

单词 初级读物

See also:

初级 adj

elementary adj

初级 n

inferior n
junior ranking n

External sources (not reviewed)

应当注意 到,软件的扫初级读本( 纸版)要求高水平的专门技术知识,而这并不总是随时都可以得到的。
It should however be noted that the
transformation from
[...] literacy primers (paper copy) to software requires high level technical expertise [...]
that is not always readily available.
食典委忆及,法典委员会动物饲料工作的目的是,通过涵盖包 初级 生 产 在内的 整个物链, 确保消费者层面的食品安全。
The Commission recalled that the purpose of Codex
[...] work on animal feeding was to ensure food safety at the consumer level by covering the [...]
entire food chain, including primary production.
[...] 播放器或其它设备的音频内容直接串流到免提电话,这样您可以在驾车的同时聆听音乐、有 读物 或 播 客节目。
You can stream audio content from your mobile phone,
mp3 player or other device directly to the speakerphone, so you
[...] can enjoy music, audiobooks or podcasts while [...]
you drive.
至 少,儿童有权获得一套基本的社会服务,其中包括高质量的医疗保健、充足的物、住 房、安全饮用水和卫生设施、以 初级 教 育 ,从而使他们得以充分成长, 远离疾病、营养不良、文盲和其他的形式的匮乏。
At a minimum, children are entitled to a package of basic social services that includes
high-quality health care,
[...] adequate food, housing, safe drinking water and sanitation and primary education, so that they can grow to their full potential, free of disease, [...]
malnutrition, illiteracy and other deprivations.
此外,他感到关切的是,全球金融市场的波动 转化为农初级商品实物市场 的波动, 初级 商 品 部门最贫穷的参与方产生不利 影响。
Furthermore, he was concerned that volatility in the global financial markets was
transmitted into
[...] volatility in the physical markets for agricultural commodities, negatively impacting the poorest stakeholders in the commodity sector.
(c) 次级作物中心 的主要工作重点是建立联网;促进和协调各项 研究工作;宣传和传播研究成果;并 初 步 的 研究成果转化为与本区域具有 关联性的政策选项。
(c) The Centre’s primary focus should be on networking, promoting and coordinating research, highlighting and disseminating research findings and converting the results of primary research into relevant policy options for the region.
世界银行通过支持“MILES”框架执行的研究、书 籍出版、社会保护讨论论文、就业政 初级读 本 以 及一个社会保护与劳动网站和 一个社会保护博客,帮助提高对体面工作的认识。
The World Bank contributes to raising awareness about decent work through research to support the implementation of the
MILES framework, the
[...] publication of books, social protection discussion papers, employment policy primers, a social [...]
protection and labour
website, and a social protection blog.
您可以在初的职 业教育与培训学历基础上继续 读 更 高 一 级 的 学历,另外,职业教育与培训学历还为您就业或改换职业奠定了基础,并有助于进入大学继续深造。
Your initial qualification can be built on to achieve higher qualifications, provide the basis [...]
to begin or change a career,
or assist with further study at university.
因此,虽然有几个职位在这个博客上,可以加深你的知识,最理想的 初级 用 户 阅 读 博 客 和其他网站,你有更深的了解与接触。
Therefore, although there are several posts on this blog
that can deepen your knowledge, the
[...] ideal is that the Novice read blogs and other sites [...]
where you have contact with deeper insights.
开展了一系列文化活动:2003 年 4 月在教 科文组织总部与开放的亚洲法国(非政府组织)举办的“阿富汗周”,摄影展、团结互助文 化展:“和平之旅:前往阿富汗”;展出了两份出版物:“诗歌之旅”和“光明之旅”,这 是在关于“客栈:促进阿富汗和平与民主的一千零一首诗”的文化项目框架内,为阿富汗青 少年和成年人出版的一本诗集读物 , 是 在关心阿富汗未来的超过 45 个民族的作家和诗人 所投稿件的基础上出版的。
A series of cultural manifestations: “The Week for Afghanistan” organized with Open Asia France (NGO) in April 2003 at UNESCO Headquarters, a photography exhibition, a cultural show of solidarity “Caravan of Peace: Destination Afghanistan”; presentation of two publications, “The Caravan of Poems” and “The Caravan of Light”: an anthology of poems and texts for Afghan youth and adults in the framework of the cultural project on “Caravanserais: One Thousand and One Poems for Peace and Democracy in Afghanistan”, based on the contributions of writers and poets of more than 45 nationalities sensitive to the future of Afghanistan.
复兴时期共出版了几十初级读本和 初 级 语 法书,但是没有一本像“鱼 初级读 本 ”那么有影响力,Beron 的开创性工作帮助他宣扬了自己非宗教教育的思想,而非宗教教育首先就是要在初级教育中放弃使用教会斯拉夫语而选择使用保加利亚语。
During the revival period, several dozen primers and early grammars were published, but none were as influential [...]
as the Fish Primer, for Beron’s
