

单词 刻苦钻研

See also:


study meticulously

External sources (not reviewed)

青叶山校园设有理学院,药学院,工学院及其附属设施等,这三个学院的3•4年级本科生和研究生在 刻苦 努 力 地学习 钻研。
The Faculties of Science, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Engineering, and their associated Institutes, are
located on this campus. 3rd and 4th year undergraduate students and graduate
[...] students use this campus to study and research.
随着中国经济快速增长,不仅许多国外品 苦 心 钻研 品 牌 的中文译名已顺利打入中国市场,中国品牌也尝试着调整自己的英译名,走向世界。
Conversely, many successful Chinese brands are also attempting to reach out to the world, and likewise need to adapt their brand names accordingly.
刻,钻石抛 光,发光黑色,有H形平衡锤的黑色计时码表指针,黑色、绿色和黄色双秒追针指针。
Faceted, diamond-polished, shiny [...]
black, black chronograph hand with H-shaped counterweight, black, green and yellow Split-Second hand.
正是通过他刻苦研究和技术攻关,UL 才得以建立新的标准,要求油炸锅必须带有可分离的磁性电源线,用于防止油炸锅因电源线拉扯而跌落灶台,从而降低了家中儿童被严重烧伤的危险。
Through his efforts, expertise and determination, UL was instrumental in requiring detachable magnetic electrical cords to help prevent deep-fat fryers from being pulled off a countertop by their cords, thus reducing the danger of horrific burns to small children in the home.
公司与国内外著名科研院所建立了长期的技术合作关系,在吸收意、德、美、法等世界一流先进技术和科研成果的基础上,充分发挥“奥科人”的聪明才智,经过多 苦 心 研 制 , 于1998年推出了中国第一台电脑切割机,并且获得了该产品的中国专利权,其后相继推出了中国第一台裁皮机、中国第一台纸箱纸盒电脑打样机、中国第一台服装电脑裁床、中国第一台数控卡纸 刻 机 等 奥科(AOKE)系列专利产品。其中纸箱纸盒电脑打样机和服装电脑裁床获得了国家级重点新产品奖。
Especially, the carton box sample cutting machine and the garment computer cutting room was granted for the new product award in China.
[...] 高乐写的信函以及象形文字书稿;音乐爱好者可以欣赏莫扎特、贝多芬或肖邦的乐谱;艺术 家可钻研梵高 、高更、马蒂斯或马格里特的信件;科学家可以发现爱因斯坦和贝索的原始 [...]
原稿,如托尔斯泰或歌德的小说、左拉或萨特的宣言、韦尔莱纳的诗歌;宗教研究者可能惊 叹地发现可兰经章节或旧约的词句。
The public and experts with a passion for history may discover or rediscover letters written by Churchill, Roosevelt and de Gaulle and the hieroglyphics of the scribes; music lovers may
admire the scores of Mozart, Beethoven or
[...] Chopin; artists may delve into the letters [...]
of Van Gogh, Gauguin, Matisse or Magritte;
scientists may discover Einstein’s and Besso’s original calculations, or the works of Pasteur and Marie Curie; literature buffs may regard the originals of texts that they have read such as the novels of Tolstoy or Goethe, the manifestos of Zola or Sartre and poems by Verlaine, and theologians may marvel at a surah of the Koran or a verse of the Old Testament.
菲赛普所发布的Gemini产品是世界上最先进的多功能板材柔性加工系统,用 钻 孔 、 铣削 刻 字 划 线,具备坡口加工能力,以及采用HT2000或HPR260海宝等离子系统的切割能力。
The launch of the Gemini by FICEP has created the world's most technologically advanced,
multi-function and flexible system
[...] for profile cutting, drilling, machining and scribing [...]
with an integral bevelling capability
and an advanced material cutting capability using either HT2000 and HPR260 Hypertherm plasma Systems.
