

单词 制品

制品 noun ()

goods n



finished product
manufactured goods

制成品 pl

manufactures pl

制成品 n

manufactured product n
finished good n

External sources (not reviewed)

食典委同意作为方案修改从标准范围中删除涉及“果 制品 ” 的内容,因为这类 产品没有在标准范围之内。
The Commission agreed to delete the reference to “fruit spread” from the scope of the Standard as an editorial amendment since this product was not covered by the Standard.
制品制作者 有权允许或禁止他人对其录 制品 进 行 复制、广播和 发行。
Producers of phonograms have the right to authorize or prohibit other people from copying, broadcasting, and distributing their phonograms.
它还阐述采购或“绿色采购”的环保问题以及产品寿命周期或“可持续性原 则”。58 《准则》援引联合国每年更新的《产品综合清单》,也具体指导如何
[...] 避免使用有害于环境的产品,比如石棉和有毒物质,并且指明商品和服务供应的 规格,包括家具和制品、纸和纸 制品 、 办 公设备、以及地毯和纺织品。
It also addresses the environmental aspects of procurement or “green procurement” and product life cycles or the “sustainability principle”.58 Referring to the “Consolidated List of Products” updated yearly by the United Nations, the Guidelines also provide specific guidance on how to avoid the use of products harmful to the environment, such as asbestos and toxic substances, and give specifications on the supply of
goods and services, including
[...] furniture and wood products, paper and paper products, office equipment, [...]
and carpets and textiles.
该代表团指出,这一点也要在本届会议上通 过的确认食品安全控制措施指南里强调,该指南规定,需要在个案基础上确认控制措施 建议,应取消该限制,但乳过氧化物酶体系的使用取决于基础设施和确认条件,而且应
[...] 件 A 里的注脚 9:微生物统计防治措施-乳和制品 操 作规范,增加下列内容:“任何经 过乳过氧化物酶体系处理过的牛奶贸易应基于有关国家之间的相互协议,不得损害与其 [...]
The Delegation, pointing out that this point was also emphasized in the Guidelines for the Validation of Food Safety Control Measures adopted at the current session, which provided that control measures required validation on a case-by-case basis, proposed that the restriction be lifted, but that the use of the LPS be conditional on infrastructure and validation and be based on mutual agreements between countries depending on patterns of trade, and in line with this observation, further proposed to amend footnote 9 in Appendix A:
Microbiostatic Control Measures - Code of
[...] Practice for Milk and Milk Products by the addition of [...]
the following: "Any trade in milk treated
by the lactoperoxidase system should only be on the basis of mutual agreement between countries concerned, and without prejudice to trade with other countries.
委员会促请缔约国采取一切必要措施,落实对其第二次定期报告的结论性意 见和根据《儿童权利公约关于买卖儿童、儿童卖淫和儿童色 制品 问 题的任择 议定书》提交的初次报告的结论性意见中、尚未得到执行或充分执行的建议,包 括涉及资源分配、数据收集、国内立法与公约及其议定书的协调、酷刑与虐待、 少年司法、被剥夺家庭环境的儿童、性剥削和虐待、以及少数群体儿童的各项建 议,并对本文件各项结论性意见中所载的建议采取适当的后续行动。
The Committee urges the State party to take all necessary measures to address those recommendations from the concluding observations on the second periodic report under the Convention and the initial report under the Optional Protocol on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography that have not been implemented or sufficiently implemented, including those related to allocation of resources, data collection, harmonization of national legislation with the Convention and its Optional Protocols, torture and ill-treatment, administration of juvenile justice, children deprived of their family environment, sexual exploitation and abuse, and children of minority groups, and to provide adequate follow-up to the recommendations contained in the present concluding observations.
该法的条款也适 用于涉及依法管制的制制品处理 的其他领域,只要这些领域不受其他法律调 节。
The provisions of the Act also apply in other areas concerning the handling of chemicals which are regulated by law, in so far as these areas are not regulated by other laws.
伊朗还表示关切并请挪威说明有何能力解决以下问题:互联网上的儿童 色制品、越 来越多的强奸,以及使家庭的根基受到动摇的措施和法律。
