单词 | 刻苦努力 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 刻苦努力—taking great painsassiduousSee also:刻苦—assiduous 苦力n—cooliespl coolyn 努力n—effortn endeavourBEn strugglen shotn 努力—strive try hard great effort 苦力—hard toil bitter work (loanword) coolie, unskilled Chinese laborer in colonial times
前南问题国际法庭谨对 帕克法官的勤奋和刻苦努力表示赞扬,他在前南问题国际法庭任职期间发布的判 [...] 决书数目最多,并主持了 2 项调查。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Tribunal would like to commend the [...] diligent and assiduousefforts of JudgeParker, [...]who rendered a record number of trial [...]judgements during his service to the Tribunal and who conducted two inquiries. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果你不能实现目标,只要你工作真诚并刻苦努力,我们不会解雇你。 embassyusa.cn | We’re not going to fire you if you don’t make the target, as long as you’re working in good faith and trying hard. eng.embassyusa.cn |
青叶山校园设有理学院,药学院,工学院及其附属设施等,这三个学院的3•4年级本科生和研究生在此刻苦努力地学习和钻研。 tohoku.ac.jp | The Faculties of Science, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Engineering, and their associated Institutes, are located on this campus. 3rd and 4th year undergraduate students and graduate students use this campus to study and research. tohoku.ac.jp |
鉴于民族团结政府正为在全国实现和平作出刻苦努力,请安全理事会负起维 护苏丹国内和平与稳定的责任,并呼吁安全理事会常任理事国达成一致立场,以 [...] 保障苏丹的和平与稳定,并为在政治解决达尔富尔危机方面取得进展提供一个机 会 daccess-ods.un.org | To request the Security Council to assume its responsibility for maintaining [...] civil peace and stability in the Sudan, [...] in viewof the assiduous efforts being made by the [...]Government of National Unity to achieve [...]peace throughout the country, and to call upon the Permanent Members of the Security Council to reach a unified position in order to safeguard peace and stability in the Sudan and provide an opportunity to make progress towards a political settlement of the crisis in Darfur daccess-ods.un.org |
喀土穆不负责任的行为导致在《全面 和平协议》框架内所取得的一切进展岌岌可危,并有 可能在此决定性时刻致使六年的艰苦努力付诸东流。 daccess-ods.un.org | Khartoum’s irresponsible actions have put all progress under the CPA in serious jeopardy, and they threaten to unravel six years of hard work at the most decisive moment. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们很幸运有一个高效廉洁的政府,不断为商家创造良好的经商环境;一群刻苦勤奋的人民,为国家的繁荣和社会的稳定不懈努力。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | We take pride in having a highly efficient and clean government intent on creating a conducive [...] pro-business environment, [...] and in having a dedicated and diligentworkforce responsible for transforming Singapore [...]into a prosperous and socially stable nation. english.sccci.org.sg |
哥伦比亚代表团说,普遍定期审议进程使哥伦比亚国内的各机构对如何 找 到 更 好 的办法 协调在全国各地 保 障 人权的努 力进行深刻的反思 。 daccess-ods.un.org | It said the UPR process had led the country’s [...] institutions to reflect deeply on finding [...] better ways to coordinate effortstoguarantee the rights [...]of all in the country. daccess-ods.un.org |
大家晚上好!新加坡是世界地图上的一个小红点,在没有天然资源的条件下,能够凭借自身勤奋刻苦、坚韧不拔的努力,茁壮成长为经济稳健发展、人民安居乐业的美好家园。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | Despite being a hardly distinguishable red dot on the world map, and a country without any natural resources, Singapore has [...] relied on sheer hard work and enterprise to transform itself into [...] an economically robust, safe and socially cohesive nation. english.sccci.org.sg |
对Tom Rucker来说,曼德拉注视着监狱窗外陷入沉思的面容体现了这位南非政治家伟大的精神力量,而这正是Rucker希望在这座半身雕像中再现的力量:曼德拉希望不同种族之间和谐共处,而他这一生的痛苦遭遇令他做出的这种努力显得更加深刻可信。 wacker.com | For Tom Rucker, Mandela's thoughtful gaze out of the cell window epitomized the greatness of the South African statesman and what he intended to reproduce in the bust: Mandela's [...] vision of reconciliation between racial [...] groups, a reconciliation made credible by virtue of his own lifetimeofsuffering. wacker.com |
我们深表赞赏地注意到,他作出了艰苦努力,以便通过大幅增加联阿援助团的资源和扩大其在各个 省份的存在来加强援助团;建设联阿援助团的协调能 力并加强和改革协调和监察联合委员会;为国际安全 援助部队与联合国之间更紧密的合作奠定基础;以及 在关键时刻,例如在最近的选举中发挥关键的政治作 用,以便在阿富汗和其它地方组织召开国际会议。 daccess-ods.un.org | We note with deep appreciation the fact that he has worked hard to strengthen UNAMA by greatly expanding its resources and its presence in the provinces; to build UNAMA’s coordination capacity as well as to strengthen and reform the Joint Coordination and Monitoring Board; to prepare the ground for much closer cooperation between the International Security Assistance Force and the United Nations; and to play a key political role in shaping international conferences in Afghanistan and elsewhere at key times, such as the recent elections. daccess-ods.un.org |
由 于这些短缺,加上全球粮食和经济危机以及各种发展政策和方案的失败,穷人生 活迟迟得不到改进,其缓慢程度令人无法接受,而经过艰苦努力才取得的一些成 绩也正被销蚀。 daccess-ods.un.org | As a consequence of these shortfalls, aggravated by the global food and economic crises as well as the failure of various development policies and programmes, improvements in the lives of the poor have been unacceptably slow to achieve, while some hard won gains are being eroded. daccess-ods.un.org |
