

单词 制片人

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External sources (not reviewed)

同样,表达自由受《宪法》保护, 记者制片人在其各自职业中享有最大限度的自由。
Likewise, freedom of expression was protected by the Constitution, and reporters and film makers enjoyed maximum freedom in the exercise of their respective professions.
纵观他的专业生涯,不仅是作为一位歌手,同时也作为一位演员,作曲家,导演 制片人 , 谢先生对于其所扮演角色的敬业热情已众所周知。
Throughout his professional life, Nicholas has
shown passion for the roles he has undertaken, not only as a singer but also as an
[...] actor, composer, director and producer.
现场制片一般在前期制作是就被聘用,并一直工作到后期制作阶 段,他制片人汇报
The Line Producer is generally employed from pre-production through post-production and reports to the Producer.
28.31 所列经费 8 012 500 美元,减少 52 800 美元,用于(a)续设23个员额(1 个 D-1、2 个 P-5、 3个P-4、2 个 P-3、3 个 P-2/1、1 个一般事务人员(特等)和 11 个一般事务人员(其他职 等))(6 533 000 美元),这些员额负责对主要会议和活动进行新闻和音像报道,制作新闻(通
[...] 门机构及其他实体开展的新闻活动;以及(b)非员额所需资源(1 479 500 美元),显示新闻产品 费用下减少 52 800 美元,主要是由于减少使用临 制片人 、 摄 影师、照相师及音响师(27 800 美元)以及家具和设备所需资源减少(25 000 美元)。
28.31 The amount of $8,012,500, reflecting a decrease of $52,800, will provide for (a) the continuation of 23 posts (1 D-1, 2 P-5, 3 P-4, 2 P-3, 3 P-2/1, 1 General Service (Principal level) and 11 General Service (Other level)) ($6,533,000), responsible for providing press and audio-visual coverage of major meetings and events, production of news (television, radio and Internet) programmes, public relations services, and coordinate public information actions with United Nations organs, specialized agencies and other entities based in Geneva; and (b) non-post requirements ($1,479,500), reflecting a
decrease of $52,800 under
[...] public information production costs due largely to decreased use of temporary producers, cameramen, [...]
photographers and sound
engineers ($27,800) and reduced requirements for furniture and equipment ($25,000).
[...] 织结构的调整:进一步向各部门提供帮助,使所采用的手段与所追求的目标完全吻合, 在计划的这些文件、报告、期刊或辅助材料的设计、编印和发行方面由外部来承担的最 佳方式;增强与外部出版商制片人 接 触 、谈判和转让版权的能力,以便争取到尽可能 优惠的联合出版或联合制作的条件,使出版处已经尝试过的这种联合出版或联合制作的 方法成为面向不是计划活动所直接针对的广大公众的一切出版物的首选操作方式;通过 [...]
The UNESCO Publishing Office will, as a consequence of its integration into BPI, have to be reorganized in keeping with the following principles: development of assistance to the sectors for the purpose of ensuring a perfect match between the objectives pursued and the means chosen to attain them and identification of the best outside services for the
design, production and
[...] distribution of these programme-related documents, reports, periodicals or other products; capacity-building with a view to contacts, negotiations and licensing arrangements [...]
with outside publishers
and producers in order to obtain the best possible conditions for co-publishing or co-production ventures – this approach, which UPO has already used in the past, becoming the preferred method for everything aimed at a wide audience not directly targeted by programme activities; concentration of management of the existing catalogue by use of the Internet and subcontracting.
大会通过关 于《生物多样性公约》的第 63/219 号决议之后,秘书长于
[...] 2010 年 7 月 8 日指定 著名演员制片人爱德 华·诺顿担任生物多样性亲善大使。
Following the adoption by the General Assembly of resolution 63/219, on the Convention on Biological
Diversity, the Secretary-General designated
[...] acclaimed actor and filmmaker Edward Norton [...]
as the United Nations Goodwill Ambassador
for Biodiversity on 8 July 2010.
参加讲习班的有来自不丹、文莱、柬埔寨、中国、埃及、香港、伊 朗、日本、韩国、马来西亚、巴基斯坦、新加坡、斯里兰卡、泰国和越南的 30 位制片人。
Attending the workshop were 30 producers from Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Egypt, Hong Kong, Iran, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam.
[...] 有意在其作品中展示有关联合国议题的作家、导演 制片人 和 广播业者提供一站 式服务。
The Creative Community Outreach Initiative of the Secretary-General was launched to tap into the prodigious
outreach potential of television and film and
[...] to serve as a one-stop shop for writers, [...]
directors, producers and broadcasters interested
in portraying in their work issues of relevance to the United Nations.
