

单词 到期收益率

See also:




earnings rate
earnings yield (finance)



External sources (not reviewed)

到期收益率基金的投资组到期收益率权平均数,并非单位持有人可获的收益率,并且没有计算子基金每单 位的资本溢利 / 亏损,故此平到期收益率 表单位持有人可能取得的总回报。
Average yield to maturity is the weighted average yieldtomaturity ofthe investment portfolio of the Sub-Fund and is not equivalent to the yieldachieved by unitholders and any capital gain/loss of each Unit of the Sub-Fund is not [...]
included in the calculation.
债券到期时,本公司将 以债券面额加计利息补偿金(即面额 之124.62%,隐含收益率4.5%)到期现金赎回。
Upon maturity, the Corporation will redeem the
bonds by cash at face
[...] value plus interest accrued, which is 124.62% of face value, calculated based on an implied yieldrate of 4.5%.
利率平值乃按适收益率线 采用贴现现金流量分析厘定,而外币远期 合约之公平值乃以报告期约相应的所报外汇利率计量。
The fair value of interest rate swapswasdetermined using discounted cash flow analysis based on applicable yield curves, while the fair value of foreign currency [...]
forward contracts
was measured using quoted forward exchange rates matching maturities of the contracts at the end of the reporting period.
Thelong-term investment objectives of the Fund are to obtain an investment return [...]
of 3.5 per cent after inflation adjustment
over the long term while avoiding undue risk.
这些对资金的限制可能在商务个过程中造成困难,影响利润收益率及在质量控制目标方面所 要衡。
These limits on funding can create difficulties throughout the business cycle effecting margins and profitability as well as the balance for meeting on target quality control goals.
对於并无市场报价的 已发行存款证及客户存款,则按剩余期限 到期用的现时率收益线采用折让现金流量模式计量。
For those certificates of deposit issued and customer deposits where quoted market prices are not available, a
discounted cash flow model is
[...] used based on a current interest rate yieldcurve appropriate for [...]
the remaining term to maturity.
公平值乃使用市场报 价、交易商报价或使用模型及其他估值方法厘定,其中的主要数据 包 括 相 关 工
[...] 具 的 当 前 市 场 及 合 约 价 格到 期收 益 率线、相 关 工 具 的 波 动 性 及 [...]
交 易 对 手 风 险。
Fair values are determined using quoted market prices, dealer price quotations or using models and other valuation techniques, the key inputs for which include current
market and contractual prices forthe
[...] underlying instrument, time to expiry, yieldcurves,volatility of [...]
the underlying
instrument and counterparty risk.
根据上文的汇率浮动对维持和平预算影响的审查情况(其中强调指出, 2009/10 年度和 2010/11 年度大约 10%的维持和平支出是以美元以外货币支付的, 长期来看对维持和平行动账户的总体影响是有限的),同时考次执行情况报告(A/65/589) 缓解风险而探讨的各种备选办法的利弊,秘 书长认为,上文提出的各种备选办法的期收益 因不仅给特派团而且给会员 国带来的实际费用和机会成本而被抵销。
Based on the above review of the impact of exchange rate fluctuations on peacekeeping budgets, highlighting that approximately 10 per cent of the peacekeeping operations expenditures were in currencies other than the United States dollar in 2009/10 and 2010/11, and
that over time the
[...] variation on exchangerate hadlimitedimpact overall on the accounts of peacekeeping operations, while taking into consideration the pros and the cons of the various options explored to mitigate the risk, as indicated in the first performance report (A/65/589), the Secretary-General is of theview thatexpected return from the [...]
various options set out above would be offset by the actualcost generated and opportunity costit would represent for missions as well as Member States.
与过比较收益主要因为银行存款 下降。
The decrease as
[...] comparedto prior periodwas due largely to the continued dropin theinterestrate on bank deposits.
