

单词 到场

到场 noun

attendance n

External sources (not reviewed)

还应注意,如果要在 2010 年条约活动期到场采访,国家媒体必须事先从 媒体核证和联络股获得适当的媒体采访证。
It is further noted that, in order to have access to the premises during the [...]
2010 treaty event, national media must have
previously obtained proper media accreditation from the Media Accreditation and Liaison Unit.
放归条件准备好后(喂养到场,猫 咪的家环境正常),尽快放归就可以 了。
When the conditions for release are available (feeder on site, the environment is normal), release the cat as soon as possible.
因此需要到场的TN R 志愿者分成不同的小组,分区域安排具体的TNR工作。
The TNR volunteers shall therefore be divided into small groups for the specific work of their subareas.
新增第 105.4(乙)条(探亲假),这项新规定有助于工作人员应对家庭的急事和有
[...] 关情况,例如:配偶、母亲、父亲、子女或近亲去世,出事故或患病;在正常工作时间面临 的照料子女的困难或承担子女入学的义务;家庭遭遇重大损失需要立 到场。
The new Rule 105.4 bis (Family leave) is intended to enable staff members to attend to family emergencies or other family-related situations such as the death, injury or illness of a spouse, mother, father, child, or close relative; problems relating to the care of children or obligations relating to
school attendance during the normal hours of work; major
[...] damage at the place of residence requiring immediate attendance.
值 得注意的是,在5月7 日进行的第一次审讯中,巴博先生和巴博夫人的律师并没到场。
It should be noted that during the first interrogation, on 7 May, the lawyers of Mr. and Ms. Gbagbo were not present.
另外本组织各 机构召开的许多会议对办公室服务的要求过多,在这 一点上,与联合国系统其它组织截然不同,法律官员到场似乎 已经成为本土文化的一部分。
There is also too much demand placed on the services of the Office by the numerous meetings of the Organization’s organs, where, in contrast to other United Nations organizations, the presence of legal officers seems to have become part of a local culture.
为了进一步执行该项目,环境保护部于 2008 年 5 月 26 日至 28 日在 上海组织了一次全国讲习班,所有其他省份 到场 参 加
For furthering implementation of this project, MEP organized a national workshop from 26 to 28 May, 2008 in Shanghai, which was attended by participants from all the other provinces.
到场的各分会主席没有提出,就认为该规章已经被 广泛接受和贯彻了。
As the Section chairs present had nothing to report, it weas concluded that the regulations had been generally accepted and implemented.
在一些国家,禁止(如哥斯达黎加)或避免(如以色列)缺席审判,与之相对的 是宪法保障适当程序(如哥斯达黎加),而在一些司法管辖区,一般要求在审判期 间被到场(如澳大利亚、马来西亚)。
In some instances, trials in absentia were prohibited (e.g., Costa Rica) or avoided (e.g., Israel), as contrary to constitutional guarantees of due process (e.g., Costa Rica), while in some jurisdictions the presence of the accused during the conduct of the trial was generally required (e.g., Australia, Malaysia).
光线的强度受到摄影机镜头光圈的大小,光源投 到场 景 中 的光线量,以及场景中物 体对光线的反射能力所决定。
Light intensity is affected by the lens opening (T-stop), the amount of light falling on the scene (incident light), and the strength of light reflected off the subjects (scene reflectance).
与禁止化学武器组织的合作,确 保了高级别官到场向与会者介绍他们的知识和经验。
The cooperation with the OPCW ensured the presence of high-level lecturers, who were able to share their
[...] knowledge and experience with the participants.
从这些报告得出了若干要点:53 (a) 法院之间进行联系是可能的,但应谨慎从事,并为保护当事方实质性 权利和程序性权利提供适当的保障;54 (b) 联系应当公开进行,事先通知有关方面55 并让到场(极 端情况例 外);56 (c) 可以进行的交流形式多种多样,其中包括:交流正式的法院命令或判 决;提供一般性信息、问题和看法的非正式书面材料;以及传递法院程序记录 抄本;57 (d) 联系手段包括:电话、视频链接、传真、电子邮件等;58 (e) 若能适当进行必要的联系,可为参与跨国界破产的人和受跨国界破产 影响的人带来很大的好处。