[...] Marsden与奥黛丽·赫本儿童基金会执 制片人 兼 主 席Sean Hepburn Ferrer发布了影片《WORLD [...]
VOTE NOW》,并提出这样一个问题:什么样的革命性全球政治运动能够引起欧洲议会、社会党领袖Evo Morales、Hugo
Film maker Joel Marsden and Sean Hepburn
[...] Ferrer, Executive Producer and chairman of [...]
the Audrey Hepburn Children Fund, unveil
the film WORLD VOTE NOW and pose the question: What revolutionary global political movement can resonate with such seemingly opposite entities as the European Parliament, socialist leaders Evo Morales, Hugo Chavez and the U.S. State Department?
2010 年 3 月,全球创造性论坛在加利福尼亚州洛杉矶召集 制片人 、 导 演、 作者和演员以及联合国高级官员,探索联合国和娱乐业可以协力提高人们对全球 问题的意识和调动公众对全球问题积极性的各种方法。
In March 2010, the Global Creative Forum brought together producers, directors, writers and actors with senior United Nations officials in Los Angeles, California, to explore ways in which the United Nations and the entertainment industry can join forces to raise awareness and mobilize the public around global issues.
届时,颁奖典礼将在圣塔莫妮卡沙滩上的帐篷内举行,于美国东部/太平洋时间当日晚间10点在美国独立电影频道(IFC)首播;而如之前所宣布,演员兼作家 制片人 安 迪 •萨姆伯格(Andy Samberg)将担任颁奖典礼主持人。
The awards ceremony will premiere later that evening at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT on IFC, and as previously announced actor, writer and producer Andy Samberg will serve as host of the ceremony.
制片人在推 进着电影项目的进展,因此在前期制作 阶段非常活跃。
The Producer organizes the [...]
development of the film, and is thus quite active in the pre-production phase.
从执制片人:克 里斯梅莱丹德里(霍顿奇遇记,冰期),并具有声音的全明星喜剧的演员阵容,包括贾森谢格尔,拉塞尔·布兰德,米兰达·科斯格罗夫和朱莉·安德鲁斯,卑鄙的我是“rousingly的有趣的,发自内心的和富有想象力的“(皮特·哈蒙德,年度票房杂志)。
From executive producer Chris Meledandri [...]
(Horton Hears a Who, Ice Age), and featuring the voices of an all-star comedic
cast, including Jason Segel, Russell Brand, Miranda Cosgrove and Julie Andrews, Despicable Me is “rousingly funny, heartfelt and imaginative” (Pete Hammond, Boxoffice Magazine).
佳能EOS反叛与全高清视频拍摄T3i在1920 ×
[...] 1080的24P型,25便士或30便士可选的帧速率决议将抓住学生和独立电 制片人 的 注 意一样。
The EOS Rebel T3i with Full HD video capture at 1920 x 1080 resolution
in selectable frame rates of 24p, 25p or 30p will grab the attention of film
[...] students and independent filmmakers alike.
2010亚太电影奖国际评委会主席、奥斯卡获 制片人 戴 维 •普特南勋爵表示:“影片种类的繁多和演员令人惊叹的演技,让我们每一个类别的评审工作都非常艰难。
President of the International Jury for APSA 2010, Academy-Award winning producer Lord David Puttnam, said: “The sheer variety of films and staggeringly good performances made our task very difficult indeed, in every category.
[...] Attenborough),著名 的博物学家和资制片人,亲 自编写和配音讲述,让这一只企鹅的惊奇旅程活脱脱地跃出幕前。
Written and narrated by renowned
[...] naturalist and veteran filmmaker David Attenborough, [...]
this tale of the epic journey of one
special penguin will be released in the US on May 24, 2013 in time for Memorial Day weekend.
因此,预期制作 60-90 分钟数据包制片人和编辑将需要数千兆 (TB) 的硬盘空间。
As a result, filmmakers and editors aiming to produce a 60 to 90 minute package will require many terabytes (TB) of hard disk space.
后来,弗拉哈迪成为一名导演 制片人 , 他 的开山之作“北方的纳努克”(1922 年)是默片时代最著名的纪录片之一。
Flaherty later became a
[...] director and producer whose first film, Nanook of the North (1922), was one of the best known documentaries of the silent-era.