It was also concerned about and requested clarification on the capacity to address issues such as child pornography on the Internet, the rising number of rapes, and measures and legislation that endangered the foundation of the family.
这些是《儿童权利公约关 于买卖儿童、儿童卖淫和儿童色 制品 问 题 的任择议定书》、《消除一切形式种 族歧视国际公约》、《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》及其任择议定书、《经 济、社会、文化权利国际公约》及其任择议定书、《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人 道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》及其任择议定书、《保护所有移徙工人及其家 庭成员权利国际公约》、《残疾人权利公约》及其任择议定书、《保护所有人免 遭强迫失踪国际公约》和《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》。
These instruments are the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and its Optional Protocols, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and its Optional Protocol, the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and its Optional Protocol, the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Optional Protocol, the International Convention for the Protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearance, and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women.
会员国和国际组织必要时应鼓励权利拥有者和著作权保护及相关权利保护的各种限制 和例外规定的合法受益者确保只有在某些特殊情况下使用这种限制和例外规定,不得违反作
[...] 品的正常使用,也不得构成对权利拥有者根据知识产权组织版权条约(WCT)和知识产权 组织表演和录制品条约 (WPPT)所拥有的合法权益的无理侵害。
Member States and international organizations, when appropriate, should encourage rightsholders and the lawful beneficiaries of limitations and exceptions to copyright and related rights protection to ensure that such limitations and exceptions are applied in certain special cases that do not conflict with a normal exploitation of the work and do not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the
rights-holders as required for in the WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT) and the WIPO
[...] Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT).
如果你对制品过敏 ,那么可以选择其他富 有钙质的食品,如有食用有骨头的小鱼、绿 [...]
叶蔬菜,以及添加钙质的食品,如豆奶、面 包和饼干。
If dairy products trigger intolerance [...]
or an allergic reaction, then you need to include other calcium-rich food, for example
small fish with edible bones, green leafy vegetables and calcium-fortified food such as soybean milk, bread and biscuits.
黑山卫生、劳工和社会福利部制毒 品 前 体和毒素的生产和贸易,而旅游部 和环境保护部管制化制品的管理。
The Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Welfare of
[...] Montenegro controls the production and trade in precursors and toxins, while the Ministries of Tourism and Environmental Protection control the management [...]
of chemicals.
需有效执法,特别注重建立足够的执行情况监测能力;还应注意执行有 关禁止由未成年人销售烟制品的法 律。
Effective enforcement, with a particular focus on adequate capacity for monitoring
implementation, is needed; attention should also be given to the enforcement of laws against
[...] the sale of tobacco products by minors.
鉴于用于公众宣传的人力和财 力中最大的部分原来是用于《信使》和《资源》杂志以及宣传性电影和录 制品 的 出 版发行 的,今天我们工作的重心首先是着眼于进入能向世界公众舆论提供信息并能对之形成影响的 大众媒体的工作。
Whereas the greatest proportion of human and financial resources devoted to public information was previously devoted to the production and dissemination of The Courier and Sources magazines and promotional films or videos, efforts today focus primarily on penetrating the mass media which informs and helps to shape public opinions worldwide.
过去两年来,议会批准了 7 份国际人权条约,即:《旨在废除死刑的公民及 政治权利国际公约第二项任择议定书》、《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约关于预 防、禁止和惩治贩运人口特别是妇女和儿童行为的补充议定书》、《儿童权利公约 关于买卖儿童、儿童卖淫和儿童色 制品 问 题 的任择议定书》、《儿童权利公约关 于儿童卷入武装冲突问题的任择议定书》、《联合国反腐败公约》、国际劳工组织 (劳工组织)《准予就业最低年龄公约》以及劳工组织《禁止和立即行动消除最恶 劣形式的童工劳动公约》。