这次金融和经济危机特别是对发展中国家妇女的经济赋权产生了不利影响, 其主要传导机制是:全球出口下降,直接影响到出口部门的生产,然后通过消极倍 增效应对国内市场产生不利影响(特别是出口依赖型经济国);发展中国家的资本流 入骤减;援助具有助长动的性质;危机对移徙工人产生影响,从而影响到 汇款;随之而出现的是,影生产和价格;全球粮价的异常波动产 生影响;很多发展中国家财政紧缩已经导致重大公共开支的削减和社会发 收益少,进而影响基本服务的提供,使社会发展成果付之东流,并影响生活品质。
The main transmission mechanisms of the financial and economic crisis that have had negative impacts on women’s economic empowerment, especially in developing countries, have been the global decline in exports, which has directly affected production in the export sector and subsequently domestic markets through negative multiplier effects (especially in export-dependent economies); significant declines in capital
flows to the developing
[...] world; the pro-cyclicalnature ofaid; the impact of the crisis on migrant workers and therefore on remittances; the consequent exchangerate devaluation, which has affected domestic production and prices; the impact of extreme volatility in global food prices; and the fiscal constraints in many developing countries that have already led to cutbacks in important public expenditures and social developmentgains,thereby affecting access to basic services, reversing social development gains andadversely [...]
affecting their quality of life.
不过,秘书长表示,鉴于长期来看汇率浮动对维持和平行动账户的影响有限,并 考减轻 的备选办法的利弊,秘书长认为,各种备选办法的期 收益给特派团和会员国造成的实际成本和机会成本抵消(A/66/679,第 161 和 162 段)。
The Secretary-General states, however, that in view of the limited impact of exchange rate fluctuations on the accounts of peacekeeping operations over time, and taking into account the pros and cons of
the various options for
[...] mitigating exchange rate risk, he isof the viewthat the expectedreturn from the various options would be offset by the actual cost generated and [...]
the opportunity cost it
would represent for missions and for Member States (A/66/679, paras. 161 and 162).
Even inthe shortterm,the Fund’s diverse portfolio had sheltered its returns from swings in the capital markets, and the Fund had continued tomeet or exceed its [...]
key performance benchmarks.
与监测和报告有关的部分一步开发,强调 监测和从包括目标在内的各种渠道 期收据的重要性。
The sections related to monitoring and reporting have been
further developed emphasizing
[...] the importance of monitoringandregular data collection from various sources, including from the targeted beneficiary groups.
尤其是封闭 式框架协议,除非能够在框架协议程序开始时确定并公布最终采购的符合实际 的估计数,否则无法鼓励潜在供应商在第一阶段提交最佳价格,这就意味着, 封闭式框架协议不能产生期收益者说,行政的考虑可能会让位 于价格和(或)质量方面的考虑,从而影 效益。
In the context of a closed framework agreement in particular, unless realistic estimates for the ultimate procurement are determined and made known at the outset of a framework agreement procedure, potential suppliers will not be encouraged to submit their best prices at the first stage, meaning that a
closed framework
[...] agreement may not yield the anticipatedbenefits,orthatthe administrative efficiency maybe outweighed by price and/or quality concerns that compromise value [...]
for money.
在本财不同业务率 收到员国用欧元支付的会费与不变汇率折算所产生的差额也将以汇率盈项或汇率 亏项入帐。
The differences arising from recording
Member States’
[...] contributions in eurosreceived during the financial periodat varying operational rates of exchange as [...]
compared with the constant
rate will also be recorded as gains or losses on exchange.
市场风险:固定收益型衍生品投到期收益,投资存 续期内由於境内外远期报价存在差异而产生公允价值变动 损益,此部分损益属於浮动盈亏,不影响该类衍生品投资 最终收益;保值型衍生品投资合约交割 实际 汇率的差异产生实际损益,在保值型衍生品的存续期内, 每一会计期间将产生重估损益,至到期日重估损益的累计 值等於实际损益。
Gains or losses arising from the difference between the exchange rate for settlement of value-protection derivative investment contracts and the exchange rate prevailing on the maturity date will be accounted for as gains or losses on revaluation for each accounting period [...]
during the effective period of the value-protection derivative investments.
秘书长还按活动类型确定了每个职能领域中产率和率收 益1 并将这些收益表述为节省工作人员时间的高、低值域,综合为专 职同等资历人员年,并用履行这些任务的专职同等资历平均费用折算为 财务价值(见 A/64/380,附件一)。
The Secretary-General has also
[...] identified expected productivityand efficiencygains1in each functional area by type of activity, and has translated those gainsin terms [...]
of a high and a low
range of savings in staff time, consolidated as full-time equivalents, and converted to financial values using the average cost of the full-time equivalents performing those tasks (see A/64/380, annex I).
