

单词 创办

创办 verb ()

establish v
launch v


创办人 n

founder n



创办者 n

author n


founder (of an institution etc)

External sources (not reviewed)

In the framework of the partnership, the assistance provided to children at risk
has developed considerably, the relevant
[...] centres have been created and developed, [...]
and the number of child protection workers has been increased.
任何公民都有权使用互联网创办电 子 报刊,而不受政府或信息部的任何干扰。
Every citizen has the right to use the
[...] Internet and to create electronic newspapers [...]
without being subjected to any interference
by the Government or the Ministry of Information.
[...] 在于与当地私营部门和公共部门的合作伙伴加深了联系,以及为举办关于当地文化遗产的培 训和帮助青年目标群创办企业 筹集了资金。
The project has been successful in deepening contacts with local partners, both from the private sector and the public sector,
attracting funds for training on the local cultural heritage and for establishing businesses by
[...] the target group of young people.
该条款亦包含了保障公民出版自由的基本规定(自 创办 出 版 物、禁 止审查制度、禁止查禁任何出版物)。
This article also contains the basic provisions guaranteeing the liberty of the press (free setting up of publications, prohibition of censorship, interdiction to suppress any publication).
关于在城市一级加强反对种族主义、歧视和排斥行为的行动,与市镇网络建立合作伙 伴关系,“国际城市反对种族主义联盟”(由教科文组 创办 ) 继 续开展活动,目的是促使 有关城市和市镇在强化其反对种族主义的政策方面建立统一战线。
Concerning the partnership with networks of municipalities so as to strengthen action against racism, discrimination and exclusion in cities, the initiative of the “International Coalition of Cities against Racism” (launched by UNESCO) continues to aim at uniting in a common front cities and municipalities interested in strengthening their policies against racism.
国家承担几乎全部风险,以激励人 创办 自 己 的企 业。
The State takes over almost the entire risk in order to stimulate people to start their own businesses.
在农村发展和减轻贫困领域,必须制定下列政策:(a) 必须改善农村地区的
基础设施,特别是供水和能源设施及道路,并应包括使用可再生能源资源;(b) 必
[...] 须改善农村地区的教育、保健服务、供水及环境卫生,同时在发展过程中实现两 性平等;(c) 应鼓创办小型 和微型企业,向农村居民提供小额贷款服务;(d) 必 须提高农业和农村发展领域的公共投资效率;(e) [...]
In the area of rural development and the alleviation of poverty, the following policies must be adopted: (a) infrastructure in rural areas must be improved, particularly water and energy facilities and roads, and should include the use of renewable energy resources; (b) access to education and health services, water and sanitation in rural areas must be improved and gender equality in the development
process achieved; (c) the
[...] establishment of small and microindustries should be encouraged and microcredit [...]
services provided to
rural populations; (d) public investment efficiency in agriculture and rural development must be enhanced; (e) sustainable agricultural practices, particularly in respect of water use and the reduction of fertilizer and chemical use, must be encouraged.
此外,下述人员也视为等同投保人:21 岁以下,正在爱沙尼亚依创 办和开 办的教育机构或在国外类似机构接受基础教育的年轻人;24 岁以 下,正在接受普通中等教育的学生;没有受过基础教育,又过了必须就学的 年龄,并获得职业教育的人;在基础教育或中等教育基础之上获得职业教育 的学生;长期居住在爱沙尼亚的大学生。
In addition, the following persons are also considered equal to insured persons: young persons until the age of 21 who are acquiring basic education in an Estonian educational institution founded and operating on the basis of law or in a similar institution abroad; pupils until the age of 24 who are acquiring general secondary education; persons without basic education who are above the age of an obligation to attend school and who acquire vocational education; pupils acquiring vocational education on the basis of basic education or secondary education; and university students permanently residing in Estonia.
The State affords everyone living in Kuwait
the right to education and has
[...] given permission for private schools to be created for expatriate [...]
communities in Kuwait.
[...] 在农村地区的 5 800 多人(30%为妇女)提供了临时就业,为 2 525 名求职者(62.4% 为妇女)提供了职业指导服务,支持了 764 名失业人员(79.7%为妇女)通过技能和 管理培训、小额贷款和启动套创办 自 己 的生意。
