

单词 到案

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 通过跨国界联系,可能会发现某种事实或程序,大大有助于 到案 件 的最佳解 决方式,从长远来看还可能有助于推动法律改革。
Cross-border communication may reveal, for example, some fact or procedure
that will substantially inform the best
[...] resolution of the case and may, in the [...]
longer term, serve as an impetus to law reform.
因此,提交人的指称未到案件卷 宗材料的佐证,而且没有 事实根据。
Therefore, the author’s allegations are not
[...] supported by the case-file materials [...]
and are unfounded.
执行委员会注到案头研 究后 就多年期协定中灵活性条款的使用和报告事项向双边和执行机构提出了建议。
After noting the desk study, the Executive [...]
Committee made recommendations to bilateral and implementing agencies concerning
the use of and reporting on the flexibility clause in multi-year agreements.
工作组注意到该国政府关于有必要 到案 件 的 更多详细信息的关切,并且 工作组正在关注此事。
The Working Group takes note of the concern of the
Government regarding the need to receive more precise
[...] information on the cases received and is [...]
looking into the matter.
最高人民法院复核死刑案件原 则上要提讯被告人,必要到案发地 调查核实。
In principle, the review of a death penalty by the Supreme People’s Court entails the arraignment of the accused, and a visit to the scene of the crime when necessary.
[...] 产的经济控制权,这种情形造成令人不安的持续惩罚,甚至延 到案 件 终 结之后。
Since these parties no longer possess the deeds to their properties, they are deprived of financial
control of their assets, which produces a disturbing level of persistent punishment, even
[...] beyond the conclusion of the cases.
在实践中,常常是到案件转到法院 时才为刑事被告指定律师。
In practice criminal defendants often were not
[...] assigned an attorney until a case was brought to court.
在三个月限期前、但不超过秘书处 到案 件 日 期前一年的案件,在其与三个 月限期内发生的案件有某种关联的条件下,可根据主席的授权在休会期间通过函 件转交。
Cases which occurred prior to the three-month limit, but not more than one year before the date of their receipt by [...]
the Secretariat, provided
that they had some connection with a case which occurred within the three-month period, can be transmitted between sessions by letter, upon authorization by the Chairperson.
在安全案件方面,在负责为案件做准备的部 到案 件 之 前,移民上诉法院从到案件起是办案机关。
In security cases the Migration Court of
[...] Appeal is the case-handling authority from the time when the Court receives a case until the ministry responsible for preparing the case receives it.
在并行管辖权案件中,通常会平衡法院地国行使管辖权的合法利益和其他国 家保留管辖权的利益,考到案件所 有相关事实以及产生具体管辖权问题时国际 [...]
In cases of concurrent jurisdiction, the legitimate interest of the forum State in exercising jurisdiction would often be balanced against the interests of other States in
retaining jurisdiction, taking into such consideration all
[...] relevant facts of the case, as well as evidence [...]
of the state of international
law at the time the specific jurisdictional issue arose (e.g., Denmark).
4.4 在本案中,设立上述积案法院是为了处理全国各地因 Foncolpuertos 违法行 为而造成的巡回刑事法院诉讼瘫痪,同时考 到案 件 重 大,涉及到引发调查的数 百万国家资金,并且有必要确保适当和及时的司法。
4.4 In the current case, the aforementioned backlog courts were set up to address the paralysis in proceedings before the circuit criminal courts across the country arising out of offences committed by Foncolpuertos, and
also in view of the
[...] importance of the case, involving millions of State funds, which had given rise [...]
to the investigations,
and of the need to ensure that justice was served properly and promptly.
到案情的 紧迫性和复杂性或潜在处罚的严厉性,举例说,如果司法利 益有此要求,也应不论一人经济情况如何而提供法律援助。
Legal aid should also be provided, regardless of the person’s means, if the interests of justice so require, for example, given the urgency or complexity of the case or the severity of the potential penalty.
