单词 | 制表业 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 制表业 noun —watchmaking n (often used)less common: watchmaking industry n See also:制表—watch-making • tabulation • scheduling • tabulate
而距离日内瓦机场只有五十公里的低山地区,这一壮丽的山谷正是19世纪瑞 士 制表业 发 展 的摇篮。 audemarspiguet.com | Just fifty kilometers away from the Geneva [...] airport, this magnificent region of low mountains was the cradle of the [...] development of Swiss watchmaking in the 19th century. audemarspiguet.com |
该品牌凭借在自动表和航空精密计时器等方面无可匹敌的精确度开拓创新,一个多世纪以来,它 在 制表业 中 遥 遥领先,成功制造出一系列高品质手表。 hk.ashford.com | They broke new ground with unmatched [...] precision in automatic watches, chronographs [...]in space, and over a century of the best [...]series production movements in the watch making industry. ashford.com |
它一面世,便征服了瑞士制表业,打 破了高品质瑞士手表必有高昂价格这一神话。 hk.ashford.com | It took the Swiss watch making industry [...] by storm when it made its debut by debunking the myth that high quality Swiss watches come with a hefty price tag. ashford.com |
他羽翼未丰的小商店最终成长为一个全球性的企业,改变 了 制表业 的 版 图。 hk.ashford.com | His small fledgling little shop eventually grew into a global enterprise [...] that changed the watch making landscape. ashford.com |
伯爵生产超薄机械机芯的独家技术让品牌在瑞士高 级 制表业 无 可 争议地享有一席之地。 piaget.com.cn | Piaget’s supremacy in ultra-thin mechanical movements has earned the brand a special [...] place among the great Swiss watchmakers. en.piaget.com |
他在东德成长,年纪轻轻已立志加入 制表业。 iwc.com | From his early childhood in then East Germany, [...] he aspired to watchmaking. iwc.com |
Lange & Söhne的实力。A. Lange & [...] Söhne发布这一卓越复杂功能的特别系列,旨在向德国精 确 制表业 的 创 始人的精神遗产致敬。 hautehorlogerie.org | Three exceptional timepieces demonstrate the capabilities of A. Lange & Söhne With a special collection of exceptional [...] complications, A. Lange & Söhne commemorates the spiritual legacy of the founder of [...] Germany’s precision watchmaking industry. hautehorlogerie.org |
Royal Oak Concept [...] 皇家橡树概念表款是为了纪念皇家橡树系列掀 起 制表业 革 命 30周年的前卫巨作。 audemarspiguet.com | The Royal Oak Concept was an avant-garde tribute to Royal Oak's 30 years [...] of defining a watchmaking revolution. audemarspiguet.com |
这款手表在瑞士制造,让制表业发生了变革,彻底改变了手表的世界。 hk.ashford.com | Handcrafted in Switzerland, it turned the world of watches on its head [...] by revolutionizing the industry. ashford.com |
1985年,当瑞士制表业逐渐 走出一场严重危机所笼罩的阴霾时,爱彼继续研发大复杂功能怀表,毫无畏惧地大胆挑战逆境。 audemarspiguet.com | In 1985, when Swiss watchmaking was recovering [...] from a grave crisis, Audemars Piguet continued to make Grande Complication [...]pocket watches, defying the odds. audemarspiguet.com |
Gerald Genta 手表的灵感来自日内瓦画家 M. Gerald Genta 的激情和艺术才能,自该品牌 1969 年创立以来,一直颇具创造性并位于 制表业 的 前 沿。 hk.ashford.com | Inspired by the passion and artistry of painter [...] M. Gerald Genta of [...] Geneva, Gerald Genta watches have been creative and cutting-edge since the brand was founded in 1969. ashford.com |
Behbehani家族经营高级制表业务已逾75年,自1933年起,其父即后来的Morad [...] Yousuf Behbehani先生开始在科威特担任瑞士手表的代理。 hautehorlogerie.org | Fine Watchmaking runs in the Behbehani [...] Family for more than 75 years, since 1933, when his father late Mr. Morad Yousuf [...]Behbehani started to represent Swiss Watches in the state of Kuwait. hautehorlogerie.org |
制表业最初的商业模式是将分散在不同工厂的技工组合在一起,他们之间并无关联。 hk.ashford.com | The original business model for the watch making industry [...] comprised of various artisans scattered among various workshops [...]with no solid connection between them. ashford.com |
它是迄今为止制表业机械 装置中最复杂的,而且也是最难以臻至完美的功能之一。 audemarspiguet.com | It is to this day one of the most sophisticated [...] complications in the watchmaking mechanism and one of the [...]hardest to perfect. audemarspiguet.com |
在与制表业相关 的六十多种工艺中,“腕表外观建构”工艺在爱彼腕表的研发过程中占有举足轻重的地位,品牌邀请您一同来认识这项专业。 audemarspiguet.com | Among the sixty watchmaking occupations, [...] the “constructeur habillage” (external parts designer) is central to the development of Audemars Piguet watches. audemarspiguet.com |
