单词 | 创立 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 创立 verb —establish vless common: set up v 创立 —foundExamples:创立人—founder 创立者—founder
针对《公约》创立的网站现已拥有四个语言版面,在委员会第五届会议期间,其访问 量创下了该组织的历史记录。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The website set up for the Convention, now available in four languages, reached a record number of visits in the history of the Organization during the fifth session of the Committee. unesdoc.unesco.org |
以色列代表认为,“新独立国 家[……]只是有权选择按照被继承国 创立 的 法律关系确立其条约当事国地位。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to the representative of Israel, “A newly independent State … would [...] simply have the right of [...] option to establish itself as a separate party to the treaty in virtue of the legal nexus established by its predecessor. daccess-ods.un.org |
裁谈会全体一致规则的创立并非 偶然,我们知道,本谈判论坛过去已经证明 对我们大家都很有用。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Conference’s rule of [...] unanimity was not established by chance, and we [...]are aware that this negotiating forum has proven [...]useful for all of us in the past. daccess-ods.un.org |
(a) 在区域间方面,2003 年由三个国家创建的印度-巴西-南非对话论坛 ( 对话论坛) 建立了对话论坛缓解贫困和饥饿基金,这是2004 年创立的一 个开创 性举措,目的是查明可以在感兴趣的发展中国家中共同修改和执行的可复制和可 扩缩的项目。 daccess-ods.un.org | (a) In the interregional context, the India-Brazil-South Africa Dialogue Forum (IBSA) [...] created in 2003 by the three [...] countries, established the IBSA Fund for Alleviation of Poverty and Hunger, a pioneer initiative created in 2004 with [...]the purpose of identifying [...]replicable and scalable projects that can be jointly adapted and implemented in interested developing countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会建议缔约国消除一切障碍,促进在全国工会中心之 外 创立 工 会 组织,并考 虑通过一项专门法律,规定罢工活动组织权利的模式。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee recommends that the State party remove all [...] impediments for creating trade union organizations [...]outside of the National Trade [...]Union Centre and consider adopting a specific law outlining the modalities of the right to organize strike action. daccess-ods.un.org |
教科文组织高等教育、研究与学术论坛,是 2002-2003 年期间创立的,它为学者、决策 者和专家提供一个平台,使其可以就高等教育和研究问题进行交流并提出批评意见,在地区 范围内是通过五个地区性科学委员会,在全球范围内则是通过全球科学委员会(研究高等教 育战略和学术问题及政策的全球性智囊团)和一年一度的全球性会议,与会的专家和决策者 可以就具体的主题进行交流和辩论。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The UNESCO Forum on Higher Education, Research and Knowledge, launched during 2002-2003, provides a platform for scholars, policy-makers and experts to interact and engage critically with higher education and research issues, regionally through five Regional Scientific Committees and globally through the Global Scientific Committee, a global think-tank concerned with strategic higher education and knowledge concerns and policies, and through a major annual global event, gathering experts and policy-makers to share and debate specific themes. unesdoc.unesco.org |
69 已有人建议要创立更多 的计 划来加快农业生物技术研究的步伐。70 有必要建立更多的这类机构和战略,它们的目的是:促进和发展中国家相关的研究工作所 [...] 需技术的研发和获取;最佳利用知识产权提供的机会;并帮助解决因研究工具专利的扩散 而带来的困难。 iprcommission.org | It is sponsored by public and private sector [...] institutions and has the objective of [...] transferring and delivering appropriate [...]biotechnology applications to developing countries [...]and the building of partnerships between institutions in the South and the private sector in the North, and by strengthening South-South collaboration.69 Proposals have been made for further initiatives to facilitate the acceleration of biotechnology research in agriculture.70 There is a need for the further development of institutions and strategies such as these which will seek to facilitate the development and acquisition of technologies required for research relevant to developing countries, seek to use the opportunities offered by IP to best advantage, and also help resolve the difficulties associated with the proliferation of patents on research tools. iprcommission.org |
