

单词 创伤后压力紊乱

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External sources (not reviewed)

紊乱情绪能 力,减少压力水平 的能力,促进了处理不确定性的能力而且能够发展与未来情境有关的其 他技能(运动技能、认知技能和社会技能)。
The ability to regulate emotional responses to disturbance, and to reduce stress levels, [...]
enhances the ability to cope with
uncertainty and allows for the development of other skills (motor, cognitive and social) that can be brought to bear on the situation at hand.
委员们还 获悉,与加沙儿童的情况类似,西岸儿童中越来越频繁地出 创伤后 应 激 障碍、 尿床以及压力做出暴躁反应的倾向。
The members were also informed that, similar to Gaza,
there were increasing
[...] incidences of post-traumatic stress disorder, bedwetting and a proclivity to respond aggressively to pressure among children in [...]
the West Bank.
据报道,使用 LMA™ 气道的不良反应包括: 气 道 阻 塞 、 杓 状 软 骨 脱 位 、 吸 入 、 出 血 、 憋气、支气管痉挛、咳嗽、牙齿/义齿损伤、 口干/咽干、构音障碍、吞咽困难、发声困 难、节紊乱,耳 痛、窒息、胃扩张/充气/ 破裂、声门闭合、头部和颈部水肿、 力损 伤、呃 逆、声音嘶哑、唾液增多、舌下神经麻 痹、缺氧、喉血肿、喉痉挛、舌神经麻痹、口 腔溃疡、心肌缺血、恶心、腮腺肿胀、咽部感 觉迟钝、咽部溃疡、肺水肿、喉返神经损伤、 反胃、干呕、下巴疼痛、口腔疼痛、喉咙疼 痛、喘鸣、颌下腺肿大、颞下颌关节脱位、组创伤(会厌、喉、唇、口腔后咽 壁 、软 腭、悬雍垂、扁桃体)、舌头发紫、舌头肿 大、声带麻痹和呕吐。
Adverse events reported with LMATM airway use include airway obstruction, arytenoids dislocation, aspiration, bleeding, breath holding, bronchospasm, coughing, dental/denture damage, dry
mouth/throat, dysarthria,
[...] dysphagia, dysphonia, dysrhythmia, ear pain, gagging, gastric dilatation/insufflation/rupture, glottic closure, head and neck edema, hearing impairment, hiccup, hoarseness, hypersalivation, hypoglossal nerve paralysis, hypoxia, laryngeal hematoma, laryngeal spasm, lingual nerve paralysis, mouth ulcer, myocardial ischemia, nausea, parotid gland swelling, pharyngeal dysesthesia, pharyngeal ulcer, pulmonary edema, recurrent laryngeal nerve injury, regurgitation, retching, sore jaw, sore mouth, sore throat, stridor, submandibular gland swelling, temporomandibular joint dislocation, tissue trauma (epiglottis, larynx, lip, mouth, posterior pharyngeal wall, [...]
soft palate, uvula, tonsils),
tongue cyanosis, tongue macroglossia, vocal cord paralysis, and vomiting.
该报告指出的一些系统性问题涉及到以下令人关 切之处:工作和职业——工作人员甄选和升级、退休年龄、背景调查、新合同改
革的实施(2009 年 7 月 1 日);评价性关系——工作人员/管理当局问责制、组织
[...] 领导和管理;法律、财务、管控和合规——滥用权力;报酬和福利——有关应享 权利和及时支付的规定在适用上缺乏一致性;安全、健康、福祉、压力和工作与 生活——外地涉压力的环境、 创伤 和 危 机 后 护 理 提供医保。
Some systemic issues noted in that report related to the following concerns: job and career — staff selection and promotion; retirement age; reference checks; implementation of new contractual reform (1 July 2009); evaluative relationships — staff/management accountability; organizational leadership and management; legal, financial, regulatory and compliance — abuse of authority; compensation and benefits — lack of consistency in the application of the rules regarding entitlements and timeliness of
payments; safety, health, well-being, stress and work-life — stressrelated
[...] environment in the field; and coverage for trauma and post-crisis care.
