

单词 刻苦耐劳

See also:


hard work


able resist hardship

劳苦 n

laborAE n



External sources (not reviewed)

I saw the hardworking farmers.
強調 理性的政府為甚麼不提供這些數字,告訴大眾有多少長者寧願靠自刻 苦耐勞地 生活,只領取“敬老的”“生果金”,而不領綜援呢?
Why does the Government which stresses rationality not provide this number to
tell the public how many elderly people
[...] prefer to work laboriously in order to earn [...]
their own living and receive only the
"fruit grant" which is meant to show respect to the elderly but not CSSA?
我们的工人非常苦耐劳……报酬相对 较低,他们却每天工作到 13-14 个小时”,公司副总裁 [...]
Our workers are
[...] used to eating bitterness ... they can work [...]
13 to 14 hours a day for very little”, its vice president told the Wall Street Journal.
它拥有能苦耐劳的身 体特点,这和它那温顺热情的天性形成鲜明的对比。
Their hardy physical attributes could not be more different than their gentle and affectionate nature.
性别成 见施加给男人很多压力,他们要 “苦耐 劳”, 要“养家糊口”,因此他们的工作环境 [...]
往往比较恶劣,潜在着工伤、暴力、犯罪和 监禁(服军役、从事治安和消防工作)。
Such stereotypes put pressure on them to be ‘tough’
and to be the ‘breadwinner’;
[...] resulting in conditions of labor that are often harsh [...]
and that may involve injury, violence,
crime, and imprisonment (military service, policing, firefighting, etc.).
事 實上, 香 港廣大 的 僱 員 並沒有質 疑 良 好 營 商 環境的 重要性 ,相反刻苦耐 勞 、 願 意 與 僱 主 共度時 艱 的 僱 員 比 比 皆 是 。
Quite the contrary, many of them are hardworking and prepared to join hands with their employers to overcome the current difficulties.
同 時 , 也 有 人 擔 心 部 份 市民已 養 成 倚 賴 的 心態, 指 望 政 府不斷 提 供 更 多 服 務,並對 政 府 抱 有不切實際 的 期 望”,本 會 促 請 政 府在推 行 適 當 政 策以改善市 民 生 活 之餘, 亦採取積極措施, 鼓 勵市民發 揮 自 強 不 息刻 苦 耐 勞 及 靈活應 變 的 香 港 精 神 。
There is also concern that, in some quarters, a dependency culture has developed and with it, increasing and sometimes unrealistic expectations as to both the role of the Government and its ability to provide additional services', this Council urges the Government, while introducing appropriate policies to improve people's livelihood, to adopt positive measures to encourage the community to give full play to the Hong Kong spirit which embodies continuous self-improvement, assiduousness and adaptability.
主席先生,本港過去的繁榮穩定與本港工㆟ 刻苦耐 勞 , 及顧全大局的態度有莫 大關係。
Sir, the diligence of our workers and their attitude to work for the benefits of the whole community have a close connection with the prosperity and stability of our community which we have enjoyed in the past.
說一點題外話,近期電影“歲月神偷”在海外揚威,政府官員趁機“抽 水
[...] ”,表示希望香港人要像1960年代的香港人 刻苦耐 勞 , 逆境自強, 但說得容易,其實,說得難聽一點,他們不外乎要低下階層不要埋怨, [...]
With the resounding success achieved overseas by the
recent movie Echoes of the Rainbow,
[...] government officials made use of the opportunity [...]
to highlight their wish that Hong
Kong people will be as hardworking and dedicated as those Hong Kong people in the 1960s and apply self-reliance in adversity in the same way as they did.
获得专利的表面硬化工艺和后卡套几何 结构提供了优秀的抗振动劳性能刻的卡套管支撑作用 —— 即使是在恶 劣的或压力极大的环境、例如燃料处理 或旋转设备等应用。
The patented
[...] case-hardening process and back-ferrule geometry provide excellent vibration fatigue resistance [...]
and tube support—even
in harsh or stressful environments, such as fuel processing or rotary equipment applications.
為了香 港 的 現 在和未來, 社 會 各 界 , 包括政 府 、 學校、 家長,都 應 設 法 解 決這個問題 , 使 香 港刻 苦 耐 勞、善於學 習 、 靈活應 變 的 優 良 傳 統 能 夠再 放 異 彩 , 使 香 港 再次提高競爭力 , 趕 上 知 識 經 濟 的 新 潮 流 。
