

单词 判官






See also:

obviously (different)



organ of body
surname Guan

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 规定,任何因刑事指控被逮捕或拘禁的人,应被迅速带见 判官他经法律授 权行使司法权力的官员。
Paragraph 3 of the same article requires that anyone arrested or
detained on a criminal charge be brought
[...] promptly before a judge or other officer [...]
authorized by law to exercise judicial power.
The Seychelles’ Magistracy is currently composed of one Senior Magistrate and threeMagistrates.
66 人死于自然,三人死于意外,死因 判官下三宗个案作出 死因不明的裁决,全部个案均无发现惩教署有失当行为。
Eight of the deceased were found to have committed suicide, 66 to have died by natural causes, three to have died accidentally and three were concluded by the Coroner as open verdict cases.
在各个改良方案中,除了「废除审裁处,改由法庭 判官 物品类别」,教育程度越高者越倾向赞成其他五个提出的方案。
Regarding the various improvement proposals, except for
"abolishing the OAT and having the articles
[...] classified bya magistrate", the higher [...]
the education level, the higher the support
rate obtained for the other five proposals.
4 知识产权调查由一名独立于这六名 判官 政法官(ALJ)主持,他/她可代表 判官初步裁决。
4 An administrative lawjudge (ALJ), distinct from the six commissioners, presides over each IP investigation and has initial decision-making authority on behalf of the commissioners.
同 样 , 在 安 大 略 省 , 加 拿 大 枢 密 院 或 安 大 略 省 行 政 局 的 每 一 名 议 员 、 加 拿 大 参 议 院 或 众 议 院 或 立 法 议 会 的 每 名 议 员 、 每 名 法 官 及 每 名 太 帄 绅 士 、 每 名 大 律 师 及 事 务 律 师 及 每 名 见 习 律 师 、 每 名 在 法 律 上 合 资 格 并 正 在 执 业 的 医 生 及 兽 医 、 每 名 死 因判 官名 执 法 者 , 包 括 治 安 官 、 任 何 感 化 院 的 院 长 、 监 狱 或 惩 教 机 构 或 拘 留 所 的 监 督 、 狱 卒 或 看 守 人 、 治 安 人 员 、 警 务 人 员 、 消 防 员 及 法 院 人 员 等 , 均 没 有 资 格 出 任 陪 审 员 。
Similarly, in Ontario, every member of the Privy Council of Canada or the Executive Council of Ontario, every member of the Senate, the House of Commons of Canada or the Assembly, every judge and every justice of the peace, every barrister and solicitor and every student-at-law, every legally qualified medical practitioner and veterinary surgeon who is actively engaged in practice and every coroner, every person engaged in the enforcement of law, including sheriffs, wardens of any penitentiary, superintendents, jailers or keepers of prisons, correctional institutions or lockups, sheriff's officers, police officers, firefighters and officers of a court of justice, etc, are ineligible to serve as jurors.
根据《宪法》第 37 条第 2 款,判官责“除法律和意识外都不属于其 [...]
The independence of the judiciary is clear in view
of article 37 (2) of the Constitution,
[...] according to which judges, "in discharging [...]
their duties, shall be guided only by
the law and their conscience".
2.5 2.5 应否废除审裁处改由法庭判官物品的類别?
2.5 Shall OAT be abolished
[...] and havethe magistratesto decide the [...]
classification of articles?
关於改良方案,学生较其他人倾向赞成「增加审裁员数目,由现在的300人增加至500人」、「以陪审员制度取代现时的审裁员制度 (即由约有57万人的名单抽取审裁员,而不是由300人的审裁员名单抽取) 」、「立法订明每次聆讯都必须将某些指定界别人士(如教育界、社福界等)纳入审裁委员小组」及「增加聆讯时的审裁员人数,由暂定聆讯时的两人加至4人及全面聆讯时的4人加至6人」;白领则较其他人赞成「成立一个新的独立审裁机构,负责评定物品的暂定类别,如有要求覆核,由审裁处作为司法机关进行」,而蓝领较倾向赞成「废除审裁处,改由法庭 判官物品类别」。
