

单词 到此



end here
call it a day
stop at this point

External sources (not reviewed)

缔约国应在下一次定期报告中向委员会提供有关个人 到此 种 赔 偿的案件的 统计数据和案例。
The State party should provide the Committee with relevant
statistical data and examples of cases in which
[...] individuals have received such compensation [...]
in its next periodic report.
如前所述, WIPO 的贡献仅到此为止 ,把这种贡献转化为具体成果的最终场所仍是每个国家的国家层面,并取决 于这些国家的政策选择。
As noted earlier, WIPO contribution can only go so far and the ultimate locus for [...]
harnessing such a contribution into concrete
outcomes remains at the national level in individual countries and depended on those countries’ policy choices.
到此文件 起草时,只 收到几个答复,而且提供的信息也很不一致,因为要看这些开支是否已经列入过以前的预算 和/或者是否有预算外的“储备金”。
Only a few
[...] replies have been received at the date this document was [...]
drawn up, and the replies vary considerably depending,
in part, on whether these items were already included in previous budgets and/or whether there exist off-budget “reserve funds”.
大量的可持续技术投资是必 要的,但如何能以高效的方式到此 目 标 ,仍 然是在分析和政治辩论中的一个论题。
A significant shift in investments to sustainable technologies is needed, but how this can be achieved in an efficient way remains a subject of some analysis and political debate.
这方面的努力涉及整个该地 区及其他地区筹集物质和经济资源及专门知识,因此,对于有效解决社会中尚未接 到此种 技 术者的问题及应对全球范围内的重大挑战,将大有助益。
The efforts involving the pooling of resources – physical and economic, and expertise from all over the region and beyond, would go a long way in effectively addressing the problems of the unreached within the society, as well as in taking on the major challenges in the global context.
西九計劃的願景和目標是建立一個擁有世界 級文化藝術設施、頂尖人才、地標式建築及高水平節目的綜合文化區, 並對本地居民及遊客均具有必到此 一 遊 的吸引力。
The vision and objectives of the WKCD project are to develop an integrated arts and cultural district with world-class arts and cultural facilities, distinguished talents, iconic architectures, and quality programmes with a must-visit appeal to the local people and tourists.
但是,我到此的目 的也是需要采取行动,应对目前尤其在穷人之中造成如 此严重的痛苦和死亡的各种危机。
But we are here to take action as well — actions proportionate with the immensity of the multiple, confluent crises that are causing so much suffering and death, particularly among the poor.
委员会注到此种整 合过程进展缓慢,认 为需要:(a)指定贸易法委员会秘书处担任 [...]
目前或未来的法治协调机制中的商法 事项主导机构;(b)对国家工作队展开宣传,目的是增进国家工作队对贸易法委 员会的工作及其与国家工作队在法治方面的工作的相关性的认识;(c)在用来拟
Noting slow progress in such integration, [...]
the Commission considered the need for: (a) designating the UNCITRAL secretariat
as a lead agency on commercial law matters in current or future rule of law coordination mechanisms; (b) conducting outreach to country teams with the goal of increasing their awareness about the work of UNCITRAL and its relevance to their work on the rule of law; and (c) reflecting by default needs for commercial law reforms in templates used for the formulation of country-specific development assistance programmes.
到此类经验,再加上令 人鼓舞的信息交流,应当有助于解决其余的问题(例如甜瓜中可能发生的幼芽和根桩茎 之间的不相容,或砧木的适当选择)。
Consideration of such experiences plus encouraging information exchange should help solve remaining problems (for example, incompatibility between scion and rootstock which may occur in melons, or appropriate selection of rootstocks).
如果您要扫描另一批次的照到此文 件 夹,可在输入托盘中放入 更多照片,然后单击批次扫描。
If you want to scan another batch of photos to this order, place more photos in the input tray and click Batch Scan.
如果做到此点,则应在相关部委内 为被拘留者的医疗保健编列预算。
Failing this, a budget for medical care for detainees should be established within the relevant ministries.
如果 有额外的硬盘,最好尝试将系统磁盘恢 到此 硬 盘 上。
It is even better to try system disc recovery to a spare hard drive, if you have one.
