单词 | 剌 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 剌—slashless common: unreasonable perverse 剌adjective—absurdadjExamples:大剌剌—pompous casual with a swagger 热剌剌—smartingly painful 满剌加—Ming Dynasty name for modern day Malacca
其次,移动电话的商业成功,剌激了公 司更迅速地建设基础设施,以创造短期利润。 daccess-ods.un.org | Secondly, the commercial successof mobile telephony has stimulated companies to build infrastructure more quickly with a view to generating short-term profits. daccess-ods.un.org |
本手稿创作于 12 世纪,其中包含精美的插图和绘画,是现存的《花剌子模王朝的宝藏》副本中历史最悠久的副本之一。 wdl.org | The present manuscript, created in the 12th century, has remarkable illustrations and illuminations and is one of the oldest existing copies of Zakhīrah. wdl.org |
这是正定府婴儿院的孩子们,在殉道者 被害後所作的剌绣,现今保留在巴黎遣 使会博物馆内。 mgrschraven.nl | This picture shows an embroidery, made by the orphanage children of Chengtingfu, after the murder, and is located in the museum of the Lazarists at Paris. mgrschraven.nl |
唯 一的分别便是你不但不用逃走,你还可以大剌剌地坐在这里,请大家 自行解决,自行负责。 legco.gov.hk | The only difference is that you do not have to run away, and you may instead sit brazenly here to ask people to solve the problem and shoulder their responsibility. legco.gov.hk |
炎症令皮肤痕痒及出现鳞屑,长期剌激及搔抓可使皮肤増厚及粗糙。 lavedo.com | Long-term irritation and scratching can cause the skin to thicken and have a leather-like texture. lavedo.com |
另 一 方 面 , 考虑到 近 期本地经济 发 展情况 , 我 认 为 政 府在推 行具体 的环保政策 和计划 时 , 必 须 顾 及对营商 成 本及市民经济 负 担 的 影响, 必 须 稳 步 妥 善 地 实施, 因 此 , 其 中 更 应 该 优 先 考虑推行 某 些 能够剌激本港经 济 、 创 造 就业, 以及促 进 环保产业的发展 计 划 。 legco.gov.hk | In view of the recent development of the local economy, the Government must take into account the impact on operating costs and the financial burden of the people in introducing concrete environmental protection policies and plans, and implement them gradually and properly. legco.gov.hk |
然而,多达三成半母亲(35%)表示不知道出现敏感的基本原因主要是由於BB未成熟的免疫系统对外界物质产生过度的反应所引致的;亦有37%不知道喂哺母乳或使用H.A.奶粉可预防及避免剌激BB未成熟的免疫系统;而没有听过H.A.婴儿奶粉或半水解奶粉的母亲更达45%。 hkupop.hku.hk | Yet, as many as 35% indicated that they did not know allergy is fundamentally caused by the hypersensitivity reaction in babies' immature immune system triggered by incoming allergens. hkupop.hku.hk |
亚洲区普遍良好的经济气 候,剌激我们大部分客户的业务出现增长,他们包括有广播机构、内容供应商、电讯营运商、 宽频服务供应商,以及从事卫星新闻采集、视像内容和发放服务之临时客户。 asiasat.com | The generally favourable economic climatein the region stimulated growth across most of our customers which include broadcasters, content providers, telecommunications operators, broadband service providers and occasional-use clients engaged in satellite news gathering, video contribution and distribution services. asiasat.com |
氧化清洁剂的冒泡反应可除去患处的食物粒子或其他剌激物。 colgate.com.tw | The bubbling action of an oxygenating cleanser removes food particles and other irritants from the sore. colgate.ca |
以上结果提示,在小鼠中GABA可以通过激活胃中GABAB受体促进离体胃标本的GAS,可能胃壁胆碱能神经元和非神经细胞,如壁细胞及某些内分泌细胞上都存在GABAB受体,GABA可直接或简接地剌激胃壁细胞分泌酸。 actazool.org | Above results suggest that in mouse, GABA may promote GAS in isolated stomach, possibly by affecting GABAB receptors on both cholinergic neurons and non-neuronal cells, such as parietal cells and some endocrine cells. actazool.org |
(h) 滤毒罐不得有任何异物和油污之类的污染,不得有任何凹陷、凿纹、撕 裂、剌扎和磨损。 opcw.org | (h) The canisters must be free of foreign matter and contaminants, such as grease, and must also be free of dents, burrs, tears, punctures, and scratches. opcw.org |
明朝有一位皇帝宠信宦官王振,听信其所言御驾亲征攻打瓦剌,最後被俘虏了。 legco.gov.hk | An emperor in the Ming Dynasty was particularly fond of a eunuch, WANG Zhen, and on heeding his advice, went on an expedition by himself to launch an attack on a Mongolian tribe called Wala andwas eventually captured by the Mongols. legco.gov.hk |
容易拿握的手柄设计,鲜艳红色剌激幼儿学会「拿握」物件。 combi.com.hk | Easy-to-grip handle and colorful design encourage the baby to learn how to grab and hold. combi.com.hk |
ANA Gura提供正宗日本料理,新鲜的鱼生剌身,热腾腾的天妇罗与色泽一流的烤肉,让人食欲大振。 ilovelkf.hk | At Ana Gura, authentic Japanese cuisine is prepared by chef who spent six years at Inagiku. ilovelkf.hk |
