

单词 创始

创始 ()



创始人之一 n

co-founder n

创始人 n

founders pl
floater n





External sources (not reviewed)

更确切地说,在国 际组织创始条约 没有关于立刻生效的具体条款情况下,必须通过行政命令的方 [...]
More precisely, in the absence of a
specific provision of the international
[...] organization’s founding treaty in terms [...]
of its immediate effectiveness, the treaty
must be introduced by way of an executive order or through an adaptation procedure.
创始合 作 伙伴为那波利的当地公共当局(卡帕尼亚大区,那波利省和市政府),并得到意大利外交 [...]
Its founding partners are [...]
the local public authorities in Naples (Region Campania, Province and Municipality of Naples),
with the participation of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Shakira is the founder of the Pies Descalzos [...]
Foundation, which provides displaced and underprivileged children in her native
Colombia with access to quality education.
儿童基金会是击退疟疾运动创始合 作 伙伴,并是击退疟疾委员会的关键成员之一。
UNICEF is a founding partner of the Roll Back Malaria partnership and is a key member of the RBM Board.
八.57 关于“联合国关心”小组与处理维持和平行动中与艾滋病毒/艾滋病有关 问题的工作人员之间的协调,咨询委员会经询问获悉,“联合国关心” 创始以 来 就一直通过维持和平行动部特派团一级的艾滋病毒/艾滋病顾问和协调人同该 部一道开展工作。
VIII.57 With regard to coordination between the UN Cares team and staff dealing with HIV/AIDS-related issues in peacekeeping operations, the Advisory Committee was informed, upon enquiry, that since its inception UN Cares had been working with the Department of Peacekeeping Operations through the latter’s mission-level HIV/AIDS advisers and focal points.
[...] 办事处地区五个会员国中的三个会员国参加了亚太信息网,并在于泰国举行 创始 会议 (2002 年 12 月 11 日至 13 [...]
日)上举行了首次会晤,会议创建了亚洲—太平洋地区信息社会 观察站,作为交流信息、制订和实施信息与传播技术扫盲计划、发展用当地语言表述的电子
In the framework of the subprogramme “Formulating principles, policies and strategies to widen access to information and knowledge”, three out of five Member States in the Bangkok Cluster have joined the Asia
Pacific Information Network (APIN) and met
[...] for the first time at the Founding Meeting [...]
(11-13 December 2002) in Thailand, where
the Regional Observatory for the Information Society for Asia-Pacific (ROISAP) was created as a platform for information sharing, development, the conducting of ICT literacy programmes and development of electronic local content in local languages.
标签保证了来源于捕捞渔业和/或水产养殖企业的产品得到了可持续的管理和/或 符合该计创始人认 为反映社会和文化价值的重要标准。
The label guarantees that the product originates in capture fisheries and/or aquaculture enterprises that are sustainably managed and/or that adhere to criteria reflecting social and cultural values deemed important by the scheme’s originators.
他还是穆敦杜 40 武装集团创始成员之一,该组织在卢旺达国防部队于 1998 至 2002 年之间部署到刚果民主共 和国期间与其密切合作。
He is also one of the founding members of the Mudundu 40 armed group, which collaborated closely with the RDF during their deployments to the Democratic Republic of the Congo between 1998 and 2002.
从富有活力的公创始人兼 现任董事会主席Frank Hasenfratz播下创业种子至今,公司已发展成为一家价值22亿美元,在加拿大、美国、墨西哥、德国、匈牙利、中国和法国拥有17000多名员工和39家生产机构的公司。
From the entrepreneurial seeds planted
[...] by the dynamic founder and current Chairman, [...]
Mr. Frank Hasenfratz, Linamar has evolved
into a $2.2 Billion company with over 17000 employees and 39 manufacturing facilities located in Canada, USA, Mexico, Germany, Hungary, China and France.
委员会特别注意到科斯莫 斯伙伴的主席在 2009 年 2 月 3
[...] 日的答复中提到,自心理学和社会变化中 创始 人去 世后,该变化中心的活动基本停止,可能会结束与联合国的联系,同时科斯 [...]
In particular, the Committee noted that the President of Kosmos Associates had mentioned in her
reply dated 3 February 2009 that since the
[...] death of the founder of the Center [...]
for Psychology and Social Change, the Center
for Psychology and Social Change had been somewhat inactive and would probably end its connection with the United Nations, and that in the meantime the President of Kosmos Associates would continue to be its representative until Kosmos Associates gained consultative status.
尼葛洛庞帝教授自1966年起一直是麻省理工学院成员,是麻省理工学院媒体实验室的共 创始 人 和 前主任。
Professor Negroponte has been a member of the MIT faculty
[...] since 1966, is the co-founder and former director [...]
of the MIT Media Lab, and was the Jerome
B. Wiesner Professor of Media Technology.
波兰创始国之 一,它的主要职责包括促进国际货 物和服务贸易的自由化,制定支持贸易的投 [...]
资政策,解决贸易争端,以及知识产权的保 护等几个方面。
Poland was
[...] one of the founding countries. [...]
The main responsibility of the WTO is the liberalisation of the international
trade of goods and services, investment policies of trade support, the settlement of trade disputes, and the respect for intellectual property rights.
