单词 | 刻意 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 刻意adverb—deliberatelyadv刻意—deliberateless common: painstaking meticulous Examples:刻意求工—assiduous and painstaking 刻意为之—make a conscious effort do something deliberately See also:刻v—cutv carvev 刻—engrave quarter (hour) oppressive
大多数非正规 企业和劳动者从事的是合法的商品和服务,以半合法方式经营,并非刻意从事非 法经营。 daccess-ods.un.org | Most informal enterprises and workers deal in legal goods and services, and operate in a [...] semi-legal, but not deliberatelyillegalmanner. daccess-ods.un.org |
近东救济工程处通过执行刻意制定的政策显示其任务和目标所体现的社会和道德责任的重要性。 daccess-ods.un.org | Deliberate policies are implemented that are meantto demonstrate [...] the importance of social and ethical responsibilities [...]enshrined in the Agency’s mission and objectives. daccess-ods.un.org |
其三,以最广义的角度针对政治团体作出研究分析,刻意回避政党和一般政团的分别。 hkupop.hku.hk | Third, political groups to be analyzed in a macro [...] perspective, this wouldintentionally avoid the differentiation [...]of political parties and other political organizations. hkupop.hku.hk |
其次,为了印证政府调查的数字,《明报》刻意从政府委托进行的调查中抽取5条问题,以音频电话重复进行调查。 hkupop.hku.hk | Secondly, in order to verify the figures from the [...] government, Ming Pao Daily intentionally tookout 5 questions [...]from the commissioned surveys by [...]the government and conducted the surveys repeatedly in IVR method. hkupop.hku.hk |
金管局在投诉方面的角色应该是 [...] 处理对监管工作有影响的投诉,以及显示存在不当行为的投 诉,例如刻意或罔顾後果的不当销售,且如不加以制止可能会 [...]令银行体系整体信誉受损。 legco.gov.hk | The role of the HKMA in relation to complaints should be to pursue those complaints which have supervisory implications and to [...] deal with those which reveal improper [...] conduct, such as deliberateorreckless misselling, [...]and which if left unchecked could [...]bring the system as a whole into disrepute. legco.gov.hk |
对於N.HOOLYWOOD的设计,我是刻意追求一种平凡、日常的感觉,这可能跟UNDER COVER的取态有点不同。 think-silly.com | I see N.Hoolywood to be very down to earth and casual, which is rather different from the aesthetic of Under Cover. think-silly.com |
部分业界代表希望知道有没有研究显示氯丙二醇主要來自食物加工程 序 (例如高温处理),而并非因刻意在食品中使用某一种配料(例如加酸水解植 物蛋白)所致。 cfs.gov.hk | Some trade representatives would like to know whether there were any studies showing that [...] food processing (e.g. heat treatment) [...] rather thantheintentional use of anyparticular [...]ingredient (such as acid-hydrolysed [...]vegetable protein) in food products, was a major source of 3-MCPD. cfs.gov.hk |
可能会被视为政府刻意脱除其确保电力供应的可靠 性、安全性,合理收费及 环保的责任。 forum.gov.hk | Could be perceived as the [...] Governmentrelinquishing its responsibilities to ensure reliable, safe and reasonablypriced electricity supply. forum.gov.hk |
经商议後,事务委员会通 过 一项议案,要求政府先采取一 切实际可行措施,改善道路交汇 处及 交通灯显 示设施,确保有 效界定刻意冲红灯的驾驶者,才考虑增加此 类 罪行的扣分罚则 。 legco.gov.hk | After deliberation, the Panel passed a motion requesting the Government to adopt all possible and practical measures to improve the design of road junctions and the display of traffic light signals [...] to ensure the effective [...] detection ofdeliberate red light jumping offences before considering increasing the driving-offence points for such offences. legco.gov.hk |
这 种质疑自然要求动员社会力量,采取集体、自愿和参与性行动,同时应刻意改变使这种偏见和歧视得以巩固和合理存在的传统价值体系。 daccess-ods.un.org | This process of questioning consequently leads to social mobilization and [...] collective, consensual and participatory [...] action, supported by deliberate efforts to change [...]the systems of traditional values that [...]underpin and legitimize stereotypes and discrimination. daccess-ods.un.org |