From those reports a number of points emerged:53 (a) Communication between courts is possible, but should be done carefully and with appropriate safeguards for the protection of substantive and procedural rights of the parties;54 (b) Communication should be done openly, with advance notice to the parties involved55 and in the presence of those parties, except in extreme circumstances;56 (c) Communications that might be exchanged are various and include: exchanges of formal court orders or judgments; supply of informal writings of general information, questions and observations; and transmission of transcripts of court proceedings;57 (d) Means of communication include, for example, telephone, video-link, facsimile and electronic-mail;58 (e) Where communication is necessary and is used appropriately, there can be considerable benefits for the persons involved in, and affected by, the crossborder insolvency.
鉴于委员会可用的时间和服务有限,所 有会议务必在排定的时间准时开会。为使所有服务都得到最佳利用,根据大会和其 他机构的惯例,还建议委员会在本届会议上暂不适用其议事规则(TCDC/2/Rev.1) 第 16 条,即主席可在至少三分之一与会国代 到场 后 宣 布会议开始并允许展开 辩论。
In an effort to make the best use of all services and in line with the practice of the General Assembly and other bodies, it is also suggested that, for the current session, the Committee waive the stipulation in rule 16 of its rules of procedure (TCDC/2/Rev.1) that the President may declare a meeting open and permit the debate to proceed when representatives of at least one third of the States participating are present.
在莫桑比克马普托,一家诊所开展了一项新型肺炎球菌疫苗接种活动,有数百 到场 — — 让孩子们接种疫苗。
A clinic in Maputo, Mozambique, rolls out a new vaccine against pneumococcal disease, and hundreds show up for the occasion – and for their jabs.
指导 委员会今后的常会,不论是与会者亲 到场 还 是电话会议,都将由《荒漠化公 约》秘书处根据需要,与达沃斯全球风险论坛协商举办。
Any future ordinary meetings of the steering committee, either in person or by teleconference, will be organized by the UNCCD secretariat in consultation with GRF Davos on an as-needed basis.
[...] 正在建设、改进和保持农村地区的道路,以便提供更好的 场到 市场 的通 路,而且已在此方面取得了大量的经济改善和减贫成果。
In that regard, member States were developing, improving and maintaining rural
roads to provide better farm-to-market
[...] access roads and had seen substantial economic [...]
improvement and poverty reduction as a result.
提交人称,最高法院根据监督 (nadzor)
[...] 程序审理其案件时,有一位检察到 场,但 他本人及其律师都不在场,对此,委员会注意到,根据缔约国的《刑事诉 [...]
讼法》,受指控者是否参加监督审查程序的庭审由法院决定,但缔约国未能解释 为何不许提交人及其律师参加最高法院的程序。
8.8 Regarding the claims that the examination of the author’s case under the supervisory (nadzor)
procedure by the
[...] Supreme Court took place in his and in [...]
his lawyers’ absence, although with the participation of a prosecutor, the Committee notes that despite the fact that
under the Criminal Procedure Code of the State party, the participation of the accused at the hearing of the supervisory review procedure is decided by the court itself, the State party failed to explain the reasons why it did not allow the participation of the author and his lawyers at the proceedings at the Supreme Court.
具体地说,CNNIC 可信网络服务中心对根证书和中级根证书私钥的 保护采用五人控制,三人必须同 到场 的 权 限管理策略。
Specifically, CNNIIC Trusted Network Service Center adopts authority management policy of five-person control and essential presence of three persons for the protection of private key of root certificate and intermediate root certificate.
我希望其他的希腊人也会喜欢平局,所以,我会继续关注得分 场 , 到 目 前 为止的四场比赛中,希腊队只丢过1分。
I like other Greeks think we’d be happy with a draw, so, I’m going to go on the under the goal market - as in the four games so far the Greek defence has only conceded 1 goal.
