

单词 初稿

See also:


first adj
junior adj

稿 pl

manuscripts pl


stalk of grain

(at the) beginning
at first

External sources (not reviewed)

當遞交質詢以作登記時,所提供 的質詢措初稿必須 足 以 說 明 質詢的主題 及 [...]
When a question is passed for
[...] registration, draft wording sufficient [...]
to identify the subject matter and the scope of the question should be provided.
近东救济工程处表示,后来拟定包括风险评估方法的概念文件,之后还聘 用一名咨询人,支助总部部门和外地办事处拟定各自的风险登记 初稿 , 这 一工 作的第一阶段将在 2010 年第一季度后不久完成,并将在 2010 年下半年开始启用 [...]
UNRWA stated that a concept paper had since been developed, including a risk assessment methodology, following which a consultant was recruited to support headquarters departments and
field offices to develop
[...] their own first drafts of risk registers, with the initial phase of the exercise [...]
expected to be completed
shortly after the first quarter of 2010, and that the process of incorporating the use of the registers, inclusive of risk mitigation measures, would commence during the second half of 2010.
在政府提交予法案委員會的《註冊中介人操守要求指引 初稿 中,有關風險評估的第III.27段載述:“就客戶的個人狀況及成分基金 的風險概況進行配對,揀選適合客戶的成分基金;及向客戶解釋某 一/某些特定成分基金適合該客戶的原因。
In the Draft Guidelines on Conduct Requirements for Registered Intermediaries submitted to the Bills Committee by the Government, it is stated in paragraph III.27 on risk assessment that "match the client's personal profile with the risk profiles of the constituent funds to select a constituent fund/constituent funds suitable for the client; and explain to the client why a particular constituent fund/constituent funds are suitable for the client.
依照大会确定的准则以及战略规划编制局召开 的全国委员会协商会议的成果,以及各国政府、政府间组织和非政府组织对一份问卷调查的书面答 复,该局对本组织《中期战略初稿 ( 34 C/4)和《计划与预算》(34 C/5)的计划内容进行了调 整。
BSP coordinated the Preliminary draft of the Organization’s Medium-Term Strategy (34 C/4) and the programme aspects of the Programme and Budget (34 C/5), in line with the guidance provided by the General Conference and the results of consultation meetings with National Commissions, managed by BSP, and the written contributions of Government, IGOs, and NGOs to a questionnaire.
人权事务委员会在其第2004/18 号决议中要求结构调整政策和外债对充分享
有所有人权,特别是经济、社会和文化权利的影响问题独立专家“起草一般准 则,供各国家及私营和公营、国家和国际金融机构在债务偿还和机构改革方案, 包括因债务减免引起的债务偿还和机构改革方案的决策和实施中遵循,以确保遵
[...] 守外债所衍生的承诺不会破坏国际人权文书中所规定的实现基本的经济、社会和 文化权利的义务;并将关于此议题 初稿 提 交委员会第六十一届会议,定稿提交 委员会第六十二届会议。
In its resolution 2004/18, the Commission on Human Rights requested the Independent Expert on the effects of structural adjustment policies and foreign debt on the full enjoyment of all human rights, particularly economic, social and cultural rights “to draft general guidelines to be followed by States and by private and public, national and international financial institutions in the decision-making and execution of debt repayments and structural reform programmes, including those arising from debt relief, to ensure that compliance with the commitments derived from foreign debt will not undermine the obligations for the realization of fundamental economic, social and cultural rights, as provided for in the international
human rights instruments,
[...] and to present a preliminary draft on this matter [...]
to the Commission at its sixty-first session and a final draft at the sixtysecond session of the Commission.
在考虑到所收到的意见之 后,主席于 2009 年 1 月 15 日散发了政治宣言草初稿,以 作为今后非正式协 商的基础。
Taking into account the input received, the Chairperson circulated a first draft of the political declaration on 15 January 2009 to provide a basis for informal consultations thereafter.
通过与世界地质图委员会(CGMW)的协调,绘制了以下四个初稿图”:印度洋结 构图最后的三分之一部分, [...]
南美洲矿物分布图印制图的头三分之一和数字/地理信息系统版 只读光盘以及地中海地球动力学图的头三分之一部分。
In coordination with the Commission of the
Geological Maps of the World (CGMW), the
[...] following four “drafts” were prepared: [...]
the last third part of the Structural Map
of the Indian Ocean, the first third of the printed map and CD-ROM of the digital/GIS version of the Metallogenic Map of South America and the first third of the Geodynamic Map of the Mediterranean.
主席提到上次會議紀要第26段,並邀請何國偉先生介紹「業界資訊天地」的設初 稿。
The Chairman referred to paragraph 26 of the notes of last meeting and invited Mr. Nicky HO
