单词 | 初一 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 初一—New Year's Dayless common: first year in junior middle school first day of lunar month Examples:正月初一—New Year's Day in the lunar calendar See also:初adj—firstadj junioradj 初—at first (at the) beginning basic
10 月初,一群撒哈拉示威者在阿尤恩东南约 15 公里处的 Gdim [...] Izik 设立了 一个营地,意在向摩洛哥当局提出社会经济要求。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the beginningofOctober, a group [...] of Saharan protesters set up anencampment at Gdim Izik, some 15 kilometres south-east [...]of Laayoune, with the intention of making socio-economic demands on the Moroccan authorities. daccess-ods.un.org |
80年代初,一家新 的软件公司即Adobe System公司,开发出基于矢量的印刷体系结构。 oapdf.com | Theearly 80s, a new software [...] company, Adobe System Inc. to develop a vector-based printing architecture. oapdf.com |
困难或副作用被察觉到出现於用药的最 初一至三 星期﹐随着孩子对药物产生耐受性﹐或者当孩子改用 [...] 其他药物或增加药物剂量(副作用通常是短暂的)。 bcepilepsy.com | Difficulties or side effects are [...] noticed the first one to three weeks [...]of medication as the child develops a tolerance for [...]the medication or when there is a change in type of medication or increase in dosage of medication. bcepilepsy.com |
世卫 组织营 养顾问 自 1999 年初一直与国家妇 幼 保健中心 的 营 养 机构合 作。 daccess-ods.un.org | WHO’s advisors of nutrition have been working with nutrition units of the National Centre for Maternal and Child Health Care since the early 1999. daccess-ods.un.org |
鉴于买方最初一直遵守付款时间表的规定,因而法院认为,买方已失去了在 2001 年 6 月 [...] 7 日 (即买方提交付款时间表、卖方认可此表之日)中止付款的权利,这是因为没 有任何证据证明买方在此事实发生后已通知卖方其将根据《销售公约》第 71(3) [...]条的规定再次停止支付货款。 daccess-ods.un.org | Noting that thebuyer had initiallyadhered tothe payment [...] schedule, it was opinion of the Court that the buyer lost its [...]right to suspend payments on 7 June 2001 (when it proposed the payments schedule and the seller accepted it), since there was nothing to indicate that the buyer after this fact, informed the seller that it would once again cease payments, ex article 71 (3) CISG. daccess-ods.un.org |
也有人提议,可考虑在最初一段时间内全时工作,直到委员会的工作量有 所减少。 daccess-ods.un.org | A proposal was also made that full-time work be [...] considered foraninitial given period until [...]the workload of the Commission had been reduced. daccess-ods.un.org |
这一最新举措之前,中国移动在深圳采取了类似的措施,进行另一项4 G试验网络,今年初一名高管称深圳和杭州网络今年年底可投入商业化服务。 youngchinabiz.com | This latest move comes after China Mobile took similar steps for another one of the 4G trial [...] networks in Shenzhen, and follow comments by a [...] top executive earlier this year that [...]the Shenzhen and Hangzhou networks could [...]be ready for commercial service by the end of this year. youngchinabiz.com |
也请允许我回顾,本周初,一次卑鄙的袭击行动 在坎都兹再次不分青红皂白地夺去数十名平民的生 命。 daccess-ods.un.org | Allow me also to [...] recall that atthebeginning of this week, [...]a vile attack once again indiscriminately took the lives of [...]dozens of civilians in Kanduz. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了促进首都金边的减贫工作,金边供水管理局自 1990 年代初一直努力 为贫穷社区提供清洁饮水。 daccess-ods.un.org | In order to contribute to the poverty alleviation in Phnom Penh capital, Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority (PPWSA) has been endeavouring to supply clean water to the poor communities since the early 1990s. daccess-ods.un.org |
(5) 最近在2010 年初,一些欧洲国家对美国在同意接受《禁止或限制使用某些可 被认为具有过分伤害力或滥杀滥伤作用的常规武器公约》第三号议定书的约束时 [...] 提出的保留作出反对,其中至少有五项反对意图产生可称为“超大”的效果。 daccess-ods.un.org | (5)More recently, in early2010,several European [...] States objected to the reservation formulated by the United States of [...]America when expressing its consent to be bound by Protocol III to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects. daccess-ods.un.org |