Over the past two years, Parliament has ratified the following seven international human rights treaties: the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty; the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime; the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography; the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict; the United Nations Convention against Corruption; the Minimum Age Convention of the International Labour Organization (ILO); and the ILO Convention concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour.
使用本公司的IC生产产品时,如因其产品中对该IC的使用方法或产品的规格,或因进口国等原因,使包括本IC产品 在内制品发生 专利纠纷时,本公司概不承担相应责任。
SII claims no responsibility for any
disputes arising out of or in connection with any
[...] infringement by products including this [...]
IC of patents owned by a third party.
所有参与合作的人都致力于实现伙伴关系的重点目标,即通过 制品 合 作 社赋予妇女社会和经济权力,并促进实现更多的进展。
All involved are committed to the partnership’s focus on the social and economic empowerment of women through the dairy cooperative, and expect even more progress to be made.
[...] 届会议上考虑拟订一项工作方案,以探讨 不可抗力、伐制品、复 湿和排水等概念、方法和定义,以及森林管理核算的替 [...]
代方法,供作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议审议,酌情争 取及时纳入《京都议定书》的第三个承诺期。
Requests the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice to consider developing a work programme at its Xth session to explore concepts,
methodologies and definitions for force
[...] majeure, harvested wood products, rewetting and drainage, [...]
and alternative methods of accounting
for forest management, for consideration by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol in time for possible inclusion in the third commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, if appropriate
[...] 国家的许多贫困人口只能通过使用比正版产品原价价格低很多的非法 制品 来 使 用某些受 著作权保护的著作。
Indeed, it is arguably the case that many poor people in developing countries have only been able to access certain
copyrighted works through using unauthorised copies available at a fraction of the
[...] price of the genuine original product.
此类行为包括损害计算机数据和系统的保密、完整和 可获得性的行为,如非法进入计算机系统;以获得个人或经济利益为目的的与 计算机有关的行为,包括与计算机有关的欺诈和伪造;以及与计算机有关的特 定行为,包括与计算机有关的涉及种族主义和仇外情绪的行为,与计算机有关 的涉及制作、传播或占有儿童色 制品 的 行为,以及与计算机有关的支助恐怖 主义犯罪的行为。
Such acts include: those directed against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer data and systems, such as illegal access to a computer system; computer-related acts for personal or financial gain, including computer-related fraud or forgery; and specific computer-related acts, including computer-related acts involving racism or xenophobia, computer-related acts involving the production, distribution or possession of child pornography and computer-related acts in support of terrorism offences.
这条 规定明显适用于医制品和毒品、赃物、放射性材料、有毒物质、爆炸 [...]
品、证券、贷款或任何其他金融工具,以及侵犯著作权、版权、商标 权、商业秘密、任何其他 IP 权利、个人权利或者第三方数据保护权利的 客体或服务,或者违反竞争法规定的邀约。
This notably applies
[...] to medicinal products and drugs, stolen [...]
goods, radioactive materials, toxic substances, explosives,
securities, loans or any other financial instruments as well as to objects or services infringing on copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, any other IP rights, personality rights or third-party data protection rights, or offers which violate provisions under competition law.
儿童权利公约关于买卖儿童、儿童卖淫和儿童色 制品 问 题 的任择 议定书》(于2003年11月11 日批准)。
(f) Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography (ratified on 11 November 2003).
另外,秘书处将继续宣传《世界知识产权组织版权条约》(WCT)和《世界知识产 权组织表演和录制品条约》(WPPT)的好处,并将应成员国的请求帮助他们更新法律。
In addition, the Secretariat will continue to promote the benefits of the WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT) and the
WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT) and will assist countries in
