

单词 到期日


closing date (of contract)
maturity (of an investment bond)

See also:






expire (visa etc)
fall due (loan etc)
mature (investment bond etc)



External sources (not reviewed)

现金及现金等值物包括手头现金、银行活期存款及到期日个月或以内的其他短期 高流通性投资。
Cash and cash equivalents include cash in hand, deposits held at call with banks, and other short-term highly liquid investments with original maturities of three months or less.
公允价值计算以路透或交易银行提供的与产到期 日的资产负债表日远期汇率报价为基准。
The calculation of the fair value was based on forwardexchange rates quoted by Reuters or the counterparty bank on a balance sheet date in line with the maturity date of the product.
(m)政府当局应与银行业联络,要求业界考虑延长贷款的还款期, 以及为业务稳健的企业提到期日的循环贷款。
(m) The Administration should liaise with the banking sector to
consider extending the
[...] repayment deadlineof loans and the provision of a revolving loan with a longer maturity period forhealthy [...]
至於其他资产,到期日的分析乃基於报告期末至合到期日如属较早)预期资产被变现的日期止的剩余期间作 出。
For other assets, the analysis into
[...] maturitygroupings is based on the remainingperiod fromthe end of the reporting period to the [...]
contractual maturity
date or, if earlier, the expected date on which the assets will be realised.
在这方面,咨询委员会收 到一张表(见表八.8.),显示联合国所有租赁房地产的租到期日租金估计 数和面积,并在设施管理处签订的长期租约、基本建设总计划周转空间、设施管 理处租用的基本建设总计划周转空间和设施管理处为“团结”项目租赁的房地产 [...]
In this connection, the Advisory Committee was provided with a table
(see table VIII.8)
[...] showing theleaseexpiry,estimated annual rental costs and square footage of all United Nations leased [...]
properties, distinguishing
between longterm leases concluded by the Facilities Management Service, capital master plan swing spaces, Facilities Management Service leases in the capital master plan swing spaces and properties leased by Facilities Management Service for the Umoja project.
The directors consider that the carrying amounts of other receivables and deposits approximate
their fair values at the
[...] reportingdate because these amounts have short maturity periods on their inception, [...]
such that the
time value of money impact is not significant.
3.4 若吾等或吾等之代理人(视乎所情况而定)为任何理由以任何方式未能根据相关交易所、结算所及/或任何适 用法律及法规,在付款或交到期日等代表阁下订立的任何期货合约或期权合约而需向阁下支 付或交付的任何款项或任何商品的全部或任何部分之交付(不论是来相关交易所及/或结算所及/或任何其 他人士),则吾等就该等期货合约或期权合约而向阁下付款或交付任何商品的责任应随即及因该不履行而 变成只支付或交付款项或商品数量与吾等就此而实际收到的该款项或该数量相等。
3.4 If we or our agent (as the case may be) shall for any reason whatsoever and howsoever fail to receive payment of all or any part of any amount or delivery of all or any part of any Commodity (whether from the relevant Exchange and/or Clearing House and/or any other person) due to be paidor delivered to you in respect of any Futures or Options Contract entered into by us on your behalf on the due date for payment or delivery thereof in accordance with the rules and regulations of the relevant Exchange, Clearing House and/or any Applicable Laws and Regulations, our obligations to make payment or to deliver any Commodity to you in respect of such Futures or Options Contracts shall thereupon and by virtue of such failure become obligations to make payment of such amount or delivery of such amount of such Commodity as is equal to such payment or such amount as is actually received by us in respect thereof.
第三, 鉴 於权证持有人并无责任在 认购权证的行使 价 高 於 (或 认沽权证的行使 价低於)相关资产的价格时行使 其权利,潜 在 亏损设 有上限,因
[...] 此在最坏情况下,权证持有人会损 失其投资的整笔资 金 , 但 不 必到 期日支付其 他款项。
Third, as a warrant holder is not obliged to exercise his rights when the exercise price of a call warrant is higher than (or for a put warrant lower than) the price of the underlying asset, the potential loss is capped in
that, at worst, the warrant holder loses the entire amount invested but does not
[...] have to pay up a furthersumon maturity.
现金及现金等值项目包括银行及手头现金、活期存款以及到期日个月或以下并可随时转 换为已知数额之现金且价值变动风险不大的短期高流通性投资。
Cash and cash equivalents include cash at banks and in hand, demand deposits and short term highly liquid investments with original maturities of three months or less that are readily convertible into known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.
(p) 现金及等值现金 现金及等值现金包括手头现金、银行通知存款、到期日个月或以下之其他短期高流动性投资,以及银行透 支。