Regarding the improvement proposals put to test, the student group was more inclined to agree with "expanding the existing panel of adjudicators from 300 to 500 individuals", "drawing adjudicators from the list of jurors instead of the list of adjudicators for each tribunal hearing", "prescribing in the legislation that each tribunal hearing should consist of adjudicators from specified sectors, e.g. education, social welfare, etc." and "increasing the number of adjudicators in each hearing, i.e., from 2 to 4 persons for interim hearings and from 4 to 6 persons for full hearings", whereas white collars showed more support to "establishing an independent classification board for making interim classifications on articles, while the existing OAT will remain as a judicial body to consider appeals against the classification decisions of the board" than the others.
我 们 非 常 感 谢 在 死 因 裁 判 庭 工 作 的 所 有 同 事 , 他 们 在 死 因判 官的 领 导 下 , 勤 奋 尽 责 , 表 现 卓 越 。
It is important for the public to understand this aspect of work of the Coroners and we therefore mention the procedure yet again here.
这 些 规 则 建 议判 官取 供 认 时 , 应 记 [...]
录 ‚ 他 相 信 供 认 属 於 真 实 的 理 据 何 在,他 为 免 被 控 人 受 到 警 方 影 响 而 所 曾 采 取 的 预 防 措 施 , 以 及 所
曾 给 予 被 控 人 的 反 思 时 间 ( 如 有 的 话 ) 。
These rules
[...] recommend that the magistraterecord on taking [...]
a confession "the grounds on which he believes that the confession
is genuine, the precautions which he took to remove the accused from the influence of the police, and the time (if any) given to him for reflection.
在作出这项命令后,法院或判官就有关罪行判处监禁刑 罚或罚款。
Where such an order has been made, the court or magistratecannot impose a sentence of imprisonment or a fine in respect of the offence.
同一条例第79E 条准许判官 律程序一方的申请下,向精神上无行 为能力的人,录取书面供词,包括属于精神上无行为能力的人的被告人。
13.11 Section 57 of CPO stipulates that for cases of assault, causing the death of, injury to, or threat of injury to a child of the family who is a mentally incapacitated person, the husband or wife of the accused party shall be compelled to give evidence for the prosecution.
他们认为,这样会为判官供更好 的法律保护;甚至一位亲人民民主联盟的参议员也 称这一提议会得到批准。
This, they
[...] argued, wouldgiveofficials better cover; even [...]
a PAD-aligned senator said such a measure would pass.243 The
foreign ministry and the military were in disagreement on the issue.
在投资和贸易协定方面具备专业知识及利益攸关的社会伙伴和民间社会组 织应参与发展中国家贸易协定判官能力建设。
Social partners and civil society organizations with expertise and interests at stake in investment
and trade agreements should be involved in building the capacities of the
[...] developing-country officialsnegotiatingthem.
此 外 , 我 们 感 谢 律 政 司 各 级 别 的 政 府 律 师 , 包 括 资 深 大 律 师 , 他 们 在 死 因 裁 判 法 庭 上 提 出 证 据 , 协 助 死 因判 官了 多 宗 较 爲 复 杂 棘 手 的 死 因 研 讯 。
Members of the family of the deceased are often deeply upset by this suggestion and will come before a Coroner and express intensely felt cultural, religious, and other reasons as to why an autopsy should not be performed.
可是,每当一个判官 理驱逐家庭的申请而被驱逐者没有其他地方可住时,每当一个量刑法官在考虑是否应 [...]
该把一个无家可归的罪犯送进监狱因为如果判处社区服务的话没有住房让他住的时候,法 庭上就存在着潜在的经社文权利诉求。
However, everytime a judge or adjudicator deals [...]
with an application to evict households where no alternative accommodation