大家好!今天是大年初一,我谨代表新加坡中华总商会,热烈欢迎陈庆炎总统阁下和夫人,与各界嘉宾出席今天的新春大团拜。 sccci.org.sg | This is the very first day of the Lunar New Year, and on behalf of the SCCCI, I would like to bid a very warm welcome to President Tony Tan and Mrs Tan, and all distinguished guests, for attending our Lunar New Year gathering. english.sccci.org.sg |
2010年12月初一支中 国电影摄制组到达挪威北部的毛赛尔夫拍摄电影《假装情侣》的开头和结尾部分。 norway.org.cn | Inthe beginningof December 2010 [...] a Chinese film team stayed in Målselv, in the northern part of Norway to shoot the introduction [...]and the end of the film “The Pretending Lovers”. norway.cn |
己) 本集团以经营租赁出租物业,租约期起 初一般为二年至六年,并且有权选择在约满後续约,届时所有租约条款均可重新协议。 wharfholdings.com | f. The Group leases out properties under operating leases, which [...] generallyrun for an initial period oftwo to [...]six years, with an option to renew the [...]lease after that date at which time all terms are renegotiated. wharfholdings.com |
Casa Hogar”在成立之初一切从简,而且并未获得广泛的协助。 clarinsusa.com | The Casa Hogar began very modestly and with little help. clarinsusa.com |
发育迟缓是一个没有受到足够关注的悲剧 —— 这是儿童出生后,最初一千天里因慢性营养不良而导致的后果。 unicef.org | Yet too many children still die needlessly, most of them from causes that are both treatable and preventable. unicef.org |
2000年初,一间建 基香港、有志於为本地商业开发物流应用程式的中小型科技公司,Info Mapping(香港)有限公司,察觉到愈来愈多的香港公司需要为其外勤员工提供一套高效的工作分配和工作状况报告系统。 acrc.org.hk | Inearly 2000, InfoMapping (Hong Kong) Limited, a Hong Kong-based technology SMEwith aninterest in [...] developing logistics [...]applications for local businesses, spotted a growing demand among Hong Kong companies for an efficient job allocation and job status reporting system for their outdoor workers. acrc.org.hk |
从鸟居方向升起的朝日是大年初一时,供人们朝拜和看日出的名胜景点。 ibarakiguide.jp | In the morning, the sun rises through it, making it an ideal place to view the first sunrise of the year. ibarakiguide.jp |
优惠於以下日子不适用於1 + 1 吧、 2 + 2 café、City Art Restaurant 及樱田日本餐厅:农历新年前夕、农历新年 初一至初三、情人节、母亲节、父亲节、12月20至26日圣诞时段及大除夕 • 优惠於以下日子不适用帝玉庭:农历新年前夕、农历新年 初一至初三、母亲节、父亲节、端午节、中秋节及冬至 • 优惠不适用於外卖、活海鲜、茶芥、套餐,私人宴会或婚礼宴会 • 优惠不适用於香烟,雪茄,樽装饮品/烈酒或门票/优惠券/现金券 • 优惠适用於最多每台12人 • 价目另收加一服务费(以原价计算) hangseng.com | Offers are not applicable on CNY's Eve, 1st to 3rd day of CNY, St. Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Christmas festive period [...] from 20 to 26 Dec and New [...] Year's Eveat one +one bar, 2+2 café, City Art Restaurant & Sakurada Japanese Restaurant • Offers are not applicable on CNY's Eve, 1st to 3rd day of CNY, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Tuen Ng Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Winter Solstice at RoyalPark Chinese [...]Restaurant • Offers are [...]not applicable to take away, live seafood, charge for tea and condiments, set menu, private function or wedding banquet • Offers are not applicable to cigarettes, cigars, bottled drinks/ spirits or tickets/ coupons/ vouchers • Offers are applicable to a maximum of 12 persons per table • All prices are subject to 10% service charge hangseng.com |
现在必须与最初一样, 继续用诸如今天的安全理事会会议这样的团结的 行动和承诺,来恢复和加强被灾难遮掩的希望,今天 的安理会不可回避地提醒各国认识到那里所发生的 情况和今后仍然存在的挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | The hope eclipsed by disaster must be addressed and strengthened now, as it was at first, by continuous acts of solidarity and commitment, such as today’s Security Council meeting, which serves as an ineluctable reminder of what happened there and of the challenges that still lie ahead. daccess-ods.un.org |
