

单词 初选

初选 ()

primary election (US)

See also:


first adj
junior adj

(at the) beginning
at first

External sources (not reviewed)

过早终止与初选定负责监理工程的中标企业签订的合同是由于与后者订立了在财务 方面有利于后者的协议。
The early termination of the contract with the
[...] company originally selected to assist the [...]
Contracting Authority resulted
in a memorandum of understanding financially favourable to it.
如一名成员无法参与处理初选定其 参与处理的上诉,应按照以下第21段 中的程序另选一成员代替。
In the event that a member becomes
unable to serve on an appeal for which he
[...] or she was originally selected, another member [...]
shall be selected to replace him or
her in accordance with the procedure set out in paragraph 21 below.
但有时评审委员会选择初选被淘 汰的候选人。
Nonetheless, there have been cases where the Evaluation Panel has chosen a candidate that the first selection had eliminated.
美属萨摩亚人不能在美国大选中投票,但可参与总 初选和 政党核心小组会议。
American Samoans may not
[...] vote in general elections in the United States, but are permitted to participate in presidential primaries and caucuses.
可以采取的纠正措施包括下列措 施:调整采购程序使之符合采购法、采购条例或其他适用规则;已作出接受某
[...] 一提交书的决定,而事实表明应当接受另一提交书的,不向 初选 定 的 供应商 或承包商发出接受通知,而是接受该另一提交书;或者取消采购程序,启动新 [...]
Possible corrective measures might include the following: rectifying the procurement proceedings so as to be in conformity with the procurement law, the procurement regulations or other applicable rules; if a decision has been made to accept a particular submission and it is shown that another should be accepted,
refraining from issuing the notice of
[...] acceptance to the initially chosen supplier or contractor, [...]
but instead to accept that other
submission; or cancelling the procurement proceedings and commencing new proceedings.
(b) 在司法和人权事务副部长办公室的倡议下,设立起了一个机构间委员 会,以巡查、监督、监察和研究大 初选 人 员 名单。
(b) On the initiative of the Office of the Deputy Minister of Justice and Human Rights, an
inter-agency commission was set up to inspect, supervise,
[...] oversee and study the preliminary list of candidates for pardons.
初选结果 公布后,问责和 司法委员会又向选举司法小组送交了一份 52 名候选人名单,要求取消他们的资 格。
Following the
[...] announcement of the preliminary election results, the Accountability [...]
and Justice Commission transmitted to
the Electoral Judicial Panel a further list of 52 candidates for disqualification.
诺顿极速大挑战”竞赛是一项全球性比赛,经 初选 的 30 人在比赛期间角逐参加2009年2月21日由诺顿包机的ZERO-G飞行活动。
The "Blast Off With Norton" sweepstakes was a global contest where 30
[...] people were selected to win a seat [...]
on a Norton chartered ZERO-G flight in Florida on Feb. 21, 2009.
在对系统大致要求 的估算初选出马达,确保马达传递的扭矩应能满足系统工作要求。
Selecting the right motor starts with [...]
an evaluation of system requirements such as speed and torque.
此外,高级审查小组前所未有地背离行政指示 ST/AI/2006/3 的规定,违 反既定程序,决定重新面试六初选 应 聘者,以便向秘书长提出不同的人选名单, 而且未提出任何正当理由,只是说明了应聘者在面试过程中陈述“他们的愿景和 新思想”时给该小组成员留下的印象。
Moreover, in an unprecedented departure from the provisions of ST/AI/2006/3 and in violation of established procedures, the Senior Review Group decided to re-interview the six short-listed candidates so as to propose a different list of candidates to the Secretary-General, without any justification other than its members’ impressions about the candidates’ performance during the interview with respect to “their vision and fresh ideas”.
为确保连续性,一半成员初选聘[X] 年,另一半成员任满整个任期。
In order to ensure continuity, half of the
[...] members shall be elected initially for a term of [X] years and the remaining members shall be elected for the full [...]
term of office.
[...] 从拥有大量氟氯化碳冷风机的参加 初选 名 单 中挑选的国家最高金融机构(CAFI)分配 [...]
Funds are to be mobilized from the Multilateral Fund (MLF) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) through an umbrella trust fund (UTF) from which will be made country-specific
allocations to country apex financial
