

单词 削去

削去 adjective ()

falcate adj

See also:


reduce v
remove v

cut (a ball at tennis etc)
peel with a knife

External sources (not reviewed)

The BMT is the best turret in its class, allowing the use of M30 taps and drastically
[...] improving the cutting removal rate.
表面缺陷 (注) 可通过削去除, 只要保持光滑 的曲面, 且壁厚不得减少至小于本规格或产品规格所允许的范围。
Surface imperfections
[...] (Note) may be removed by grinding, provided that a smooth [...]
curved surface is maintained, and the wall
thickness is not decreased to less than that permitted by this or the product specification.
市民大眾感到混淆,他們不知道這項已被㆟權法 削去 尖 牙 利爪 的法例在撲滅罪行方面能否有任何建樹。
The public is left in confusion as [...]
to whether this Bill will do anything at all to combat crimes after it has been defanged by the Bill of Rights.
天皇變成只是國家統一的象徵,它的政治權力或 削去 , 而 立法及行政部門〈分別 代表國會及內閣〉則接受這等權力。
The Emperor was reduced to a mere symbol of the state and national unity, his political powers were taken from him, and passed onto the legislative branch (Diet) and the executive branch (Cabinet).
我們看到有些貓隻的整塊面皮削去 , 死狀甚慘;當局甚至接獲報告, 指有狗隻被活生生斬斷四肢;有些則長期被橡筋箍着身體。
The authorities have also received reports about dogs with mutilated limbs and some animals whose bodies have been bound by rubber bands over a long period of time.
代 理主席,梁錦松 上 場 , 為 了
[...] 滅赤, 手起刀 落 , 教育削 去 了 接 近 10 億 元 , 至 今 仍然內傷 。
Madam Deputy, when Antony LEUNG stepped
[...] into office, he slashed nearly $1 billion [...]
in education funding in a bid to eliminate
the deficits, and our education system is still bleeding from the gaping wounds.
私隱專員深切關注到,政府當局建議在 新訂第50(1A)(c)條中刪去"
[...] 導致送達該 通知的……事宜" 等字眼,這削去私 隱專員在執行通知中處理間接因素( [...]
例 如資料使用者的政策、行為或程序上的 不足或欠缺)的權力。
PCPD's grave concern that the Administration's proposal of deleting the words "matters
occasioning it" from the new section
[...] 50(1A)(c) would take away PCPD's power to [...]
address indirect factors such as inadequacy
or absence of the data users' policy practice, or procedures in the enforcement notice.
不要怪我們,是因為董建華先生加中央政府喜 削去了 一層架構,大家還投票通過了的。
It is because Mr TUNG Chee-hwa and the Central Government preferred removing a tier from the structure.
用户选择一种切削策略,系统就会生成一个完整的加工过程,包含所有的粗 削 、 去 料 切 削 以 及线切削的指令。
Selecting one of the cutting strategies will then create a complete machining process including all the rough cuts, skim cuts, and wire thread/cut instructions.
其 次 , 即 使 修正案獲得通過 , 從 《 撥 款 條例草 案 》的內 容 上來看削 去 的 款項只 不過是 籠 統地將 部 門 的運作 開 支這個分目的 款削 去 一 部分, 並 沒 有 法律效 力 針 對 某 一 具 體 支出細項, 因此空 談 要 [...]
削 局長一職 , 豈 不 是 自 欺欺 人 。
Furthermore, judging from the content
of the Appropriation Bill, even if the
[...] amendment is carried, the amount of money under the subhead of operating cost would only be partially slashed in a sweeping manner.
無 論 如 何,正 如 很 多
[...] 同 事 就上一項修正 案 辯論時所說,削去 撥 款的做 法 來 表示質 疑和反 對 , 並不是一個 [...]
很 好 的方法。
In any case, as many colleagues said during the
[...] debate on the last amendment, slashing the expenditure [...]
is not a very good way
to express doubt and raise objection.
所 以 ,我們認為, 以上種種條件或是 種種的方法,正正是推行小班教 學的最好 時 機 , 而對實 際 經 費 的 所 謂“額 外”開支,其實就並 未 必 真 正是需 要“額 外”開支, 而 只 是 將 政府以為可削去的 資 源 或 金 錢 , 繼續留 在教育 方 面 。
Meanwhile, since Hong Kong is now experiencing a decline in the number of school-age children and in some districts, such as Sha Tin and Tai Po, the situation of under-enrolment has occurred, we consider that it is now high time that small class teaching was implemented given the aforementioned conditions or approaches.
當局應重視對小班教學的支援, 而不是在起步階段便逐削去支援 人手。
The authorities should put