今天,我们都认识到,为培养和促进国家自主权, 我们必须同政府和当地安全机构合作,从评估到规 划、从联合执行案到审查 政策和评估经验教训。
Today, we all realize that to foster and grow national ownership, we have to work with Governments and local security institutions from the
assessment phase to planning, and from
[...] joint implementation of programmes to policy reviews and [...]
assessment of lessons learned.
由於平機會成功處理大部分進入調解程序的 案 ,到 目前為止尚未有依據《種族歧視條例》確立的案例。
As most of the cases that went into conciliation [...]
were successfully resolved by the EOC, there has been no case law under the RDO so far.
當您將 GoFlex Home 網路儲存設備連接到您的無線路由器,便可無線串流電影、相片和音樂 案到 您 家中的每個房間。
When you connect GoFlex Home network storage system to your wireless router you can wirelessly stream your movies, photos and music files to any room in your home.
从灵活的创新解决案到客户 定制的挑战性方案,您都可信赖我们提供解决方案的人员,他们会为您设计满足行业规格的高质量部件,如Bombardier SMP 800-C毒性和火/烟/毒性要求。
For flexible, innovative solutions to custom fabrication challenges, you can count on our solutions providers to design high-quality parts that meet industry specifications such as Bombardier SMP 800-C and fire, smoke, and toxicity (FST) requirements.
这些解决方案采用业界领先技术,并提供众多设计选项:从采用分立器件的实施 案到 全 集成式解决方案,应有尽有,甚至包括电源选择。
These solutions feature our industry-leading technologies and offer a range of design options - from implementation of discrete components to fully integrated solutions, and everything in between...even including power selections.
数字化资料所涉范围从病 例记录到 DVD
[...] 电影光盘,从卫星监视数据到万维网站展示了多媒体艺术,从超级市场收集 的消费行为数据到记载人类基因组资料的数据库,从新闻团体 案到 博 物 馆目录。
Digital resources range from medical records to movie DVDs, from satellite surveillance data to websites presenting multimedia art, from data on consumer behaviour collected by
supermarket tills to a scientific database documenting the human genome, from
[...] news group archives to museum catalogues.
使用了同步功能,您當前的電腦 即使遭到破壞,您也可以找回您的檔案,因為您已經同步 案到 其 他 存儲設備上。
In this way, even your current computer can not start or damaged completely, you also can find your data back, for you have sync your data.
安全性:透過直覺式軟體管理進行個別 案到 全 磁 區加密,以便利用密碼保護與加密來控制檔案與資料層次的存取;包含裸機回復與復原 CD 以預防硬體故障。
Security: Individual file to entire volume encryption with intuitive software management for access control at file and folder level with password protection and encryption; included bare metal restore and recovery CD to protect against hardware failure.
如你使用可供公眾及 / 或其他人士共用的電腦修改 / 列印你的表格檔 案,請留意是否需要儲存表格案到 有 關電腦,或從有關電腦刪除已儲存 的表格檔案,以免個人資料外洩。
When you are using a computer for shared-use by the public and / or other person(s) to amend / print your E-form file, you are advised to consider if it is necessary to save the E-form file to that computer / delete the saved E-form file from that computer, so as to protect personal information.
其中一个倡议就是昨天提出的关于 被占领土上的以色列定居点的决议 案 , 到 目 前 为止 已有包括我国在内的 120 多个代表团成为该决议草案 的共同提案国。
One of them is the draft resolution on the Israeli settlements in the occupied territories that was put forward yesterday, [...]
which has so far been
sponsored by more than 120 delegations, including mine.
如果與 Navicat 排程功能一起使用,你可以設定自動列印報表排程,並傳送匯出的 案到 你 的 電子郵件。
Together with the Navicat Schedule feature, you can set a schedule to print the report and send the exported file to your email automatically.