作为约瑟夫布伊斯(Joseph Beuys)于20世纪60年代创立的社 会雕塑流派的接班人,奥塔的作品,在某种意义上,是自身具备独特功能的艺术文物——这些令人痴迷的拼合艺术中,有料理台、净水装置、还有他们为2007年远征南极洲而创作的世界护照,此举也是他们为推动1948年版《世界人权宣言》第十三条的修订所作的努力之一。 shanghaibiennale.org | As heirs to the practice of social sculpture, formulated by Joseph Beuys in the 1960s, the Ortas’ works are, in a sense, relics of their own function—beguiling assemblages that are the platform for the preparation of food, mechanisms that actually purify water, and the world passport that they created for their 2007 expedition to Antarctica, part of an effort to amend Article XIII of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. shanghaibiennale.org |
目前还没有具体的协调机制,而创立 这 样 一个机制 似乎值得考虑。 daccess-ods.un.org | No specific mechanism for such coordination exists at present, and the creation of such a mechanism would seem worthy of consideration. daccess-ods.un.org |
俄罗斯认为人权 理事会和普遍定期审查机制的创立有 利 于展开以互 相尊重为基础的积极对话,对一些国家的人权状况 [...] 进行审查属于人权理事会的职权范围,鉴于以上原 因,俄罗斯支持对决议草案 A/C.3/63/L.33“不采取 行动”的动议,呼吁其他国家采取同样立场。 daccess-ods.un.org | Convinced that the establishment of the Human Rights [...] Council and the universal periodic review would favour constructive [...]cooperation based on mutual respect, and that the consideration of country-specific human rights situations was a matter for the Human Rights Council, the Russian Federation supported the no-action motion on draft resolution A/C.3/63/L.33 and invited other States to do the same. daccess-ods.un.org |
离开工作岗位,为孤儿或脆弱的儿童 创立 复 康 中心时,Susan投入了她所拥有的一切,包括退休金。 clarinsusa.com | When Susan gave up her job to start a rehabilitation centre for orphaned and vulnerable children, she put everything [...] she had into [...]it, including her own pension money. clarinsusa.com |
获得了加拿大勋章(Order of [...] Canada)和首个联合国科学、教育和环保奖的Angelo,1980年在加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚 省 创立 了 “ 加拿大河流日”活动并获得巨大成功,之后他又成功说服众多组织及联合国机构,在2005年由联合国批准设立“世界河流日”。 tipschina.gov.cn | Angelo, a member of the Order of Canada and [...] an inaugural recipient of a United Nations (UN) Award for Science, [...]Education and Conservation, [...]founded the highly successful Rivers Day event in British Columbia in 1980 before successfully lobbying numerous organizations as well as agencies of the UN to recognize WRD in 2005. tipschina.gov.cn |
联合国儿童基金会德国委员会在2000年 创立 “ 联 合国儿童基金会年度图片”奖,以奖励纪录全球儿童生存状况的摄影作品。 unicef.org | Held since 2000 by UNICEF Germany, the annual ‘UNICEF Photo of the Year’ competition honours documentary photography of children around the world. unicef.org |
其中包括:创立金伯 利进程证书制度, 对贸易订立严格的规定,确保所谓“冲突钻石”不得交易;非政府组织联盟领导 [...] 的一个国际运动,称为“公布支付数额运动”,要求强制公布公司为开采矿物而 付给政府的捐税、手续费和使用费;以及《采掘业透明度倡议》。 daccess-ods.un.org | These include the creation of the Kimberley [...] Process Certification Scheme, which imposes stringent requirements on trade [...]to ensure that so-called “conflict diamonds” are not traded; the Publish What You Pay Campaign, an international campaign led by a coalition of non-governmental organizations calling for the mandatory disclosure of tax, fee and royalty payments made by companies to Governments for the extraction of minerals; and the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative. daccess-ods.un.org |
为确保残疾人可以参与全民公共卫生方案而采取的立法和 其他措施 通过第 [...] 011-2009-DP 号决议,公民权利监察员办公室创立 了残 疾人权利保护和促进项目组,保护和促进残疾人享有 [...] 无障碍、健康、教育和工作权,该项目组隶属于公民权利 监察员办公室下设的残疾人权利管理处。 daccess-ods.un.org | Legislative and other measures to ensure that public health campaigns are accessible for persons with disabilities Under [...] Ombudsman Decision No. 011-2009-DP, the Office of [...] the Ombudsman created the Programme [...]for the Defence and Promotion of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. daccess-ods.un.org |
