

单词 别开生面

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信息和通信技术迅速增长并日趋会合,促成商业 和服务别开生面的发 展模式——典型的例子是 Grameen [...]
银行提出的“乡村电 话”创新办法。
The rapid growth and increasing convergence between information and communications technologies (ICT) have
enabled innovative business and service
[...] delivery models for development — the classic [...]
example being the “village phone” innovation from Grameen Bank.
一般来说,监督厅认为联利特派团一直 别开生面 的 方 式,努力 采取“一个联合国”的做法。
In general, OIOS found UNMIL to have been inventive in working towards a “One United Nations” approach.
在亚太合办事务中心的领导 下,在东亚和太平洋以及南亚两个区域采取 别开生面 的 步 骤。
Innovative approaches have been carried out in the East Asia and the Pacific and South Asia regions, under the leadership of the Asia-Pacific Shared Services Centre.
)的减少指标,并确保可以获得清洁的技术 别开 生面的商业模式,来实现这些指标。
and in ensuring that clean technologies and innovative business models are available to achieve these targets.
公司会选择一些风景秀丽的地方举 别开生面 主 题 鲜明的活动。
The company will select places with beautiful scenery for holding activities with a new and clear theme every year.
教科文组织与全球促进教育运 动共同组织的全民教育周活动在世界各国展开,让在校的儿童和无家可归的儿童以及残疾儿
[...] 童在大会上演讲,有几个国家已经做出援助承诺,并准备为宣传全民教育计划开展多种多别开生面的活动。
Coorganized by the Global Campaign for Education and UNESCO, the week involved schoolchildren, street children and children with disabilities lobbying in national assemblies around the
world, and resulted in promises of aid in several countries and the launching of
[...] numerous new activities for promoting EFA.
届时约 1000 名客人聆听了 Vorarlberg 管弦乐别开生面的演 奏,乐团携带提琴,穿过隧道在巨大的厂房洞室进行演出。
Around 1 000 guests listened to the sounds of Vorarlberg's Symphony Orchestra who had brought their violins and cellos to the giant power house caverns.
各方已认识到,这两个部与区域组织之间的合作提供机会,促使出 别开生 面的解决办法,使安全理事会在核准设立维持和平特派团时有多种备选办法,并 增加这两个部派出和支持维和特派团的能力。
Cooperation between the Departments and the regional organizations was recognized as providing an opportunity for innovative solutions to emerge, enabling alternatives for the Security Council when authorizing peacekeeping missions and enhancing the ability of the Departments in launching and sustaining a peacekeeping mission.
鼓励联合国系统探索保健部门新的、自愿的 别开生面 的 筹 资模式,以 补充而非取代传统的资金来源,并考虑到发展筹资创新办法领导小组的工作和建 议以及保健系统国际筹资创新办法高级别工作队的调查结果。
the United Nations system to explore new, voluntary and innovative financing models in the health sector as supplementary to, and not a substitute for, traditional sources of finance, and takes into consideration the work and recommendations of the Leading Group on Innovative Financing for Development, as well as the findings of the High-level Task Force on Innovative International Financing for Health Systems.
2012 年,CNNIC 聚焦团队内心动力,深挖 信任的深层联结,通过一系列精心设计与安排的活动, 别开生面 的 形 式,提供给员工一 个在繁忙工作之余,得以享受身心灵放松的机会。
In 2012, CNNIC designed and arranged a number of events by focusing on the inner motivation of the team and delving into trust, so as to offer employees a chance to bask in the relaxation of body, heart and soul in the midst of the hustle and bustle of daily work.
然而,地方、国家和国际提供的教育经费 必须更加可靠,除了这种经费之外,必须采用各种新的 别开生面 的 办 法来争取 民间社会和公共部门的参与。
However, local, national and international funding for education must become more reliable, and such funding must be supplemented by new innovative approaches involving civil society and the public sector.
大中国区人事主管Cissy及华北区销售经理Constock为此次相聚准备 别开生面 的 交 流会,别出心裁的将生产车间作为会议场所,在幽默轻松的气氛当中,与两位有着丰富经验的集团执行官进行面对面的交流。
According to R. Michael Farrell, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for ixmation NORTH AMERICA, “This is a continuation of our corporate strategy to leverage nearly 45 years of automation experience and apply that expertise to the renewable energy industry.
10月25日下午,医学院一楼贵宾厅举办了一 别开生面 的 下 午茶交流会,哈佛医学院两位副院长Richard Mills博士和David Golan教授以及医学教育专家Aajay Singh教授来到同学们中间,与大家进行近距离的沟通。
Harvard Medical School (HMS) Dean for Operations and Business Affairs Dr. Richard G. Mills, HMS Dean for Graduate Education Dr. David Golan and Chief Academic officer of HMS Dubai Center Dr. Ajay K. Singh met with more than 30 students of the Experimental Class of Life Science-Medicine-Pharmaceutics at Tsinghua University Medical School (TUMS) on October 25, 2010.