喜马拉雅山区寒潮来袭时,寒风剌骨。 seagate.com | The cold wave from the Himalayan region makes winters very chilly. seagate.com |
但是,很可惜的是,反对派的 议员否决了这项建议,可能他们本着一些政治考虑,扼杀了政党发展的空 间,这是非常可惜的,亦是较为讽剌。 legco.gov.hk | However, it was a pity that Members of the opposition negatived this proposal. Perhaps it was based on certain political considerations that they stymied the development of political parties. legco.gov.hk |
调节内分泌系统及/或维持或 改变荷尔蒙分泌,包括帮助 维持荷尔蒙於最佳水平、剌激丘脑下部、增加雌激素分 泌、促进女性荷尔蒙正常分 泌、调节女性内分泌机能、 改善男性荷尔蒙分泌不平衡 、帮助男女维持荷尔蒙分泌 平衡、刺激荷尔蒙分泌、调 节内分泌、平衡内分泌、增 加生长荷尔蒙分泌、刺激甲 状腺。 legco.gov.hk | Regulation of the endocrine system and/or maintenance or alteration of hormonal secretions, including helping to maintain hormones at optimal level, stimulating the hypothalamus, increasing secretion of oestrogen, promoting normal secretion of the female hormone, regulating the female endocrine function, improving imbalance of male hormone secretion, helping to maintain balance of hormonal secretions in men and women, stimulating hormonal secretions, regulating endocrine secretion, balancing endocrine secretion, increasing secretion of growth hormone, stimulating the thyroid gland. legco.gov.hk |
吉尔贾尼的医学百科全书 Zakhīrah-i Khvārazm’Shāhī(《花剌子模王朝的宝藏》)是后伊斯兰时期的伊朗第一部以波斯文书写的重要医学着作,问世后很快成为伊朗医生的一部重要工具,被广泛使用多个世纪。 wdl.org | Jurjānī's medical encyclopedia, Zakhīrah-i Khvārazm’Shāhī (The treasure of Khvarazm’Shah) was the first major medical book in post-Islamic Iran written in Persian, and it soon became a primary resource for Iranian physicians, used for many centuries. wdl.org |
这是否有点讽剌?封锁使古巴不能进入市场、不能取得国际金融机构给予的发展 信贷、不能取得技术,同时限制航行、贸易自由和不准向古巴境内受益人汇款。 daccess-ods.un.org | The embargo has denied Cuba access to markets, development credits granted by international financial institutions, technology and has further restricted freedom of navigation, trade and remittances to beneficiaries in that country. daccess-ods.un.org |
政党政府未能压止这些叛乱及剌杀行动,这加深了日本人民对政党统治的负面看 法,更易使大众接受军国主义。 hkahe.com | The inability of the party government to restrain such rebellions and assassinations deepened the Japanese people’s distrust of party rule and made it easy for popular acceptance of militarism. hkahe.com |
公务 员亦作出贡献,接纳了不会剌激通胀的薪酬增幅。 legco.gov.hk | Civil servants contributed by accepting a non-inflationary pay increase. legco.gov.hk |
至 此 为 止, 桑 捷 向 督 瑞 塔 施特剌解释了 潘 都 瓦 的 将 士 们 是 如 何 吹 响 他 们 海 螺 的, 每 一 个 将 士 都 有 他 各 自 的 特 长, 因 此 桑 捷 一 一 详 细 列 举 了 他 们 的 情 况。 download.yatharthgeeta.com | Drupad, representing the ideal of consistency and steadfastness in the performance of duty, the five sons of meditation-like Draupadi, symbols of compassion, tenderness, beauty, and spiritual repose, who are all great warriors providing assistance to the quest for the desired goal, and the long-armed Abhimanyu, all blow their separate conches. download.yatharthgeeta.com |
据 安 德 葛所述,“没 有人知道 《香港议事录》何 时首次出版 , 但 由 1890年 起已 有《香港议事录》的文本,该等文本的首页注 明 ‘从《孖剌西报》 转印,并经议员修 订。 legco.gov.hk | According to G.B. Endacott, "It is not known when Hong Kong Hansard was first published but copies exist from 1890 onwards and are noted on the title page as being 'reprinted from the Hong Kong Daily Press, revised by Members. legco.gov.hk |
与政府一起举办以海外客群及传 媒为目标的活动,包括由香港团 体组织的文化汇演、电影、艺术 展览、商贸展销会等,向海外消 费者宣传香港,剌激他们的访港 意欲。 legco.gov.hk | To organise joint promotions with the Government targeting the overseas consumers and the media, including staging cultural performances, movie screening, arts exhibitions and business and trade fairs to induce visits to Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
事 实上,在去 年 经济处 於 最 低 迷 时 ,政府已经 动用了大量 公 共资源以剌激经济,纾 解 民 困 , 为市民 减 轻 了 四百多 亿 元负担, 又 部署 2,400 亿 元基建 投资等 措 施以稳定和刺 激 经济。 legco.gov.hk | As a matter of fact, during the worst times of the economic downturn last year, the Government used a lot of public resources to provide a stimulus to the economy and relief to the public. legco.gov.hk |