在介绍了秘书长关于这一专题的报告(E/CN.17/2011/8) 之后,以下小组成员作了发言:Five Winds International 创始合伙人兼主任 Kevin Brady;可持续欧洲研究所副所长 Joachim Spangenberg;第三世界网络法 律顾问 Chee Yoke Ling。
Following the introduction of the report of the Secretary-General on the theme (E/CN.17/2011/8), presentations were made by the following panellists: Kevin Brady, founding partner and Director of Five Winds International; Joachim Spangenberg, Vice-President of the Sustainable Europe Research Institute (SERI); and Chee Yoke Ling, Legal Adviser to the Third World Network.
白俄罗斯作为联合创始国之 一,是大多数国际人权文书的缔约国,其中包 [...]
括六项核心人权公约:《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》、《经济、社会、文化 权利国际公约》、《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》、《消除对妇女一切形式 歧视公约》、《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》、 《儿童权利公约》。
[...] as one of the founding States of the [...]
United Nations, is party to most international human rights instruments, including
the following six core treaties: the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination, the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women, the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
他是民间社会组织 Naleb 机创始人和 主要负责人,该机构主要对国家预算 [...]
进行分析,就多元文化社会的国家改革开展对话和辩论,开展土著参政,并为危 地马拉的立法工作提供投入(1997-2008 年)。
Founder and current general director [...]
of Naleb’, a civil society organization specializing in the analysis of the national
budget; dialogue and debate on State reform in multicultural societies; the political participation of indigenous peoples; and the contribution of input to legislative efforts in Guatemala (1997-2008).
在加入新美术馆之前,她是洛杉矶的加州艺术剧院画廊 创始 人 和策展人(2003-2007)。
Before joining the New Museum, Joo was the founding director and curator of the Gallery at REDCAT in Los Angeles (2003–07).
因此,主席女士,你可以放心,作为一个安全理 事会常任理事国和欧洲联创始成员 国,法国决心确 保欧盟承担它应有的责任,按照《联合国宪章》的目 [...]
You can therefore count on France’s determination, Madam President,
as a permanent member of the Security
[...] Council and as a founding member of the [...]
European Union, to ensure that that EU assumes
its share of responsibility in building a world of peace, stability and prosperity, in line with the objectives of the Charter of the United Nations.
创始人的后代在监事会 和控股公司起着积极的作用,从而加强了企业识别。
[...] of our company founder play an active [...]
role on our supervisory council and in the holding company, thus strengthening our corporate identity.
1976年随着工人权力工会联合会的成立开始参加工会运动,曾任工人权力工会联合会主席和食品行业工会主席,土耳其心肺移植基金 创始 人 大会成员、秘书长,欧盟——土耳其经济与社会理事会混合磋商委员会成员和联席主席,世界工会联合会和欧洲工会联合会执行局成员,国际劳工组织日内瓦代表团、国际工业关系协会、土耳其工业关系协会、土耳其经济和社会研究基金会、战略思想研究所高级咨询会议和贝希克塔什足球俱乐部全体会议成员,土耳其自愿者组织基金 创始 成 员,阿拉贾教育基金会受托人代表团董事会成员。
He worked as the Chairperson of Hak-İş
Confederation and Öz Gıda
[...] Work Union; as founding member and General Secretary of Turkish Transplantation of Heart and Lung Foundation; as member and Co-Chairperson of EU-Turkey Economic and Social Council Joint Consultation Committee; CEO of  International Unions Confederation and European Unions Confederation;as General Membership of  ILO Geneva Delegation, International Industrial Relations Association, Turkish Industrial Relations Association, Turkish Economic and Social Etudes Foundation, High Consultation Board of Strategic Thoughts Institute and Beşiktaş Football Club; founding member of Türkiye [...]
Gönüllü Teşekkülleri
Vakfı and member of Directorate of Board of Trustees of Alaca Eğitim Vakfı .
大赦国际是非政府组织妇女、和平与安全问题工作组 创始 成 员 之一,自从 联合国安全理事会第 [...]
1325 号决议在 2000 年通过以来,它不断主张充分执行该决 议,与安理会、联合国妇女、和平与安全问题机构间工作队和第 1325 号决议之 友小组的成员密切合作。
As a founding member of the NGO Working [...]
Group on Women Peace and Security, AI has continuously advocated for full implementation
of United Nations Security Council resolution 1325, since its adoption in 2000, working closely with members of the SC, the United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on Women, Peace and Security, and the Group of Friends of resolution 1325.
Santa Clara, California (2011年09月27日) –
[...] 全球整合式芯片解决方案的领导者美满电子科技(Marvell)的联 创始 人 戴伟立(Weili Dai)女士荣幸地与美国国务卿希拉里•克林顿、美国全球妇女问题特使Melanne [...]
Santa Clara, California (September 27, 2011) – Marvell (NASDAQ: MRVL), a worldwide leader in
integrated silicon solutions and Weili Dai, the
[...] company’s co-founder, are honored to [...]
have joined U.S. Secretary of State Hillary
