单词 | 到手 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 到手 —get hold ofless common: take possession of Examples:到手软—(do a manual task) until one's hands go limp with exhaustion 弄到手—get hold of (in the sense of to acquire) • get (one's) hands on • get in hand 手到擒来—stretch a hand and grab it (idiom); very easy 手到拈来—stretch a hand and grab it (idiom); easy do
如 果前端松脱或者锁环没有牢固拧紧 到手 柄 上 ,不要操 作喷枪。 graco.com | Do not operate gun if front end is loose or lock ring is not snug against handle. graco.com |
需要變更磁碟分割配置時,才會用 到手 動 模 式。 seagate.com | The manual mode can be useful if [...] you need to change the disc partition layout. seagate.com |
将锁环拧到 手柄上,用手尽量拧紧。 graco.com | Screw lock ring onto [...] handle as far as possible by hand. graco.com |
旅客完成報到手續後 ,應等待行李通過 X 光機查驗 無異後,方可離開,以免造成安檢與地勤人員之困 擾。 tacare.org.tw | It is imperative for passengers to [...] wait for their checked baggage to clear x-ray screening prior to proceeding to the terminals, [...]such actions will save baggage screeners and ground staff from undue inconveniences. tacare.org.tw |
涉及到手工业 和设计领域,重点放在对女手工业者的 培训以及加强带有示范标识的优秀手工艺的发展上(使其成为公认优秀)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | With regard to crafts and design, the stress was placed both on training women craftworkers and strengthening [...] quality crafts [...]with the Seal of Excellence (which is to become the UNESCO award in recognition of excellence). unesdoc.unesco.org |
例如,將參數設定為 5 表示每接收 到手搖輪的脈波,則 I-8094 模組會等速度地送出 [...] 5 個脈波。 ftp.icpdas.com | For instance, assigning 5 to this parameter, 5 pulses will be output when each pulse is [...] sent from external manual-pulse-generator. ftp.icpdas.com |
高级:您可以将信息从手机内存复制和转移到SIM卡或 者将信息从SIM卡到手机内存。 sonimtech.com | Advanced: You can copy and move messages from phone memory to SIM card [...] or from SIM card to phone memory. sonimtech.com |
不過,倘若日後出現無法預知的情況, 使 到手 語 傳 譯服務的需求大 增,我們可要求香港聾㆟福利促進會提供更多協助。 legco.gov.hk | However, if and when the need for such interpretation service increases significantly due to unforeseeable circumstances, the Hong Kong Society for the Deaf may be requested to provide more assistance. legco.gov.hk |
他保證,港台將繼續投放資源於這綱領範疇,以 及在2007-2008年度研究把香港電台網上廣播站的內容傳 送 到手 提裝置。 legco.gov.hk | He assured that RTHK would continue to invest resources in this [...] programme area and the delivery of the RTHK ON [...] INTERNET content to hand-held devices would [...]also be explored in 2007-2008. legco.gov.hk |
21.3 教科文组织的两个项目已经获得批准,并开始实施:保护国家历史公园(Citadel, Sans Souci, [...] Ramiers)的项目,这些历史公园都已列入《世界遗产名录》, 该项目是在由世界遗产 [...] 基金提供紧急国际援助的背景下实施的;另一个项目是 得 到手 工 艺 者支持的振兴已列入教科 文组织世界遗产预备清单的 [...]Jacmel 的文化经济以及其他一些活动,包括恢复遭地震严重破 坏的市中心的几栋历史建筑。 unesdoc.unesco.org | 21.3 Two UNESCO projects have already been approved and their implementation is under way: the project to safeguard the National History Park – Citadel, Sans Souci, Ramiers, which are on the World [...] Heritage List, in the context of [...] international emergency assistance from the World [...]Heritage Fund, and a project to relaunch [...]the cultural economy of Jacmel which is on UNESCO’s World Heritage Tentative List, through support of craftworkers and other activities, including the restoration of the historic buildings in the city centre which have been severely damaged by the earthquake. unesdoc.unesco.org |
作为重创系统组织的 一部分, 直升机救 护大大削减了从受伤 到手术室的时间。 medevacfoundation.org | As a part of an organized trauma system, HEMS cuts the injury-tooperating-room time significantly. medevacfoundation.org |
手柄的功能 不应被启动,直到手柄收到输入 信号为止。 sauer-danfoss.com | Functions enabled by the joystick should [...] not be enabled until this input is received. sauer-danfoss.com |
要恢復線程的年表,因為它有重要的,當 談 到手 錶 , 在2005年,John Galliano和他的工作室已經創建了一個豪華手錶一樣的創作Haute [...] Couture的。 zh.horloger-paris.com | To resume the thread of chronology, for it has important when [...] talking about watches, in 2005, John [...]Galliano and his studio have created a luxury [...]watch like the creations Haute Couture. en.horloger-paris.com |
在接受妇科腹腔镜手术后,病人或许会 感 到手 术 切 口周围有些疼痛,这是术前能预计到的正常的现象。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | After gynecologic laparoscopy surgery, patients may feel some soreness around the incision sites, which is normal and expected. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