一些成员 认为,期收到监督办公室的这类报告是 而且要求在该报告中反映出秘书处为 响应内部监督办公室的工作而采取的行动。
Several members commented on
[...] the usefulness of receiving this type of report from IOSregularly and asked that in [...]
addition the action
taken by the Secretariat in response to the work of IOS should be reflected in the report.
根据既定 的惯例,秘书处公布了工作方案、举行会议的模式,其中包括各国和其他者的发言模式,以及工作组会议之前以后由联合国成员国、非成员国 和观察员以及非政府组织收到关理事会对外网页而提供的全部意见。
In accordance with established practice, the Secretariat posted the Programme of Work, the Modalities for conducting
the meeting,
[...] including with regard to the interventions by States and otherstakeholders,as well as all contributions received, before,during or after the session of the working group, by United Nations [...]
Member States, non-member
States and observers and non-governmental organizations on the Extranet page of the Council.
Scholars have found no evidence to support the assumption that scientific creativity is only galvanized
by legal
[...] protection or that the short-termcostsof limiting dissemination are lowerthan thelong-term gain of additional incentives.
该 模 式 所 用 主要参数为授出价、上述行使价、40%的波幅、2.0%的股收益率2.62%的年度无风险利率。
The significant inputs into the model
were share prices at
[...] the grant date, the exercise price shown above, volatility of 40%, dividend yield of 2.0%, and annual risk-free interestrate of 2.62%.
该等陈述包括有关公司的 划将於二零一二年第四季度完成;这次收购龙鼎微电子公司 (Power Analog Microelectronics) 将可扩展Diodes的产品阵容,从而加强我们作为环球优质模拟产品供应商的地位,包括创新的『无滤波器』数码音频放大器、特殊应用集成电路,以及高性能LED驱动器与DC-DC转换器;有关公司旗下各种业务相辅相成,将可即时为客户提供远来说更为股东及员工带来价值;这次收购有助促进双方的协作关系。
Such statements include
[...] statements regardingourexpectation that: the acquisition is expected to close in the fourth quarter of 2012; the acquisition of Power Analog Microelectronics will strengthen our position as a global provider of high-quality analog products by expanding Diodes' product portfolio with innovative "filter-less" digital audio amplifiers, application-specificpower management ICs, as well as high-performance LED drivers and DC-DC converters; the highly complementary nature of our businesses will provide immediate benefits to our customers, [...]
while generating
long-term value for our shareholders and employees; and there are tremendous synergies to be leveraged through the acquisition.
具体的财政到期收益使该收 益还没有收到,减去预先支出,以及无偿和 部分无偿获得的收益。
The definition of revenuesincludes,amongst others, due revenues, even if they are not received, excluding payments in advance, free and partially free benefits.
通 过提高审查/评价特派团司法部门的量和一致性,司法干事将确保联海 稳定团期收到其方案实施情况的专业反馈意见和指导,以便使外地活动对 任务执行有针对性。
By improvingthe frequency, quality and consistency of the reviews/evaluations of the mission’s justice component, the Judicial Officer would ensure that MINUSTAHreceives regular professional [...]
feedback and guidance
on the implementation of its programmes, so that field activities are tailored to mandate implementation.
衍生工具之公平值乃采用远期汇率报价计算,并采用该等工具有 适用收益率折 现。
the fair value of derivative instruments
is calculated using
[...] quoted forwardrates and discounted using the applicable yield for the durationofthe instruments.
根据吾等与 贵集团管理层的讨论,并考3D权的 许可使用块显示屏不超过1.5欧元(相当於约2.1美元),以及飞利 浦品牌范围内产品(就显示屏或组件方面具有3D专利权)於知识产权协议的期限内 [...]
第一年、第二年及第三年在许可地区的预计产量分别为不超过250,000台、500,000 台及1,000,000台,相比於合营集团的估计营业额而言,预期飞利浦所分成的3D专
Based on our discussion with the management of
the Group and
[...] after considering the anticipated 3D Patent royaltyrate of not exceeding EUR1.5 [...]
