

单词 初犯

See also:


first adj
junior adj

(at the) beginning
at first

make a mistake
recurrence (of mistake or sth. bad)

External sources (not reviewed)

白俄罗斯坚持实行刑法人性化,更广泛运用除监禁以外的选择性处罚措 施,特别是对那些未对社会构成极大危害 初犯 的 罪犯以及未成年人。
In Belarus constant efforts are being made to render criminal law more humane and to make wider use of alternative forms of punishment not involving deprivation of liberty, especially in the
case of persons who have
[...] committed crimes that do not constitute a great danger to society or of first-time offenders or minors.
尼日利亚坚信死刑是 有效威慑一切犯罪的方法,不管是对 初犯 还 是惯 犯,它将对决议草案投反对票。
Convinced that the death penalty was an effective deterrent for both
[...] would-be and hardened criminals, it would [...]
vote against the draft resolution.
同㆒條文又建議初犯者的最高刑罰 為罰款 20 萬元及監禁 1 年;第㆓次或以後再犯,可處罰款 [...]
50 萬元及監禁兩年;持續再 犯,每日罰款 2 萬元。
The same clause further proposes that the maximum
[...] penalties for such offence should be a fine [...]
of $200,000 and imprisonment for one year
for the first offence, a fine of $500,000 and imprisonment for two years for a second and subsequent offence, and in the case of a continuing offence, a fine of $20,000 for each day the offence continues.
在羁押条件方面,政 府修订了《刑事诉讼法》,避免 初犯 进 行 防范性拘留,并缩短预防范性拘留期 [...]
As to prison conditions, overcrowding and the frequency of escapes had prompted the Government to
amend the Code of Criminal Procedure so
[...] that first-time offenders were no longer [...]
placed in pretrial detention and the periods
of pretrial detention were reduced.
已針對這些不當行為訂立警告機制 初犯 者 會書面警告一次,警告無效者在第二次觸犯及其後 [...]
Penalty points will only be
[...] allotted if the offender ignores one [...]
written warning and repeats the same misdeed for the second time and onwards.
根據該項建議初犯者倘 在裁判法院受審,其待遇與魯莽駕駛的㆟所受待遇相同,但 第㆓次或其後再犯者便被視為觸犯魯莽駕駛引致他㆟死亡罪。
Under the proposal, in the
[...] Magistrates' Court, first offenders are given penalties [...]
equivalent to those for reckless driving,
but on a second or subsequent offence they are treated as if they were guilty of reckless driving causing death.
[...] 當局的判刑政策,把年齡 14 至 16 歲的年初犯都送 往監獄,而實際㆖他們所犯的罪 [...]
MR MARTIN LEE: Mr Deputy President, quite apart from the Bill of Rights considerations, how can we
as a community tolerate a sentencing
[...] policy whereby young offenders of between 14 [...]
and 16 are sent regularly to prison for
a first offence which does not cause any personal injury to others?
修訂建議會採用《條例》第16A條的現 有罰則,初犯可處 罰款$200,000及監禁6 個月,再犯可處罰款 [...]
$500,000及監禁6 個月。
The existing penalties under section 16A of the
WDO will apply for the proposed
[...] amendments, that is, the offender is liable to a [...]
fine of $200,000 and imprisonment for 6
months on first conviction; and a fine of $500,000 and imprisonment for six months on subsequent conviction.
在 2000年 5月,政府當局發表有關" 保護青少年免受淫褻及不 雅物品荼毒:2000年《淫褻及不雅物品管制條例》檢討"的諮詢文件,
當中提出多項建議,包括把發布淫褻物品( 第 III類 ) 的最高罰款額增至
[...] 200萬元,以及把發布不雅物品( 第 II類 ) 的刑罰提高,使初犯者最 高可 被判處罰款80萬元,而第二次或其後再犯者,最高可判罰160萬元及監 [...]
In May 2000, the Administration published a consultation paper on "Protection of Youth from Obscene and Indecent Materials: The 2000 Review of the COIAO", and proposed to, inter alia, raise the maximum fine on publication of obscene articles (Class III) to $2 million and the publication of indecent
articles (Class II) to a maximum fine of
[...] $800,000 on first conviction and a maximum [...]
fine of $1.6 million and imprisonment for
two years on a second or subsequent conviction with a view to enhancing deterrent effect.