自 2006 年以来,已采取了重要举措,加强各级监测、 控制和监督,包括通过粮农组织有关港口国预防、威慑和取缔非法、未报告和无 管制的捕捞活动措施的协定、以及合作制定标准,评价船旗国的表现并审查对未到此类标准的悬挂该国国旗的渔船采取哪些行动。
Since 2006, important initiatives have taken place to strengthen monitoring, control and surveillance at all levels, including adoption of the FAO Agreement on Port State Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing and cooperation to develop criteria for assessing the performance of flag States and examine possible actions against vessels flying the flags of States not meeting such criteria.
另外,大会该届会议请秘书长向第六十六届会议提交一份报告,审查创新型 发展筹资机制在实现国际商定发展目标包括《千年发展目标》方面的贡献和潜力 以及其成效和所涉问题,其中应考 到此 类 机制应属自愿性质,不应给发展中国 家带来不应有的负担(第 65/146 号决议)。
Also at that session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to submit to the Assembly at its sixty-sixth session a report examining the contribution and the potential of innovative mechanisms of financing for development in respect of achieving the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, as well as their effectiveness and their implications, taking into account that such mechanisms should be voluntary in nature and should not unduly burden developing countries (resolution 65/146).
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如果您到此金額 ,您會離開初始承保階段,進入重大傷病承 保階段。
If you do reach this amount, you [...]
will leave the Initial Coverage Stage and move on to the Catastrophic Coverage Stage.
因此,我们希 望各国和其他有关行为体会到,此 次 研 讨会讨论的问题和提出的建议是有益的。
We therefore hope that States and other relevant actors will find useful the [...]
issues discussed and the recommendations put forward in this workshop.
輕觸第三方軟體選項後,畫面會出現第三方軟體注意事項說明,在您閱讀完 同意書並同意上面的條款後,輕觸我同意按鈕即完成此動作並回到應用程式設定 畫面,同時您會到此選項 上的核取方塊顯示為已勾選。
Touch the Third Party Applications block and the notice will appear on a pop-up window. After reading the agreement, touch the Agree icon and you will return to the Application settings screen.
(a) 为基本开支所必需,包括用于支付食品、房租或抵押贷款、药品和医疗、 税款、保险费及公用事业费,或完全用于支付与提供法律服务有关的合理专业服 务费和偿付由此引起的相关费用,或国家法律规定的为惯常置存或保管冻结资 金、其他金融资产和经济资源所应收取的规费或服务费,但相关国家须先把酌情 授权动用这类资金、其他金融资产和经济资源的意向通知委员会,且委员会在到此通知 后五个工作日内未作出反对的决定; (b) 为非常开支所必需,但条件是相关国家或会员国已将这一认定通知委员 会并已获得委员会批准;或
(a) To be necessary for basic expenses, including payment for foodstuffs, rent or mortgage, medicines and medical treatment, taxes, insurance premiums, and public utility charges or exclusively for payment of reasonable professional fees and reimbursement of incurred expenses associated with the provision of legal services in accordance with national laws, or fees or service charges, in accordance with national laws, for routine holding or maintenance of frozen funds, other financial assets and economic resources, after notification by the relevant State to the Committee of the intention to authorize, where appropriate, access to such funds, other financial assets or economic resources and in the absence of a negative decision by the Committee within five working days of such notification
委员会进一步注到此一项 目将作为促进中小型企业加入区域和 全球价值链的最佳做法案例的预期。
It further noted the expectation that the project would serve as a case of best practices in promoting the participation of SMEs in regional and global value chains.
我要赞同尼日利亚常驻代表所说的话,即强调同 非洲联盟更经常地进行对话非常重要,考 到此 种互 动对于审议安理会议程上很多问题的重要性。
I would like to echo the words of the Permanent Representative of Nigeria in stressing the importance of more frequent dialogue with the African Union, taking into account the importance of such interaction to deliberations on many issues on the Council’s agenda.