[...] emphasis on the support for small class teaching, instead of gradually reducing their manpower support.
因為上議院的議席被大削去, 而 下議院的所有議席也是經過全民普選產生的,所以公眾能反映其意見。
Since the members in the Upper House was greatly reduced and all members of the Lower House were elected through universal suffrage, all the opinions of the public could therefore be represented.
黎博士表示,為了應付二零零四至零五年度的延展學年護士 人手的新需求,當局削減小學教育第一年學士學位課程的學額,而由
[...] 於這類課程大多由教院開辦,當按比例削額時,教院被大 削去 43 個學額,中大只被削 5 個,港大則只被削 [...]
7 個。
According to Dr Lai, the need to meet the new demand for nursing in the 2004/05 roll-over year led to a reduction of B Ed (Primary) FYFD places and as
HKIEd was the major provider of such
[...] courses and when the cut was applied on [...]
a pro-rata basis, HKIEd suffered a significant
cut of 43 places as opposed to 5 for CUHK and 7 for HKU.
绿色的竿箨,有毛和有印记和棕色的乳突从下降的头发,边缘白色纤毛虫的白色或黄色的稀少; 叶耳紫色的或棕色,卵形的或很少镰刀形;
[...] 口头的刚毛直立,之字形; 叶舌紫色削去,约 1.5毫米,边紫色的纤毛虫; [...]
Culm sheaths green, sparsely white or yellow hairy or with imprints and brown papillae from fallen hairs, margins white ciliate; auricles purple or brown, ovate or
rarely falcate; oral setae erect, flexuose;
[...] ligule purple, truncate, ca. 1.5 mm, [...]
margin purple ciliate; blade green, broadly
lanceolate, margins ciliate, base contracted, apex acuminate.
每末级的分枝叶2-4; 鞘绿色紫色,无毛,边缘平滑; 叶耳无;
[...] 口头的刚毛1或2,2-5毫米; 叶舌紫色削去,约0.5毫米,无毛; 假梗紫色,0.8-1.5毫米,无毛; [...]
叶片线状披针形, ( 2.2-) 3.3-6.7 * 0.4-0.8 厘米,无毛,2或3配对的次脉,基部宽楔形,一边缘有细锯齿,其他边缘稀疏有细锯齿或近全缘,先端渐尖。
Leaves 2–4 per ultimate branch; sheath green-purple, glabrous, margins smooth;
auricles absent; oral setae 1 or 2, 2–5 mm;
[...] ligule purple, truncate, ca. 0.5 mm, [...]
glabrous; pseudopetiole purple, 0.8–1.5 mm,
glabrous; blade linear-lanceolate, (2.2–) 3.3–6.7 × 0.4–0.8 cm, glabrous, secondary veins 2- or 3-paired, base broadly cuneate, one margin serrulate, other margin remotely serrulate or nearly entire, apex acuminate.
其它应用包括喷镀、金属涂抹、削 、 去 毛 刺 、磨削、机床送料、注塑以及许多其它应用。
Other applications include sputtering, metal coating, milling, de burring, grinding, machine tending, plastics and many others.
[...] 叶片平或稍内卷,30-70厘米,5-10毫米宽,正面密被短柔毛,背面粗糙; 叶舌1-2(-4)毫米削去或钝
Leaf sheaths with minute retrorse hairs between veins; leaf blades flat or slightly involute,
30–70 cm, 5–10 mm wide, adaxial surface densely pubescent, abaxial surface scabrid;
[...] ligule 1–2(–4) mm, truncate or obtuse.
然 而 ,根據本 人 近 日 的 實 地視察 , 該 棵樹的主要 枝幹不少已削 去 , 其 周 圍 亦 欠 缺 如圍欄 等 的 設施, 以 保 護其免 受工程破壞。
However, during a recent visit to the site, I found that many main branches of the tree had been trimmed away and there were no facilities (such as fences) erected around the tree to protect it from being damaged by the works.
竿箨脱落,棕色红,油性,有光泽,有点紫色,带有不均匀散布的棕色的点,基部棕色刚毛,没有cilia的边; 或者的无的叶耳降低,棕色,或卵形;
[...] 口头的刚毛少数,直立或弯曲; 叶舌经削去,暗褐色红,整个; 叶片下垂,线状披针形,稍有毛,粗糙,具稀疏锯齿或近全缘,外卷。
Culm sheaths deciduous, brown-red, oily, glossy, slightly purple, with unevenly scattered brown spots, basally brown setose, margins without cilia; auricles absent or very reduced, brown, dotlike
or ovate; oral setae few, erect or curved;
[...] ligule often truncate, dark brown-red, [...]
entire; blade pendulous, linear-lanceolate,
slightly hairy, scabrous, remotely serrulate or nearly entire, revolute.
每末级的分枝叶3-5; 鞘边缘无毛; 叶耳紫色,椭圆;
[...] 口头的刚毛很多,黄褐色,3-5毫米; 叶削去,使裂开的边缘稍; 叶片披针形, [...]
11-16 * 0.9-2.2 厘米,无毛,4-7配对的次脉,离生的横向脉,基部宽楔形或圆形,边缘有细锯齿。
Leaves 3–5 per ultimate branch; sheath margins glabrous; auricles purple,
elliptic; oral setae many, yellow-brown,