其㆗有部份較嚴重的罪行如濫收車資及干擾收費錶等,更可考 慮處初犯者停 牌,再犯者吊銷牌照的刑罰,以收阻嚇作用。
To deal with the more serious offences, such as overcharging and taximeter-tampering, the Government may wish to consider suspending
the driving licences
[...] of first-time offenders and revoking the driving licences of habitual offenders so that a [...]
deterrent effect can be achieved.
初犯者可 被处以罚款 100 000 新加坡元(或视所涉货物或技术的价值 加重惩罚),或被判最长为两年的刑期,或两罪并罚,即判刑期,又处以罚款。
A first-time offender can be subjected [...]
to a maximum fine of 100,000 Singapore dollars (or more, depending on the value of
the goods or technology concerned) or a maximum sentence of two years’ imprisonment, or both.
目前只有㆒名 13 歲的這初犯在海棠路男童院接受感 化。
At present
[...] there is one such offender aged 13 in the [...]
Begonia Road Boys' Home.
应在汇总表第 4、6 和 9 行补充《执行危险物品运输法》,该法第 33 条规定“违 反或不遵守本法规定的行为,可构成(a) 即犯罪,初犯可判处不超过五万元的罚 金,再犯每次可判处不超过十万元的罚金;或(b) 公诉罪,可被判处不超过两年的 监禁。
Regarding the enforcement of the TDGA, the matrix should include in rows 4, 6 and 9, section 33, which provides that “Every person who contravenes or fails to comply with a provision of
this Act is guilty
[...] of (a) an offence punishable on summary conviction and liable to a fine not exceeding fifty thousand dollars for a first offence, and not exceeding [...]
one hundred thousand
dollars for each subsequent offence; or (b) an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years.
不過,據 我 瞭解,如果初 犯 而 違 例 性 質不嚴重的 話,食 環 署 [...]
只 會 作出警 告 ; 儘管違 例 性 質不嚴重但屬 重 犯 的 話 ,食環署 便 會 作出檢 控 。
However, as far as I understand it, the FEHD only issues
[...] warnings to first offenders committing offences [...]
not of a serious nature; but for repeated
offenders, they will be prosecuted by the FEHD even though the offences committed are not of a serious nature.
任何违反法规的行为初犯将被处以 500 美元(约合 377 欧元) 的民事罚款、及后每次再犯将会被处以 [...]
1000 美元(约合 755 欧 元)的民事罚款。
Any violations will be subject to civil penalty of USD $500 (approximately
[...] € 377) for an initial violation and USD $1000 [...]
(approximately € 755)
for each subsequent violation.
事 實上,主席女士,如 果 政 府答應 實行這 一點, 我 覺 得 便
[...] 已是達 到 了 我 們 眾 多 黨派的 建 議,初 犯 罰 款1,000 元 ,1 年之內第 二次犯便罰 款 2,000 [...]
元 ,1 年之內第 三次犯便罰 款 5,000 元 。
Madam President, I think if the Government agrees to put this into implementation, it will be able to achieve what a number of political parties have asked for in their
proposals, that is, a fine of
[...] $1,000 for first offenders, $2,000 for second offenders within a year, [...]
and $5,000 for third offenders within a year.
如果某一青少年被拘留者不遵守规则,他就用37 厘米长的木棍打他的 手初犯打四下,屡犯打十下
If one of the adolescent detainees did not follow the
rules, he beat him on
[...] the hands with a wooden stick measuring 37 cm: a first offence merited four strokes, and a repeat offence, ten strokes
任何訂明零售商違反此規定,即犯 罪, 在初犯時可 處罰款20萬元,以及在其後違反此規定每次罰款50萬元(條 例草案第19(5)條 )。
A prescribed retailer who contravenes this requirement commits an offence and is liable to fine of $200,000 on the first occasion and to a fine of $500,000 on each subsequent occasion (clause 19(5)).
主席女士,即是初犯而要吊 銷牌照的,法庭的指引是 12 至 18 個月,只有稍稍超標的情況才可能被判 12 個月以下。
Madam Chairman, that is to say, according to court guidelines, a licence suspension for 12 to 18 months should be imposed upon first conviction, and a suspension for less than 12 months may only be imposed on those who have exceeded the prescribed limit by a very small margin.
9.4 屢犯者較初犯者更為罪咎,而本港法例對屢犯判處較重的懲罰亦屢見 不鮮。
9.4 The culpability of repeated offenders is more rampant than a first-time offender and it is [...]