2009年5月,世界卫生组织和联合国环境署刻意低调地转向推广一些效果较差的防疟措施,并宣称他们的目标是“在2014年将DDT在全世界的使用量减低30%并最晚于2020年全面淘汰DDT。 project-syndicate.org | With a notable absence of fanfare, in May 2009 the WHO, together with the UN Environment Program, reverted to endorsing less effective methods for preventing malaria, announcing that their goal is “to achieve a 30% cut in the application of DDT worldwide by 2014 and its total phase-out by the early 2020s, if not sooner. project-syndicate.org |
一种通行的做法是,前往索马里南部船舶在提货单和舱单中申报摩加迪 沙港为交货港口,但刻意避免提及基斯马尤港。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is common practice for bills of lading and manifests of vessels [...] heading to southern Somalia to declare Mogadishu as the [...] port of deliveryand deliberatelyavoid making reference [...]to Kismaayo. daccess-ods.un.org |
及(c) 会否因而令管制人员刻意增加工程开支令差额可维持在 5%以下,造成浪费? devb.gov.hk | Please let us know: (a) the details of the work, (b) the reasons for keeping its underspending to 5%, and (c) whether it will make the Controlling Officers increase the expenditure on works deliberately in order to keep the underspending to below 5%, thus resulting in a waste of public money. devb.gov.hk |
他们甚至或会刻意伤害自己、冲动不能自制、有反 社会行为、带攻击性和有睡眠失调。 knowledge.offordcentre.com | Theymay also deliberatelyinjure themselves [...] and may have difficulties with impulse control, antisocial behavior, aggression, and sleep disturbances. knowledge.offordcentre.com |
很明显,提交人刻意将委员会引入歧途,因为人不能明知未离婚却声称自己已离 婚。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is obvious that the [...] authorintended deliberately to mislead the [...]Committee, because a person cannot claim to be divorced [...]while knowing that he/she is not. daccess-ods.un.org |
我认为,风险的严重 程度不应用来挽救被提交人刻意玷污的程序。 daccess-ods.un.org | I believe that the seriousness of the risk does not justify granting recourse to a process [...] that the author hasdeliberately tainted. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,由于缺乏在确定受害者之后 保障其转诊和住院权利的能力,并没有刻意去寻找受 害者。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, there was no deliberate effort to identify victims, because the capacity to follow up with referrals and residency rights was lacking. daccess-ods.un.org |
主席回答说,塑化剂可能从食物容器迁移至食物中,又或刻意添加在食物中。 cfs.gov.hk | The Chairman replied that plasticisers might be migrated from food [...] containers and added intentionally to food. cfs.gov.hk |
小组名为“无关”,实则是深刻意识到今天的当代艺术与日常生活和正常人的情感的过分无关,而试图去用团体行动建立一种“相关”。 shanghaibiennale.org | The name of the Group is “IrrelevantCommission”. In fact, they are keenly aware of the excessive irrelativeness between nowadays contemporary art and the daily life and emotions of average people, so they try to construct a “relativeness” through group action. shanghaibiennale.org |
有意或刻意对政府公务员(口头和书面) 做出任何错误声明,尤其是在起誓之後仍做出错误声明之举,可能会使公司及其员工遭受重大 [...] 刑罚。 colgate.com | Anyknowing or willful false statements [...] to government employees (oral or written), and particularly any false statement [...]under oath, can expose the Company and its people to substantial penalties. colgate.com |
不过,专家组会对每一个信息来源的 可信度进行系统的评估,并对刻意影响其调查结果的企图保持警惕。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nevertheless, the Group systematically assesses the credibility of each of its sources and [...] remains wary ofdeliberate effortsto influence [...]its findings. daccess-ods.un.org |