在委员会本次会议期间,为组织此类讲习班付出了艰苦努力。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It is a highlycomplex endeavour to organize such [...] workshops in parallel to the Commission session. unesdoc.unesco.org |
波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那确认联合国非索特派团 支助办事处及其向非索特派团提供一揽子后勤支助 的努力,和联合国索马里政治事务处、联合国国家工 作队以及所有其他人道主义组织艰苦努力的重要性。 daccess-ods.un.org | Bosnia and Herzegovina recognizes the importance of the United Nations Support Office for AMISOM and its efforts to provide a logistical support package to AMISOM, as well as the hard work of the United Nations Political Office for Somalia, the United Nations country team and all other humanitarian organizations. daccess-ods.un.org |
苏丹政府为了巩固国家和区域和平而做出的艰苦卓绝的努力的其他实例包括,在南苏丹停泊和平 之舟,以确认经过数十年的内战之后,苏丹全面认 [...] 可这个新生国家,并且为南苏丹培训官员。 daccess-ods.un.org | Other instances of his [...] Government’s painstakingefforts to consolidate national [...]and regional peace included the mooring [...]of a peace ship in South Sudan to affirm the Sudan’s full recognition of the fledgling State after decades of civil war, and the training of officials in South Sudan. daccess-ods.un.org |
艾滋病毒防治的“实现三个无”的新的全球愿景 令我们深受激励,缅甸决心作出艰苦努力,并且在防 治这一流行病的斗争中协作努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | We are deeply inspired by the new global vision on HIV, [...] “Getting to zero”, and Myanmar is [...] resolved to make strenuous efforts and worktogether [...]collaboratively in the fight against the pandemic. daccess-ods.un.org |
最近,也就是在上 个月,以色列决定在东耶路撒冷建造 1 300 多套住房 单元,目的是破坏所有阿拉伯地区、各区域乃至全世 界在中东实现公正和全面和平的希望,而恰恰在这个时刻,全世界都在努力实现这一和平,宣称和平是实 现区域和国际安全与稳定的一个绝对先决条件。 daccess-ods.un.org | Most recently, last month Israel decided to build more than 1,300 housing units in East Jerusalem with a view to undermining all Arab, regional and worldwide hopes for achieving a just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East at the very moment when the entire world is working to achieve that peace, declaring that peace is an absolute prerequisite for achieving regional and international security and stability. daccess-ods.un.org |
不过,回顾一下我们在这一领域取 得的一些良好成功,例如美国与俄罗斯之间新的裁武 条约是有帮助的,而且完全有可能,通过艰苦的努力和有诚意的谈判,我们能够并将实现最终目标。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is useful to recall, however, that we have had some good success in this field, such as the New START treaty between the United States and Russia, and there is every possibility that, with hard work and good-faith negotiations, we can and will achieve the final goal. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们今天共聚一堂的目 的是通过一项决议草案,再次声明国际社会支持结束 一场长期以来震撼世界的持续危机,而且,我们致力 于帮助阿富汗人民作出艰苦努力,以最终实现和平与 稳定。 daccess-ods.un.org | We come together today to adopt a draft resolution that will again affirm the support of the international community for ending a continuing crisis that has long shaken the world, and also our commitment to help the Afghan people in their difficult struggleto finally achieve peace and stability. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们欢迎一个独立的南苏丹,并将与同我们有长 期密切关系的苏丹和南苏丹合作,此刻它们正在努力应对国内局势,建立合作关系。 daccess-ods.un.org | We welcome an independent South Sudan and will work with both the Sudan and South Sudan, [...] with whom we have long-standing ties, as they grapple with their [...] domestic situations and endeavour tobuildcooperative [...]relations. daccess-ods.un.org |
经过国际合作分组的艰苦努力,地球观测小组第三次会议(2004 年 2 月,开普敦)通过 [...] 了为该项工作所提议的原则,并把该原则作为地球观测小组第二次会议(东京,2004 年 3 月 25 日)所通过的框架文件的一部分。 unesdoc.unesco.org | After considerable efforts by ICSG, the proposed [...] principles for this process were agreed upon by GEO-3 (February 2004, Cape [...]Town) and adopted as part of the framework document by EOS II (Tokyo, 25 April 2004). unesdoc.unesco.org |
在未来时期,教科文组织将立刻努力提高制订各个层面的全民教育计划的能力,以便更 好地满足边缘化、社会地位低下和贫穷的群体的受教育需求与愿望。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In the period ahead, [...] UNESCO will seekimmediately to enhance its capacity to shape[...]the EFA agenda at all levels so that [...]it better responds to the educational needs and aspirations of the marginalized, the disadvantaged and the poor. unesdoc.unesco.org |
作为坚定致力于和平并坚决保证促进法治 [...] 和尊重和平解决争端原则的国家,日本赞赏国际法院 在小和田法官主持下做出艰苦努力和开展工作,在详 尽审议之后作出裁判和提出咨询意见。 daccess-ods.un.org | As a State resolutely devoted to peace and firmly dedicated to the promotion of the rule of law and respect for the principle of the [...] peaceful settlement of disputes, Japan [...] appreciates the strenuous efforts and work ofthe Court [...]presided over by Judge Owada in [...]delivering decisions and opinions based on exhaustive deliberation. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然目前为确保提供成本较低、年龄适当的药物和 服务作出了令人印象深刻的努力,但如果有需要的儿童无法使用这些药物和服 务,投资就不会产生预期的影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | While impressive efforts are taking place to ensure that less costly, age-appropriate drugs and services are available, investments will not have the desired impact if children in need do not use them. daccess-ods.un.org |