力犯罪 是针对人的生命和健康实施的, 可根据刑事诉讼予以惩罚的,因此造成 伤 害 的 人死亡,健康严重受损或健紊 乱持续起码六个月的行为。
A crime of
[...] violence is an act committed against the life or health of a person which is punishable under the criminal procedure and as a result of which the injured person dies, sustains serious damage to his or her health, or sustains a health disorder lasting for [...]
at least six months.
( 可能导致残疾) ;生理健康问题( 包括以后死于 肺病、心脏病、肝病和性传播感染病 ) ;认知障碍( 包括就学和工作力受损);心 理和情后果( 如被排斥和摒弃感、依恋障碍创伤 、 恐 惧、焦虑、不安全感和 自尊受损 ) ;心理健康问题( 如焦虑和抑郁紊乱,幻觉、记忆障碍和自杀企图); 以及健康高风险行为
They include: fatal injury; non-fatal injury (possibly leading to disability); physical health problems (including failure to thrive, later lung, heart and liver disease and sexually transmitted infections); cognitive impairment (including impaired school and work
performance); psychological
[...] and emotional consequences (such as feelings of rejection and abandonment, impaired attachment, trauma, fear, anxiety, insecurity and shattered self-esteem); mental health problems (such as anxiety and depressive disorders, hallucinations, [...]
memory disturbances
and suicide attempts); and health-risk behaviours (such as substance abuse and early initiation of sexual behaviour)
有一项研究采用了经过统计控制、在美国具有全国代表性的数据,此项研究 表明,堕胎是造创伤后精神压力障 碍 、常见抑郁症和许多其他精神疾病的一项 [...]
A study using nationally representative United States data with
statistical controls showed abortion was a
[...] risk factor for post-traumatic stress disorder, major [...]
depression and numerous other psychiatric disorders.
H.M.,精 神病医生得出结论认为,她有自杀意念,符 创伤后 心 理 压力 紧 张 综合症的标 准。
As regards H.M., the psychiatric opinion concluded that she had suicidal
thoughts and fulfilled the
[...] criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD); it also concluded [...]
that it was beyond dispute
that she had experienced the events she had described.
64 联文9 说,艾哈迈迪族妇女往往遭受强奸和性 力 危 害 的威胁,造成了她们精压抑和生殖系紊乱。
Reportedly, common types of violence committed by military and police included rapes, sexual slavery, human trafficking for sexual exploitation and sexual abuse.64 JS9 stated that Ahmadi women often experienced threats of rape and sexual violence resulting in prolonged depression and reproductive disorders.
可提供援助/支持的问题范围广泛,包括工作场所的冲突、骚扰和欺辱、滥 用麻醉品、抑郁、身心疲惫、工作-生活平衡、孤独/孤立、婚姻/家庭问题、部 署前和部后问题、损伤性压力和 继发 性 创伤 、 和 人力资源相关的问题。
Assistance/support may be provided for a wide range of issues, including conflict in the workplace, harassment and bullying, substance abuse, depression, burnout, work-life balance, loneliness/isolation,
marital and family
[...] issues, pre- and post-deployment issues, traumatic stress and secondary trauma, and human resources-related issues.
受到强迫流离失所或无 国籍状态影响的老年妇女可能患 创伤后压力 综 合 症,而这种疾病又可能得不到 提供保健服务者的承认或治疗。
Older women affected by forced displacement or
[...] statelessness may suffer from post-traumatic stress syndrome, [...]
which may not be recognized or treated by health-care providers.
她说:“领压力、资源开采和公共政策及教育的缺乏对土著青年的心灵造成巨大 创伤。
External pressures on territories, extraction of resources and lack of public policy and education are having a traumatic effect on indigenous youth.
教科文组织将积极参加联合国全面应对冲突后局势的工作, 牢记自己在各主管领域的优势特长,在尽早评估需求、政策改革、提高主要机构的能力方面 向有关国家提供帮助,支持专业团体和网络、社区间开展对话,提升共同的价值观、公民意 识和促进综合性对话,提高妇女、边缘化群体及弱势群体和社区的 力 以 及 消除冲 后 的创 伤。
UNESCO will participate actively in the United Nations integrated responses to postconflict situations, bringing to bear its expertise in all its areas of competence, assisting countries in early needs assessments, policy reform, capacity-building of key institutions, support to professional communities and networks, dialogue among communities, promotion of shared values,
citizenship and
[...] inclusive dialogue, empowerment of women, marginalized and vulnerable groups and communities, and alleviation of post-conflict trauma.
