

单词 创伤后遗症

See also:



创伤 n

injury n
traumas n
traumatic injury n
wound n
traumatic injuries pl

遗症 n

sequelae n

创伤 adj

traumatic adj

External sources (not reviewed)

他强调,由 于父亲遇害,他患有严重 创伤后遗症 , 他 说,这就是造成他说词不一致,相互 矛盾的原因。
He emphasizes that he has
[...] been seriously traumatized by the killing [...]
of his father, which he says explains the discrepancies
and contradictions in his account.
我们必须帮助这 个遭受创的国家应对地后遗症、 森 林被毁现象、 以及首先是在此情况下得以大肆滋生的流行病。
We must help that devastated country to manage the aftereffects of the earthquake, deforestation, and above all the epidemics that find fertile ground under such circumstances.
受到强迫流离失所或无 国籍状态影响的老年妇女可能患 创伤后 压 力综 合 症 , 而 这种疾病又可能得不到 提供保健服务者的承认或治疗。
Older women affected by forced
displacement or statelessness
[...] may suffer from post-traumatic stress syndrome, which [...]
may not be recognized or treated by health-care providers.
[...] 出版的临床证据表明,长期不间断地经受磨难和创伤性的境遇增加了医疗和心理 状况的风险,尤其创伤后应激 障碍和抑 症。
Research and published clinical evidence show that chronic long-term exposure to hardship and traumatic situations
increases the risk of both medical and psychological
[...] conditions, especially post-traumatic stress disorder and depression.
提交人的左眼遭受如此暴伤害,留下了非常严重 后遗症。
The author received such a heavy blow to his left eye that it was severely and permanently damaged.
有一项研究采用了经过统计控制、在美国具有全国代表性的数据,此项研究 表明,堕胎是造创伤后精神 压力障碍、常见抑 症 和 许 多其他精神疾病的一项 危险因素。
A study using nationally representative United States data with statistical
controls showed abortion was
[...] a risk factor for post-traumatic stress disorder, major depression and numerous [...]
other psychiatric disorders.
[...] 将成为联发援框架的标志,虽然它的目标基本上是与人权问题有关的内战直 后遗症 , 以 及 在《宪法》制定过程中适当纳入妇女、少数民族等内容。
While culture and development is notably absent from the UNDAF despite the advocacy by the Office, climate change is flagged by the
UNDAF though it targets essentially
[...] the immediate sequels of the civil war, [...]
related human rights issues, and appropriate
inclusion of women, minorities, etc. in the constitution-making process.
除了童年焦虑症之外,焦虑症还有一些其他类型,包括:学校恐怖症、社交恐 症 和 创伤后 应 激 障碍(PTSD)。
In addition to general anxiety disorder, some
other common types of anxiety disorders include school phobias,
[...] social phobias, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
后,在印度所取得的成就的基础上(比如以网络为基础的远程学习 资料、修遗产名录、促创新性 产业、中央管理控制台和发展活动的信息通讯技术 等等),以包含多国的另外三个国家,并根据 34 C/5 的规定在这些国家制定更为有意 义的国家方案。
Then, to build on results achieved in India (e.g. e-based distance learning material, revision of heritage bill, promotion of creative industries, CMC [...]
and ICT for development
activities, etc.) to involve the three other countries covered by the Cluster, and to prepare for a more meaningful country programme in these respective countries under document 34 C/5.
此外,他目前仍然患有酷刑所引起 创伤后 紧 张综 合 症 , 这就意味着以 前的警方违法行为仍然对他产生影响,其本身也构成违反《公约》的行为。
In addition, he continues
[...] to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of [...]
the torture, which means that the
previous violation continues to have an effect upon him, which itself amounts to a violation of the Convention.
大量道路交通死伤案件可通过消除主要起因加以预防,包括超速、不使用安 全带和儿童约束装置、后驾驶、两轮和三轮机动车驾驶员不带头盔、道路设计 欠佳和保养不当、基础设施和车辆不安全以 创伤 护 理 不当。
Significant numbers of road traffic fatalities and injuries can be prevented by addressing the leading causes, which include excess speed, lack of seat-belt and child restraint use, drinking and driving, lack