他 們 無 權 檢 取 每 份 拿 到 手 的 文 件 , 衹 可 有 權 取 [...] 走 他 們 合 理 地 相 信 是( 以 這 宗 案 例 而 言 )偽 造 的 或 是 有 證 據 價 值 的 文 件 。 hkreform.gov.hk | They were not entitled to seize every document they [...] could lay their hands on but were entitled [...]to take documents which they reasonably [...]believed were (in this case) forged or would be of evidential value. hkreform.gov.hk |
若在听音乐时接听来电,则音乐会暂停,您会 听 到手 机 铃 声。 jabra.cn | When listening to music and receiving a call, the music will pause and you will hear your ringtone. jabra.com |
Ann-Viol说,在床上进行翻转和移动一件繁重的工作,我们中的很多人都 感 到手 臂 和 腿痛。 liko.com | It is a heavy job with operations like turning and transfers in bed; many of us have pains in arms and legs, says Ann-Viol. liko.com |
这种IP视频解决方案包括各种测试设备——从低成本的家庭检验 器 到手 持 式 网络测试仪和能够进行主动、被动测试的机架安装核心网络检验器。 exfo.com | This video assessment solution includes a wide [...] range of testing equipment—from low-cost home [...] verifiers and handheld network testers [...]to rackmounted core network verifiers. exfo.com |
配对完成后,您将听到语音提示“Phone connected”(已连接到手机)。 jabra.cn | When pairing is complete you will hear "Phone connected". jabra.com |
首次开机时,用户同意了条款和条件,但无法连 接 到手机 网络。 vertu.com | On first power-up, when the user agreed to the terms and [...] conditions, the mobile phone network was out of reach. vertu.com |
锁闭系统模块中舌簧触点可以检测 到手 柄 的 状态(开启/关闭), 并传输到所连接的信号处理模块. emka.com | The integrated reed contact indicates [...] the handle status(open/closed) to the connected modules for further processing. emka.com |
他说,过去四个月中他一直 在为警方搜查车辆,每月到手的工资为 9 000 阿富汗尼(约合 200 [...] 美元)。 daccess-ods.un.org | He stated that he had been searching vehicles for the police for [...] four months, and that he received 9,000 Afghanis [...](approximately $200) per month. daccess-ods.un.org |
以行業分佈來看,雖然旅遊業前線工作者在是次調查的受訪比例中只佔1%,但以個別行業的百份率計算,旅遊業前線工作者在多個關節問題上的情況均相當嚴重,當中80%被訪者在肩膀、手肘和頸椎關節上都經常不適,60%則常 感 到手 指 及 手膠、背部及腰椎、膝蓋等關節部位痛楚和不靈活。 hkupop.hku.hk | Though respondents from the travel industry only contributed to 1% of the overall sampling, the research revealed that respondents from frontline tourism are at higher risk of joint problems compared to other industry workers. A staggering 80% of frontline tourism staff has reported discomfort in the shoulders, elbow and [...] back of the neck while pain and [...] inflexibility in fingers and wrists, lower back [...]and middle back; knee pains were also commonly found (60%). hkupop.hku.hk |
工业品外观设计与大量的工 业、时尚和手工艺产品相关, 从技术 和医学仪器到手表、珠宝及其他高 档消费品; 从家用产品、玩具、家具 和电器到汽车和建筑结构; 从纺织品 设计到体育器材, 不一而足。 wipo.int | Industrial design is relevant to a wide variety of products of industry, fashion and handicrafts from technical and medical instruments to watches, jewelry, and other luxury items; from household products, toys, furniture and electrical appliances to cars and architectural structures; from textile designs to sports equipment. wipo.int |
通过创建将健身设备、手表和远程控制器直接连 接 到手 机 的 新型医疗保健和体育服务和应用,Rococo在国际合作伙伴的支持下,将致力于在全球范围内推广这些新服务和应用。 tipschina.gov.cn | By enabling the creation of new [...] healthcare and sporting services and [...] applications that connect devices such as fitness equipment , watches and remote controls directly to the mobile phone, Rococo, [...]with the support [...]from their international partners, will work to promote and deliver these new services and applications globally. tipschina.gov.cn |
.用另外的手的拳頭來洗刷」。不但要如此,著名 的解經家 Lightfoot 補充說:「如果容許洗手的水流到 手臂,水就算是被污穢了,不能再用(來洗另外的手) 。 lordsgrace.ca | In addition, Lightfoot tells us that if the [...] water “had gone above the juncture of the arm” it would have contaminated the water itself, which could not be used for a second cleansing (of the other hand). lordsgrace.ca |
位于伦敦德里(Londonderry)码头村大街(Shipquay Street)的手工艺品村(Craft [...] Village)带你回到了旧时的城市,在那里的传统爱尔兰商店内你可以 看 到手 工 艺 人辛勤劳作的情景。 discoverireland.com | The charming Craft Village on Shipquay Street in Londonderry takes you [...] back in time to the city of old, [...] where you can observe craftspeople working or selling [...]gifts in traditional Irish shops. discoverireland.com |
遠紅外線水嫩SPA手套 遠紅外線加倍功效 - 能促進新陳代謝、血液循環、增進細胞活性化,並令肌膚迅速吸收 護 手 霜 達 到手 部 美 容修護、肌膚保濕、水分不流失的多重功效。 aster.com.hk | Its ingredients affect the inner skin, keep the skin plump and elastic. aster.com.hk |