[...] 3–5 mm; ligule truncate, margins slightly [...]
fissured; blade lanceolate, 11–16 × 0.9–2.2
cm, glabrous, secondary veins 4–7-paired, transverse veins distinct, base broadly cuneate or rounded, margins serrulate.
[...] 提 到 的例子 是 到 機場接 機 的 問題、出現用 紙皮箱盛 載 選 票 的事件等 , 似 乎 只 是 對 林局長有 意 見 , 但 如果我們削 減 了 那 323 萬 元 , 其 意 義 便 不 單 止 是林瑞麟局長不能擔 當這局長的職 位 ,根本 也 沒 有了這個職位 , 不能讓 別 人 來 擔 當了;張文光議員這 項建議 其實是 不 單削 去 林瑞麟局長的這 份 工 作。
Examples cited by Mr CHEUNG Man-kwong include Secretary LAM greeting and receiving VIPs at the airport, the incident of using paper carton boxes to hold votes in place of ballot boxes and so on.
[...] 叶耳小; 口头刚毛2到数枚; 叶削去,约 1毫米,白色的纤毛虫; 约的叶片直立,棕色绿色,卵状披针形的或披针形,基部的宽是竿箨的先端的宽的1/2。
Culm sheaths yellow-green with purple-green base, brown strigose, margins
ciliate; auricles small; oral setae 2 to
[...] several; ligule truncate, ca. 1 mm, white [...]
ciliate; blade erect, brown-green, ovate-lanceolate
or lanceolate, base ca. 1/2 as wide as apex of culm sheath.
叶全部茎生; 叶鞘通常长比节间,粗糙或,具柔毛在叶颈; 叶片线形披针形,平, 10-35 * 1-2
[...] 厘米,微糙或特别是在背面,好渐尖的基部渐狭,先端; 叶舌0.5-2毫米削去,啮蚀状。
Leaves all cauline; leaf sheaths usually longer than internodes, scabrid or puberulous, pilose at collar; leaf blades linear-lanceolate, flat, 10–35 × 1–2 cm,
scaberulous or puberulous especially on abaxial surface, base attenuate, apex finely acuminate;
[...] ligule 0.5–2 mm, truncate, erose.
脱落,三角形的竿箨,15-20厘米,薄革质到革质,浓密黄多毛, 削去; 叶 耳明显; 口头的刚毛发育; 叶舌短,流苏状; 叶片反折或直立,三角形,正面,10-12.5厘米具贴伏刚毛。
Culm sheaths deciduous, triangular, 15–20 cm, thinly leathery to leathery, densely yellow hirsute, mouth truncate; auricles conspicuous; oral setae developed; ligule short, fimbriate; blade reflexed or erect, triangular, 10–12.5 cm, adaxially with appressed bristles.
[...] 叶耳和口头的刚毛无; 叶舌黄绿色削去或者 身体虚弱凸在先端,非常短,1-2毫米,边更长的苍绿色纤毛虫; [...]
Culm sheaths yellow-green or pale red-brown, becoming straw-colored, with variably sized brown spots, base edged with white
pubescence; auricles and oral setae absent; ligule
[...] yellow-green, truncate or weakly convex [...]
at apex, very short, 1–2 mm, margin longer
pale green ciliate; blade reflexed, green, with yellow margins, linear, flat or crinkled in upper sheaths.
[...] 在上面边缘附近的鞘棕色糙伏毛,边缘淡褐色具缘毛; 叶耳和口头的刚毛无; 叶削去,约0.5毫米,棕色流苏状; 假梗1-4毫米; [...]
叶片披针形, 6.5-15 * 0.9-1.7 厘米,最初被微柔毛的无毛或背面,4-6配对的次脉,矩形的棋盘花纹,基部宽楔形,先端渐尖。
Leaves 2–4 per ultimate branch; sheath brown strigose near upper margins, margins
pale brown ciliate; auricles and oral setae
[...] absent; ligule truncate, ca. 0.5 mm, [...]
brown fimbriate; pseudopetiole 1–4 mm; blade
lanceolate, 6.5–15 × 0.9–1.7 cm, glabrous or abaxially initially puberulent, secondary veins 4–6-paired, tessellations rectangular, base broadly cuneate, apex acuminate.
我重申一次,“1:99”過去20年來,好像自由黨所說 削去 所 有 福利, 然後用錢作賭注,用國家銀行的錢作賭注,而得出的結果。
Let me reiterate, "1:99" is like what the Liberal Party said, the result of the Government's cancellation of all social benefits and the using of the national bank's money as bets during the past two decades.
每末级的分枝叶1-3; 鞘绿色,有时紫色,无毛;
[...] 落叶,绿色的叶耳,椭圆形,边缘具缘毛; 叶舌淡绿削去,约1毫米,无毛; 叶柄3-4毫米,无毛; [...]
叶片披针形, 22-32 * 2.4-3.8 厘米,无毛,次脉6-8配对,基部楔形,边缘有细锯齿,先端渐尖。
Leaves 1–3 per ultimate branch; sheath green, sometimes purple, glabrous; auricles
deciduous, green, elliptic, margin ciliate; ligule
[...] light green, truncate, ca. 1 mm, glabrous; [...]
petiole 3–4 mm, glabrous; blade lanceolate,
22–32 × 2.4–3.8 cm, glabrous, secondary veins 6–8-paired, base cuneate, margin serrulate, apex acuminate.




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