(equivalent to approximately US$2.1) per panel and theprojected production volume of the Philips-branded
Scope Products (with 3D Patents in respect of display panels or components) in the Territory of not more than 250,000 units, 500,000 units and 1 million units for the first, second and third year of the term of the IntellectualPropertyAgreement,thetotalamount of the 3D Patent royalty rebate shared by Philips is anticipated to be insignificant as compared to the projected turnover of the JV Group.
[...] [...] 其中values为数组或单元格的引用,包含用来计算内部收益率的数字,values必须包含至少一个正值和一个负值,以计算内部收益率,函数IRR根据数值的顺序来解释现金流的顺序,故应确定按需要的顺序输入了支付和收入的数值,如果数组或引用包含文本、逻辑值或空白单元格,这些数值将被忽略;guess为对函数IRR计算结果的估计值,excel使用迭代法计算函数IRR从guess开始,函数IRR不断修收益率至结果的精度0.0 0001%,如果函数IRR经过20次迭代,仍未找到结果,则返回错误值#NUM!,在大多数情况下,并不需要为函数IRR的计算提供guess值,如果省略guess,假设它为0.1(10%)。
Its grammatical form of IRR (values, guess) in which values for the array or cell reference, including the internal rate of return used to calculate the figures, values must contain at least one positive and one negative, to calculate the internal rate of return, IRR function Based on the numerical order to explain the order of cash flow should be determined by the need to enter the order of payment and income values, or if the array reference that contains text, logical values or blank cells, these values will be
ignored; guess as to
[...] the function IRR calculation of the estimated value, excel using the iterative method to calculate IRR function to [...]
start from the guess
function and constantly modify the rate of return IRR, until the results of the accuracy of 0.00001%, if the IRR function after 20 iterations, is still unable to find results, return error value # NUM!
缴费制度考的商业可行性和折收益率 定了在特定财政须 列明的各项账目;在整个项目期间的费用按时间加以分摊的方法;以及此类费用 是记为开销还是成本,包括在支付特许权使用费之前从收入中扣除的费用。
The payment system takesintoaccount the commercial viability of the operation and its discountedrate of return;it determines what has to be accounted for duringspecified financialperiods;theway costs [...]
incurred during the
life of the project will be distributed over time; and whether such costs are to be expensed or capitalized, including expenses to be deducted from revenues prior to payments of royalties.
在同届会议上,大会请秘书长就他的信息和通信技术战略向大会第六十五届 会议主要提交报告,内容包括:对治理结构作出调整;介绍这些管理和 报告安排的最新情况;深入评估组织安排;全面清点整个秘书处的信息和通信技 术能力;更准确地查明和量化信息和通信技术战略的实施预计产生的率收益 益;用来确定和衡量这些效益的方法和基准;秘书处首席信息技术干事办公室 和外勤支助部在信息和通信技术活动方面的作用和职责(第 63/262 号决议,第一 节)。
At the same session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to report at the main part of its sixty-fifth session on information and communications technology strategy, including on adjustments to the governance structure; an update on such management and reporting arrangements; an in-depth assessment of the
[...] arrangement; an inventory of information and communications technology capacities across the Secretariat; more precisely identified and quantified efficiencygains or benefits expected from the implementation of the information and communications technology strategy; the methodology and benchmarks used to identify and measure those benefits; [...]
and the roles
and responsibilities of the Office of the Chief Information Technology Officer and the Department of Field Support of the Secretariat regarding information and communications technology activities (resolution 63/262, sect. I).
鉴于对改革后的名册流程投入的资源和精 力、大会第 63/250 号和第 65/247 号决议核准的新人力资源安排的期益及 正在缩编或正处于过渡阶段的特派团的工作人员可能可供调动,行预咨委低维持和平特派团空短征聘工作人员所需时间方面产生 明显影响。
Given the resources and effort that have been invested
in the reformed roster
[...] processand thebenefits expected fromthenew human resources arrangements approved by the General Assembly in its resolutions 63/250 and 65/247, as well as the likelihood that staff from missions that are moving to a drawdown or transition phase will become available, the Committee expects tosee a demonstrable impact interms ofdecreases in the vacancy rates in peacekeeping missions [...]
and in the time taken to recruit staff.




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