

单词 初生之犊不畏虎

External sources (not reviewed)

從 過去的經驗 ,
[...] 我 相 信 很難要求特區的 官 員 能 學 蔣生一樣 , 面 對 強權亦不 畏懼, 可以說 出 真 心 說 話 , 反映廣 大 巿 [...]
From past experience, I think we can hardly
require the officials of
[...] the SAR to act like Dr JIANG so fearlessly in the face of power and that [...]
they can really say to their
heart's content and to reflect the views of the people.
他是一位畏之士, 愿意为所有南非人的自由牺牲自己生 命。
A man of courage, he was willing to sacrifice his own life for the freedom of all South Africans.
这样,来自两个分组犊牛可 使用同一个牛奶站 不 存 在 年长 犊 牛 欺 负较 犊 牛 的 现象。
In this way, calves from both groups can use the same station without the older calves dominating the younger ones.
精料摄入量是决定何时犊牛断 奶的主要参数。
Concentrate intake is the main parameter
[...] in deciding when to wean a calf.
犊牛出于某种原不吃或不喝, ALPRO将让您知道。
If, for some reason, a calf doesn’t eat or drink, ALPRO [...]
will let you know.
我恐怕只會弄巧反拙,動搖市民的信心,在未有問題 生之 前 ,自 我創造危機,正所謂「虎不成反類犬」,不但沒有建設,更可能對社會安定、法制運 作構成嚴重的損害。
Indeed, we would be like the
[...] proverbial poor artist who tried to draw a tiger but succeeded only in drawing something [...]
that looked like a
dog. It will do no good, but serious harm, to social stability and to the operation of the legal system.
套用總督的說話,香 港 需要的是「㆒個之有效 的制度, 讓成熟 和練達的市民,有權對如何管理他們的社會發言,並且可以 不畏 懼 ㆞ 指出管理階層 在哪些㆞方和甚麼時候犯了錯。
What Hong Kong needs, to borrow from the Governor's word,
"is a well-tried
[...] system for our matured and sophisticated people to have a say how our community is run, and to tell without fear those running it where, what and when [...]
they have got it wrong.
[...] 乃關於損益表以外確認(無論是於其他綜合收入或直接於權益內確 認)之項目,或生於業務合之初 始 會 計處理,則另當別論。
Current and deferred tax are recognised as an expense or income in the statement of income, except when they relate to items that are recognised outside the statement of income (whether in other
comprehensive income or directly in equity) or
[...] where they arise from the initial accounting for a business [...]
在雅虎前CEO卡罗尔•巴茨的领导下,双方关系恶 之 后 , 雅 虎 最 终 在今 初 同 意 卖掉阿里巴巴的股份,9月份开始卖掉该公司18%的股份。
After the
[...] 2 sides’ relationship soured under the leadership of former Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz, Yahoo finally agreed to sell its stake in Alibaba earlier this year, [...]
starting with the sale
of around 18 percent of the company in September.
由于上文第 1(b)段所述执行机构的改变,对肯尼亚政府和执行委员会商定的 这些条件作了增订,但不影响 农业部以及环境、自然资源和 生 动 植 物部部长在 项之初所签署的项目。
The present Agreed Conditions between the Government of Kenya and the Executive Committee have been updated as a result of the change in implementing agency as indicated in
paragraph 1 (b) above, without impact on the project signed by the Permanent Secretaries
[...] of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Wildlife at project inception.
重要的是,当 处于严重危之中的平民大声疾呼时,国际社会必须不畏惧地愿意作出反应。
It is important that when
[...] civilians in grave danger cry out, the international community, undaunted, is ready to respond.
还可补充生素和其它添加剂,促 犊 牛 健 康成长。
It can be supplemented with vitamins and other additives to promote healthy growth.
公私伙伴 关系在联盟工作中发挥日益重要的作用,是制订有全球影响力的具体项目的基 础,例如与思科、卡洛斯特·古尔本金安基金会和若干其他伙伴发起的“对话咖 啡馆”;世界文化间创新机制,与宝马集团一起设立的世界促进创新设施,帮助 发现和推广不同文化之间搭 桥的最有创新性的基层举措;不同文明联盟暑期学 校;与威望迪公司共同设立的联合工作队,以确定不同文化间对话和文化多样性 的影响;“为多样性和包容做一件事”运动,这一运动是与硅谷最大公司中的 20 家公司(雅虎、In tuit、英特尔和其他公司等)合作开展的。
They form the basis for the development of concrete projects with a global dimension, such as the “Dialogue Café” with Cisco, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and a number of other partners; the World Intercultural Facility for Innovation with the BMW Group to help identify and replicate the most innovative
grass-roots initiatives for
[...] cross-cultural bridge-building; the Alliance of Civilizations summer schools; a joint task force with Vivendi on measuring the impact of intercultural dialogue and cultural diversity; and the “Do one thing for diversity and inclusion” campaign made possible through a partnership with 20 of the largest firms in Silicon Valley (Yahoo, Intuit, Intel and [...]
卖方交付的犊不是商 定的品种,而且健康状况极 差,有脱水和营养不良的症状,因此有 25 头死亡。
The seller had delivered calves that were not of the agreed [...]
breeds and, moreover, were in extremely poor health, showing
symptoms of dehydration and malnutrition, as a result of which 25 died.
對於要花九牛虎之力才可解決的貧富懸殊問題,政府卻避之則 吉,眼中只有即時掌聲,任由深層次的貧窮問題繼續惡化,可見政府的 眼光是何等短淺,同樣把中長遠社會利益 之 高 閣 ,懶理基 生 活 的苦 不堪言
Regarding the disparity between the rich and the poor which can only be resolved by putting in tremendous efforts, the Government simply avoids it.
更早地发现健康问题,因犊牛将 在其牛奶食用量下降前很长时间,就减少精料摄入量。
Health problems can be
[...] spotted earlier as calves will reduce [...]