groundbreaking work helped him to promote his ideas of secular education, first by abandoning the use of the Church Slavic language for primary education and using the Bulgarian language instead.
在这一时期,文化和教育得不到重视,弗朗西亚关闭了学校,并且阻止人们 接触任读物。
Culture and education in that period made little or
no progress, since Rodriguez de Francia closed the schools and prevented
[...] the introduction of reading matter of any kind.
为了确保精神障碍不被卫生系统忽视,卫生当局应制定精神健康政 策,将精神健康纳入级卫生 保健之中,为劳动力发展和基本 物 采 购 编列预算,初级卫生保健人员进行有关精神健康方面的培训。
To ensure that mental disorders are not disregarded by the health system, health authorities should develop a mental health policy, integrate
mental health
[...] treatment into primary health care, budget for workforce development and essential drug procurement, and train primary health-care [...]
providers in mental health.
Beron 和他的这初级读本对 保加利亚文化具有重大的意义,如今的保加利亚货币对他们都进行了纪念,特别显示在面值 10 列弗的纸币上。
Beron and his primer are so significant to Bulgarian culture that they are both commemorated on present day Bulgarian currency, specifically on the 10 lev note.
总干事强调了对可追踪性/产品追踪采取协调一致的方法的重要性,以便采用食物 链方法和确初级动物生产 与动物产品的食品安全性之间的联系。
The Director-General stressed the importance of a coordinated approach to traceability/product tracing in order to follow the food chain approach and establish a link between primary animal production and food safety of animal products.
关于该报告以物滥用初级预防 为重点的第一章,主席强调,各国政府所面临的挑战是,要有 系统地采取措施保护年轻人,特别是保护最脆弱的群体。
With reference to chapter I of the report, which
[...] focused on the primary prevention of drug abuse, the President [...]
stressed that the challenge
facing Governments was to systematically take measures to protect young people, particularly the most vulnerable.
虽然石油价格最近下降在某种程度上缓解了大多数西非 国家的宏观经济和财政压力,但这场广泛的全球性危机已经造 初级 商 品 出口价 格暴跌,对其经济倚重出口物的国 家的贸易条件、政府岁入、普遍宏观经济条 件和家庭收入造成不利影响。
Although the recent decrease in oil prices has, to some extent, eased macroeconomic and fiscal pressure in most West African countries, the broader, global
nature of the crisis
[...] has generated a sharp fall in the price of primary commodity exports, which has had an adverse [...]
effect on terms of
trade, government revenue, broader macroeconomic conditions and household incomes in countries whose economies rely heavily on export crops.
完成10年级课程的学生可获初中毕 业证(School Certificate),并可继续读11和12年级课 程
Students completing Year 10 are awarded the School Certificate and can continue with Year 11 and 12.
源自保加利亚复兴时期的“鱼 初级读 本 ”和其他数百部书籍保存在美国国会图书馆珍本和特殊藏书中的早期保加利亚印刷品 Todor Plochev 藏品中。
The Fish Primer and hundreds of other titles from the Bulgarian revival period are held in the Todor Plochev Collection of Early Bulgarian Imprints in the Rare Books and Special Collections Division of the Library of Congress.
您可以将电脑或手机中的任何音频内容(音乐、播客、有 读物 ) 串 流到耳机播放 - 只需一副耳机即可。
You can stream any audio content from your PC or mobile – be it music, podcasts, audiobooks – all from one headset.
它们参加了为撒赫勒地和东非 初级读 者 编写电 子版“公开使用”发展选集的工作,该选集作为有代表性的公共领域文集——公共 [...]
They participated in the preparation of
electronic “open access” development
[...] anthologies for basic readers in the Sahel and [...]
in East Africa which were published and
distributed free of charge by UNESCO within the Public@ series of representative public domain collections.
月期间,身为父母或监护人,至少有 180 天抚养 18
[...] 岁以下中度、重度和极重度 残疾的孩子,8 岁以下的孩子或 8 岁至在学读完一年级的孩 子的失业人员;在 登记失业之前的十二个月期间至少 [...]
180 天接受住院治疗的人,护理病人的人;长 期无法工作的人,老年人,或接受《残疾人社会福利法》或《社会福利法》规定
的照顾者津贴的人,因为宣布长期无法工作而失业的人,在监押的人,在狱中或 拘留所服刑的人。
Previous employment or engagement in an activity equal to work is not required of an unemployed person who, for at least 180 days during the twelve months prior to registration as unemployed raised, as a parent or a guardian, a child of up to 18 years of age with a moderate, severe or profound disability, a child under 8 years of age
or a child of 8 years of age
[...] until the child completed year one at school; or of a person [...]
who, for at least 180 days during