安全理事会应继续公正地支持这一进程,确保西 撒特派团能够完成其任务,落实特派团的三项重 要创 立宗旨 ,首先是在政治僵局持续存在的情况下作为稳 定局势的工具;其次是在政治谈判取得成功的情况 下,作为落实关于自决的全民投票的机制;第三是向 秘书处、安全理事会和国际社会提供有关当地情况的 独立信息。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Security Council should continue to support this process in an unbiased manner and ensure that MINURSO is able to complete its mandate for three critical purposes for which it was intended: first, as an instrument of stability in the event that the political stalemate should continue; secondly, as a mechanism to implement a referendum on self-determination in the event that political negotiations should be successful; and thirdly, to provide independent information on conditions in the Territory to the Secretariat, the Security Council and the international community. daccess-ods.un.org |
他创立的基金每年将资助 200 名儿童长期在纽约市的天主教会学校求学,另外还用作留学生奖学金。 china.blackstone.com | Mr. Schwarzman created an endowment to [...] sponsor 200 children a year in perpetuity to attend Catholic schools in New York [...]City, and has also supported international student scholarships. blackstone.com |
世界首脑会议在《突尼斯议程》第 76 段中请秘书长在因特网治理论坛创立 后 的 五年之内,审议是否应维持论坛,并就 此向联合国会员国提出建议(第 [...] 60/252 号决议)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In paragraph 76 of the Tunis Agenda, the World Summit asked the Secretary-General to examine the desirability of the [...] continuation of the Internet [...] Governance Forum, within five years of its creation, and [...]to make recommendations to the United [...]Nations membership in that regard (resolution 60/252). daccess-ods.un.org |
国际文凭大学预科项目(DP)创立于19 68年,提供具有挑战性的综合教育,使学生能够 理解和应对我们这个世界的复杂性,培养他们具备各种技能和态度,以便面向未来采取负责 [...] 任的行动。 olive.mea-international.com | In 1968, the IB Diploma [...] Programme (DP) was established to provide a challenging [...]and comprehensive education that would enable [...]students to understand and manage the complexities of our world and provide them with skills and attitudes for taking responsible action for the future. olive.mea-international.com |
尽管实施的挑战相当 [...] 大,大量动议已经(加上市场刺激)帮 助 创立 了 极 大改善可持续渔业前景的系统 和行动的“道德圈”。 fao.org | Although the challenges of implementation can be considerable, a number of [...] initiatives have, together with market [...] incentives, helped to create the prospects of [...]a “virtuous circle” of systems and actions [...]that can significantly improve the prospects of sustainable fisheries. fao.org |
高级别工作组试图衡量该审议机制的成功,认为加纳在以治理和问责为重 点、地方掌控以及广泛接触民间社会方面表现出色。19 值得注意的是,加纳作 [...] 出了努力,确保在民众中间的教育、宣传 和 创立 对 非 洲同侪审议机制的所有权 (A/HRC/4/WG.2/TF/2,第33段) 。 daccess-ods.un.org | The task force sought to measure the success of APRM and found that the focus on governance and accountability and the degree of local ownership and outreach to civil society in the case of Ghana were remarkable.19 The [...] efforts made by Ghana to ensure education, [...] sensitization and creation of ownership [...]of APRM among the population (A/HRC/4/WG.2/TF/2, [...]para. 33) are worth mentioning. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据第3/2006 号法律《预防及遏制恐怖主 义犯罪法》的规定,创立恐怖组织,从事恐怖活动也构成刑事犯罪。 daccess-ods.un.org | Forming a terrorist organization and/or engaging in terrorist activities are criminal offences defined under Law 3/2006, on the Prevention and Suppression of the Crimes of Terrorism. daccess-ods.un.org |
加拿大认为,充分履行主席说明(S/2006/507)所 载的措施将大大有助于创立一个更加透明、有效和问 责的安全理事会。 daccess-ods.un.org | Canada believes that full implementation of the measures contained in [...] presidential note S/2006/507 would go a [...] long way towards creating a Security Council [...]that is more transparent, efficient and accountable. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了促进区域合作,亚太技转中心建立了一个由 15 个成员 国组成的体制合作机制,以便在亚太区域促进可再生能源技术,并着 手建立了网络解决方法中心,以促进交流最佳做法;在 [...] 11 个成员国 中建立了一个网络,以便在为推动农村应用而建立的可再生能源技术 [...] 微型系统领域促进研发机构之间的合作;并在 8 个成员国中创立了一个网络,以促进研发机构在应用纳米技术方面开展合作,从而创造有 [...] 附加值的产品,加强中小企业的竞争力。 daccess-ods.un.org | In order to promote regional cooperation, APCTT established an institutional cooperation mechanism consisting of 15 member Countries to promote RET in the Asia-Pacific region and initiating a web-based Solution Centre to promote sharing of best practices; created a network among 11 member Countries to promote cooperation among research and development institutes in the field of renewable [...] energy technology micro-systems for rural [...] applications; and created a network among [...]8 member countries to promote cooperation [...]among research and development institutes in the application of nanotechnology for creating value-added products to strengthen the competitiveness of SMEs. daccess-ods.un.org |