[...] to introduce the draft design of the Trade [...]
此外,爱沙尼亚计划规定:每一项法 律从提初稿直至最后通过所涉的所有文件均须在互联网论坛上公布,从而使得 互联网论坛成为政府制定任何政策的一个必不可少的部分。
Moreover, Estonia plans to make the use of the internet forum a compulsory part of the development of any Government proposal, by making public every piece of legislation from the initial draft until its adoption.
工作组注意到,根据行动小组的建议,美国航天局近地天体观测方案主管 与欧空局空间态势感知近地天体部分的负责人邀请各空间机构的代表在科学和 技术小组委员会第四十九届会议间隙重点讨论飞行任务规划和运营小组的职权 范围草初稿,以 便为减缓近地天体威胁总体系统的规划做准备。
The Working Group noted that on the recommendation of the Action Team, the NEO Observations Program Executive of NASA and the Space Situational Awareness-NEO Segment Manager of ESA had invited representatives of space agencies to discuss, in particular, the first draft terms of reference for a mission planning and operations group, on the margins of the forty-ninth session of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee, in preparation for planning an overall NEO threat mitigation system.
执行委员会第六十六次会议请“基金秘书处与各执行机构合作,根据会议期间所提的任何 建议,为氟氯烃淘汰管理计划第二阶段的编制工作编写指导方针,包括用以实现 2020 年 管制目标所规定的淘汰和根据《蒙特利尔议定书》计划实现全部淘汰的备选方案,并向执 行委员会第六十九次会议提交此类指导方针的草 初稿 ” (第 66/5(c)号决定)。
At its 66th meeting, the Executive Committee requested “the Fund Secretariat, in cooperation with the implementing agencies, to prepare guidelines for stage II of HCFC 7 phase-out management plan preparation in the light of any comments raised during the meeting, including options for phase-out up to the 2020 control target and for total phase-out in accordance with the Montreal Protocol schedule, and to present a first draft of such guidelines to the 69th meeting of the Executive Committee” (decision 66/5(c)).
經考慮董事會函件所載的資料、該協 初稿 的 條 款及通函第9至23頁所載亞貝就此提出 的意見後,吾等認為該協初稿的條 款乃符合本公司及其股東的整體利益,及就股東而言屬 公平合理。
Having considered the information set
[...] out in the letter from the Board, the terms of the draft Agreement and the advice of ACL in relation thereto as set out on pages 9 to 23 of the Circular, we are of the view that the terms of the draft Agreement [...]
are in the interests
of the Company and its Shareholders as a whole and are fair and reasonable so far as the Shareholders are concerned.
6.3 秘書應於會議舉行後的合理時間內將核數委員會會議記錄 初稿 發送予核數委員會所有成員,以獲彼等的意見,並將已簽署的會議記錄副 [...]
6.3 The Secretary
[...] shall circulate draft minutes of the [...]
Audit Committee to all members of the Audit Committee for their comments
and copies of signed minutes to all members of the Audit Committee and the Board, within a reasonable time after the meeting is held.
初稿强调 特别是在农 村地区建立生产能力,以便解决贫困问题。
It emphasized building of productive capacities, especially in rural areas to address poverty.
此外,在 2011-2012 年预算期内,法庭将依案情处 理一个案件(即第 18 号案件)的一部分诉讼程序(听讯、初审和起草判决 初稿 )。
In addition, during the 2011-2012 budget period, the Tribunal will deal with part of the proceedings (hearing, initial deliberations and the preparation of the first draft judgment) in a case on the merits, namely, Case No. 18.
本报告是经济及社会理事会的报告中关于 2011 年组织会议及其续会以及 2011 年实质性会议 部分初稿。
The present report is a preliminary version of those sections of the report of the Economic and Social Council relating to the organizational and resumed organizational sessions for 2011 and the substantive session of 2011.
主席邀請與會人士就「業界資訊天地」的設 初稿 發表 意見,並留意到沒有人提出意見。
The Chairman invited and noted that there were no comments at the
[...] meeting on the draft design of the [...]
Trade Webzone.
該協初稿的副本於本通函日期起計至二零一二年二月二十七日(即股東特別大會的預 [...]
定日期)(包括首尾兩日)期間的一般辦公時間內在香港九龍尖沙咀廣東道33號中港城6座15 樓1503–05A室可供查閱。
A copy of the draft Agreement is [...]
available for inspection during normal business hours at Room 1503–05A, 15/F, Tower 6,
China Hong Kong City, 33 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong from the date of this circular to 27 February 2012 (i.e. the scheduled date of the SGM) (both days inclusive).
我要强调,我们已经在我 们即将在金沙萨举行的会议的议程上列入审议一项 关于在中部非洲监测小武器和轻武器、弹药以及在其 制造中使用的任何材料的法律文书 初稿 以 及 审议 该文书的实施计划。
I wish to emphasize that we have placed on the agenda of our forthcoming meeting in Kinshasa consideration of preliminary drafts of a legal instrument for the monitoring in Central Africa of small arms and light weapons, ammunition and any material used in their manufacture, and of an implementation plan for that instrument.