几个代表团指出,私营标准在他们国家对进出口和经济有 面 影 响, 特 别 是 小规 模生产商;实施困难;没有科学基础;制定标准不 开 透 明 ;没有解决标准争议的程 序;声称这些标准比公共标准安全可能会误导消费者。
Several delegations pointed out that private
[...] standards had a negative impact on export and economies in their countries, especially on small scale producers; they were difficult to implement; they were not based on science; their development was not open and transparent; [...]
there was no dispute
settlement procedure for these standards; and claims stating that these standards were safer than public standards might mislead consumers.
执行委员会赞扬阿根廷政府在现阶段取得的进展, 别 是 在淘 汰 生 产 行 业的氟氯化 碳面取得 的进展,并表示期望阿根廷在今后两年中继 开 展 其 方案活动,取得突出进展, 并保持当前的氟氯化碳削减水平,在此基础上再接再厉。
The Executive Committee commends the
[...] Government of Argentina for its achievements during the current phase particularly on the phase-out of CFC in the production sector, and expresses the [...]
expectation that,
in the next two years, Argentina will continue the implementation of its programmed activities with outstanding progress, and will sustain and build upon its current levels of reductions in CFCs.
次主题 2.2 下审查的问题包括:最近棉花、咖啡和其他部门在组织供应链和 保障小生计方面开展改 革所取得的经验教训;管理从自给自足转至大规模市场 农业的创新模式(包括让小农协会有能力从事质量水平保持不变的生产);可持续 地管理生物燃料的兴起,同时维护小农的谋生手段, 别 是 获 得土地的创新模式。
The issues considered under sub-theme 2.2 included lessons learned from recent experiences with the reform of the cotton, coffee and other sectors with
respect to organizing supply
[...] chains and securing the livelihood of smallholders; innovative models aimed at managing the transition from self-sufficiency to a larger-scale, market-based agriculture (including providing associations of small farmers with the capacity to produce at a consistent level of quality); and innovative models aimed at sustainably managing the biofuels boom while upholding smallholders’ means of livelihood, in particular access to land.
委员会进一步强调,人口司应继续在以下 面开 展 基本工作:人口预计和预 测;农村和城市人口的变化格局;国际移徙分析;变化中的人口年龄结构对发展 的影响生育率 和死亡率及其趋势的差异越来越大的情况;人口、资源、环境与 发展之间的相互关系;人口政策的演变并在这方面采用 别 观 点 (委员会第 2004/1 号决议)。
The Commission further emphasized that the Population Division should continue basic work on population estimates and projections; patterns of rural and urban population
change; the analysis of international
[...] migration; the implications of the changing age structure of the population for development; the increasing diversity of fertility and mortality levels and trends; the interrelations among population, resources, the environment and development; and the evolution of population policies, applying a gender perspective in this regard (Commission resolution 2004/1).
他们所 遗留下来的具有典范意义的财富,激发了 2001 年《教科文组织世界文化多样性宣言》,以 及本组织赞助起草的别生物伦 理领域的各种文书和协定,并可以极大地激发教科文组织在 促进宽容、不同文化对话、多样性与和平 面开 展 有 影响的活动。
Their exemplary heritage is among
those which inspired the UNESCO
[...] Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity (2001) and the various instruments and agreements developed under the auspices of the Organization, particularly in the field of bioethics.
但是,似乎可以清楚地看出,由于这些技巧 生的 效力几乎与保留所生的效 力相同,应该在专门载列保留定义的《实践指南》的 那一章中予以提及,至少能够更加明确地鉴别这个概念的关键内容,把它们同保 留别开来, 并且在可适用的情况下,针对保留的法律制度得出适当的结论。
As they produce effects almost identical to those produced by reservations, these techniques nevertheless deserve to be mentioned in the part of the Guide to Practice devoted to the definition of reservations, if only so as to identify more clearly the key elements of the concept, distinguish them from reservations and, where applicable, draw appropriate conclusions with regard to the legal regime of reservations.
经社会突出强调了在利用信通技术促进国家发展 面开 展 能 力建设的 重要性,包括在促进中小型企业、提供公共服务、促使更方便地获得各种基 本服务诸领域,包括教育、财政和 生 等 方面,并改进民众生计和促发社会 转变。
The Commission
[...] highlighted the importance of capacity-building in the use of ICTs for national development, including in the areas of promoting small and medium enterprises, delivering public services, enabling access to basic services [...]
— such as education,
finance and health — and improving sustainable livelihoods as well as facilitating social transformation.
国家行动 计划》规定实施七个战略方向的政策措施和方法:完善落实性别平等的制度、在
[...] 各级决策层面遵守性别平衡、社会经济领域的性别组成、 生 和 健 康的 别层 面、落 实教育和文化领域的性别平等、减少基于性别的暴力行为、提高性别平等 [...]