鑒於本地的石油產品價格經常加快減慢及各油商調整價格 的步伐趨於一致,而石油產品零售價格往往又未能真確地反 映入口成本價,本會促請政府積極考慮在石油行業引入公平 競爭法及其他有效措施,包括要求競爭政策諮詢委員會關注 本港石油市場可能出現的不公平競爭模式,並委託該委員會 就有關情況作出監察研究, 以增加石油行業的競爭性和提 高產品價格的透明度,從而避免寡頭壟斷,促進公平競爭和 保障商戶及市民免受高油價苦。
That, as the adjustments of local oil product prices are always quick in going up but slow in coming down and the pace of price adjustments by various oil companies tends to be synchronized, while oil product pump prices often fail to truly reflect import costs, this Council urges the Government to actively consider introducing a fair competition law and other effective measures for the oil industries, including requesting the Competition Policy Advisory Group to take heed of any unfair
mode of
[...] competition that may emerge in the local oil market, and entrusting the Group to monitor and study the situation, with a view to increasing competition in the oil industries and enhancing the [...]
of product prices, thereby avoiding oligopoly, promoting fair competition and safeguarding commercial clients and the public against high oil prices.
Jason是享有世界声望的厨师,一直潜 钻研 自 己 独特的烹饪技巧,为新西兰享有世界级美食目的地的声誉做出了直接贡献。
Jason is a world-renowned chef who has specialized in developing his own unique culinary identity, directly contributing to New Zealand's reputation as a world-class epicurean destination.
BB美肤霜 SPF25是娇韵钻研近60 年的科研成果——混合了世界领先的护肤和彩妆技术,只需简单一步,无油配方使肌肤匀净、鲜活并带来极致防护。
BB Skin Perfecting Cream SPF 25 is the product of nearly 60 years [...]
of Clarins science—a blend of the world’s leading skin
care and make-up technologies into one time-saving, oil-free formula that evens, revitalizes and protects the complexion in one simple step.
依稀记得09年的的春天,我的第一份网建行业的工作,当时我在公司里负责ASP开发,也是在那时候我也认识了神话、JHG、SEAN等朋友,那时 刻苦 的 专 研 技 术 ,加上他们的帮助,那时候的我成长很快,随着技术的提升,但我也没放下我的设计,由于对编程的了解,设计也更加注重体验使网页细节科学合理。
Vaguely remember the spring, my first network building industry work, I was in the company responsible for the ASP development, is also at that time I also know the Myth, JHG, SEAN and other friend, that time hard grinds only technology, combined with their help, at that time of I grow very fast, as technology promotion, but I also didn't let my design, the programming understanding, design also pay more attention to experience make web details scientific and reasonable.
透过蓝宝石水晶透明表背,这一表款的极致纤薄与精美绝伦的镶衬 钻 尽 收 眼底, 刻 有 伯爵标志的铂金摆陀在其间摇荡。
This miniature marvel and its unique gemsetting may be admired through a sapphire crystal
fitted in the exhibition caseback and notably revealing the
[...] platinum oscillating weight engraved with the Piaget crest.
建议 33 C/5 的主要工作重点是:(i) 以教育,包括幼儿教育为重 点,因为这是增强贫困家庭及其子女能力的最有效的手段;(ii) 开展关于对赤贫和持久存在 的贫困现象研究,从而刻了解贫困的性质以及战胜贫困需要有什么样的决心和行动; (iii) 创造政策制订者和穷人能够共同制订对所有社区都有益的包容性政策的机会; (iv) 提高公众的认识和推广全面而又注重人权的消除贫困的方法。
Main courses of action recommended for document 33 C/5 were: (i) to place emphasis on education, including early childhood education, as the most effective means to empower the poorest families and their children; (ii) to carry out research on extreme and persistent poverty so as to gain an understanding of the nature of poverty as well as the type of commitment and actions necessary to overcome it; (iii) to create opportunities where policy-makers and poor people could work together in setting inclusive policies that would benefit whole communities; and (iv) to raise public awareness and promote a holistic and human rights-based approach to the eradication of poverty.