not uncommon for local legislations
to impose heavier penalty on repeated offenders.
( 严重的性 罪犯)
[...] 法》作出的拘留令依据的不是提交人的犯罪历史,而且与提交人的 初犯 罪无关。
The Committee notes the State party’s observations that the detention
order under the CSSOA was not based on the author’s criminal history and did not
[...] relate to the author’s initial offence.
和諧之家建議政府針對較輕微初犯 的 家庭暴力案件,應參考外國實施 “ pro-arrest policy”,即支持逮捕政策,意指當警務人員面對懷疑發生家庭 暴力的案件時,便要根據一定的程序,收集環境及當事人言語及身體上的證 據,只要有任何證供及證據顯示曾有家庭暴力事件發生,執法者便可逮捕施 虐者,引用有關證據向施虐者作出起訴,參考警司警誡令或簽簿守行為的做 法,建議施虐者接受輔導。
Under such policy, when the police officers face suspected domestic violence cases, they are required to collect environmental evidence, as well as verbal and physical evidence from the parties concerned according to certain procedures.
因此,重犯者的罪行初犯者嚴 重,應被判處較重刑罰。
The culpability of repeated offenders is thus more rampant than that of the first-time offender and warrants the imposition of heavier sentence.
草案第 7 條修訂條例,加重違例的刑罰初犯 者 由 罰款 10,000 元加重至第 5 級罰款(50,000 元 ) 及監禁 6 個月;第二次犯罪或其後再 犯者由罰款 25,000 元及監禁 1 年加重至第 6 級罰款(100,000 元 ) 及監 禁 1 年。
Clause 7 amends the Ordinance to increase the penalty for contravention of the Ordinance from $10,000 to level 5 ($50,000) and imprisonment for 6 months for a first offence and from $25,000 and imprisonment for 1 year to level 6 ($100,000) and imprisonment for 1 year for a second or subsequent offence.
监狱条例第 36(2)(e) 进一步要初犯与有 前科的屡犯分开关押。
Section 36 (2) (e) of the Prisons Act further requires
[...] that first offenders be separated from offenders with one or [...]
more previous convictions.
舉例來說,如果在某處建築㆞盤發現㆔名或以㆖的㆗ 國大陸非法入境者,即使初犯,或即使是年齡低至 14 歲,當局不只會對他們提出檢 控,且控方更期 望他們會立即被判處監禁 15 個月;但是,如果只發現㆒、兩名這類非法入境者,若初犯,當 局只會立即將他們遣返㆗國大陸。
For example, if three or more illegal immigrants from the PRC are found in a construction site, not only are they prosecuted but the prosecution expects an immediate custodial sentence of 15 months to be imposed on them even though they are first offenders and even though [...]
they are as young as 14.
無論初犯或重 犯,學院一般 會按照個別事件的性質和嚴重程度作以下一項或多項處分
For established cheating cases depending on the nature and
[...] seriousness of the offence on a case-by-case [...]
basis, one or more of the following penalties
will be imposed on the student
[...] 遵守環境保護署署長就廢物處置 所作 出的指 示 而觸犯 有關法例初犯者可處罰款 10 萬元;第㆓次 觸 犯者或 再 觸 犯者,可處罰款 [...]
20 萬元及 監禁 6 個月; 持 續觸 犯者, 則 在 持 續觸犯 期間每㆝罰款 1 萬元。
The offence of failing to comply with any direction given by the Director of Environmental Protection regarding the disposal of waste
carries a fine of HK$100,000 for
[...] the first offence; for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of [...]
HK$200,000 and imprisonment
for 6 months; and if the offence is a continuing offence, a fine of HK$10,000 for each day that the offence has continued.
[...] 不二审”的申诉,并认为根据《性罪犯法》的所作的拘禁令并非以提交人的犯罪 历史为依据,而且并不涉及提交人的 初犯 罪 行 为。
7.2 The Committee notes the State party’s observations that its High Court had examined the author’s claim of ne bis in idem and found that the detention
order under the DPSOA was not based on the author’s criminal history and did not
[...] relate to the author’s initial offence.
任何㆟如不遵守通知書的規定,即屬違法,㆒經定罪 初犯 者 最 高可被罰款五萬元; 第㆓次或以後再犯,可被罰款 10 萬元;在㆖述任合情況㆘,持續違法每日罰款㆒萬元。
Noncompliance of NAN requirements is an offence liable to a maximum fine of $50,000 for the first conviction and $100,000 for second or subsequent conviction and in any case a daily fine of $10,000 for each day the offence continues.




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