[...] institutions (CAFIs) selected for this purpose [...]
in pre-listed participating countries
with large CFC chiller populations, and a pooled allocation to one or two global apex financial institutions (GAFIs) through which the demand of smaller, unlisted countries will be met.
这也再次证明我们初选择永 磁发电机技术的正确,同时也为我们的未来全面增长奠定了基础,” Mäkinen先生满意得做了总结。
It assures us that our pioneering efforts in PMG technology have been correct, and secures our continued overall growth as we move forward,” Mäkinen summarizes with satisfaction.
波特航空公司执行副总裁兼首席运营官Robert Cordes说:“波特公司初选择Q4 00飞机因为是其效率高的特点。
One reason that Porter initially chose the Q400 aircraft is because of its efficiency characteristics, including substantially reduced fuel usage and emissions compared to comparable jet aircraft," said Robert Cordes, Executive Vice President and COO, Porter Airlines.
关于一再出现职位空缺的现象,她表示,人口基金正在处理这一问题,并已 建立若干机制,包括使用名册加快 选 经 初选 的 候 选人工作。
Regarding recurring vacancies, she noted that UNFPA was addressing the
issue and had several mechanisms in place, including the use of rosters
[...] to speed up the selection of vetted candidates.
本所拥有专业律师办理房地产公司设立阶段、项目立项决策阶段(包括投资机会研究与项 初选 过 程 、项目建议书编制及审 批过程、工程项目可行性研究过程、设计任务书编制及审批过程、项目评估与决策过程等)、项目资金筹措和管理阶段、项目土地管理阶段、项目拆迁阶段、项目招投标阶段、项目勘察和设计阶段、项目施工阶段、项目监理阶段、项目供用水、电、气、暖和绿化阶段、项目材料采购供应阶段、项目装修装饰阶段、项目竣工验收与试运行阶段、项目预销售阶段、项目物业管理阶段及项目财务和税收等法律事务。
Firms have professional real estate company established a lawyer to handle project decision-making stage stage, including investment opportunity study and project primary process, project proposal preparation and careful batch process, the project feasibility study, design specification and approval process, project evaluation and decision making process, etc.), project financing and management, project management, project land demolition project bidding, project reconnaissance and design phase, project construction phase, project supervision, project, stage for water, electricity, gas, warm afforest, project material purchasing and supply phase, project decoration project completion acceptance stage, and commissioning phase, project sales, project (stage of property management and project finance and tax and other legal affairs.
[...] 因虚报资料而获得任用,并确保在(a) 候选人被列入某职位初选名单 后但不迟 于确定甄选时;或(b) [...]
The Tribunal indicated that the reference checks with educational institutions and previous employers were particularly important to ensure that candidates did not secure appointment by misrepresenting the information and that reference checks were to be conducted (a) as soon as a candidate
was shortlisted for a position, but not
[...] later than the selection was finalized; [...]
or (b) prior to inclusion on the roster.
本届竞赛 开始,从提名作品初选到决 赛都专门邀请了景观设计、区域治理、设计技术等相关领域拥有杰出实绩的专家作为评审。
This year, we welcomed nominees and participants who showed superb achievements and wisdom in urban and landscape design.
他报告说,初选出了 34 个受审议缔约国,在各区域组内部其他一些国别审议几经推迟和自愿提前之 后,有 26 个缔约国确认愿意在第一年接受审议,有 [...]
25 个缔约国在审议之日以 前提交了自评清单,有 46 个审议缔约国向秘书处提交了桌面审议结果,以转交 受审议缔约国。
He reported that of the initially selected 34 States parties [...]
under review, after deferrals and voluntary moving forward
of other country reviews within regional groups, 26 States parties had confirmed their readiness to undergo review in the first year, 25 States parties had submitted their self-assessment checklist by the date of the review, and 46 reviewing States parties had submitted the outcome of their desk review to the secretariat for transmission to the State party under review.
反之,我们希望与您更密切地合作,在研发早期对轴承进行适当 初选 , 从 而减少您的研发时间。
We would like to work more closely with you and allow you to
[...] make the suitable preliminary selection for rolling bearings [...]