指导委员会的首要 优先事项是召集几内亚湾国家的专家和有关伙伴开会,拟订区域战略 初稿。
The steering committee’s first priority will be to convene a meeting of experts
from the Gulf of Guinea countries as well as interested partners to
[...] formulate the first draft of the regional strategy.
2010 年下半年,政府开始拟定一份新的全国性方 初稿 , 并 于 2010 年底请求开发署提供技术援助,以对该方案进行评估,确保其全面遵守此领域的 [...]
In the second half of 2010, the Government started to
[...] develop a first draft of a new national [...]
programme and, late in 2010, requested
the technical assistance of UNDP to assess the programme to ensure its full compliance with international standards in this field.
关于警察的分部门战初稿也已完成,并 在几个未决问题得到解决后,如付清对巴黎俱 乐部成员国的拖欠付款,并对开采自然资源所获特 别收入进行透明的财会结算,当局的请求可在本月 底之前提交基金组织执行董事会审批。
Subject to the resolution of a few pending issues, for example, the clearance of payment arrears to members of the Paris Club and the transparent accounting of exceptional revenue from the exploitation of natural resources, the authorities’ request could be submitted for approval to the IMF Executive Board before the end of this month.
此外,该组 织 2005 年编写了《社会工作中心专业人士工作程序书》和《警察工作程序书初稿。
Furthermore, the organization prepared the first drafts of the Protocol on the Work of Professionals in Social Work Centres and the Protocol on the work of the Police in 2005.
[...] 尽快安排中央案例研究主任、咨询专家组长和关键专家开会,就如何推进中央案例研究的工作 达成共识,并在下次项目管理小组会议之前应当起草推广战 初稿 用 于 讨论。
It was agreed that the CPMO would arrange a meeting between the CCS director, the ATL and the key expert as soon as possible for
consensus on how to proceed under
[...] CCS, and a draft dissemination strategy should be prepared [...]
for discussion before the next PMB meeting.
審核委員會 會議紀錄初稿及最 後定稿應在會議後一段合理時間內先後發送委員會全體成員 初稿 供成員表達意見,最後定稿作其紀錄之用(上市規則附件 14 C3.1)。
Draft and final versions of minutes of the meetings should be sent to all committee members for their comment and records within [...]
a reasonable time after the meeting (LR Appendix 14.C3.1).
请秘书处编写“经修订的《气候公约》附件一报告指南草案说 明”,包括新通用报告格式表初稿 , 供 第三次研讨会与会者初 步讨论,并供缔约方在科技咨询机构第三十四届会议上审议。
Request the secretariat to prepare an
[...] annotated draft of the revised UNFCCC Annex I reporting guidelines, including the first draft of the new CRF tables, for initial discussion [...]
by participants at workshop
3 and consideration by Parties at SBSTA 34.
每個系列的珠寶,由構思初稿至問世都經過多重工序, FREY WILLE的藝術團隊經歷歲月的試煉,將每件珠寶精製成巧奪天工的藝術品,在創作過程中,他們追求手工精緻和完美並寄予豐富的浪漫情感,創造永垂不朽的傳奇。
The final collections have always undergone a long process of development. From the first ideas through to drafts - the final designs and production, the whole process can often last many years in which the famous FREY WILLE artists create promising pieces that stand the test of time.
[...] 有关的资料,并在一缔约方提出要求时,开会审查与一项开发计划或受益计划或 与此种计初稿有关 的各种关切和问题,以促成计划的批准。
The Working Group must allow the Parties to review information related to the regional geological setting and, at the request of one Party, meet to facilitate approval of a
Development Plan or Benefits Plan by reviewing concerns or issues regarding
[...] such a plan or a preliminary version of it.
[...] 的基础上,我们建议将以下几个领域作为将在进一步磋商之后制定并发布《全球 议程初稿的框 架:国家内部和区域之间的社会和经济不平等;以及最近持续的 [...]
On the basis of our previous consultations and the discussions during the Hong Kong conference, we propose
the following areas as a framework
[...] for the first draft of the Global Agenda, to be developed [...]
and articulated following further
consultation: social and economic inequalities within countries and between regions; and the recent and continuing economic crises and the modalities chosen by world leaders to deal with them (e.g., using resources to support the financial systems while cutting resources for social support and social development).
會 議 紀 錄 之 草 稿 及 最 終 定 稿 應 在 會 議 結 束 後 14 天 內先後 發 送 委 員 會 全 體 成 員初 稿 供 成 員 表 達 意 見 , 最 終 稿 作 其 紀 錄 之 用 。
Draft and final versions of minutes of the meeting should be sent to all committee members for their comment and record, within 14 days after a meeting.




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