审查揭示了需求和支助工作的重要趋势:从千年发展目标规划到千年发展 目标的执行,到支持包容性和可持续增长的解决 案 , 到 鼓 励 经济、社会和政 治包容性的办法,以扩大人民的选择和参与,再到确认在贫穷、环境、危机预 防和恢复以及治理之间存在重要相互关联的办法,以实现可持续和有复原力的 [...]
It points to important trends in demand and support: from MDG
planning to MDG
[...] implementation; to solutions that support inclusive and sustainable growth; to approaches that encourage [...]
economic, social and
political inclusiveness to expand people’s choices and participation; and to approaches that recognize the critical inter-linkages among poverty, environment, crisis prevention and recovery, and governance to achieve sustainable and resilient societies.
这在目前的档案资料转移功能-指针位置,从 案到 缓 冲 区指针的位置,然后更新档案文件办理有效期从某个先前公开或创造经营 缓冲区地址,以及长度字节.
This function transfers data at the current file-pointer position from the file into the buffer and then updates the file pointer position for a given valid file handle from a previous open or create operation, a buffer address, and a length in bytes.
From world-leading
[...] optical testing solutions to flexible, [...]
scalable and comprehensive Ethernet and next-generation IP platforms,
to unmatched service assurance and monitoring capabilities, EXFO’s portfolio of compact, portable or stationary network lifecycle solutions address the network assessment challenges brought on by bandwidth
从多功能 SignalHawk 系列、频谱分析仪和无线电导引网络分析仪(VNA 可选 1
端口或 2 端口配置),到 SA 系列、25-6000 MHz
[...] 现场分析仪(用于安装、维护和天线及电缆系统并查找故障的用户友好型测试解决 案 ) ,到 AT 系 列、天线测试仪(提供具备成本效率、快速、图解的方式,以确定移动和基站天线的质量)。
Ranging from the multi-functional SignalHawk Series, Spectrum Analyzers and Vector Network Analyzers (VNA available in 1-port or 2-port configurations), to the SA
Series, 25-6000 MHz Site Analyzers - a
[...] user-friendly test solution for installing, [...]
maintaining, and troubleshooting your antenna
and cable systems, to the AT Series, Antenna Testers which provide a cost-effective, fast, graphical way of determining the quality of mobile and base station antennas.
虽然各国完全可以灵活地利用这些资金实现淘汰,但预 计的一揽子标准措施是:(一)使一个哈龙管理 案到 位 , 以便在某种给定应用 不再需要时回收哈龙,(二)制定必要的政策和条例,(三)向防火产业和紧要 用户提供一些培训以确保它们有安全管理哈龙的技术能力和进行替代品置换,和 (四)如在预算范围之内,获得简单的回收设备以确保哈龙的安全回收。
While the countries have full flexibility to use these funds to achieve the phase-out, the standard package foreseen is to (i) put in place a halon management program so that halons are recovered when no longer needed for a given application, (ii) develop the necessary policies and regulations, (iii) provide some training to the fire protection industry and critical users to ensure their technical capacity to safely manage halons and their replacement by substitutes, and (iv) if possible within the budget, acquire simple recovering equipment to ensure safe recovery of halons.
这也是为什么大部分基本案(到目 前 为止有 11 个)在国家东部实施,该 区域是联刚特派团优先考虑的区域,也是援助(尤其是人道主义援助)需求最大的一个地 区。
Most joint programmes (11 to date) have [...]
therefore been implemented in the east of the country, a key MONUC field operation
and a region of the country where the needs – essentially humanitarian – are greatest.
至於究竟何時能 夠完成條例草案、何時能將它轉化為法例,以及我們內部接着何時能完成研
[...] 究這套政策的建議,對其他兩項條例作出修訂,這不是特區政府單方面作掌 控的,因為再要花多少個月才能完成條例 案 , 到 目 前也未能完全確定。
As to the questions of when the drafting of the bill will be completed and enacted as law, and when the internal examination of the proposed policy will be completed so that amendments can be made to the other two ordinances, the
answers do not lie solely in the SAR Government as the number of months required
[...] to complete the bill has yet to be confirmed.




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