concentrate intake long before their milk consumption drops.
地產霸權如狼虎,不管開 設工廠、商店或經營零售還是建築業務,無論任何場合或 任何關係,均有可能會與某一、兩個地產霸權扯上緊密關係,又或因 為政策上的得失而必然會影響部生 意 的 經營。
These real estate hegemonies are ruthless and no matter if we run a factory, shop or in the retail or construction business and no matter when it comes to any occasion or relationship, we are bound to have dealings with one or two of these real estate hegemonies.
The paste has natural egg antibodies: during the first hours after birth antibodies can be absorbed directly into the bloodstream.
初次接觸繞圈賽的車友多會對過彎可能摔車的危險與高速競技的難度 生畏 懼 , 騎士協會競賽組組長林信義表示,繞圈項目 初 學 者 提升能力的絕佳訓練場,能鍛鍊爆發力;只要多練習高迴轉速、以團練的方式熟悉卡位與跟車的技巧,再加上足夠的競賽知識,必能成為公路賽高手。
Also a big thank you on behalf of Garage and Audi Cycling teams to the Officials who always help make the races run smoothly and efficiently and to Rob Whitacre for all the work involved in processing of results, day of and post-race, especially from last week in those dismal conditions!
高效犊牛饲 喂和相关管理可最大限度地减少牛群健康问题,降低成本,最大限度地提高收入,为您的业务增长建立稳固的基础。
Effective calf feeding and related [...]
management can minimize future herd health problems, lower costs, maximize income and
create a stable basis for the growth of your business.
阿兰所述种种挑战确实艰巨,甚至令 生畏 ,但对外勤部同样重要,即快速提高维和行动的幅度、范 围和复杂性;若干地点安全格局敌意愈烈;维和任务 的规模与可用资之间存在落差。
The challenges laid out by Alain are indeed daunting — even intimidating — and no less important for DFS: the
rapid expansion in
[...] breadth, scope and complexity of missions; an increasingly hostile security landscape in a number of different locations; and the gap between the scope of the mandates and the resources available to perform them.
这份美丽的等犊皮纸 手稿包含有紫色、绿色、红色、蓝色、棕色、白色和黄色的插图,还有金箔,这在 17 世纪早期的墨西哥非常罕见。
This beautiful vellum manuscript contains illustrations in purple, green, red, blue, brown, white and yellow with some gold leaf, rare in Mexico in the early 17th century.
其實 , 可 以很簡
[...] 單的將 風 骨 解釋出 來 , 其 意 義 並 不 深 奧 : 能 夠 將 原 則 置 於個人 利之 上 , 不 畏 權 勢 , 不 顧 安 危 , 以 此 態 度 貫 徹 堅 持 , 便是風 骨 。
Actually, strength of character can be explained in simple terms for its meaning is not hard to understand: for a
person having strength
[...] of character, he is able to put his principle before his personal interests, has no fear for power and [...]
danger and is able to adhere to this attitude.
有限责任公司的初始资本必须在提交注册申之前全额缴纳,股份有限公司缴纳 初始 资本不得少于25%。
The initial capital of the company must be paid in full by the LLC and at least 25% by the joint-stock company before the moment of submitting the registration application.
一个前提是,如果有关行为在下列日期之前发生,即使当时有关人为公民,不得依 据本条款剥夺其国籍:就外国而言,有关行为 生在 1962 年 10 月初之 前,就英联邦国家而言,此行为生在 1977 年 1 月初之前。
Provided that a person shall not be deprived of citizenship under this clause by reason of
anything done before the
[...] beginning of October 1962, in relation to a foreign country, and before the beginning of January 1977, in relation to a Commonwealth country, notwithstanding that he was at the time a citizen.
因此,尽管夏季饲养动物所经历的较高环境温度(但非极端温度)能影响泽西 犊 的 生 理 ,但是泽西牛犊能对温和的暂时性环境温度改变做出适应性反应。
The results reveal that high but non-extreme ambient temperatures often encountered by farm animals during summer impacts on the physiology of Jersey calves, but also that Jersey calves seem to be capable of responding in an adaptive manner to moderate and temporary ambient temperature changes.
他们提出,初不得不离开伊 朗伊斯兰共和国的原之一是 他们曾担任律师和议员的父亲在阿富汗结下了很多 敌人,而这些人是现政府的官员,他们担心,仅仅是因为自己的姓氏,回国就会 [...]
They submitted that one of the reasons why they had to leave the Islamic Republic of [...]
Iran initially was that their father,
who was a lawyer and Member of Parliament, had made many enemies in Afghanistan, who are now officials in the present Government, and they fear to be killed if returned, simply on the basis of their name.
在克林顿政府期间举行的朝鲜民主主义人民共和国美国双边谈 之初 , 美国 曾作出保证,不以武力相威胁,也不使用武力,包括核武器”(1993 年 6 月 11 日《朝鲜民主主义人民共和国美国联合声明》)。
At the beginning of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea-United States bilateral talks held during the Clinton administration, the United States pledged “assurances against the threat and use of force, including nuclear weapons” (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea-United States Joint Statement, 11 June 1993).
根據私隱專員公署當時提出初步意 見,在 虎 個 案 當 中,電郵服務供應商被指提供的電郵用戶資料,只能用以識辨一 [...]
個事業團體的身份,從該等資料直接或間接地確定在世的個人的 身份未必切實可行。
It was the PCPD's preliminary view at that time that [...]
the email user information allegedly furnished by the e-mail service
provider in the Yahoo case only identified a business entity from which it might not be practicable to ascertain the identity of a living individual directly or indirectly.




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