Cash and cash equivalents include cash in hand, deposits held at call with banks, other short-term highly liquid investments with original maturities of three months or less, and bank overdrafts.
如任何「义务人」於任何时间被要求於向「「生」作出的付款中,作出任何 税务或其他的扣减或预扣,该「义务人」就该付款的应付款项应相应增加,以确保经过扣减或预扣之後,「「生」於该笔付款到 期日在不附带扣减或预扣的任何责任的情况下予以保留)的净额,相当於如未经作出或规定作出扣减或预扣「「生」应可 收到的款额。
If at any time an obligor is required to make any deduction or withholding for or on account of tax or otherwise from any payment to Hang Seng, the sum due from that obligor in respect of such payment shall be increased to the extent necessary to ensure that, after the making of such deduction or withholding, Hang Seng receives on the due date for such
payment (and retains, free
[...] from any liability in respect of such deduction or withholding) a net sum equal to the sum which Hang Sengwould have received [...]
had no such deduction
or withholding been made or required to be made and it shall be the sole responsibility of the obligors to effect payment of such deduction or withholding to the relevant authority within the applicable time limit.
5.10 阁下同意及确认,倘若结构性存款不論任何原因到期日终止,阁下於结构性存款的 任何基础投资项目,包括任何衍生性工具须於结构性存款终止时一并终止。
5.10 You agree and acknowledge that
if the Structured Deposit is terminated
[...] prior to thematurity date forwhatsoever [...]
reason, any underlying investment of the
Structured Deposit including any of the derivative instruments in respect thereof shall be terminated simultaneously with the Structured Deposit.
本集团将过剩的现金投资於计息的往来户口及定期存款,并选择合到期日充足 流通性的工具,提供充裕资金以配合营运需要。
The Group invests surplus cash in interest bearing current accounts and time deposits,
choosing instruments with
[...] appropriate maturities or sufficient liquidity to provide sufficient head-room to meetoperation needs.
该工具将金融工具及金融资产(如应收贸易账款)到 期日考虑并预测经营现金流量。
This tool
[...] considersthe maturityof both its financial [...]
instruments and financial assets (e.g., trade receivables) and projected cash flows from operations.
(iv) 现金及现金存款、应收货款、其他应收款项、按金、应付货款、其他应付款项、应计费用、即期借贷及应收或 应付联营公司、共同控制实体、关连公司、少数股东及受投资公司结余的公允价值假定与其账面值相若,原因 为该等资产及负债到期日期。
(iv) The fair values of cash and cash deposits, trade receivables, other receivables, deposits, trade payables, other payables, accruals, current borrowings and balances with associates, jointly controlled entities, related companies, minority shareholders and investee companies are assumed to approximate their carrying amount due to the short-term maturities ofthese assets and liabilities.
到期 日两年时间的情况下,再加上全球经济气候的 恶化,人们自然希望知道这些国家的处境如何才能 [...]
得到改善,如何才能实现千年发展目标,尤其是减 贫目标。
However, two years
[...] before its end date,and with a worsening [...]
global economic climate, one could not help but wonder how
the situation of those countries could improve and how to achieve the MDGs, particularly their poverty reduction targets.
归 属 日 期 後 , 倘 已 归 属 之 购 股 权 其 後 被 没 收 或到 期 日行 使 , 先 前 於 以 股 份 支 付 储 备 内 确 认 之 金 额 将 转 入 累 计 亏 损 。
After vesting date, when the vested share options are later forfeited or are still not exercised at the expiry date, theamount [...]
previously recognised
in share-based payment reserve will be transferred to accumulated losses.
上 述 投 资 包 括 被 定 为 可 供 出 售 之 金 融 资 产 的 权 益
[...] 性 证 券 投 资,以 及 没 有 固 定到 期 日 期据 利 率。
The above investments consist of investments in
equity securities which were designated as available-forsale financial assets
[...] and have no fixed maturity date orcoupon rate.
此类金融商品到 期日或未来收付价格与帐面金 额相同,其帐面价值应属估计公平 [...]
Because of the short maturities of these instruments, [...]
the carrying values represent a reasonable basis to estimate fair values.
就衍生财务 工具而言,下表乃根据需要现金支付结算之该等衍生工具之未贴现现金支付(流入)及流出(根据彼等 合到期日编制,乃由於管理层认为合到期日解现金流量之时间极为重要。
For derivative financial instruments, the tables have been drawn up based on the undiscounted gross cash (inflows) and outflows on those derivatives that require gross cash settlement based on their contractual maturities as the management considers that the contractual maturities are essential for an understanding of the timing of the cash flows.
於二零一一年三月三十一日,银行结余及现金指本集团持有之现金及到期日个月或以内之短期 银行存款。
At 31st March 2011, bank balances and cash represent cash held by the Group and short-term bank deposits with an original maturityof three months or less.
