单词 | 别具一格 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 别具一格 —having a unique or distinctive style
Seaport Hotel 拥有一个大型会议中心,方便公 司及参展商展示其产品,并为企业及休闲旅客提 供 别具一格 的 住 宿体验。 igel.com | With a large conference center that allows companies and exhibitors to showcase their products, Seaport Hotel offers a distinctive guest experience for business and leisure travelers. igel.com |
这种坡屋顶的变异,与周围的坡屋顶相建筑协调又有所变化,展现出一 种 别具一格 的 轻 盈感。 chinese-architects.com | The roof of the project is a transformation and evolution of the traditional Chinese pitched roof, echoing its traditional surroundings. chinese-architects.com |
东道主国家常常在运动项目图标中采用传统元素,以此希望与先前的设计区分开来,显 得 别具一格。 labbrand.com | Traditional elements are often [...] adopted by host countries in pictogram design to distinguish themselves from previous ones. labbrand.com |
IWC万国表的机械腕表宛如艺术品, 别具一格 , 更 是技术杰作。 iwc.com | IWC’s Mechanical Watches are works [...] of art, they are style statements, and they [...]are technical marvels. iwc.com |
最近更新时间: 2012/11/21 // 一个别具一格的办 公室文化体验工作坊,将在11月22日在广州举办。 norway.org.cn | Last updated: 21/11/2012 // On November 22nd, the Field Works-office performance premieres in China, with a workshop at the Modern Media Guangzhou office in Zhujiang New Town. norway.cn |
玛莎拉蒂制动钳为汽车外观赋予了 别具一格 的 魅 力,令玛莎拉蒂在车海中更加闪亮耀眼。 maserati.com.cn | Distinctive among luxury vehicles, Maserati brake callipers add character to the vehicle’s styling. web.maserati.com |
艺术团的成员来自不同背景,他们表演配合非常默契,行云流水般让人耳目一新,作品风格可 谓 别具一格。 shanghaibiennale.org | The Hinterlands’ unique, highly collaborative process fuses the diverse backgrounds of its members in order to devise work that defies categorization. shanghaibiennale.org |
围绕“鼓楼之窗”的概念,设计希望体现政府办公大楼开放的形象和透明的胸怀,以及作为对外公共服务的窗口,满足人性化服务的需求;内敛的院落,围合的空间,通 过 别具一格 的 开 窗来引入自然风雨,在“看与被看”的立体庭院景观中,疏解现代都市工作节奏下的压力;同时,在城市商业中心的整体改造和再生中,也带动周边环境质量的改善。 chinese-architects.com | As the window to the world, the building [...] satisfies the requirements of a public service centre; an inside courtyard, enclosed [...]space, which through unique windows introduces natural wind and rain. chinese-architects.com |
她因自己的文化背景, 国际思考着的角度和自身的生活经历和影响让她的作 品 别具一格。 playbling.com | She has developed a style that shows her cultural origins reinterpreted and refreshed from a global-thinker perspective, fed with her life experiences and influences. playbling.com |
含沙和黏土丰富的土壤,以及稀少的雨水,能够与这片风土共同作用,从而使酿造出的葡萄酒具有复杂度,以及丰富的层次 , 别具一格 的 个 性,和令人惊艳的优雅。 antinori.it | The sandy and clay-rich soil and the infrequent rains contribute to making the interaction with this terroir [...] somewhat complicated, but guarantee richness and complexity [...] in wines which show an uncommon character [...]and a great elegance. antinori.it |
正值兰博基尼汽车有限公司 50 周年庆典之际,公司特在 2013 年日内瓦车展上推出一款别具一格的 车型——兰博基尼 Veneno,而且在全球只有三台。 lamborghini.com | In the year of its 50th anniversary Automobili Lamborghini is presenting an extremely exclusive model at the Geneva Motor Show 2013. lamborghini.com |
一年一度的海鲜盛宴为在上海的挪威公司以及周边地区提供了良好的机遇,使他们有机会可以邀请自己的员工,商务伙伴,客户,挪威代表,中方代表共同享 受 别具一格 的 挪 威海鲜盛宴,感受挪威文化的传递,聆听美妙的挪威音乐。 norway.org.cn | The annual Norwegian Seafood Dinner provides an excellent opportunity for the Norwegian companies in Shanghai and surrounding regions to invite their [...] staff, business partners and clients, [...] Norwegians as well as Chinese, to enjoy an exclusive [...]Norwegian seafood dinner, culture and music. norway.cn |