[...] 一切必要措施,迫使以色列严格遵守国际法的各项 原则,他邀请以色列研究其自身 苦 难 历史,并 寻求结束每日给被占领土的人民造成的苦难,恢复 [...]
谈判,并允许特别委员会访问被占领土,以便更好 地履行其职责。
He urged the United Nations to take the steps required to force Israel to abide scrupulously by the principles of international law, and he invited the State of
Israel to look into
[...] its own history of suffering and find the will to [...]
end the suffering inflicted daily on the population
of the occupied territories, to resume the negotiations and to allow the Special Committee to visit the occupied territories in order better to fulfil its mandate.
為了香 港 的 現 在和未來, 社 會 各 界 , 包括政 府 、 學校、 家長,都 應 設 法 解 決這個問題 , 使 香 港刻 苦 耐 勞、善於學 習 、 靈活應 變 的 優 良 傳 統 能 夠再 放 異 彩 , 使 香 港 再次提高競爭力 , 趕 上 知 識 經 濟 的 新 潮 流 。
For the benefit of the present and future development of Hong Kong, all sectors of the community, including the Government, schools and parents should make every effort to solve this problem so that the fine tradition that embodies assiduousness, enthusiasm for learning and adaptability of Hong Kong people can recapture its splendours, thereby enhancing Hong Kong's competitive edge and enabling Hong Kong to catch up with the new trend of development towards a knowledge-based economy.
用 Craig 自己的话说,他的成功没有秘诀 - 只有始终如一刻苦训练
In Craig’s own words, there is no secret to his success – just consistent hard work.
因 此 , 雖然我們 對 議 案 中引述的 所 謂 “ 依賴文 化 ” 這 種說法 是 有所保 留 , 但對於劉漢銓議員提出 議 案 的 重 點 , 即 促 請 政 府採取積極措施, 鼓 勵市民發 揮 自 強 不 息刻 苦 耐 勞 和 靈活應 變 的 香 港 精 神 , 我 們 是完全支持 的,所以民 建聯是支持劉漢銓議員的議案 。
Hence, although we have reservations about the so-called "dependency culture" as referred to in the motion, we fully support the salient points in the motion moved by Mr Ambrose LAU; that is, to urge the Government to adopt positive measures to encourage the community to give full play to the Hong Kong spirit which embodies continuous self-improvement, assiduousness and adaptability.
有了 Jabra ACTIVE,运动员和活动用户便可听着音 刻苦 训 练 ,无需为调节耳塞而担忧。
With Jabra ACTIVE, athletes and active users will be able to listen to music and train hard without worrying about adjusting their ear buds.
事 實上, 外 國 有 很 多 公司多 年 前 均 已 放 棄 本 土 生 產 , 改為將生 產 線 移 往 內 地,除 了因為內 地 土 地 和 租 金 便 宜 外 , 工 人 較 低 廉 的 工 資 和工刻苦耐 勞 的 特 性 , 對他們來 說也相 當 吸 引。
In addition to cheaper land and rents, lower wages and hardworking labour in the Mainland have proved to be very attractive to them.
李总带领公司的科研人员先后研发过太阳能技术、纳米技术等,当看到国际照明刊物上刊登的文章中提到“北欧照明协会主席对照明未来的预计:“20年后,照明的发展是集成电路的照明产品”的信息后,立即着手成立公司高新技术研发中心,并广纳从事微电子、电光源方面 钻研 技 术 人才,先后投入了上亿元的资金,用作科研经费,同时还购置了先进的试验设备和检测仪器,为高新技术研发中心的新品研制工作提供了国际先进的技术硬件和软件。
After he saw the information reported on the international lighting journal about “Chairman of Northern Europe Lighting Association predicted that the lighting development trend is the products with integrated circuit 20 years later”, he immediately set up the high-tech R&D center and hired talents of micro-electronics and electric light source, invested thousands of millions of funds as cost of scientific research, also purchased advanced experiment equipment and testing instruments, which provided highly developed international technical hardware and software for the high-tech R&D center.