从产业、场到产品,TD-LTE 和 LTE FDD 的融合已经成为了产 业界的共识,二者的融合将会成为 LTE 发展的趋势。
From industry, market to product, the convergence of TD-LTE and LTE FDD has become a consensus in the industry, and will be the development trend of LTE.
如此的合作对于以一种 连贯的和天衣无缝的方式来制定针对从 场到 餐 桌的食物链的健康保护和食品贸易 措施来说也是至关重要的。
Such collaboration is also critical to the development of health-protection and food-trade measures that address the food chain from farm to table in a coherent and seamless manner.
场到餐桌 的食品安全”原则是必须执行的最基本规则,以便 实施加入欧盟进程中的“商品自由流动”原则。
The principle of “food
[...] safety from farms to table” is the most fundamental rule [...]
that has to be implemented in order to carry
out the Free Movement of Goods principle in the EU accession process.
在那里,比利和叔叔窒息的忙里忙外的oldphonograph的节奏,他的音乐将 场到 一 个 1920s的黑色和白色的橡胶软管卡通鸡。
There, Billy and Uncle Chokey juggle chickens at the rhythm of an oldphonograph, whose music turns the farm into a 1920s black and white rubber hose cartoon.
不过,至于未来就业场到 底如何,这对于研究生学位持有者来说是很难预测的。
But what is difficult to predict is what the future job market holds for graduate degree recipients.
食典委注意到,这一决定将影响新工作的拟议工作计划,并可能需要较长的时间 完成这些准则,因为这些准则将尽量采用一种新的以定量风险分析为基础的从 场到餐 桌 的方法;肉鸡有大量科学数据和粮农组织/世卫组织微生物风险评估联合专家会议所作 的风险评估,但非肉鸡却不具备这些数据和评估,它们的风险情况、生产和加工条件不 同;在由粮农组织/世卫组织微生物风险评估联合专家会议进行风险评估以前可能有必要 对后一类鸡肉的科学数据提出新的全球要求。
The Commission noted that this decision would impact on the proposed work plan for the new work and might require a longer time-frame for the completion of the guidelines since the guidelines would follow a novel farm-to-fork approach based on quantitative risk assessment to the widest extent practicable; that there existed considerable scientific data and a risk assessment by JEMRA for broiler chickens but not for non-broiler chickens with different risk profiles, production and processing conditions; that a new worldwide call for scientific data for the latter category of chicken meat might be necessary before a risk assessment be conducted by JEMRA.
从早 7 时 10 分到晚 8 时 10 分,每隔一小时有一趟从场到维也 纳国际中 心的班车,从早 6 时 10 分至晚 7 时 10 分,每隔一小时有一趟从维也纳国际中心 开往机场的班车。
Buses leave the airport for the Vienna International Centre every hour from 7.10 a.m. to 8.10 p.m. and leave the Vienna International Centre for the airport every hour from 6.10 a.m. to 7.10 p.m.
阿尔及利亚到鼓舞 的是,马耳 他已经采取措施并作出努力,增进弱势群体,尤其是儿童和妇女的权利,同时还 在推动妇女进入劳动力场。
Algeria was encouraged by the measures and efforts already under way to promote the rights of vulnerable groups, especially children and women, and by the increased participation of women in the labour market.
Mirza 先生监督为 布托女士及其随行人员建造防弹车的工程,该防弹车用于计划从卡拉奇 场到巴 基 斯坦国父穆罕默德·阿里·真纳陵墓的游行。
Mr. Mirza oversaw the construction of a bulletproof truck for Ms. Bhutto and her entourage to use in the planned procession from the Karachi airport to the mausoleum of Pakistan’s founder Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
o. 在行李转交期间,包括离开任何酒店或 场 、 到 达 任 何新目的地、或者变更交通工具或交通方式,辨认行李的 [...]
During any transfer of baggage, including upon departure from
[...] any hotel or airport, arrival at any new destination [...]
or upon change of vehicle or means
of transport, responsibility for identifying baggage belonging to the Guest and ensuring that it is dealt with as may be appropriate for delivery to the next destination lies with the Guest.




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