For the benefit of the present and future development of Hong Kong, all sectors of the community, including the Government, schools and parents should make every effort to solve this problem so that the fine tradition that embodies assiduousness, enthusiasm for learning and adaptability of Hong Kong people can recapture its splendours, thereby enhancing Hong Kong's competitive edge and enabling Hong Kong to catch up with the new trend of development towards a knowledge-based economy.
52岁的机械师Igor Yaroslavtsev在矿井下工作了16年,他说,“这俨然是矿井里 苦耐劳 的 役 马。
This is the workhorse of the mine,” says Igor Yaroslavtsev, a 52-year-old mechanic who has worked down the mine for 16 years.
1997 年的《劳动法》禁止雇用16 岁以下儿童从事危险或苦劳动, 并规定 了儿童的劳动时间。
The Labour Code of 1997 prohibits the employment of children under 16 years of age in dangerous or strenuous activities and sets the working hours for children.
因 此 , 雖然我們 對 議 案 中引述的 所 謂 “ 依賴文 化 ” 這 種說法 是 有所保 留 , 但對於劉漢銓議員提出 議 案 的 重 點 , 即 促 請 政 府採取積極措施, 鼓 勵市民發 揮 自 強 不 息刻 苦 耐 勞 和 靈活應 變 的 香 港 精 神 , 我 們 是完全支持 的,所以民 建聯是支持劉漢銓議員的議案 。
Hence, although we have reservations about the so-called "dependency culture" as referred to in the motion, we fully support the salient points in the motion moved by Mr Ambrose LAU; that is, to urge the Government to adopt positive measures to encourage the community to give full play to the Hong Kong spirit which embodies continuous self-improvement, assiduousness and adaptability.
事 實上, 外 國 有 很 多 公司多 年 前 均 已 放 棄 本 土 生 產 , 改為將生 產 線 移 往 內 地,除 了因為內 地 土 地 和 租 金 便 宜 外 , 工 人 較 低 廉 的 工 資 和工刻苦耐 勞 的 特 性 , 對他們來 說也相 當 吸 引。
In addition to cheaper land and rents, lower wages and hardworking labour in the Mainland have proved to be very attractive to them.
在 安逸中抱怨別人,不如學習上一輩勇於拼搏 刻苦耐 勞 的 態度,起動 我們的另一個“摩打”,作出嘗試。
We should adopt the energetic and hard-working attitude of our forebears and try to kick-start another "motor" in our brains instead of doing nothing and complaining about the others.
(1) 禁止让未满 18 岁的人员从事涉及下列情况劳动: 艰 苦 、 有 害 和/ 或危险的工作条件、地下工作以及可能会对未成年人的健康或道德操守造 [...]
成损害的工作(赌博,夜总会工作,酒精饮料、烟草制品、麻醉品和有毒产 品的生产、运输和销售)。
(1) Labour of persons that have not reached [...]
18 years is prohibited if it involves hard, harmful and/or dangerous working
conditions, underground work, as well as works that may cause damage to health or moral integrity of minors (gambling, work in night clubs, production, transport and sale of alcoholic drinks, of tobacco products, of narcotic and toxic products).
可 惜 , 香 港 人 引以為傲 的 勤 奮 努 力刻 苦 耐 勞、靈活適 應 精 神 受 到 日 益 嚴重的 侵 蝕 。
Unfortunately, the diligence, assiduousness and adaptability that Hong Kong people so proudly possessed have been eroded more and more seriously.
此外,存在雇用未满 18 岁人员从事苦的体 力劳动和使用不符合必要安全要求的设备的情况(附件 1 表 13)。
Cases have been registered when persons younger than 18 years are employed in hard physical work, use equipment that does not correspond to the necessary safety requirements (Table No. 13 from Annex No. 1).
1、大学专科及以上学历,有广告策划相关经验及成功案例者优先; 2、具备出色的文案功底和丰富的创意思维,擅长PPT的制作;
[...] 3、较强的理解与表达能力,思路清晰;能 苦耐劳 , 能 承受较大的工作压力和 快节奏的工作; [...]
In 1, university degree or above, have advertising planning related experience and successful case is preferred; 2, with excellent skills and a wealth of creative thinking, good at PPT production; 3, good understanding and
expression ability, clarity of train of
[...] thought; can bear hardships and stand hard [...]
work, can withstand greater pressure of
work and work in a fast pace; in 4, has a strong passion for work, good service consciousness and team spirit.
在蠕动管上,山都平热塑性硫化弹性体8281-65MED可以替代硅部件,是拥有更高耐化学性和挠 耐 疲 劳 性 的 具有成本效率的消毒方案。
In peristaltic tubing, Santoprene TPV 8281-65MED can replace
