单词 | 刺痛 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 刺痛adjective—tinglingadj刺痛—stingless common: a prick stab of pain fig. stimulus action Examples:刺痛感adj—tinglingadj 刀刺性痛—lancing pain See also:刺—sting prick pierce thrust assassinate (onom.) whoosh 刺n—burrn spinen thornn 痛n—painn headachen achen 痛—sorrow thoroughly
温和的配方不会刺激皮肤, 不会有刺痛感, 更可於激光疗程後使用以防皮肤变乾。 lavedo.com | Itis non-stinging and anti-irritant. [...] Can even be used post-laser procedures to prevent skin dryness. lavedo.com |
香甜可口的莓果均含有与阿斯匹灵消炎功效类似的天然化学物质,帮助缓和晒伤时所产生的 刺痛感。 health.herbalife.com.tw | Sweet, delicious berries naturally contain compounds related to aspirin that can reduce inflammation, and may [...] help takethesting out ofsunburn. health.herbalife.com |
焦虑的刺痛感迫使人们睁开双眼,开始看看这个新世界。 shanghaibiennale.org | Thetingling senseof anxiety [...] forces people into opening their once closed eyes. shanghaibiennale.org |
指在酒中含有很高的酒精度,在口中有 刺痛感或者灼烧感。 emw-wines.com | Defines a wine high in [...] alcohol andgiving a pricklyor burning sensation [...]on the palate. en.emw-wines.com |
的的刺痛作品在高容量和良好的流动性最好的资产。 zh-tw.iniciantenabolsa.com | Thesting works best assets [...] in high volume and good liquidity. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
除了类似于针灸时的瞬间刺痛之外,患者的注射部位可能会有轻微的酸痛、肿胀和瘙痒,可以口服“泰诺”来加以治疗;注射部位可能还会有持续数天的瘀伤和肿胀。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Besides momentary painsimilarto that [...] of an acupuncture needle, patients may experience mild soreness, swelling, or itching [...]at injection sites which can be treated with oral Tylenol; the sites may also appear bruised and swollen for a few days. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
治疗后,患部可能迅速肿胀或有灼热、 刺痛感,但这种情况应当只持续约48小时;采用冷压法或局部使用抗生素霜将有助于缓解这种状况。 tianjin.ufh.com.cn | Immediately after the procedure, treated areas may be swollen or [...] have a burning,stinging sensation,but this [...]should only last for approximately [...]48 hours; applying a cold compress or topical antibiotic cream will bring relief. guangzhou.ufh.com.cn |
他们很快发现,进食四川花椒时所产生的愉悦 刺痛感,以及舌头和嘴唇上的麻痹感其实是由化合物hydroxy-alpha-sanshool(HAS)所引起的。 xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk | They soon found that [...] the pleasurable tingling sensation and [...]numbing of tongue and lips felt when eating Sichuan peppercorns [...](huajiao) is caused by the chemical hydroxy-alpha-sanshool (HAS). xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk |
初用此产品时可能有微微的刺痛感, 使用此产品前可先选用较温和的果酸(AHA/PHA)产品, [...] 让皮肤适应。 lavedo.com | There may be mild ‘stinging’sensation on [...] first use. lavedo.com |
有 些耳药水也含有类固醇以舒缓耳道中的红肿、 刺痛和其他不适。 polyclinic.singhealth.com.sg | Some preparations also contain corticosteroids for use in the ear to [...] relief the redness,irritation and discomfort of [...]certain ear problems. polyclinic.singhealth.com.sg |
主 治 心 经 热 盛 、 见 面 赤 狂 燥 、 口 糜 舌 疮 、 咬 牙 口 渴 、 心 胸 [...] 烦 热 、 或 心 移 热 於 小 肠 、 小 便 短 赤 涩 、 尿时刺 痛等。balancemedicalsupplies.com | Exuberant heat in the heart meridian manifesting as flushed face with mania or agitation, stomatitis, tongue sores, grinding of the teeth with thirst, vexing heat accumulated in the chest, or heat [...] migrating from the heart to the small intestine, short inhibited voiding of [...] reddish urineand sharp pain during urination. balancemedicalsupplies.com |
第二种慢性并发症是微血管疾病,并包括非增殖性糖尿病 视网膜病变 (眼内出现微动脉瘤、小片出血及分泌液,通 常不会导致视力受损)、增殖性视网膜病 (脆弱的新增血管 形成,通常导致失明),周围神经疾病 [...] (双脚、双腿或双手 疼痛、灼热、麻木、刺痛)及肾病 (蛋白尿及肾衰竭)。 genre.com | The second cause of chronic complications are microvascular and include non-proliferative retinopathy, (microaneurysms, small dot hemorrhages and exudates in the eye usually causing no visual impairment), proliferative retinopathy (fragile new blood vessel formation often [...] causing blindness), peripheral neuropathy (pain, [...] burning, numbness ortingling of the feet, [...]legs or hands) and Nephropathy [...](causing albuminuria and renal failure). genre.com |