In order to assist the Government in addressing the challenge of high unemployment rates, especially among youth, the International Labour Organization provided technical assistance to the Secretary of State for Vocational Training and Employment. This included assistance for programmes providing temporary employment for more than 5,800 people (30 per cent of them women) living in rural areas, assisting 2,525 job seekers (62.4 per cent of them women) with career guidance services and supporting 764 unemployed people (79.7 per cent
of them women) in
[...] initiating their own businesses through access to skills and management training, microcredit and start-up kits.
截至 2010 年,已经在各个地创办了 3 2 个国家培训方案,包括护理、理疗、 铁路运输、警务、旅游、工作场所预防和健康、化学、音乐、视觉艺术、舞蹈和 戏剧、信息科学、地球科学、汽车和电子工程。
As of 2010, 32 national training programmes have been established in a variety of areas, including nursing, physiotherapy, rail transport, police work, tourism, workplace prevention and health, chemistry, music, visual arts, dance and theatre, information science, and geoscience, automotive and electronic engineering.
联合国和平、裁军与发展拉丁美洲和加勒比区域中心同美洲国家组织合作创办了一 个针对该区域的美洲虚拟信息中心,以便于审议关于裁军与不扩散教育 [...]
The United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean
collaborated with the Organization of American
[...] States (OAS) in creating a region-specific [...]
inter-American virtual clearing house
to consider proposals on disarmament and non-proliferation education and review frameworks for implementation.
发展中国 家的妇女面临的从事体面职业创办 企 业 的机遇,可以增加妇女的收入并且增强 她们投资于家庭和企业的能力。
Opportunities for women in developing countries to engage in decent employment, or as entrepreneurs, increase their income and enhance their ability to invest in their family and in their enterprise.
这个框架 是以四个前实体的核定战略/框架为基础,并依照第 64/289 号决议的授权增加了 新内容,即加强国家一级的能力,并增加了新的职能 创办 阶 段 的各种要求。
This framework builds on the approved strategies/frameworks of the four former entities and adds, as mandated in resolution 64/289, enhanced capacities at the country level, new functions and startup requirements.
1954年,贾克.古登—娇韵诗(Jacques Courtin-Clarins)创办了自 己的第一家娇韵诗美妍中心,在这里通过与顾客的沟通,让他寻找到了研发娇韵诗护理的最初灵感。
Jacques Courtin-Clarins opened his first institute [...]
in 1954 and it was here that here was able to meet his clients and where
he found inspiration for the first Clarins Treatments.
此外,Adams 先生创办了四 家公司并担任首席执行官,其中三家公司分属于无线网络、数字音乐及 IPTV 领域,另一个则是直接在印度尼西亚进行投资的风险投资基金。
In addition, Mr. Adams has founded and been CEO of four companies in wireless networking, digital music, IPTV, and a venture capital fund for direct investment in Indonesia.
请注意,所有的留学中介均为独立经营商,绝无由澳大利亚政 创办 或 支 持的中介。
Note that education agents are independent operators, and none are endorsed or supported by the Australian government.
委员会虽然注意到通过了“ 关于外语教育和 教授与土耳其公民学习不同 语言和方言的法律”及其 2003 年“关于以土耳其公民传统上使用的不同语言和方
言开展教育的 细 则 ” , 但 它 仍然关注各 族 裔群体的 儿童学习母语的机会不够 , 尤 其注意到缔约国提供 的资料显示提 供私人 语 言 课程的
[...] 学校“因人 们 缺乏兴趣和 没 有生源,悉数创办人和所有者关闭”(第五条(辰)项(5)目)。
While noting the adoption of the “Law on Foreign Language Education and Teaching, and the Learning of Different Languages and Dialects by Turkish Citizens” and its “By-law on Education in Different Languages and Dialects traditionally used by Turkish Citizens” of 2003, the Committee remains concerned at the inadequate possibilities for children belonging to ethnic groups to learn their mother tongue, in particular having regard to the information given by the State party that schools offering private
language courses have been “all been
[...] closed down by their founders and owners due to lack [...]
of interest and non-attendance” (article 5 (e) (v)).
西班牙合作署在青年就业领域主要开展了下列活动:支持 Kankan 的 Don Bosco 职业能力建设中心项目(173 656 欧元,约合 227 600 美元)和支创办技 术与青年就业企业的方案(520 872 欧元,约合 682 842 美元)。
The Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation is carrying out the following activities, among others, in the area of youth employment: a project in support of the Don Bosco Advanced Vocational Training Centre in Kankan (173,656 euros/approx. US$ 227,600) and a programme to support the creation of technology businesses and youth employment (520,872 euros/approx. US$ 682,842).