各位議員,我們當天視察時發覺, 他們面對殘酷的競爭,能夠生存下來的,都是經過十 刻苦 的 拼 搏。
Honorable Members, during our visit
on that day, we found that they have to face fierce
[...] competition and those who can survive have [...]
been fighting very hard.
東南亞的華人一向被認爲是工作勤奮而 刻苦 的。
The CHinese in Southeast Asia were always considered to be hardworking and industrious!
宏源也正是敏锐捕捉到照明行业未来环保节能、与电子器件相结合的发展方向,投入了上亿元科研经费,集中从事微电子、电光源方面 钻研 技 术 人才,在攻克了多项技术难题、有效突破关键性技术瓶颈之后,终于在全球范围内首次实现了将集成电路技术、磁感应技术稳定应用于照明领域,成功发明了无极灯。
Hongyuan also predicted the development prospect and direction of the lighting industry, injected hundreds of millions of research fund and combined micro-electronics and lighting source technologies and to successfully apply integrated circuit technology and magnetic induction skill into ballast special for magnetic induction lamp in the lighting field.
此事刻,傳媒和研工作 者應該放眼遠方,為未來的選舉文化及早鋪路。
At this moment, the media and polling practitioners should aim further and get prepared for the election culture in the future.
首先,在一些較 為 偏遠的 地 區
[...] [...] , 巴 士公司通常因為無 利 可 圖 而不肯 投 資 在 該等地 區,到 專 小 巴 扮 演 開 荒 牛 的 角色刻苦經 營 而有穩定 客 路 的 時 候 , 巴 士公司就來飾 演“程 咬 金 ” , 令專 小 巴 經 營 的 路 與 巴 [...] [...]
士行走 的 路 重 疊 , 造 成 正 面 的交鋒 , 結 果 , 專 小 巴 在 相比之下,班 次 及 車 廂 容 量 自然不 敵 巴 士,客 源 亦 逐 漸流失 。
Green minibuses will gradually lose passengers because they cannot compare to buses in terms of frequency and capacity.
我对钻研、运 用处理和重新诠释我们周遭的事物都深感兴趣,尤其专注于完美的代表巨作。
I’m interested in the study, manipulation and [...]
re-interpretation of the world around us, focusing specifically on icons of perfection.
新香港人”除了要有決心自我提升、追求理想 刻苦 實 幹 外,還要 從國家的將來來看香港,為自己作出正確的定位,發揮特區在“一國兩制” 下的獨特優勢。
Apart from being determined to upgrade themselves, pursue their ideals and work hard, "new Hongkongers" must also look at Hong Kong in the context of our country's future development, so that they can position themselves properly and capitalize on their unique advantage under "one country, two systems".
他们常钻研特殊的技能,凡是要求手巧的 活动,他们都能应付自如,如复杂的掌机游戏、抛接子、弹响指、打蝴蝶结、建 [...]
They often want to focus on and develop specific [...]
skills, and are adept at a variety of activities requiring great dexterity,
such as complex hand games, jacks, snapping fingers, tying a bow, constructing models, operating hand puppets, needlepoint, sewing, weaving, and braiding.
世界各地的水族造景的爱好者更被香港光荣的成绩及成就感到惊讶… 薏景堂各成员造景水平高的原因是他们眼中看到的大自然景象及他们的热情及奉献精神在水族造景中,不仅是造景的布局上,他们还奋 钻研 拍 摄 水族造景的拍摄手法。
Aquarium hobbyists in the world were amazed by glorious achievement of Hong Kong people… I think I can find the reasons of Hong Kong CAU members’ high layout levels in their eyes of seeing the Mother Nature, and their dedication to the planted aquarium hobby.




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