6) 患有慢性瘙痒性皮肤病的六岁大的年老的狗 a. 狗一直在瘙痒,它的皮肤很刺痛,受到了感染。 spca.org.tw | 6) Six year old dog with chronic, itchy skin disease. a. The dog scratches constantly, its skin is raw and infected. spca.org.tw |
异丁烷的其他方面是,它能造成轻微 刺痛,在舌头上留下略微油腻的味道——例 如,与 HFC-134a [...] 的味道明显不同,与 HFC-134a 的流动性相同,但仅占其密度的约 46%。 multilateralfund.org | Other aspects of ISO-butane are that it can [...] cause a slightlystinging,slightly oily taste [...]on the tongue – markedly different [...]from the taste of HFC-134a, for instance, and that it has the same fluidity as HFC-134a but only about 46% of its density. multilateralfund.org |
肢端痛显示为四肢疼痛、手、足及鼻子刺痛并脱皮、兴奋性、发汗、快速心跳及缺乏灵活性(Ingham [...] County 2005)。 zeromercury.org | Acrodynia [...] is evidencedby pain in the extremities, [...]pinkness and peeling of the hands, feet and nose, irritability, sweating, [...]rapid heartbeat and loss of mobility (Ingham County 2005). zeromercury.org |
临床多样,包括疼痛,麻木,刺痛感和 疲劳早期的投诉。 institutododelta.com.br | Clinical varied including [...] complaints of pain, numbness,tingling and fatigue early. institutododelta.com.br |
如果您有头痛或任何异常的感觉,如疼痛、麻木或腿部 刺痛感、或针刺部位疼痛,请告诉您的医生。 labtestsonline.org.cn | Let your doctor know if you experience [...] a headache or any abnormal sensations, such as pain, numbness, or tingling in your legs, or pain at the puncturesite. labtestsonline.org.br |
最常见的副作用是刺痛,瘙痒和烧灼感,头痛和不适感。 jove.com | The most common adverse [...] effectsare tingling, itching and burning sensations, headache anddiscomfort. jove.com |
过後,失败者躺下,脑袋仍在尖叫,伤口用 刺痛提醒倒下者,背叛和出卖只可用复仇偿还。 pplsfringe.com | The wounds remind losers with twinge - betrayal and treachery can only be repaid by vengeance. pplsfringe.com |
本周瑞士对德国,我估计的德国人希望更大些,在冠军联赛中的 刺痛失利吗? sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Switzerland v Germany this week chaps and I reckon the Germans would want to [...] make up for thatstinging loss in the Champions [...]League eh? sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
这款喷洒型香水轻盈、精致,不会刺痛皮肤。 cn.lubrizol.com | This sprayable product is light, elegant, [...] and willnot stingthe skin. lubrizol.com |
天然萃取的Glucam™ [...] P-20保湿剂可提升香味持久效果,并减少配方中的酒精可能带来的 刺痛感。cn.lubrizol.com | Naturally derived Glucam™ P-20 Humectant is known to increase fragrance retention, and reduces [...] potential sting caused by [...]alcohol in the formulation. lubrizol.com |
来自中国的动画片《刺痛我》获得最佳动画片奖。 china.embassy.gov.au | The Best Animated Feature Film [...] award wentto PiercingI, also from China. china.embassy.gov.au |
小型和大型蠕虫以及甲虫,蛾类,虱子,苍蝇,臭虫,所有的 刺痛和咬昆虫和几种不动产的事情。 mb-soft.com | Small and large worms and beetles, moths, lice, [...] flies, bugs, all stingingandbiting insects [...]and the several kinds of immovable things. mb-soft.com |
刷牙面食从她的嘴和舌头烧伤的痛苦 刺痛,刷牙后,他的嘴唇开始烤。 cn.badgood.info | Brush your teeth this [...] pasta was agony from her burns of the mouth and tongue sting, and after [...]brushing his lips begin to bake. en.badgood.info |
从热湿春刺痛和咬 虫,虱子,苍蝇,臭虫,和所有其他(生物)那是一种由产生的热量。 mb-soft.com | From hot moisture spring stingingand biting insects, [...] lice, flies, bugs, and all other (creatures) of that kind which are produced by heat. mb-soft.com |
包括是一个噩梦般的场景在一个雨和闪电风暴,晚上,一个幽灵般的房子那里的灯光从来没有留上很长......另外,2不同的时钟部件都包括在内,基於的标志性电影的火热南瓜标志和其他特色的外脊柱 刺痛的面具迈克尔·迈尔斯。 apkzoom.com | Included is a nightmarish scene during a rain and lightning storm at night, outside a spooky house where the lights never stay on for long… Also, 2 different clock widgets are [...] included, one based on the iconic film’s fiery pumpkin logo and the other [...] featuring the spinetingling mask ofMichael Myers. apkzoom.com |
生命科学与医学奖 - [...] 颁予美国加州大学三藩市分校生理学系主任及教授大卫‧朱利雅斯(David Julius),以表彰他对人类皮肤感知疼痛、刺激和温度以至产生疼痛、过敏现象背后的分子机制的开创性发现。 shawprize.org | Professor David Julius, Professor and Chairman of Department of Physiology, University of California, San Francisco, USA for his seminal [...] discoveries of molecular mechanisms by which the [...] skin senses painful stimuli andtemperature and produces painhypersensitivity. shawprize.org |