到此次上 海双年展的受众特点,上万本采用中文印制的护照将被颁发给前往美术馆参观的观众们,欢迎他们加入南极洲的世界社区,以此呼应《南极条约》的缔约之本。
Printed in Chinese for the occasion of the
[...] Shanghai Biennale, tens of thousands [...]
of passports will be distributed to the
visitors of the Museum, to welcome new members into the Antarctica world community, based on the founding principles of the Antarctic Treaty.
一国如遇以下情况也应负责:明知有发生酷刑或虐待行为的危险,或现应 知道本质上与开设或经营此类设施有关联的危险,或移 到此 设 施 所带来的危 险,而没有采取合理步骤防止发生这种行为;国家收到某人遭受过酷刑或其他虐 待、或强迫失踪的申诉,或收到表明可能发生过这种行为的信息,而未能公正地 对申诉进行调查。
A State would thus also be responsible when it was aware of the risk of torture and ill-treatment, or ought to have been aware of the risk, inherently associated with the establishment or operation of such a facility or a given transfer to the facility, and did not take reasonable steps to prevent it; or when the State has received claims that someone had been subjected to torture or other ill-treatment, or an enforced disappearance, or otherwise received information suggesting that such acts may have taken place but failed to have the claims impartially investigated.40 41.
代表曾就这一问题与 阿塞拜疆、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、格鲁吉亚、塞尔维亚和土耳其政府进行了接 触,并注到此种接触已促成相关政府作出了一些积极的政策变更。
The Representative has engaged with the Governments of Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Serbia and Turkey on this issue and notes that this has led to some positive policy changes on the part of the Governments concerned.
缔约国应该立即停止此类做法,对法律做出相应修改,尤其要考 到此 类 刑 事制 裁对包括妇女在内的不同群体的歧视性影响,以确保其与《公约》的完全一 致。
The State party should put an end
immediately to such practices and modify its
[...] legislation accordingly, especially [...]
with regard to the discriminatory effects
of such criminal sanctions on different groups, including women, in order to ensure its full compatibility with the Convention.
(t) [根据本法规定应载入记录的其他任何资料(例如,在公开招标和直接 招标两者之间选择直接招标的情形(1994 年《示范法》第 11(1)(k)条))],45 (2) [在中选提交书被接受之后,][在采购合同生效之后, ]或者在采购程序终止 而没有产生采购合同之后(涉及框架协议程序的,或者在采购程序终止而没有 产生框架协议之后),本条第(1)款 [(a)至(f) ]项述及的记录部分,46 应当提供给请 求到此种记录的任何人。
(t) [Other information required to be included in the record in accordance with the provisions of this Law is to be added (e.g. recourse to direct solicitation where there is an option between open and direct solicitation (article 11 (1) (k) of the 1994 Model Law))].45 (2) The portion of the record referred to in subparagraphs [(a) to (f)]46of paragraph (1) of this article shall, on request, be made available to any person after [the successful submission has been accepted] [entry into force of the procurement contract] or after procurement proceedings have been terminated without resulting in a procurement contract (in the case of a framework agreement procedure, after the procurement proceedings have been terminated without resulting in a framework agreement).
在受上帝军影响地区积极活动的国际非政府组织包括:消除饥饿行动;非洲 医学和研究基金;美国难民理事会;加拿大医生援助和救济组织;美国援外合作
[...] 社;和解资源组织;丹麦排雷小组; 到此 为 止”计划;红十字国际委员会;国 [...]
际救援委员会;Intersos 组织; 隐形儿童组织;无疆界医生;挪威难民理事会; 乐施会;“决心”组织;救助儿童联盟;救助儿童和团结组织;儿童担保组织;
荷兰、英国和美国战争儿童组织;Windle 信托基金;世界展望组织。
International NGOs active in the LRA-affected areas include: Action Against Hunger; Africa Medical and Research Foundation; American Refugee Council; Canadian Physicians for Aid and
Relief; CARE; Conciliation Resources; Danish
[...] Demining Group; Enough Project; International [...]
Committee of the Red Cross; International
Rescue Committee; Intersos; Invisible Children; Médecins Sans Frontières; Norwegian Refugee Council; Oxfam; Resolve; Save the Children Alliance; Save the Children and Solidarité; Sponsor Children; War Child Holland, UK and USA; Windle Trust; and World Vision.
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