of helmet use by
[...] riders on two-wheel and three-wheel motorized vehicles, poorly designed and inadequately maintained roads, unsafe infrastructure and vehicles, and inadequate trauma care.
日,他向司法部长提出了他的论 据,包括两份来自心理医生的报告,证实他曾遭受酷刑并表现 创伤后 压 力 的症 状。
On 23 January 2006, he presented his arguments to the Minister of Justice, including
two reports from psychologists confirming that he had been tortured and
[...] that he showed symptoms of post-traumatic stress.
脊柱微创外科技术是相对于开放脊柱外科手术而言的,主要目的是通过各种微创手段来治疗脊柱疾病,以取得 与开放脊柱手术相同或者更好的疗效,同时最大限度的减少患者的手 创伤 、 促 进患者早日康复、减少术后 后遗症。
Through computer-assisted technology and highly specialized tools, minimally invasive surgery is an attractive option for patients who want a quicker recovery after surgery, less post-operative pain, and smaller incisions.
秘书长在其关于冲突中和冲后社会 的法治和过渡司法的报告(S/2004/ 616)中,将过渡司法定义为包含与一个社会为抚平过去的大规模虐害行为 遗留 的伤痛, 确保究问责任、声张正义、实现和解而进行的努力的所有相关进程和机 制。
In his report on the rule of law and
transitional justice in
[...] conflict and postconflict societies (S/2004/616), the Secretary-General defines transitional justice as the full range of processes and mechanisms associated with a society’s attempts to come to terms with a legacy of large-scale [...]
past abuses, in order
to ensure accountability, serve justice and achieve reconciliation.
乌克兰在自己权力范围内竭力打 击专制时代后遗症并阻 止专制主义抬头,重申其 与所有会员国通力合作在全球范围内促进和保护人 [...]
Ukraine was making significant efforts
[...] to combat the consequences of totalitarianism [...]
and prevent its future recurrence,
and reaffirmed its commitment to engage with all Member States to protect and promote human rights worldwide.
然而,委员会感到遗憾的是,对安全和情报人员,以及 法官、检察官、法医和和同被拘留者打交道的医务人员的培训方案所作的介绍极
[...] 为稀少,不足以阐明《公约》的规定和说明如何对身体和心 后遗症 方 面 受到的 折磨进行检测并留下存证记录。
However, the Committee regrets that there was sparse and inadequate information on training programmes for security and intelligence personnel, as well as for judges, prosecutors, forensic doctors and medical personnel dealing with detained
persons, on the provisions of the Convention and on how to detect and document physical
[...] and psychological sequelae of torture.
[...] 样的提议与提交人所受的损失不成比例,因为他还在接受治疗,他仍在遭受下 列病痛:左耳听力困难和剧烈疼痛,左下颚疼痛,健忘,失眠,这都 创伤后 应激病症。
Nevertheless, such a proposition is not in accordance with the damages suffered by the author, given that he is still undergoing medical treatment, is suffering severe pain in his left ear and acute
hearing difficulties, as well as pain in his left jaw, memory lapses
[...] and insomnia due to post traumatic stress disorder.
buchinha北部中止,它伤害和后遗症 的 妇 女有什么症状请回答我多少次,我应该采取影响我通过电子邮件作出回应。
The buchinha northern
[...] aborts, and what symptoms it hurts and leaves sequelae in women please [...]
answer me how many times should
I take to effect me respond by email.
2011 年,酷刑问题特别报告员指出,鉴于以往政权残留的酷 后遗症 和未 及时充分的调查酷刑指控,不能断言有罪不罚的不良之风已不再到处施虐。
In 2011, the Special Rapporteur on the question of torture indicated
[...] that, given the legacy of torture from [...]
the past regime and the lack of sufficiently
timely investigations into allegations of torture, it could not be said that a culture of impunity no longer prevailed.
(b) 心理保健需要,包创伤后紧张错乱 症 和 自杀及自残的风险
(b) Mental health care
[...] needs, including post-traumatic stress disorder and risk of suicide and self-harm
门工作人员和其他目前从事人权工作的国家官员提供广泛的教育方案,但遗憾的 是缺少资料说明关于使用非武力手段、人群控制与使用武力和火器的培训情况,