Colgate 不会对善意举报可能的违反事项或参与公司或 [...] 政府部门进行的调查或诉讼程序的任何人展开报复,除非事後认定提供的资讯是刻意扭曲不实。 colgate.com | Colgate will not retaliate against any individual who reports information concerning potential violations in good faith, or who participates in any [...] investigation or proceeding by the Company or the government, unless the information [...] provided is found to be intentionally false. colgate.com |
两侧的进气口刻意放到保险杆的较低位置,令车身看来更贴近路面。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Thesesections (beneath the headlamps) blend into the feature lines along the vehicle flanks, creating a link with the sides. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
这些现象存在於既有制度中,也许是众人默许,也许是刻意保护,也可能有不同形式,它们未必见容於社会整体,但确实在现存秩序中占有一席之地,且完全由个人创作而成;这些现象并非故意依循无政府主义意识型态,因为「在自愿运作的社会模式里,无政府状态相当寻常,秩序则是自然生成」;这种潜在秩序是透过理性自由发展而来,复杂的社会世界不一定会引发战火,或许也反倒是种资产。 thisbigcity.net | They are not the whole of society but occupy space within the existing order and can be entirely individual in nature. thisbigcity.net |
一个代表团要求食典委澄清,修订后的定义是否排除了刻意添加到饲料中的物质, 饲料中带入的动物源食品中兽药残留(即兽药饲料)是否应当纳入修订后的定义。 codexalimentarius.org | A Delegation requested clarification as [...] to whether the revised definition [...] excludedsubstances intentionally added to feed and [...]whether residues of veterinary drugs [...]in food of animal origin as carry over from feed (i.e. medicated feed) would be included in the revised definition. codexalimentarius.org |
面对全世界日益严重的气候环境与能源问题,悠果深刻意识到自己身上所肩负的义不容辞的社会责任,并一直积极坚持在产品设计生产的每一个环节传达健康环保的绿色理念,在现有的产品中,我们将环保材料应用在可能的方方面面,包括绿色无污染的无纺布袋,涂鸦、纤雅等系列产品使用的PPE环保材料,及各种环保纸制材料包装,用于皮革收纳包的Fenice环保边油涂料等,并且还在积极不断深入研究更多更有效的环保产品与科学环保的生产方式。 yogostyle.com | In the face of the growing world of [...] climatic environment and energy problem, [...] Yogo deeply aware of the bounden duty of social [...]responsibility, and has been actively [...]adhere to convey the environmental concept in every step of production, in existing products, we're going environmentally friendly materials where possible all aspects, including non-polluting nonwoven bags, Graffiti, Delicate series using of PPE environmental protection packaging materials, and a variety of environmentally-friendly paper packaging, processing leather case by using the Fenice environmental finishing oils, etc. and is still actively continue to delve into the more environmentally friendly products more effectively and scientific environment-friendly mode of production. yogostyle.com |
理事会还如大会第 63/253 第 57 段所规定,刻意不为争议法庭和 上诉法庭分别推荐一个以上来自同一个国家的候选人,也没有推荐在相关法庭中 已有一名现任法官的国家的候选人。 daccess-ods.un.org | It has also taken care not to recommend more than one candidate from any one Member State for the Dispute Tribunal and Appeals Tribunal respectively, as specified by the General Assembly in its resolution 63/253 (para. 57), nor to recommend candidates from States from which there is already a sitting member on the relevant Tribunal. daccess-ods.un.org |
偶然落下的边角料被塑造成新的艺术品后,会呈现独到、迷人的美感,因此,无论艺术家如何刻意安排,两者之间的相互关系都不是事先可以左右的。 shanghaibiennale.org | The interrelation is driven however particularly calculated on the point, because it lets new aesthetic objects with own fascinating radiant remittance come out from waste apparently coincidentally fallen down. shanghaibiennale.org |