the twelve months prior to registration as unemployed was under in-patient treatment, cared for a sick person, a person who is permanently incapacitated for work or an elderly person, or received a caregiver’s allowance under the Social Benefits for Disabled Persons Act or under the Social Welfare Act, was unemployed due to declaration as permanently incapacitated for work, or held in custody or served a sentence in a prison or house of detention.
1824 年的《Bukvar s razlichny poucheniia》(多教初级读本) 是首部为小学生学习现代保加利亚语而出版 初级读 本 ,也是首部强调世俗而非宗教教育 初级读 本。
The Bukvar s razlichny poucheniia or Primer with Various Instructions of 1824 was the first primer published for pupils learning the modern Bulgarian language and the first to emphasize secular rather than religious education.
(c) 關於一種污物的“總初始上 限"是指港燈擁有及營運的所有發 電廠就該種污物的所有初始上 限的總和。
(c) “Total Initial Cap” in relation to a Pollutant means the aggregate of all Initial Caps for that Pollutant for all power plants owned and operated by HEC.
加倍努力普及科学教育,修改教科文组织科学教育资 读物 、 制作关于科学教育方面的能力培 养工具光盘,并支持旨在促进女孩和妇女参与科学的活动。
Efforts towards the popularization of science education have multiplied, ranging from the revision of the UNESCO Sourcebook on science teaching, the development of a CD-ROM on capacity-building tools in science education, and the support of activities aiming at promoting the participation of girls and women in science.
行动方式包括:在埃塞俄比亚的学校中广泛 地发放了用阿姆哈拉语制作的关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病的一系列录象带;举办了如何制作读 光盘 和网站的讲习班(埃塞俄比亚和尼日尔)和教育信息技术 级 培 训 班(乌干达和津巴布 韦);将关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病的电子图书馆译成法文和葡萄牙文;支持了苏丹科技大学 [...]
Modalities of action have included: a series of videos on HIV/AIDS in Amharic, widely distributed in Ethiopian schools;
workshops on how to
[...] make CD-ROMs and websites (Ethiopia and Niger) and advanced courses in IT training for education (Uganda and Zimbabwe); the [...]
Electronic Library on
HIV/AIDS translated into French and Portuguese; and support to the Sudan University of Science and Technology (SUST) and Pretoria University joint programme for the M.Ed in the Use of ICTs for Education.
在一些发展中国家,随着交易 所的产生,包括物流、储存和质检等环节的可靠的 物初级 商 品 运送系统建立起 来并得到保障,使得市场基础设施大幅改善。
In some developing countries, exchanges have generated
[...] significant upgrading of marketing infrastructure through the establishment and guarantee of a reliable delivery system for the physical commodity, including logistics, storage and quality [...]
为协助 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐怖主义而开展的活动包括:(a) 进行关于食品安全、 动植物健康问题的能力建设(培训班、各种项目),包括促进风险分析和加强基层 能力,以确保国家能够监测、诊断、报告和应对病虫害和疾病的爆发;(b) 食品 标准法典委员会和国际植物保护公约制定有关标准;(c) 设立一个物链管理框 架以便对跨界动物病虫 害和疾病造成的 物 链 危 机、粮食安全威胁和紧急情 况,以及对核放射性威级紧急 情况,进行预防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 国际论坛讨论与粮食和农业相关的 物 风 险 管理问题。
Specific activities that assisted countries in relation to terrorism targeted at food products included: (a) capacity-building (training courses, projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of risk analyses and developing base-level capacity to ensure national ability to monitor, diagnose, report and respond to pest and disease outbreaks; (b) the standard setting work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention;
(c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for prevention, early warning, preparedness and
[...] response to food chain crises caused by transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases, food safety threats and emergencies, as well as nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies; and the organization of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture.
后来,Beron 离开了教师职业,成为了一名医生和科研人员,但人们主要还是因为他的“鱼 初级读 本 ” 而记住了他的名字,这本书也使他享有了现代保加利亚语之父的称号。
Beron eventually left the teaching profession and went on to become a physician and scientific researcher, but he is principally remembered for his Fish Primer, a work which inspired his moniker as the father of modern Bulgarian.




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