这家新公司以制表业史无 前例的独创性与醒目设计迅速博得业界的青睐。 hk.ashford.com | This new company immediately caught the [...] attention of the watch world with its ingenious [...]and eye catching designs that the [...]horological world had henceforth never seen! ashford.com |
在布达佩斯的国家美术馆—这个记载历史的地方,主办方江诗丹顿和Watch de Luxe以及40名受邀嘉宾就其对制表业的 经 验和热情进行交流。 vacheron-constantin.com | At the National Gallery, in the historical quarter of Budapest, 40 invited VIP [...] guests and the hosts of Vacheron Constantin and Watch de Luxe exchanged their [...] knowledge and passion around watchmaking. vacheron-constantin.com |
1892 年,他做了一个重大的决定,将手表店搬至当时 的 制表业 中 心 ——拉乔克斯德芳兹。 hk.ashford.com | In 1892 he made the fateful decision of moving his shop to La-Chaux de Fonds [...] the center of the watch making industry [...]at the time. ashford.com |
您对瑞士制表业,尤 其是爱彼品牌的看法为何? audemarspiguet.com | What do you think [...] about the Swiss watchmaking industry, and [...]Audemars Piguet in particular? audemarspiguet.com |
比起黄金等贵金属,铂金的罕见度高达30倍;事实上,铂金可说是精 密 制表业 领 域 里最独特的贵金属。 audemarspiguet.com | Platinum is 30 times more rare than gold, in fact it is the most exclusive [...] metal in the field of fine watchmaking. audemarspiguet.com |
电子腕表是制表业的崭新领域,而 Pulsar 手表正是个中翘楚。 hk.ashford.com | Electronic wrist watches as gadgets was a new frontier in the world of watch making and Pulsar Watches was right there. ashford.com |
瑞士拉绍德封(La [...] Chaux-de-Fonds)的百年灵精密时计工厂拥有全 球 制表业 设 备最先进的实验室。 breitling.ch | Breitling Chronométrie, in La Chaux-de-Fonds, boasts one of the best-equipped [...] laboratories in the entire watch industry. breitling.ch |
但,改变的时候到了,而且我希望再与一直保持密切关联 的 制表业 深 结 缘分。 audemarspiguet.com | But it was time to change, and I wanted to renew the ties I had always [...] maintained with the watchmaking industry. audemarspiguet.com |
自己设计和制造机芯的瑞士手表公司已为数不多,Girard-Perregaux 就是其中之一,在现代制表业中展 示出非常少有的才华。 hk.ashford.com | One of the few Swiss watch companies that designs and [...] manufactures its own movements, Girard-Perregaux exhibits the kind of savoir-faire that [...] is rare in contemporary watchmaking. ashford.com |
幸好,在经历了制表业历史 上最严重的危机后,机械时计便迅速再度复兴。 iwc.com | Fortunately, after the biggest crisis in the industry’s history, the [...] renaissance of mechanical timepieces was not long coming. iwc.com |
从表壳到机芯,雕刻工艺不仅是高级 制表业 不 可或缺的装饰技术之一,更以优美的线条体现高级腕表的核心精神。 audemarspiguet.com | From the case to the movements, engraving is one of the decorative techniques that form the soul [...] of a luxury watch. audemarspiguet.com |
问世于1969年的El Primero机芯,不仅是首枚具备计时腕表功能的自动机芯,如今还以每小时36,000次的振频,且精确到1/10秒的显示精度,成为现 代 制表业 的 一 朵奇葩。 wthejournal.com | Embodying a landmark invention in the history of modern watchmaking, the El Primero movement created in 1969 is not only the first automatic integrated chronograph, since it also beats at the exceptional frequency of 36,000 vibrations/hour, thus ensuring 1/10th of a second precision. wthejournal.com |
作为一款拥有飞返计时功能的机芯,它可以在任何时间进行重置,尤其 在 制表业 中 独 树一帜的设计是机芯在表盘一侧整合了双按钮结构、日期显示、带双水平离合的独特定位机构和著名的“导柱轮”。 wthejournal.com | The movement is a flyback chronograph which can be reset at any time, and which is unique in the watchmaking industry, two push-buttons, with date indicator, and featuring a uniquely positioned mechanism with dual coupling and the famous "column wheel" visible on the dial side. wthejournal.com |
身兼CORUM(昆仑表)股东和总裁的Antonio [...] Calce把一切安排得井井有条,自2007年出任品牌的首席执行官以来,CORUM(昆仑表)得以重新确立发展目标,在高 级 制表业 中 重 获一席之位。 wthejournal.com | Antonio Calce, Corum CEO and now shareholder, is an organization man. The company which he has led as CEO since 2007 has undertaken a profound [...] introspection in a bid to reconquer the [...] realms of fine watchmaking: an ambition [...]that naturally led to a repositioning of its products. wthejournal.com |