这些奖项是澳大利亚昆士兰政府同联合国教科文组织以及FIAPF-国际电 制片人 联 合会合作发起的,以庆祝和表彰来自70个国家和地区、覆盖了地球三分之一的区域和占世界影片出品半数的电影。
These awards, an initiative of the Queensland Government, Australia in unique collaboration with UNESCO and FIAPF-International Federation of Film Producers Associations – acclaim films from 70 countries and areas; one third of the earth; and half the world’s film output.
需要强调的是,电影保护基金的覆盖范 围除了其他重要领域外,还有对包括西班牙电影在内的欧洲各国电影进行发布和 销售,帮制片人通过 与银行机构的沟通获得低息贷款,以及电影底片的保存。
The aim is also to assist other key areas of the film industry, such as the distribution of European films, including Spanish films, the reduction of interest rates on bank loans to producers and the conservation of negatives.
从有远见制片人蒂姆 ·伯顿(圣诞节前的噩梦)和Timur Bekmambetov(通缉)和奥斯卡奖提名的导演肖恩阿克尔来此惊人的视觉效果和原来的史诗般的冒险。
From visionary filmmakers Tim Burton (The Nightmare Before Christmas) and Timur Bekmambetov (Wanted) and Academy Award-nominated director Shane Acker comes this visually stunning and original epic adventure.
自2008 年以来,许多报刊和杂志,以及记者协会被当局查封,并且自2009 年总统大选以来,许多记者、报刊编辑 制片人 和 传 媒工作人员遭到逮捕和 拘留。
Many newspapers, magazines, as well as the Journalists Association, have been closed by the authorities since 2008, and that many journalists, newspaper editors, film-makers and media workers have been arrested and detained since the 2009 presidential elections.
如果作者对自己作品拍成电影后的效果感到失望,这通常是电影的步调所导致的,也是 制片人 和 摄制组所支配的各种条件所造成的。
Bilal: The disappointment felt by writers whose work has been filmed is often due to the pace of the format, the conditions that are dictated by the producer and camera crew.
超级78公司的CEO,美制片人协会新媒体委员会副主席 Dina Benadon如此说。
said Dina Benadon, Super 78 CEO, and vice chair of the Producers Guild of America’s New Media Council.
该片的导演伦德制片人即来自Ape& Bjørn公司的鲁本∙托基尔德森(Ruben [...]
While Lund and producer Ruben Thorkildsen, [...]
of Ape&Bjørn, spent the week at the festival in the Czech spa city, the actor
returned to join them at Saturday’s awards ceremony, where the two – and only Nordic – kudos were announced.
报告人有:尼日利亚的一名电 制片人 ( M a du Chikwendu,尼日利亚MCM集团),向发达国家市场出口产品的两名非洲设计师(Ronel Jordaan和Cheick Diallo),肯尼亚的一名玫瑰种植商(Bas Smit,Kordes玫瑰),埃塞俄比亚的一名咖啡生产商(Tadesse Meskela,奥罗米亚咖啡农合作社,埃塞俄比亚亚的斯亚贝巴),南非一名出版商(Brian Wafawarowa,新非洲图书),塞内加尔音乐产业(Rokhaya Daba Sarr,非洲音乐出口机构、Tringa音乐与发展协会),以及一名传统知识专家(Ann Sintoyia Tome,肯尼亚马赛文化遗产基金会,文化)。
It will bring together presentations of real life examples of IP in action in developing countries from a diverse set of presenters such as: a film producer from Nigeria (Madu Chikwendu, MCM Group, Nigeria), two African designers involved in exporting to developed country markets (Ronel Jordaan and Cheick Diallo), a rose breeder from Kenya (Bas Smit of Kordes Roses), a coffee producer from Ethiopia (Tadesse Meskela, General Manager, Oromia Coffee Farmers Co-operative Union, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia), a South African publisher (Brian Wafawarowa, New Africa Books), the Senegalese music industry (Rokhaya Daba Sarr, Bureau Export de la Musique Africaine & Tringa Musiques et développement) and a traditional knowledge expert (Ann Sintoyia Tome, Maasai Cultural Heritage Foundation Kenya).
作为视觉效果协会成员,美制片人 协 会 成员,及主题娱乐协会(TEA)成员, [...]
A member of the Visual
[...] Effects Society, Producers Guild of America, [...]
and the Themed Entertainment Association (TEA), when
Brent is not running his production company, playing in his band, or speaking on an industry panel, his focus is on developing three feature films, two theme park attractions, and co-hosting his podcast – www.theseasonpasspodcast.com




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