Rodham Clinton, U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for the Global Women’s Issues Melanne Verveer and leaders from across the Asia-Pacific region at last week’s Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Women and the Economy Summit (WES) and are proud to pledge their commitment to the resulting San Francisco Declaration.
Talka 先生通过自己的贡献帮助 UL 实创始人威 廉斯·梅瑞尔先生的愿景,他努力采用一流的技术来制定安全标准,为新技术的应用制定安全规范,开发和实施技术培训项目,领导 [...]
UL 在全球开发和推广产品安全认证项目,并协调和领导了 UL 有史以来最全面的 Gage R&R 计划。
Mr. Talka's contributions to public safety as
[...] envisioned by UL's founder William Henry [...]
Merrill are evidenced through his efforts
in developing safety requirements utilizing state of the art technology, establishing safety requirements for the use of new technology, developing and implementing technical training programs, providing leadership in the development and expansion of product safety certification programs on a global basis, and coordinating and leading the most comprehensive Gage R&R initiative in UL's history.
赛诺龙医疗公司联创始人暨 董事会主席、赛诺龙公司elos专利技术共同发明人Shimon [...]
Dr. Shimon Eckhouse, Co-founder and Chairman of [...]
the Board of Directors of Syneron Medical and co-inventor of Syneron's proprietary
elos technology, commented, "Syneron is at the leading edge of the innovation curve for aesthetic treatments, both in terms of technology and customer-centric product offerings.
作为“美国妇女联系”创始合作 伙伴,本组织一直在建立和维持支持美国 [...]
妇女议程的“美国妇女联系”以及与白宫妇女理事会合作中发挥着重要作用,本 网络将再次起草一个提交给妇女地位委员会的基层议程。
As a founding partner of United States [...]
Women Connect, the organization has been principle in building and maintaining United
States Women Connect as the anchor for a United States women’s agenda that, working with the White House Council on Women, will once again craft a grass-roots agenda to be submitted to the Commission on the Status of Women.
洛桑国际管 理 学院国际政治 学 教 授 、 埃维昂组创 始 人 J ean-Pierre Lehmann 主任发言的主题是国际贸易政策与贫困问题,他在发言中首 [...]
先讲到,贸 易本身 并 不 能减少 贫困,联合国、世界贸易组织和世界银 行等组织作了一件坏
事,说贸易壁垒和 补贴增加了贫困。
Addressing the topic of international trade policies and poverty, Jean-Pierre Lehmann, Professor of
International Political
[...] Economy, IMD and Founding Director of the Evian Group, began his presentation [...]
by stating that trade per
se would not reduce poverty and that organizations such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the World Bank had paid a disservice in suggesting that trade barriers and subsidies had contributed to poverty.
作为在座的欧洲安全与合作组织(欧安组织)及 其前身欧洲安全与合作会创始成员 国之一,我们从 欧安组织所做的安全工作和人的角度,包括通过部长 向安理会介绍的民主体制和人权办公室的工作来看, 都高度重视和评价欧安组织的工作。
As one of a number of countries around the table which was a founding member of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), and before that the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, we hold the work of the OSCE in very high regard and importance, both in terms of the security work that the OSCE does and the human dimension, including through the work of the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, that the Minister has set out for the Council.
这个题目是从来没有作为一个治疗的教条式的神学的一部分,直到什么是现在俗称“神学fundamentalis”在十六世纪,崛起,其 创始 人 梅 尔基奥尔仓鼠和贝拉明。
The subject was never treated as a part of dogmatic theology until the rise of what is now
commonly called "Theologia fundamentalis", in the
[...] sixteenth century, the founders of which are Melchior [...]
Canus and Bellarmine.
作为e-flux的创始人, 他执行了许多项目,比如《下一届文献展应该由一位艺术家来策展》(由彦斯·霍夫曼策划),《做吧》(由小汉斯策划),《乌托邦站》海报计划,还组织了《日常革命生活的图像银行》项目(由大卫·阿尔法罗·西凯罗斯的图像文献发展而来)和《玛莎·罗斯勒图书馆》。
As founder of e-flux, he has produced [...]
projects such as Next Documenta Should Be Curated By An Artist (curated by Jens Hoffmann),
Do it (curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist), Utopia Station poster project, and organized An Image Bank for Everyday Revolutionary Life (based on the image archive of David Alfaro Siqueiros) and Martha Rosler Library.
[...] 在其评论中指出,举北约为例,“制约组织运作的基本内部规则,即协商一致决 策规则,在北创始条约 及任何正式规则中都找不到,这一规则是组织实践的结 [...]
On the other hand, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) noted in its comments that NATO itself is an example of an organization where “the fundamental internal rule governing the functioning of the organization — that of consensus
decision-making — is to be found
[...] neither in the treaties establishing NATO nor in any formal [...]
rules and is, rather, the result
of the practice of the organization” (A/CN.4/637, sect. II.B.26).




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