is available, or a sentencing judge ponders whether to send a homeless offender to prison because no housing is available for the sentence to be served in the community, there is a potential ESC rights claim in a courtroom.
特别是,律村的知识产权部自身拥有在专利法院、专利厅、专利审判院等担任过技术审 判官 查官等经验的机械、电气电子、化学领域专利代理人以外,自2008年2月起与包括专利代理人120多名在内的专利专家组成的韩国最大规模的专利事务所“Lee&Mock专利法人”(机械领域约40名、电气电子领域约50名、化学及制药领域约20名、商标及设计领域约10名)签订了强有力的战略合作合同,成为稳定的合作伙伴,提高了各种技术领域纠纷的审判及诉讼处理能力,成为该领域韩国最高水平的律师事务所。
Since February 2008, the IP Group formed a strategic alliance with Y.P. Lee, Mock & Partners, one of the largest patent law firms in Korea including at least 120 patent attorneys (about 40 patent attorneys in mechanical field, 50 patent attorneys in electrical & electronic fields, 20 patent attorneys in chemical and pharmaceutical fields, and 10 patent attorneys in trademark and design fields).
官判 该警察局的40名官员密谋掩盖殴打真相。
Prosecutors determined that 40officers inthe local public security bureau (PSB) conspired to conceal the beating.
官判 没有足够的证据来支持如下假设,即供应商 [...]
The judge held that there [...]
was not enough evidence to found the assumption that the supplier’s breach of contract caused extra expenses.
第 27 条亦规定,搜查应仅可由官判 并按法律规定的条款和形式执 行。
Article 27 also states that searches shall only
[...] be orderedby a judgeandcarried out [...]
under terms and forms stipulated by the law.
负责审理递解出境程序的移民 局官判波萨达应于 2005 年 9 月 [...]
27 日从美国递 解出境。
The immigration judge whohandled the [...]
removal proceedings ordered that Posada be removed from the United States on 27 September 2005.
5月25日,一名欧盟驻科法治团预审 官判称为克林顿大道轰炸案a的 三名犯罪嫌疑人(科索沃警官)还押候审一个月,6 月 22 日还押候审时间被再次延 [...]
On 25 May, a
[...] EULEX pretrial judge sentenced threesuspects (Kosovo police officers) in the so-called [...]
Bill Clinton Boulevard
Bombinga to detention on remand for one month, which was extended for two more months on 22 June.
2009年7月17 日的判决含有明显错误, 例如官判依据是受害人关于其侵害者身份的证词,受害人在该证词中说, 除了看到提交人的照片以外她还想看到提交人的双手,因为其侵害者有纹身。
He also contends thatthe judgement of17 July 2009 contains obvious errors, such as the fact that the judge relied on a statement [...]
regarding the
identification of the assailant by the victim, in which she said that, in addition to seeing a photograph of the author, she also wanted to see his hands because her assailant had tattoos.
2010 年 4 月
[...] 6 日,特拉华州威尔明顿地区联邦官判支持百加得公司在 美国销售哈瓦那俱乐部朗姆酒品牌,因为 [...]
2006 年 8 月,美国专利商标局已按照 第 211 节规定,拒绝了其合法拥有者——古巴-法国合资哈瓦那国际俱乐部公司 的商标注册延期。
On 6 April
[...] 2010, adistrict judgeof Wilmington, [...]
Delaware, ruled in favour of the company Bacardi regarding the marketing
of the Havana Club rum brand in the United States, whose registration renewal by its rightful owner, the Cuban/French company Havana Club International, had been denied by the United States Patent and Trademark Office in August 2006 by virtue of Section 211.
如果听官判持该儿童的现有安置极有可能对该儿童或他人造成伤害时,命令将 残障儿童的安置转移至合适的 IAES,时间不超过 45 个校日。
2. order a change of placement of the child with a disability to an appropriate IAES for not more than 45 school days if the hearing officer determines that maintaining the current placement of the child is substantially likely to result in injury to the child or to others.




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