The National Plan of Action contemplates the implementation of policy measures and initiatives in seven strategic areas: improving the institutional mechanism for the promotion of gender equality, ensuring gender balance at all decision-making levels, introducing a gender
perspective in the socio-economic
[...] sphere, focusing on gender aspects of health and health care, [...]
promoting gender equality in
education and culture, reducing gender violence and raising public awareness of issues of gender equality.
履行机 构还请秘书处与缔约方和有关组织合作,开发方便用户的结果和便于获取的形
[...] 式,传播有关信息,包括基于网络的界面所载信息,以建设确定和编制项目建议 书及执行项目的能力,并使别是在 发展中国家的国家一级和国家以下 面开展 适 应行动的实际工作人员能够了解这些信息。
It also requested the secretariat to develop, in collaboration with Parties and relevant organizations, user-friendly outputs and accessible forms of disseminating the relevant information, including the information contained on the web-based interface, with
the aim of building capacity for the identification and preparation of project proposals and for project implementation, and reaching adaptation practitioners at the national and subnational levels, in particular in developing countries.
在以下面开展性别分析:按性别区分劳力;对物质和非物质资源的获取和控 制;性别平等/不平等的法律基础;性别平等方面的政治承诺;以及影响所有前 [...]
Conduct a
[...] gender analysis with regard to: the gendered [...]
division of labour; access to and control over material and non-material
resources; the legal basis for gender equality/inequality; political commitments with respect to gender equality; and the culture, attitudes and stereotypes that affect all preceding issues.
[...] 性和有效的作用,目的在于制止流血冲突,以明智的 方式解决叙利亚局势问题,避免诉诸暴力。阿拉伯国 家联盟最近在巴格达举行首脑会议,表示坚决支持科 菲·安南生开展斡旋,争取面、 迅 速停止叙利亚 境内的一切暴力,同时强调,必须立即全面执行联合 特使提出、并且已经为所有各方接受的六点建议,以 便找到解决叙利亚危机的政治办法,满足兄弟的叙利 [...]
The League of Arab States, which, since the beginning of the crisis, has played out an effective and constructive role in order to end the bloodshed and resolve the situation in Syria in a wise manner and without resort to violence, expressed at its most
recent summit, held in
[...] Baghdad, its strong support for the mission of Mr. Kofi Annan as it sought to achieve a rapid and comprehensive end to all acts [...]
of violence in Syria,
while emphasizing the complete and immediate implementation of the six-point proposal presented by the Joint Special Envoy and accepted by all parties, so that a political solution for the crisis in Syria could be found and a response provided for the legitimate aspirations of the brotherly people of Syria.
卡塔尔政府重申,单方面强制性措施违反国际法、国际人道主义法、《联 合国宪章》以及关于国家间关系的准则和原则,严重侵犯了人权, 别 是 经 济、 社会和文化权利,面生活的 权利和发展权。
The Government of Qatar reaffirmed that unilateral coercive measures were contrary to international law, international humanitarian law, the Charter of the United Nations and the norms and principles governing relations among States and
constituted gross violations of
[...] human rights, particularly economic, social and cultural rights, the right to a decent life and the [...]
right to development.
大会第六十四届会议通过了关于享有饮水和卫生设施的人权的决议,其中大 会欢迎人权理事会决定请与享有安全饮用水和卫生设施有关的人权义务问题独 立专家向大会提交年度报告,鼓励独立专家继续按照其任务 面开 展 工作,并与 联合国所有相关机构、基金和方案协商,在其提交大会第六十六届会议的报告中 介绍在实现享有安全清洁饮水和生 设 施 的人权方面存在的主要挑战以及这些 挑战对实现千年发展目标努力的影响(第 64/292 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly adopted a resolution on the human right to water and sanitation in which it welcomed the decision of the Human Rights Council to request that the independent expert on human rights obligations related to access to safe drinking water and sanitation submit an annual report to the
Assembly and encouraged her to continue working on all aspects of her mandate and, in consultation with all relevant United Nations agencies, funds and programmes, to include in her report to the Assembly, at its sixty-sixth session, the principal challenges related to the realization of the human right to safe and clean drinking water and sanitation and their impact on the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (resolution 64/292).
[...] 2051(2012)号决议中“请秘书长继续发挥斡旋作 用,包括由秘书长别顾问 贾迈勒·比诺马尔 生开 展 工 作”,并为此“欢迎联 合国通过派驻由一个专家队组成的少量人员,在政治上参与,协助实施过渡进 [...]
I take note that in its resolution 2051 (2012), the Security Council “requests the Secretary-General to continue
his good offices role,
[...] including through the efforts of his Special Adviser, Jamal Benomar”, and [...]
in this regard “welcomes
the political engagement of the United Nations through a small presence in Yemen consisting of a team of experts to support the implementation of the transition process”.
但是, 还需要进一步努力消除在获得教育、保健、供水和环境卫生、就业等经济机会生产资源方面的性别不平 等现象以及根除基于性别的暴力行为。
However, further efforts are needed to end gender inequalities in access to education, health care, water and sanitation, economic opportunities such as employment, and productive resources, as well as to end gender-based violence.




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