领导的这种作用就是要在其他可能性的基础上,描绘并开发一种学生学习成绩大 为改观,课程内容更为有意义,或教学方 法 别具一格 的 可 视前景。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This role involves developing a [...] realistic vision—based on alternative possibilities—of [...]better student outcomes, more meaningful [...]curriculum content, or different pedagogical approaches. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在别具一格的 O rigami 会议室、自然采光的商务中心或行政楼层会议室筹办会议。 radissonblu.cn | Entertain [...] delegates in the uniquely shaped Origami [...]room, the naturally lit business centre or the executive floor meeting room. radissonblu.com |
这个别具一格的地 下结构体具有一些独特的功能,例如设有自然通风系统,放射式冷气系统,以及图像分析式扶梯控制系统。 nikken.jp | This one-of-a-kind underground structure includes unique [...] features such as a natural ventilation system, special radiant [...]cooling systems, and an image-analysis-based escalator control system. nikken.jp |
此特别订制的腕表别具一格,每 次只生产一枚,其机芯由648个部件组成,并经同一制表工匠独立调整和校准,单是打造机械装置便花费逾700小时,随后的镂空工序亦长达120小时,需要无比耐心方能制成。 audemarspiguet.com | Made to order and only one at a time, this unique [...] watch beats to the rhythm of a caliber composed of 648 components individually [...]adjusted and regulated by the same craftsman. audemarspiguet.com |
德国设计师Denise Julia Reytan 创作了两个与钟表相关的别具一格的 珠 宝系列。 iontime.ch | The german designer Denise Julia Reytan created two collections of unusual jewellery pieces related to time. iontime.ch |
体验别具一格的St illers创意厨艺派对,充分展示你的烹饪手艺;同时,来自奥地利最古老的高博古堡酒庄庄主Michael Moosbrugger先生将为你介绍其家族高质量的葡萄酒。 emw-wines.com | Enjoy a unique experience of Stillers’ Kitchen Party and show off your cooking skills as a chef, while Mr. Michael Moosbrugger, the owner of Austria’s oldest winery-Schloss Gobelsburg will present his award winning wines. en.emw-wines.com |
毫无疑问,中国自身的道路别具一格 , 一如它抵达当前机会时刻的过程。 project-syndicate.org | No doubt [...] China’s own path will be as distinctive [...]as the processes by which it has reached its current moment of opportunity. project-syndicate.org |
该建筑采用传统伊斯兰设计风格,可以满足顾客的需求,与周围区域的原有建筑的风格协调统一,成为这座尼罗河小岛 上 别具一格 的 文 化设施。 nikken.jp | The building was designed in a traditional Islamic style to meet the request of the client, which harmonizes with the architecture of the existing buildings in the adjacent area as an enclave of cultural facilities on an island in the Nile. nikken.jp |
坐落在法租界静谧的一角,武康路上的Franck法式西餐厅提供的佳肴 和 别具一格 的 氛 围能让最挑剔的美食家满意。 vantageshanghai.com | FRANCK,Snuggled in the sleepiest part of the [...] French Concession, Franck’s French [...] bistro on the quiet Ferguson Lane has the menu [...]and setting that would delight the toughest epicures. vantageshanghai.com |
作为 Hamilton American Classic 手表家族中的一员, American Classic Jazzmaster Seaview 男士手表 将简洁的线条、方便读取的超大数字时标(位于刻钟位置)以及颇为有趣的阳刚结构相结合,突 显 别具一格 的 流 线型设计。 hk.ashford.com | The Men’s American Classic Jazzmaster Seaview Watches group, part of the Hamilton American Classic Watches family, is a streamlined design with clean lines and oversized quarter hour numerical markers for easy reading and a hint of playfulness in a masculine setting. ashford.com |
但是,兰博基尼的客户已经习惯于 Miura 别具一格的触感,因此,Islero GT 的销售差强人意。 lamborghini.com | However, Lamborghini’s clientele had become accustomed to the stylish [...] touches of the Miura and as a result, Islero [...]GT sales were somewhat modest. lamborghini.com |