人权机制改革,尤其是人权理事会创立 的一个主要原因是,使得对特定国家情况的审议非政 治化和更可信。 daccess-ods.un.org | One of the main reasons for the reform of the human rights mechanism, and particularly for the creation of the Human Rights Council, had been to allow for a nonpoliticized and more credible consideration of countryspecific situations. daccess-ods.un.org |
雅各,Sheshet和犹大如上所述,谁是尤其是作为对他的两个突出的教师的说法发射机,增加了材料质量的犹太法典,以及最后命 名 创立 了 Pu mbedita学院,在那里,截至苏拉,对犹太法典的发展继续进行。 mb-soft.com | Jacob, Sheshet, and the Judah mentioned above, who is especially prominent as a transmitter of the sayings of his two [...] teachers-added a mass of material to the Talmud; and [...] the last-named founded the Academy of [...]Pumbedita, where, as at Sura, the development of the Talmud was continued. mb-soft.com |
在危地马拉,开发署的措施“有助于加强个别民间社会协会,”然 而“ 这 些措施最初并没有一个创立核心 组织网络的战略,也没有推动与国家对话的概念 [...] 框架”[7]。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Guatemala, UNDP interventions “contributed to the strengthening of individual civil society associations,” [...] yet “these interventions initially lacked [...] a strategy for creating a network of core [...]organizations and a conceptual framework [...]to promote dialogue with the State” [7]. daccess-ods.un.org |
主要有三种类型的行政机构:国家 [...] (中央或地方)直接管理的行政机构、国家间接管理的行政机构(拥有自己的法人, [...] 不同于“国家”,以及行政和财政自主权,但是其活动追求国家目的),以及自 主管理的行政机构(追求的是机构创立 者 的 利益,独立自主地确定其指导方针和 活动:区域和地方行政机关和社会团体即为此种情况)。 daccess-ods.un.org | There are three main types of administrative bodies: those within the direct administration of the State (central or regional); those within the indirect administration of the State (which possess their own legal personality, distinct from that of the “State”, as well as administrative and financial autonomy, but whose activity pursues State purposes); and those within autonomous administration (these pursue the interests of [...] those who formed them and define in an [...] autonomous and independent manner their own [...]guidance and activities: it is the case [...]of regional and local administrations and public associations). daccess-ods.un.org |
妇女署的创立还反 映出,迫切需要消除 下列阻碍进展的系统性和长期差距:缺乏联合国系统在两性平等问题上缺乏协调 和一致;权力很小、地位不高;对成果的问责制很差;存在严重的资源限制(见 表 1)。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also reflects the urgency of addressing systemic and persistent gaps that stop progress: the lack of United Nations system coordination and coherence on gender equality, weak authority and positioning, poor accountability for results, and dire resource constraints (see table 1). daccess-ods.un.org |
讨论期间表达的想法和建 议包括提供下列方面:通过地基研究培训和教育支助能力建设;空间活动机 [...] 会;支助确定国家战略以发展空间活动;推动合作,包括促 进 创立 共 同 兴趣小 组;尤其是提高各国政府和决策者关于空间惠益的认识;关于人类空间技术及 [...]其应用的信息。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ideas and suggestions expressed during the discussions included the provision of the following: support for capacitybuilding through training and education for ground-based research; opportunities for space activities; support for establishing national strategies for the development of space activities; the [...] facilitation of cooperation, including [...] promotion of the creation of groups with shared interests; [...]awareness-raising with respect [...]to the benefits of space, particularly among Governments and decision makers; and information on human space technologies and their applications. daccess-ods.un.org |