[...] updating their national legislation [...]
on request.
(a) 按刑事罪论处并切实惩治包括所有恋童癖行为在内的对儿童的一切形 式性剥削和性凌虐,包括在家庭内部或为商业目的进行的性剥削和性凌虐、儿童 色制品和儿 童卖淫、儿童色情旅游业、贩运儿童、买卖儿童以及利用因特网及 其他信息和通信技术从事此种活动,并采取有效措施避免将受剥削之害的儿童当 作罪犯处理
(a) To criminalize and penalize effectively all forms of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children, including all acts of paedophilia, including within the family or for commercial purposes, child pornography and child prostitution, child sex tourism, trafficking in children, the sale of children and the use of the Internet and other information and communications technologies for these purposes, and to take effective measures against the criminalization of children who are victims of exploitation
爱沙尼亚编写了几份关于确保儿童权利和为儿童营造安全环境,关于预防 和打击买卖儿童、儿童卖淫和儿童色 制品 的 基 本战略文件。
Estonia has prepared several basic strategic documents on ensuring the rights of children and developing a secure environment for them, on preventing and combating the sale of children, child prostitution and pornography.
此 外,还 向买卖儿童、 儿 童卖淫和 儿童色制品 问题 特别报告员以及当 代 形 式的种族主义、种族歧视、仇 外心理和相关的不容忍现象问题特别报告员发出了正式邀 请。
Furthermore, official invitations have been sent to Special Rapporteurs on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, and on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.
同样,工业方面也大有起色,这主要归因于一些重要加工行业 的良好表现,如制品加工 、油类产品加工、饮料、烟草、木材、机械设备制 造、造纸和印刷等等。
Similarly, the industrial sector made an important recovery, sustained mainly by the strong performance of major manufacturing sectors, such as the meat industry; oil, beverages and tobacco production; the lumber industry; machines and equipment production; and paper production and printing.
支持贩运人口特别是贩运妇女和儿童问题特别报告员、当代形式奴隶制包括 其因果问题特别报告员、暴力侵害妇女行为包括其因果问题特别报告员和买卖儿 童、儿童卖淫和儿童色制品问题特别报告员、暴力侵害儿童问题秘书长特别代 表和负责冲突中的性暴力问题的秘书长特别代表及其他相关特别报告员和特别 代表的作用和任务。
Support the role and mandates of the Special Rapporteurs on trafficking in persons, especially women and children, on contemporary forms of slavery, including its causes and consequences, on violence against women, its causes and consequences, and on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, the Special Representatives of the Secretary-General on violence against children and on sexual violence in conflict, and other relevant special rapporteurs and representatives.
鲨鱼软骨被用于制作多种品,制成 粉、膏和胶囊,鲨鱼的其他部分也同 样用于制药,例如卵巢、脑、皮和胃。
Shark cartilage is
[...] utilized in many pharmaceutical preparations and reduced [...]
in powder, creams and capsules, as are other
parts of sharks, e.g. ovaries, brain, skin and stomach.
秘书处代表指出,两个项目都符合 55/43(e)号决定,除其他外,两 个项目请双边和执行机构编制和提交数量有限的且有时效要求的项目提案,并让有兴趣的
[...] 系统企业或化学品供应商参与制定、优化以及确认那些使用非氟氯烃发泡剂的化 品制 度。
The representative of the Secretariat noted that both projects were in line with decision 55/43(e), which, inter alia, invited bilateral and implementing agencies to prepare and submit a limited number of time-specific project proposals involving interested systems houses or
chemical suppliers for the development, optimization and validation of
[...] chemical systems for use with [...]
non-HCFC blowing agents.
[...] 的所有除害劑(例如食品法典委員會並無就內地註冊除害劑“殺蟲雙" 制定標準),以及所有本地食品(例如﹕葉類蔬菜為本港常見食品,但食 品法典委員會只就少數這類品制定 標 準)。
Moreover, Codex does not cover all the pesticides used in our major exporting countries (e.g. Codex does not provide standards for bisultap which is a registered pesticide in the Mainland) and all food items of local interest (e.g. leafy vegetables are
commonly consumed in Hong Kong, however, Codex has only established
[...] standards for a limited range of these food commodities).




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