使用纱节纱线让 Morris 条纹具有一种纹理效果及别具一格的 颜 色。 glenraven.com | The use of slub yarns gives the Morris stripe a textural effect and distinctive colors. glenraven.com |
于1982年启用的奥林匹克游泳馆因其独特的船形屋顶 而 别具一格 , 屋 顶由99米混凝土贝壳构成。 pekin.mae.lu | Opened in 1982, the Olympic Pool is marked by its characteristic boat-like roofs, composed of 99-metre concrete shells. pekin.mae.lu |
酒店内的高级商务房环境优雅舒适,风格简约;豪华房套房以沉稳的深色作为整个空间的色彩搭配基调,溶入淡淡的欧式低调与奢华,房内备有豪华的双人沙发及现代化办公桌,提供给您一个集日常生活和商谈及办公为一体的舒适空间;小套房色系明亮,客厅和卧室的隔间采用日式优美的玻璃帷幕为造型,并配以简约风格的沙发,带给您一个清爽简洁的生活环境;复式房采用木制家具为主,让您以最自然的姿势享受视觉带来的快乐,巧妙的空间利用,使得整个设计 风 格别具一格 , 让 您体验光力新时空公寓酒店带您温馨典雅的上海住宿生活。 gloo518.com | The surrounding of the advanced business room is delicate and comfortable, with a concise style; With the deep color as the color matching mood of the entire space, and a light European low tone and luxury, luxurious suites are equipped with double sofas and modern desks, it can offer you a comfortable space which combined daily life, negotiation and handling official business; Small suite with a bright color, its compartment between sitting room and bed room is used Japanese-style elegant glass curtain, and matched with concise style sofas, which can bring you a refreshing laconic living environment; Duplex room is mainly equipped with wooden furniture, which can make you have visual pleasure with the most natural posture, and its [...] clever use of space, making the whole [...] design a unique style, which can make you experience [...]the warm and elegant life that the [...]Shanghai Luminous New Space-time Hotel Mansion bring you. gloo518.com |
DXperience WPF Subscription配置并优化了80多种控件和库,能够帮助你制作 出 别具一格 的 商业方案,它们可以媲美Microsoft Office®的外观、感觉和性能,同时也可以保持最高的运行能力标准,无论你的终端用户对你的应用程序提出什么样的要求。 evget.com | With over 80 optimized controls and libraries, the DevExpress WPF Subscription, can help you create compelling business solutions that emulate the look, feel and capabilities of Microsoft Office® and maintain the highest performance standards regardless of the demands placed upon your application by your end-users. evget.com |
光,雨水和风雪的结果,体现出 别具一格 的 生 命本质 - 永远的独特,典型的铜。 kme.com.cn | The process continues as with classical copper: N ature changes the surface through the effects o f sun, rain, snow and wind, giving it an exciting li fe of its own – always unique, typical copper. kme.com.cn |
此旗舰店是伯爵于亚洲第一间采用全新建筑设计概念的精品店,店内氛 围 别具一格 , 吸引访客一同探究伯爵百年积淀的卓越传统,见证品牌在高级珠宝和钟表这两大专业范畴的创新工艺和典雅气质。 piaget.com.cn | In addition, the interiors of this Piaget [...] flagship boutique also [...] pioneers to feature the brand’s new architectural concept design, offering its clientele an exceptional setting [...]to experience the [...]centuries-old tradition of excellence and innovation in craftsmanship and elegance of Piaget haute joaillerie and horlogerie designs. piaget.com |
Royal Oak Edition Limitée Leo [...] Messi皇家橡树系列里奥内尔·梅西限量版腕表仅限量发行1000枚(备有精钢/钽金款、玫瑰金/钽金款或铂金/钽金款可供选择) , 别具一格 , 独 树一帜。 audemarspiguet.com | Presented as a limited series of only 1000 pieces (in [...] steel/tantalum, pink gold/tantalum and platinum/tantalum), the Limited Edition Leo Messi [...] Royal Oak is distinctive on every front. audemarspiguet.com |