[...] 施,如制订了“加快减贫国家战略第二阶段”、支持妇 创办 经 营 企业、提 供信贷、培训和合作社等。
The representative of Bangladesh reported that steps had been taken to reduce poverty, especially among the poorest, which included many female-headed households, through such measures as the National
Strategy for Accelerated Poverty Reduction-II,
[...] support for entrepreneurship, access to credit, [...]
training and cooperatives.
在设计、制定和评价方案和项目的过程中,残疾人的参与 程度 - Wawa Wasi 国家方案,创办儿童 庇护所,照顾年龄在 6-47 个月的幼儿;根据幼儿的残疾类型,校内协调员将评估出对 其护理方案的持续时间,而不考虑任何歧视因素。
Degree of participation of persons with disabilities in the design, development and evaluation of programmes and projects The National Wawa Wasi (children’s homes) Programme cares for children aged between 6 and 47 months; depending on the nature of the children’s disability, field coordinators assess their need to continue in the programme on a non-discriminatory basis.
专家讨论了创业教育和培训作为创业政策框架中关键因素的重要性,认识 到创业人员需要培养必要的行为能力和专门技能, 创办 和 维持一个成长型企 业。
Experts discussed the importance of entrepreneurship education and training as key elements in any entrepreneurship policy framework, recognizing the need for entrepreneurs to develop the necessary behavioural competencies and technical skills to start and sustain a growing business.
因此,最重要的是实行各项政策,改善与贸易有关的基础设施,增强贸易相 关服务领域的竞争,创办企业 提供便利,保障法制和合同履约,并为外国企业 提供财政和其他方面的激励措施。
Therefore, policies that improve trade-related infrastructures, increase competition in trade-related services, facilitate business start-ups, guarantee the rule of law and contract enforcement, and provide fiscal and other incentives to foreign firms, are essential.
在专题讨论会上提到了一些重要举措,例如消费者国际与全球电子社会商 业对话网之间的争议解决协议、40 创办欧洲 司法外联络网、41 最佳商务咨询所42/ 全球信赖标章联盟和 e.Consumer.gov 网站项目,该项目是国际消费者保护执行 [...]
A few important initiatives were mentioned at the Colloquium, such
as the dispute
[...] resolution agreement between Consumers International and GBDe,40 the launch of the European Extrajudicial [...]
the Better Business Bureaus (BBB)42 /Eurochambres Trustmark alliance and e.Consumer.gov, which is a project of members of the International Consumer Protection Enforcement Network (ICPEN) and a portal for consumers to report complaints about online and other cross-border transactions with foreign sellers.
他和医疗工作人员的领导巴卡里.西迪贝(Bakary Sidibe)博士在临近的康加巴(Kangaba)共 创办 了 首个AMCP/ALIMA计划。
He and Dr. Bakary Sidibe, the chief of medical staff, were both founders of the first AMCP/ALIMA programme in neighboring Kangaba, the success of which encouraged ECHO to expand the programme to Ouélessébougou and another district.
当我们创办人John Bowers先生首次创立本公司的时候,他 坚信充满想象的设计、创新的工程和先进的技术是开启家庭音响娱乐大门的重要元素。
When John Bowers first established our company he did so in the belief that imaginative design, innovative engineering and advanced technology were keys that could unlock the enjoyment of audio in the home.
从最初1892年在苏黎世-贺根市(Zürich) 创办 的 一 家小作坊,史陶比尔而今发展成为一个跨国集团,总部设在瑞士的法菲孔 (Pfäffikon),为全世界所有工业行业提供创新的解决方案。
Originally founded in 1892 as a small workshop in Horgen/Zurich, today Stäubli is an international group headquartered in Pfäffikon, Switzerland, delivering innovative solutions to all industrial sectors around the world.
除了行政办公室的“分散化”,还必须建设基础设施,推动经济活动, 同时,必创办新的 高等教育和医疗机构,这些是促使海地踏上新的发展道路的 必要条件。
In addition to the need for a “deconcentration” of
[...] administrative offices, there is a need for the construction of infrastructures to boost economic activity and for the creation of [...]
new higher-education and medical
institutions, which are required if Haiti is to embark on a different path.
特奥会运动由尤妮斯•肯尼迪•施莱佛夫人于 1968 年创办,现 已由最初的数百名运动员发展到逾 370 万名运动员,遍及世界各地的 170 多个国家/地区,常年举行各种体育训练、竞技比赛和其它相关活动。
Founded in 1968 by Eunice Kennedy Shriver, the Special Olympics movement has grown from a few hundred athletes to more than 3.7 million athletes in over 170 countries in all regions of the world, providing year-round sports training, athletic competition and other related programs.




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