early on in the development process
so that you can reduce your development times.
(...) 我初选择你 们的软件的原因是基于其功能和价格,如今,我将 超级技术支持 添加在此列表中。
(...) My initial reasons for choosing your software [...]
were function and price, but I will now add superb support to that list.
想一想耶稣所面临的艰巨任务,就知道祂 初选择 花时间的方式真是令人惊异。
Considering the huge task that faced Jesus, it is truly
[...] amazing that He chose to spend His time [...]
as He did.
全球多项重要活动采用TVUPack系列产品来摄录专业品质的实时高清素材,包括伦敦奥运会、美国总 初选 、 世 界杯、飓风“桑迪”、世界职业棒球大赛和超级碗。
The TVUPack family of products has been used to deliver professional-quality live HD footage of a number of important events on every
continent including the London Olympics,
[...] U.S. presidential election primaries, the World Cup, [...]
Hurricane Sandy, the World Series, and the Super Bowl.
这个修订本描述了美初选和大 选的方法,不仅展示了政党在选举过程中的运作,而且介绍了选举设备、选务人员、民意调查、竞选筹资等方面的情况。
This revised
[...] 2012 edition sketches the way primary and general elections work, not only [...]
the role of political parties, but
also the nuts and bolts of voting machines and poll workers, opinion polls and campaign finance.
对于 被列初选名单 中的国家,国家政府和/或 CAFI 将与冷风机所有者签订项目协议,而对 于未列入清单的国家参与者,相关 GAFI 将与冷风机所有者签订项目协议。
For pre-listed countries, the country government and/or CAFI will enter into project agreements with chiller owners, while for unlisted country participants, the relevant GAFI will enter into project agreements with chiller owners.
政府随机选初次在 新加坡工作的外籍家政工人进行访谈。
FDWs working in Singapore for the first
[...] time are randomly selected for interviews [...]
by the Government.
选 初级商 品,包括粮食产品价格波动以及对初级商品的依赖,从而 支持依赖初级商品的国家制定可持续、包容性的国家发展战略。
Price volatility of commodities, including food products, and commodity dependence, thereby supporting commodity-dependent countries in formulating sustainable and inclusive national development strategies.
咨询委员会回顾,秘书长在 A/64/6(Sect.34)号文件中提出了暂用的 拟议方案预算第 34 款经常预算和共同出资活动的毛额预算 初 步 提 案, 以待世界各地联合国人员及房舍安全保障问题独立审查小组(独立审查小 组)2008 年 6 月建议对安全和安保部组织进行的全面管理审查完成以及联 合国系统行政首长协调理事会对独立审查小组的建议作出反应。
The Advisory Committee recalls that in document A/64/6 (Sect. 34), the Secretary-General submitted a preliminary proposed programme budget for section 34 of the regular budget and the gross budget for jointly financed activities, pending the completion of the comprehensive management review of the organization of the Department of Safety and Security that was recommended in June 2008 by the Independent Panel on Safety and Security of United Nations Personnel and Premises Worldwide and the submission of the response of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination to the recommendations of the Independent Panel.
在 2005 年 10 月 6 日的第五和第六次会议上,委员会审议了下列五个项目:项目 8.1:反对在 体育运动中使用兴奋剂国际公约草案;项目 5.3:关于阿拉伯被占领土的教育和文化机构的第 32 C/54 号决议的实施情况;项目 5.24:关于在布基纳法索瓦加杜古建立由联合国教科文组织赞助的非 洲女童和妇女教育国际中心(CIEFFA)的建议;项目 5.8:联合国教科文组织和经济合作与发展组 织(OECD)合作,共同起草“保障高等教育跨国界办学质量”的指导方针;以及项目 5.23:关于国 际传统竞赛和体育运动宪章的可行性及范围 初 步 报 告。
At its fifth and sixth meetings on 6 October 2005, the Commission examined the following five items: 8.1 “Draft international convention against doping in sport”, 5.3 “Implementation of 32 C/Resolution 54 concerning educational and cultural institutions in the occupied Arab territories”, 5.24 “Proposed establishment of the International Centre for Girls’ and Women’s Education in Africa (CIEFFA) under the auspices of UNESCO, in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)”, 5.8 “Cooperation between UNESCO and OECD in drafting guidelines on ‘Quality Provision in Cross-Border Higher Education’”, and 5.23 “Preliminary report on the desirability and scope of an international charter on traditional games and sports”.




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