[...] 以及对法官、检察官、法医和治疗被拘留者的医护人员开展任何培训方案以识别 和记录酷刑身后遗症。
(17) The Committee notes the wide range of educational programmes for police officers, criminal investigation officers and prosecutors, staff of penitentiary institutions, staff of legal departments and other State officials working in the field of human rights currently in place, but regrets the lack of information on training on the employment of non-violent means, crowd control and the use of force and firearms, as well as on any training programmes for judges, prosecutors, forensic doctors and
medical personnel dealing with detained persons, to detect and document the physical and
[...] psychological sequelae of torture.
30 年战争,消除了战争后遗症,向许多炸弹、地雷和橙剂/ 毒气受害者以 及数以百万计受其悲剧性后果之害的人提供了支持,而迄今为止,没有人为此承 [...]
Viet Nam was a developing country
that had undergone 30 years of war and
[...] had overcome the aftermath of war, for example [...]
by providing support for the many victims
of bombs, mines and agent Orange/dioxin, as millions of people still suffered from its tragic effects, for which, to date, no one had assumed responsibility.
/ 战遗留爆炸物伤亡这一类别纳入国家伤亡监测机制;克罗地亚正在其国家 公共卫生研究院之下建立一个新的数据库;萨尔瓦多正在清理其数据,以查明武 装冲突受害者的伤亡原因;几内亚比绍准备在人口普查 后 对 残疾人开展全面的 调查;塞内加尔进行了幸存者需求评估。
Examples of progress include: Angola
launched a project to
[...] collect mine/ERW casualty data and establish a database; Colombia launched a pilot project to include the category of mine/ERW casualty in the national injury surveillance mechanism; in Croatia, a new database is being developed under the Croatian National Institute of Public Health; El Salvador is undergoing a process of data cleaning to identify the cause of injury among victims of the armed conflict; Guinea-Bissau is developing a comprehensive survey of persons with disabilities after the population [...]
census; and, Senegal
conducted a needs assessment of survivors.
牢记自己在各主管领域的优势特长,在尽早评估需求、政策改革、提高主要机构的能力方面 向有关国家提供帮助,支持专业团体和网络、社区间开展对话,提升共同的价值观、公民意
[...] 识和促进综合性对话,提高妇女、边缘化群体及弱势群体和社区的能力以及消除冲 后 的创 伤。
UNESCO will participate actively in the United Nations integrated responses to postconflict situations, bringing to bear its expertise in all its areas of competence, assisting countries in early needs assessments, policy reform, capacity-building of key institutions, support to professional communities and networks, dialogue among communities, promotion of shared values, citizenship and inclusive
dialogue, empowerment of women, marginalized and vulnerable groups and communities, and
[...] alleviation of post-conflict trauma.
冲突造成的直后果包 括:死亡和个人和 集体资产的损毁,国内流离失所者和难民,阻碍了经济发展,令有限的经济资源 越发不堪重负,造成社会心创伤、 前战斗人员包括儿童兵康复与重返社会的需 要,以及由于恐怖活动的威胁,形成了不安全和恐惧的气氛。
Direct fallouts of the conflict include: death and destruction of personal and collective property, internal displacement of persons and refugees, impeded economic development and strain on limited economic resources, psycho-social trauma, the need for [...]
rehabilitation and reintegration
of ex-combatants including child soldiers, and a climate of insecurity and fear due to threats posed by terrorist activity.
PTSD anxiety can have a variety of expressions: [...]
strong desire to avoid recalling memories of the event, re-experiencing
the event with intense distress/anxiety, detachment, insomnia, difficulty concentrating and extreme agitation.




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