

单词 初出茅庐

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对于一初出茅庐的科学家来说,哪怕与一名经验丰富的科学家进行一次交流,也能足 [...]
For an early career scientist, a single [...]
interaction with an experienced scientist can be sufficient to reinforce his interest
and confidence in science itself or in the future of his scientific career.
转自 Xconomy 初出茅庐的华州数据产业集群因华盛顿大学和联邦政府的西北国家实验室之间的合作而得到进一步增 强。
The burgeoning big data cluster in Washington is getting a boost with a new partnership between the University of Washington and the federal government’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
公司刚成立之时,我们的一群年轻工程师们尽 初出茅庐 , 但 是怀着远大的理想,坚信自己的独创技术具有无限的发展潜力,勇敢地向未开拓的光器件领域发起了挑战。
In the company's early days, we were just [...]
a group of young, inexperienced engineers, who, believing in the potential of
our original technology, boldly set out to develop new optical devices.
出席这次“亚洲华商峰会”的企业家,既有德高望重的前辈,也有驰骋商场的骨干,更 初出茅庐 的 新 兵,能够邀请到不同背景的老、中、青三代企业家一起出席,共同分享各自的经验。
The entrepreneurs attending the Asian Chinese Entrepreneurs Summit today comprise many respected business patriarchs, leading business professionals, as well as the founders of new start-ups.
一般而言 , 香港的 僱 主 比 較 喜 歡 僱 用有工 作 經 驗 和 相 關工作 技 能 的 應 徵 者 , 可 是初 出 茅廬的 畢 業生何 來 經 驗 ?
Generally speaking, employers in Hong Kong tend to hire job applicants who have work experience and relevant skills.
它位庐山森林中的一座小山上,表 出 生 活 在大自然中的浪漫理想。
It is located on a
[...] little hill in the forest of Mt. Lushan and represents the romantic ideal [...]
of living in nature.
此外,最低工資不但影響低技術和較為年長的僱員, 初出茅 廬、 未有工作經驗的年青人亦是一大沖擊。
Moreover, the introduction of a minimum wage will not only affect the low-skilled and older-aged workers, it will also have a strong impact on the young graduates with no working experience.
因為我們每個人也要交租,即使 初出茅 廬 的 大律師也 要交租。
For we all have to
[...] pay rent, and a greenhorn barrister is [...]
no exception.
今年4月曾發生一宗罕有事件,有大約300名本地藝術家,不論初出茅廬還 是已具名聲,紛紛走到街頭示威。
A rare incident happened in April this year: around 300 local artists, both budding artists and reputable artists took to the streets.
此外,中小企亦有可能因負擔不來而結業, 帶來更高的失業率,很多“打工仔”,特別是一些低技術、年長的人初 出茅廬的年青人,他們屆時可能情願少賺一些錢,只想有工作機會,可 以自給自足,但因為最低工資,這個機會給了一些更有競爭力的人士。
Many wage earners, especially those who are older in age with low skills and young people with little working experience, may be prepared to earn a little less in return for an opportunity to work in order to become self-reliant, but this opportunity may eventually be given to people with greater competitiveness because of the imposition of a minimum wage.
但是,我認為這樣做隨 時會變為“愛你等於害你”,令不少弱勢勞工,包括年老、知識水平低,初出茅廬的 青年,隨時連工作也失去,連自食其力的尊嚴也會喪 失。
However, I think that they might do more harm than good as the disadvantaged workers, including the aged, less educated or freshly graduated young people, might lose their jobs as a result.
現時的大學教授工 資,代理主席,可能初出茅廬的政治助理還要少。
At present, the salary of a university professor, Deputy President, may be lower than that of a Political Assistant, who may only be a fresh graduate.
2012 年初,普利茅斯港在停用 15 年之后,已经部分恢复运营。
In early 2012, after a 15-year pause, [...]
the port of Plymouth was partially returned to operation.
過度人為吹捧的中國當代藝術受到的影響最鉅,一線藝術家的行情有部分持平,部份受挫,但二、三線以下的藝術家,或 初出 學 院 茅 廬 的 年輕藝術家,大多被歸類到風險較高的項目,行情震盪劇烈,人為炒作的現象減少許多,藝術市場的發展模式呈現比較健康的狀態,其實,對於有意購買優質藝術品的收藏家,不景氣的年代何嘗不是較佳的進場時機呢?
As the time of huge and quick profits was over, art collecting returned to the basics, and the market for contemporary Chinese art, which had been the most inflated and over-hyped, was affected the most.
南昌市吉龙实业有限公司 成立于2008年4月,厂区位于南昌市昌北经济技术开发 庐 山 南大道,是一家专业生产、销售混凝土外加剂的公司,公司主要产品有LONS-P聚羧酸系高效减水剂、Lons-500/600型高效泵送剂、复合防水剂、防冻剂等,公司年产规模可达5万吨,产品已在南昌市混凝土搅拌站及周边地市广泛使用,并已获得用户认可。
Ltd. specializes in the production and sales of concrete additives. Major products of the company include Lons-P poly carboxylic acid series high efficiency superplasticizer, Lons-500/600 retarded high efficiency superplasticizer, compound waterpro of agent, antifreezing agent, etc. Annual production scale of the company has reached 50,000 tons, and its products have been widely used in concrete batching plants of Nanchang as well as surrounding areas and cities.
保健护士培训课程 已经编写,根据这一课程已经向大学 出初 次 申请,要求提供国家委托的教育。
The curriculum for training health nurses has been drawn up, and the first application for the provision of state-commissioned education has been made to the university on the basis of the curriculum.
既 然 許 多高收 入 人士的父母也 許年屆 60 歲   ─  雖然這些人士通常收 入 偏 高 , 我們也容許他們享 有供養 父母免 稅額, 為 何 我們對於這 真真正初 出 茅廬的青少 年,也不讓 他們在供養 失 業的父母時 , 有 機 會 獲 取 一些鼓勵 呢 ?
The parents of many high-income people may have reached the age of 60 and we let them claim the dependent parent allowance, alleit these people have a higher income than other people.
