thus inflicting a greater impact over these areas and deepening long-term disruption to the environment and to those who depend upon it.
可 是 , 必 須 留 意,實
[...] 際 上每年向 用 戶收取的 基 本電費,須前 一年由政府與港燈在周 年電費檢討中商討後釐訂,當中須顧 [...]
及財政計劃組成部分的 任何變 動 。
However, it should be borne in mind that in practice, the actual basic tariff to be
charged to consumers each year will be
[...] determined in the preceding year, following discussions [...]
between Government and HEC
during the annual Tariff Review, taking into account any variations in the component parts of the Financial Plan.
被包装的货物在实际装前一定要 先做好运输的准备,只有如此,货物才能安 全地、经济地、符合规程地进行运输。
The packaged goods must be
[...] prepared for shipment before actually being [...]
packed so that the goods can be transported safely,
economically and in accordance with regulations.
以不违反经社会议事规则第 31 条为限,大力鼓励打算向经社
[...] 会提交决议草案的经社会成员至少在经社会会议召开 前 提前 一个月 向执行秘书提交,以便经社会成员和准成员有足够的时 [...]
Without prejudice to rule 31 of the rules of procedure of the Commission, members of the Commission intending to submit draft resolutions to the Commission are strongly
encouraged to submit them to the Executive
[...] Secretary at least one month prior to the commencement [...]
of the session of the Commission
in order to allow sufficient time for review by members and associate members of the Commission.
如大会接受咨询委员会报告(A/66/7/Add.21)第 85 段 中的建议,它须做出明确决定,将 前一 些 特 别政治 任务,如联伊援助团和联阿援助团改为维和特派团, 并适用适当的分摊比率表。
Should the Assembly accept the recommendations of the Advisory Committee in paragraph 85 of its report
(A/66/7/Add.21), it would
[...] have to make an express decision to change some of the current special political [...]
missions, such as UNAMI
and UNAMA, into peacekeeping missions and to apply the appropriate scale of assessments.
潛 在 標 的 股 票 的 授 予 價 格 為 屆 時 授 予 激 勵 對 象 預 留 標 的 股 票 的 相 關 董 事 會 會 議 召 開 之前 一 個 交 易 日,本 公 司A 股 股 票 在 深 圳 證 券 交 易 所 的 收 市 價。
The subscription price for the Potential Awarded Shares will be calculated on the same basis of the Awarded Shares as described above.
根据以前的制度,政府雇员有权获得退休养老金,在一个人死亡 前一 直向 此人支付退休养老金。
Under the former system, Government [...]
employees are entitled to a pension on retirement, which is paid until the death of such a person.
前一届专 家组提出最后报告(S/2009/521)以来,科特迪瓦毛坯钻石的情况 没有明显变化。
The situation with respect to Ivorian rough diamonds has not changed significantly since the submission of the final report of the previous Group of Experts (S/2009/521).
[...] 委员会每一次都克服了各种障碍;按照规定的时间完 成了工作;经受住了议前一段时 间就重要选举立法 进行的相当复杂辩论的考验;制订了席位分配及少数 [...]
族裔与妇女代表比例的复杂方案;完成了对迄今多达 2
000 项正式申诉的裁定。
With constant and intensive assistance from UNAMI, the Iraqi Electoral Commission overcame every hurdle, every time; met operational timelines; came out of a rather
complicated and contentious parliamentary
[...] debate some time ago over critical electoral [...]
legislation; regulated a complex formula
for the allocation of seats and the representation of minorities and women; and concluded the adjudication of formal complaints, of which there have been as many as 2,000 to date.
2006 年,国际法学家委员会就下列一般性意见草案提交了法律意见书:(a)人权事 务委员会关于在法院和法前一律平 等和获得公正审判的权利的第 32 号一般性 意见草案;(b)2007 年经济、社会和文化权利委员会关于享有社会安全权利的第 19 号一般性意见草案;(c)禁止酷刑委员会关于禁止酷刑和缔约国有责任执行《禁 止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约 》第二条规定的第 2 号一般性意见草案;以及(d) 人权事务委员会关于在法院和法庭 前一 律 平 等和 获得公正审判的权利的第 32 号一般性意见草案提交的第二份意见书。
In 2006, ICJ submitted legal comments on draft general comments as follows: (a) draft general comment No.
32 of the Human Rights
[...] Committee on the right to equality before courts and tribunals and to a fair trial; (b) in 2007, draft general comment No. 19 of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights on the right to social security; (c) draft general comment No. 2 of the Committee against Torture on the prohibition of torture and the duty of the States parties to implement article 2 of the Convention against Torture, Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment; and (d) second submission on draft general comment No. 32 in the Human Rights Committee on the right to equality before courts and tribunals [...]
and to a fair trial.
[...] 及有關私人公司要約下51,690,006股私人公司股份之有效接納(包括永泰關連人士於緊接其接納 私人公司要約前一日持 有之2,810,500股私人公司股份)外,永泰地產投資、永泰或任何與彼等 [...]
Save for the Distribution In Specie, an intra-group transfer of all the Privateco Shares held by Wing Tai to WTPIL and valid acceptances in respect of 51,690,006 Privateco Shares pursuant to the Privateco Offer (including the 2,810,500
Privateco Shares held by the Wing Tai
[...] Connected Persons immediately prior to their acceptance [...]
of the Privateco Offer), neither
WTPIL, Wing Tai nor parties acting in concert with any of them had other dealings in Privateco Shares or any convertible securities, warrants, options and derivatives of Privateco nor had acquired or agreed to acquire any Privateco Shares or any rights over Privateco Shares during the offer period.
(a) 关于自上次报前一年以 来的附有按照日历年分列的数据的进展情况的陈述 报告,介绍国家在淘汰各种物质方面的情况,不同活动对其的影响以及这些
(a) A narrative report, with data provided by
calendar year, regarding the progress
[...] since the year prior to the previous report, reflecting [...]
the situation of the Country
in regard to phase out of the Substances, how the different activities contribute to it, and how they relate to each other.
一些与会者认为,文件 31 C/4 的统一专题和战略目标及分目标已在 31 C/5 和 32 C/5 中
[...] 得到了充分的体现,还有些与会者则认为,应当进一步加强 31 C/4、33 C/5 和总干事关前 一个双年度计划执行情况的报告(C/3)之间的联系。
While some participants were of the view that the unifying theme and the strategic objectives and subobjectives of document 31 C/4 had been adequately reflected in documents 31 C/5 and 32 C/5, several others considered that more should be done to enhance the linkage
between documents 31 C/4, 33 C/5 and the report of the
[...] Director-General on the previous biennial programme [...]
execution (C/3).
前,一些专 利申报的技术材料多达 数千页,涉及的技术领域广泛,而实质性的审核不仅需要专业/技术能力,而且需要国际 专利信息电脑数据库的使用能力。
Some patent applications now run to thousands of pages of technical data, in a wide array of technology fields, and substantive examination involves both professional/technical competence and access to the international patent information computer databases.




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