silicone components, providing a cost-effective sterilizable solution with improved
[...] chemical and flex-fatigue resistance.
寿命测试耐用性和疲劳测试都是在 Scott 的实验室进行的,其中几乎完全使用 Brüel & Kjær 解决方案进行测试。
Life-cycle testing, durability, reliability and fatigue testing are [...]
all carried out in Scott’s laboratories, where Brüel
& Kjær solutions are used almost exclusively for testing purposes.
因此 , 我 提 出 議 案 , 促 請 政 府 既 要 推 行 適 當 政 策 , 改善市民的生活 , 特別要 保 證為老 年人和傷殘 人士等弱勢社 , 為其提 供有尊 嚴 的安全 保 障 網 , 同 時亦要採取積極的 措施, 鼓 勵市民發 揚 自 強 不 息刻 苦 耐 勞 和 靈活應 變 的 精 神 , 使 香 港 邁 過 難 關,再 創 輝 煌 。
For this reason, I have moved the motion to urge the Government to introduce appropriate policies to improve people's lot, in particular to provide a safety net to ensure a life of dignity for the vulnerable members of our community such as the elderly and the disabled, and to adopt positive measures to encourage people to carry forward the ethic of continuous self-improvement, assiduousness and adaptability.
圣经给出了勤快妻子的榜样:她为了丈夫和自己家庭的利益而 苦劳 作 (箴 31:10-31,特别是 第 11 节)。
Scripture gives the model of an
[...] industrious wife who labors for her husband's [...]
and her household's profit (Pr 31:10-31, especially verse 11).
我這項議 案 是要求大 家 促 請 政 府 真 正推行一些 措施, 令 香 港 , 無 論是甚麼階 層 的 市民, 都 能 夠 發 揮 自 強 不 息刻 苦 耐 勞 及 靈活應 變 的 精 神 。
My motion simply called on Members to urge the Government to earnestly adopt some measures so that Hong Kong, whether it be any sector of the community, can give full play to the spirit which embodies continuous self-improvement, assiduousness and adaptability.
我記得讀書時,我們的小學教科書也強調,香港的非凡經濟成就,是由 我們香港刻苦耐勞所 創造出來的;但很諷刺,我們不少市民辛勞大半生, 為香港這個奇蹟作出貢獻,付出了他們的辛酸血汗,老來卻得到甚麼呢?
I remember that when I was in school, our primary school textbooks also stressed that the remarkable economic achievements of Hong Kong were created by the labour and endurance of Hong Kong people.
主席,在社會 和 家 庭層面上, 大 眾 傳媒、 學校和 家長都 有 義 務提倡 和 發 揚 自 強 不 息刻 苦 耐 勞 和 靈活應 變 的 優 良 精 神 , 傳媒作為社會的公器 , 有 義 務 擊 濁揚清,樹 立 正氣和 發 揚 有責任、肯 承 擔 的人格 精 神。
Madam President, at the levels of the community and the family, the mass media, the school and the family all have the obligation to promote and carry forward the fine spirit of continuos self-improvement, assiduousness and adaptability.
我今天提出這項議 案 的 目 的,是 希望立法會能 促 請 政 府 推 行 適 當 政 策以 改善市民的生活 , 同 時亦要採取積極措施, 鼓 勵市民發 揮 自 強 不 息刻 苦 耐 勞 及 靈活應 變 的 精 神 。
I proposed this motion today in the hope that the Legislative Council can urge the Government to introduce appropriate policies to improve people's livelihood and at the same time, adopt positive measures to encourage the community to give full play to the spirit which embodies continuous selfimprovement, assiduousness and adaptability.
着重指出,在危机刻,青年人劳 动 市场特别脆弱,并且为了满足青 年在瞬息万变劳动市场的需要,认识到要促进充分就业、体面工作和创业,就需 要投资于青年妇女和青年男子的教育、培训和技能发展,加强社会保护和医疗卫 [...]
that young people are particularly vulnerable in the labour market in times [...]
of crisis, and, in order to meet the needs of
youth in a rapidly changing labour market, recognizes that promoting full employment, decent work and entrepreneurship requires investing in education, training and skills development for young women and men, strengthening social protection and health systems, applying internationally agreed labour standards, paying special attention to young people employed in the informal economy and the progressive and effective elimination of child labour




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