由此看 來,當 大 部 分 的 父母年 屆 55 歲 的 時 候,其 子 女 很 大 可 能只是剛剛完成 學 業初 出 茅蘆, 收 入 即使未必足以供養 父母, 也 未必足以 使 他們墮 入稅網 。
When handling claims for allowance, it is really difficult to trace and verify the employment and income situation of dependent parents under the age of 60, and this will involve enormous administrative resources and expenses.
咨询委员会回顾,秘书长在 A/64/6(Sect.34)号文件中提出了暂用的 拟议方案预算第 34 款经常预算和共出资活 动的毛额预算 初 步 提 案, 以待世界各地联合国人员及房舍安全保障问题独立审查小组(独立审查小 组)2008 年 6 月建议对安全和安保部组织进行的全面管理审查完成以及联 合国系统行政首长协调理事会对独立审查小组的建议作出反应。
The Advisory Committee recalls that in document A/64/6 (Sect. 34), the Secretary-General submitted a preliminary proposed programme budget for section 34 of the regular budget and the gross budget for jointly financed activities, pending the completion of the comprehensive management review of the organization of the Department of Safety and Security that was recommended in June 2008 by the Independent Panel on Safety and Security of United Nations Personnel and Premises Worldwide and the submission of the response of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination to the recommendations of the Independent Panel.
在 這 裏 , 我 呼籲政 府 盡 快 修 改 勞工的法例和 改 善 所 有支援措 施 , 讓 我初出 茅廬年 輕 人 在 充 滿 陷阱誘 惑 的人生旅 途 上 , 多 一 點 保 障 。
Other Conventions applicable to Hong Kong, seeking to protect young persons in Hong Kong, should also be adopted. Here, I call upon the Government to amend the labour legislation and improve all supporting measures as soon as possible, so that the inexperienced youths can have a little more protection through their journey in life which is filled with traps and temptations.
[...] 局認為積金局不宜就針對某受規管者的紀律制裁命令,向該受 規管者以外的其他人(包括相關投訴人) 披露有關該局出初步 意見的資料。
Having considered all relevant factors, the Administration does not consider it
appropriate for MPFA to disclose
[...] information about its preliminary view on a disciplinary [...]
order to persons (including a relevant
complainant) other than the regulated person concerned.
同事剛才提到票站的調 查、語言暴力、票站的秩序、有所 出 “ 茅 招 ”的情況等,我同意有這些問 題存在,但我覺得最大的問題是李柱銘剛才說的,究竟中聯辦在整個選舉中 扮演甚麼角色?
I agree that such problems all exist, but I think the greatest problem is the one mentioned by Martin LEE just now: What role does the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Liaison Office) play in the whole election process?
董建 華 的 報 告 反對普選,茅 招 ” 盡 出 , 無所不 用其極, 視 民 意如螞蟻, 一 手 “ 捽 死 ” , 並 且 死 不 足 惜 。
TUNG's report opposes universal suffrage, and he plays every foul he can, resorts to every conceivable means, and treats public opinions as ants by rubbing them out single-handedly, feeling no pity for their demise at all.
图瓦卢总检查长办公室检查官 Filiga Niko 女士提出了政府关于其根据普 遍定期审议进程出初 次报告的最后意见结论。
Ms. Filiga Niko, Crown Counsel in the Office of the Attorney General of Tuvalu, presented the final remarks and conclusions of the Government on its first reporting under the Universal Periodic Review process.
此外,爱沙尼亚计划规定:每一项法 律从出初稿直 至最后通过所涉的所有文件均须在互联网论坛上公布,从而使得 [...]
[...] Estonia plans to make the use of the [...]
internet forum a compulsory part of the development of any Government proposal,
by making public every piece of legislation from the initial draft until its adoption.
[...] 解釋為何其收入與官職不相稱  我相信曾蔭權有機會要解釋為 何出現那麼多茅台酒
For example, when we have to cope with corruption, we have an ordinance which provides that the parties concerned have to explain why their incomes are not
commensurate with their official positions ― I believe Donald TSANG may be required
[...] to explain why he has got so many Maotai.
[...] 分几个阶段处理,因为被告会对管辖权或可受理性 出初 步 反 对意见,要求指明 临时措施的请求必须作为紧急事项处理,有第三国请求参加诉讼。
In addition, they frequently involve a number of phases
[...] as a result of preliminary objections by [...]
respondents to jurisdiction or admissibility;
the submission of requests for the indication of provisional measures, which have to be dealt with as a matter of urgency; and applications to intervene by third States.
在利比里亚,我们为该国政府 把农村通电作为重点提供了有力支持,这是一项重要
[...] 的建立信心措施,而且,我们也欢迎建设和平委员会 支持蒙罗维亚出初步努力,使农村社区能够更好地 获得训练有素的警察和治安法官的服务。
In Liberia, we strongly supported the Government’s attention to rural electrification as a key confidence-building measure, and also
welcomed the Peacebuilding Commission’s support
[...] for Monrovia’s initial efforts to improve [...]
rural communities’ access to trained police and magistrates.
行政干事还将对供应商审查委员会 的建议出初步审 查,并向助理秘书长提出意见;另外,任职者将通过与管理事 [...]
The Administrative Officer would
[...] also conduct the initial review of recommendations [...]
of the Vendor Review Committee and provide
advice to the Assistant Secretary-General; in addition, the incumbent would be responsible for the initial review of designation of staff through liaison with other offices in the Department of Management.




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