[...] 略包括取得可观的长期及其他银行备用额、发掘多元化融 资来源、分散贷到期日少利率波动所带来的风险、 以及不时检讨资本充足率。
The Group’s financial risk management strategies include obtaining substantial long term and other standby banking
facilities, diversifying the funding sources,
[...] spacing out the maturitydates to reduce interest [...]
volatility exposure and reviewing capital
adequacy ratio from time to time.
权证的有效期是固定的,因此可於到期日行使或於到期时变得全无价值,而挂鈎股份的股份持有人则可持有有关股份作长 线投资。
The life span of a warrant is fixed, which may be automatically exercised on its expiry date or may expire worthless, whereas a shareholder of the underlying stock can hold such stock as a long term investment.
对於并无市场报价的 已发行存款证及客户存款,则按剩余期限到期日的现时利率收益曲 线采用折让现金流量模式计量。
For those certificates of deposit issued and customer deposits where quoted market prices are not available, a discounted cash flow model is used based on a current interest rate yield curve appropriate for the remaining term to maturity.
秘书长分别于 2008 年 7 月 25 日(S/2008/492)、2009 年
[...] 5 月 1 日(S/2009/230) 和 2010 年 12 月 8 日(S/2010/619)致信安全理事会主席,说明不管安全理事会选 择采用何种办法来结束石油换粮食方案下的所有未决问题,处理这 3 份已被注销 但受益人到期日出了交货付款请求的信用证的方式,应与处理交货付款请 求问题未结的信用证的方式相同。
In his letters to the President of the Security Council dated 25 July 2008 (S/2008/492), 1 May 2009 (S/2009/230) and 8 December 2010 (S/2010/619), the Secretary-General indicated that whatever option might be selected by the Security Council for concluding all outstanding issues
under the oil-for-food
[...] programme, the threeletters of credit that had been cancelled but to which the beneficiaries had made claims of delivery priorto the expiration dateshouldbe treated [...]
in the same manner
as those letters of credit with claims of delivery still outstanding.
5.7 除非本行与阁下另有书面协议,阁下不可到期日取、转拨、设置任何产权负担或以 其他方式处理或处置阁下於结构性存款之利益或权益。
5.7 Unless otherwise agreed between you and us in writing, you shall not withdraw, transfer, create any encumbrance on or otherwise dispose of your interest of and in the Structured Deposit before its maturity.
当文件要求期(HKIRC 会在 HKIRC 的 网站上公到期日後的合理及可行时段後,对於之前未决定 的申请(在第一阶段反对期後仍未决定结果的申请), HKIRC 会就这些中文域名分配在 HKIRC 的网站 上公布其结果(“第二阶段公布”)。
4.7 As soon as reasonably practicable after the expiry of the Document RequestPeriod (the dateof expiration of which will be notified by HKIRC on the HKIRC website), the preliminary results of the allocation of Chinese Domain Names for any outstanding application (being an application not determined at the expiry of the First Stage Objection Period) will be published on the HKIRC website.
[...] 该等款项预扣任何税项、课税或其他性质类似的收费,阁下应付的金额在必要的范围内应予增加,以确 保在作出任何预扣後敦沛到期日於如无作出任何扣除其本应会收到和保留的净额。
If any tax, duty or other charge of similar nature is required by law to be withheld from such payments, the amount payable by the Client shall be increased to the extent necessary to ensure that, after the
making of any withholding,
[...] Tanrichreceives onthe due date anetsum equal [...]
to what it would have received and retained had no deduction been made.
倘 获 准 保 释 者 或 其 律 师 申 请 延 长 保 释,使 获 准 保 释 者 可 在 一 较 原 定到 日 期往 报 到,有 关 方 面 应 通 知 获 准 保 释 者 必 顸 在 原 定到 日 期往 廉 政 公 署,重 新 具 结 或 再 缴 付 现 金,以 取 得 批 准 在 一 较 後到 。
When a request is received from
a bailee or his legal
[...] adviser to extend the bail to enable the bailee to report onalater date than the original reporting date, he should be informed that he must surrender to his bail before the existing reportingdate and enter into a fresh recognizance or deposit cash to appear at the laterdate.
[...] 点;拘留该人的机关的身份;拘留的理由;被拘留所收押的日期和时间;被拘留 者收押时的健康状况;以及任何变更情况;审讯的时间和地点与所有审讯人员的 名字;以及释放或转拘留所日期间。
Registration should contain the identity of the detainee, the date, time and place of the detention, the identity of the authority that detained the person, the ground for the detention, the date and time of admission to the detention facility and the state of health of the detainee upon admission and any changes thereto, the time and place of interrogations, with
the names of all interrogators
[...] present, as well asthedate and timeof release or transfer to another detention [...]




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