轻度至中度抑郁症的典型症状包括情绪变化,力量缺乏,睡眠障碍,焦虑,食 紊乱 , 注 意 力 不 集中,抗逆性差。
Typical symptoms of major depression of mild to moderate severity include mood
changes, lack of energy, sleep problems, anxiety,
[...] appetite disturbance, difficulty concentrating and poor stress tolerance.
在有需要的情况下,对以下病症的诊断及治疗过程做出指示、开具处方及 进行相关处理:传染病和寄生虫病;肿瘤;内分泌、营养、代谢及免 紊乱 方面 的疾病;血液及造血器官方面的疾病;精神障碍;神经系统及感官方面的疾病; 循环系统疾病;呼吸系统疾病;消化系统疾病;泌尿生殖器官疾病;妊娠并发 症;分娩及产褥期疾病;皮肤及皮下组织疾病;骨关节系统及结缔组织疾病;先 天性异常;围产期遗留疾病;伤及 中 毒。
Indication or prescription, and execution where appropriate, of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures concerning infectious and parasitic diseases, neoplasias, endocrinal, nutritional and metabolic diseases and immunity disorders, diseases of the blood and the haematopoietic organs, mental disorders,
diseases of the nervous
[...] system and the sensory organs, circulatory diseases, diseases of the respiratory and digestive tracts, diseases of the genito-urinary tract, complications in pregnancy, birth and puerperium, diseases of the skin and the subcutaneous layer, diseases of the osteo-myoarticular system and connective tissue, congenital anomalies, diseases originating during the perinatal period, injuries and poisoning.
所以,我干脆自己写了一个后完全 不相干 紊乱 的 故 事,我被弄烦了!不想弄了,所以后来,内容比较奇怪,扯了很多无关痛痒,但是要继续下去的东西,似乎是关于西方人的:比如牛奶厂,和一个德国丈夫的关于奶汁品质的隐瞒,还有一个关于美国的前后历史背景。
But the things I wanted to carry on with seemed to be about westerners: for example, a dairy farm, a German husband’s cover-up of dairy product quality issues, and something about the historical background in the USA.
波斯语末世在利用没有想象的痛苦和世界(Bundahis了XXX的 后 几 天 紊乱 老 神 话和宇宙物质从巴比伦王国的困难18起。
Persian eschatology had no difficulty in utilizing old mythological and cosmological material from Babylonia in picturing the distress and disorder of the last days of the world (Bundahis, xxx. 18 et seq.
对我而言,这是发生在艺术语言之内,一个予以着 力 的 平 行例子,它是属于‘手段’范畴的,而不是属于‘要告诉观众’的,相反,它的故事说地越清楚,整 创 作 本身 越 紊乱 和 黑 暗。
It flows from considerations of technique, not out of some “message” to be conveyed. On the contrary, the more clearly the story is told, the darker and scarier the piece becomes.
年在墨西哥被捕时曾遭受酷刑并在监狱医务室遭到酷刑威胁,为了支持其 指控,他提供了医学报告,证实他患 创伤后压力 等 心 理障碍,他还提供了缔约 国警方实施的测谎检查,结果表明他的酷刑指控是可信的。
14.3 In assessing the risk of torture at the time of the complainant’s extradition, the Committee notes that the complainant claimed to have been tortured when he was arrested and threatened with torture in the prison infirmary in Mexico in 1998 and that, in support of his allegations, he provided medical reports confirming that he suffered from psychological disorders, including post-traumatic stress, together with the results of a polygraph test carried out by police in the State party indicating that his torture allegations were plausible.
在接受医学治疗时,精紊乱患 者 应被告知所建议之治疗计划及可预计之治疗效果,以及其他可供选择之治疗方 法。
When receiving medical treatment, the person suffering from a mental disorder shall be informed of the proposed therapy, the respective predictable effects and other possible treatments.
其它症状包括处紊乱,情 绪类症状(例如抑郁),细微和不易察觉的认知类症状(例如记力衰退,无法集中注力等)
Other symptoms can include being disorganized, mood-type symptoms such as depression, and subtle cognitive-type symptoms, such as memory and concentration difficulties.