俄罗斯总统不久前来了,从火车站意想不到的测试,如基辅,这似乎已经结束,在首都的车站应该是为了我们英勇的警察...我们去特维尔,列车离开前一个半小时,我们决定通过在莫斯科列宁格勒火车站候车室的时候,起 初一切似乎在通过金属探测器的警察封锁线。 cn.badgood.info | Not long ago the President of Russia came from an unexpected test of the railway station, such as Kiev, it would seem our valiant Police have concluded that at the stations of the capital should be the order of ... We went to Tver, before the train left an hour and a half and we decided to pass the time in the waiting room of the Leningrad Station in Moscow, at first everything seems in order, passed through the cordon of police with a metal detector. en.badgood.info |
优惠不适用於节日,包括元旦、农历新年 初一至初三、 情人节及前夕、复活节假期、母亲节及前夕、父亲节及前夕、中秋节及前夕、冬至、2013年12月10至31日、烟花汇演晚上及特别节日 • 优惠最多可供每枱12位使用 • 优惠不适用於贵宾房、婚宴、欢乐时光、加一服务费、特价套餐、饮品、门票销售、礼物篮、饮食餐券、节日食品、宴会及会议 hangseng.com | Offers arenot applicable onfestive days, including New Year's Day, Firstto ThirdDay of [...] Chinese New Year, Valentine's [...]Day and Eve, Easter Holidays, Mother's Day and Eve, Father's Day and Eve, Mid-autumn Festival and Eve, Winter Solstice, 10 to 31 Dec, 2013, fireworks display evenings or special festivities • Offers are applicable to a maximum of 12 diners per table • Offers are not applicable to VIP rooms, wedding banquets, banquets, meetings, happy hour, 10% service charge, special set menus, beverages, hampers, dining vouchers, festive goodies and tickets sales hangseng.com |
缩小最初一套特定指标的报告范围,只涵盖受荒漠化、土地退化和干旱影 响的区域,其理由是很明显的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The rationale for narrowing the scale of the reporting for the original set of selected indicators only to those areas that are affected by desertification, land degradation and drought (DLDD) is clear. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然有些事项有所重叠,但是外空委建立的初衷不 是为了审议安全问题,有些成员国确定这 一初衷没有改变。 daccess-ods.un.org | While some matters overlap, COPUOS is not meant to discuss security issues and certain member states ensure that this remains the case. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然自 2005 [...] 年上次选举以来国家机构能力已经增加,但这一 初步评 估也是基于这一假设作出的:在组织 2011 [...] 年选举时,特派团需要在后勤 和安全两方面,向国家当局提供大力支持。 daccess-ods.un.org | While national institutional capacity has increased since the last elections [...] in 2005, this preliminary assessment is [...]also based on the assumption that the Mission [...]will be required to provide significant support to the national authorities in organizing the 2011 elections, both in terms of logistics and security. daccess-ods.un.org |
7) 本委员会或经其批准的本委员会的一个附属机构,在考虑到执行委员会进行的严 格审查之后,可酌情在逐例考虑的基础上,委托在相关领域具有能力的一个国际 [...] 政府间组织,尤其是世贸组织/卫生和植物检疫协定附件 A 中所提到的组织之一,初步起草拟议的一项标准或相关文本的草案,但须肯定该合作组织愿意承担 [...]这项工作。 codexalimentarius.org | COOPERATION AT THE INITIAL DRAFTING STAGES OF A CODEX STANDARD OR RELATED TEXT17 7) The Commission, or a subsidiary body of the Commission subject to approval by the Commission and taking into account the Critical review conducted by the Executive Committee, as appropriate, may entrust the initial drafting of a proposed draft standard or related text to an international intergovernmental [...] organisation with competence in the relevant [...] field, in particular one of those referred [...]to in Annex A of the WTO/SPS Agreement, [...]on a case-by case basis, provided that the willingness of the cooperating organization to undertake such work has been ascertained. codexalimentarius.org |
这一初步概算是在精打细算的基础上作出 的,但是根据国际基础科学计划的监督机构开会次数的多少和是否使用虚拟会议等情况,这 [...] 一概算可能会有变动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This preliminary estimatetakes [...] account of austerity measures and may vary depending on the decision taken as regards the [...]frequency of meetings of the body that would oversee the IBSP and on recourse to virtual meetings. unesdoc.unesco.org |