差异被所需经费增额部分抵销,用于支付海地政府 选举支助、人权公共政策监测、评价公共宣传运动成效以 压力 和 心 理 创伤 管理 等方面的咨询人费用。
The variance was offset in part by additional requirements for consultants in the areas of elections support to the Government of
Haiti, public policy monitoring on human rights, evaluating the effectiveness of public
[...] information campaigns, and stress and trauma management.
(h) 协助老年人重建家庭和社会关系,缓解他们遭 创伤后 的 精 神 压力
(h) Assist older persons to re-establish family and social ties
[...] and address their post-traumatic stress
国际危机事件压力基金会与几个提供危机干预 创伤压力 支 助服务的组织,特别 是在后与这 些组织成功地建立了正式关系。
The International Critical Incident Stress Foundation has been successful in forging formal relationships with
several organizations which provide
[...] crisis intervention and traumatic stress support services, especially after disasters.
正如 Pellis 和 Pellis(2009)对于做好动物玩
[...] 打架游戏的研究显示的,游戏能为对新的和不确定环境作出微妙和细微的反应做好准备, 这能够促进发展,保持恢复能力和保持对 紊乱 的 能 力。
As Pellis and Pellis (2009) demonstrate from their studies of animal play fighting, play may prepare the ground for producing subtle and nuanced responses to novel and unpredictable
environments, which can be carried forward in development,
[...] maintaining resilience and the ability [...]
to deal with disturbance.
后,阿 富汗政府及其国际伙伴,包括澳大利亚, 显然必须继续致力于并——用塔宁大使的话说——以 毅力和决心集中力完成 目前的任务,就是 压 叛 乱、 打击腐败、改进治理和向阿富汗人民提供必要服务。
In conclusion, it is obviously important that the Afghan Government and its international partners, including Australia, remain committed to and focused, with fortitude and resolve, to use the words of Ambassador Tanin, on the task at hand: fighting the insurgency, combating corruption, [...]
and improving
governance and the delivery of essential services to the Afghan people.
后, 她 提请委员会注意,她的健康状况,她在来文内附上了一份医检证明证实她患有 若干生理和心紊乱症, 包括抑郁症,严重失眠和自杀倾向。
Lastly, she drew the Committee’s attention to her state of health, enclosing with her submission a medical certificate attesting to the fact that she had numerous disorders, [...]
both physical and psychiatric,
including depression, severe insomnia and suicidal tendencies.
该公司计划新型的Lynx机器人消融导管将在欧洲上市,该导管由Sensei X平台支持,而且增强了Artisan Extend导管的导航力,但 是在治疗房颤(AF)和其它电生 紊乱 方 面 却表现出更小和更弯曲的综合剖面。
The new Lynx robotic ablation catheter, which the company plans to launch in the European market, is supported by the Sensei X
platform and leverages the
[...] navigation capability of the Artisan Extend catheter, but in a smaller and more flexible integrated profile for the treatment of atrial fibrillation (AF) and other electrophysiology disorders.
[...] 申诉人可以在多哥获得所需治疗,但是法院未能核实申诉人出具的证据,例如证 实创伤后的精神压力和糟 糕的健康状态的医学证明及证实其担任瑞士阿尔高州 [...]
The Court ruled that the medical treatment required by the complainant could be provided in Togo, but it failed to check the evidence produced by the
complainant such as medical
[...] certificates attesting to post-traumatic stress and his poor state [...]
of health, and documents confirming
his active participation in UFC as its vice-president in Aargau, Switzerland.
大量道路交通死伤案件可通过消除主要起因加以预防,包括超速、不使用安 全带和儿童约束装置、后驾驶、两轮和三轮机动车驾驶员不带头盔、道路设计 欠佳和保养不当、基础设施和车辆不安全以 创伤 护 理 不当。
Significant numbers of road traffic fatalities and injuries can be prevented by addressing the leading causes, which include excess speed, lack of seat-belt and child restraint use, drinking and driving, lack
of helmet use by
[...] riders on two-wheel and three-wheel motorized vehicles, poorly designed and inadequately maintained roads, unsafe infrastructure and vehicles, and inadequate trauma care.




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