

单词 刚刚迷上...的人

See also:


become excited with
be enchanted by

的人 pl

persons pl

External sources (not reviewed)

一个具有九个现代WEB UI组件的集合,在你的富互联网应 上 提 供 迷人的 用 户 体验。
A collection of 9 modern Web UI components delivering a captivating user experience on your Rich Internet Applications.
在本届会上,社会科学及人文科学委员会和自然科学委员会审议了 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 号文件所建的决议 (提案国:奥地利、比利时、玻利维亚多民族国、布基纳法 索刚果、朝鲜民主主人民共 和国、丹麦、吉布提、多米尼加共和国、芬兰、冰岛、利比 亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、马达加斯加、新西兰、荷兰、挪威、帕劳、巴布亚新几内亚、波兰、 葡萄牙、萨摩亚、塞内加尔、斯洛文尼亚、瑞典、图瓦卢和乌拉圭;共同提案国:巴巴多 斯、哥斯达黎加、德国、哈萨克斯坦、拉脱维亚、黎巴嫩、马来西亚、摩纳哥、巴基斯坦、 所罗门群岛、苏里南和赞比亚),要求总干事利用教科文组织独有的跨学科背景,加强教科 [...] [...]
During this session, the SHS and SC Commissions examined the resolution proposed in document 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 (submitted by: Austria, Belgium, Plurinational State of Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Congo, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominican [...]
Republic, Finland, Iceland,
Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, Samoa, Senegal, Slovenia, Sweden, Tuvalu, Uruguay; co-sponsored by: Barbados, Costa Rica, Germany, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Malaysia, Monaco, Pakistan, Solomon Islands, Suriname, and Zambia), requesting the Director-General to strengthen UNESCO’s specialized capacity on climate change, building upon UNESCO’s unique interdisciplinary profile.
(c) 在措詞上,有關條文應該不僅涵蓋精 上 無 行 為能 的人 , 亦應 涵蓋迷的人、植 物人或半植物人,以及由於種種原因而不能懷 有所需意圖的任何其他人。
(c) the relevant provision should be phrased so as to cover not only the mentally incapacitated, but also persons in a comatose, vegetative or semi-vegetative state, and any other person who for one reason or another is not able to form the required intention.
它重申其支持刚果努力改人权状 况,并支 刚 果 在 这方的援助要求。
It reaffirmed its solidarity
[...] with the Congo in its efforts to improve the human rights situation, and supported its call for [...]
assistance in this regard.
(i) 其他用品、服务和装备(573 200 美元,即 2.4%),主要原因是运费和相 关费用(包括从中乍特派团调入预制设施、车辆和其他装备)增加以及汇率损失, 但由于刚果民主共和国武装部队(刚果 (金 )武装部队)接受支助人员的实际人数 为 10 763 人,低于预算编的 13 325 人,上述款 额因口粮所需经费减少而部分 抵消。
(i) Other supplies, services and equipment ($573,200, or 2.4 per cent), owing mainly to higher freight and related costs, including for the transfer of prefabricated facilities, vehicles and other equipment from MINURCAT, and loss on exchange, offset in part by reduced requirements for rations owing to the lower actual number of 10,763 supported troops of the Forces armées de la République démocratique du Congo (FARDC) than the budgeted level of 13,325.
摩洛哥重申其支刚果政府在人权领 域 的 不 懈 努力。
Morocco reaffirmed its support for the
[...] Government of the Congo in its constant efforts in the area of human rights.
作为约瑟夫布伊斯(Joseph Beuys)于20世纪60年代创立的社会雕塑流派的接班人,奥塔的作品,在某种意 上 , 是 自身具备独特功能的艺术文物——这些 人 痴 迷的 拼 合 艺术中,有料理台、净水装置、还有他们为2007年远征南极洲而创作的世界护照,此举也是他们为推动1948年版《世界人权宣言》第十三条的修订所作的努力之一。
As heirs to the practice of social sculpture, formulated by Joseph Beuys in the 1960s, the Ortas’ works are, in a sense, relics of their own function—beguiling assemblages that are the platform for the preparation of food, mechanisms that actually purify water, and the world passport that they created for their 2007 expedition to Antarctica, part of an effort to amend Article XIII of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
露天廣場可借助這些旅遊熱點的優勢並加強它們的連繫,使該地段成為本港居 民和遊客的一個自然匯聚之處,上 該 處 迷人的 維 港 景色,露天廣場實有成為本港 另一主要旅遊景點的巨大潛力。
Coupled with the magnificent harbour view, the piazza has tremendous potential to become another key tourist attraction.
引用是格迷人一塊紅金,手上弦 可 見,通過透 的 橢 圓 形的形狀製造的運動動畫。
A reference is especially charming piece of red gold, animated by a movement with manual [...]
winding shape manufacturing visible through the transparent oval.
人,尤其是刚毕业的年轻 人难以 进入劳动市场:无论是在城市还是农村,失业(广 上的 62%)和就业不足 (75.8 %)目前已经达到了令人担忧的程度。
Generally speaking, young persons and diploma holders find it difficult to integrate into the job market with dignity, as unemployment and underemployment in the urban and rural areas are soaring (to 62 and 75.8 per cent, respectively).
上周末在西米德兰兹德比中他们不幸没能获胜,在本周末,他们将要面对的是女王公园,女王公园现在士气非常 迷 , 他 们 刚 在 周一 晚 上的 比 赛 中主场败给了西汉姆。
They were unfortunate not to win in the West Midlands Derby last weekend, and this weekend, they face a Queens Park Rangers side who are incredibly low on confidence, losing at home to West Ham on Monday night.
條例草案的有關條文不僅涵蓋精上 無 行 為能 的人 , 也 涵蓋陷於迷的人、植 物人或半植物人,以及由於種種原因而不能產生所須意圖的人。
The relevant provision contained in the Bill covers not only the mentally incapacitated, but also persons in a comatose, vegetative or semi-vegetative state, and any other person who for one reason or another is not able to form the required intention.
据 此,鉴上述情 况,委员会认为最近联合国所有报告所证 的刚 果 民 主共和国的 冲突局势,使委员会无法确定该国可以在当前和正逐渐演变的局势下可以被认为 对申人安全的特定区域。
Thus, in light of all of the abovementioned information, the Committee considers that the conflict situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, as attested to in all recent United Nation reports, makes it impossible for the Committee [...]
to identify
particular areas of the country which could be considered safe for the complainants in their current and evolving situation.
此外,根据难民署的信息,在苏丹南部的西赤道州, 1 月份逃离栋古地上帝抵抗军袭 的刚 果 难 民登人数已超过 9 000 人,此外还有成千上万由于同样原 因而成为境内流离失所者的苏丹人。
Moreover, according to UNHCR, in Southern Sudan’s Western Equatoria
[...] [...] State, the registered population of Congolese refugees who fled LRA attacks in [...]
the Dungu area in January has surpassed 9,000, in
addition to the thousands of Sudanese themselves already internally displaced for the same reason.
Camila Klein 呈现了三个系列创作︰Aspen系列 项链和长耳环的金上缀有 深红色和蓝色仿水晶,散发 迷人的 古 典 气质﹔一如其名般令人惊艳的 Cleópatra 系列提供两个组合︰一个是深蓝色仿水晶为亮点的戒指、穿孔耳环和长项链套装,另一个项链、手链和穿孔耳环套装则将独特别致的深蓝色仿水晶元素,搭配上乘的精金与别具异国风情的长绳﹔Meduse 系列的两款项链和耳环,将淡雅柔美的图案花式石与织有小巧珍珠的纤细水晶纱线完美结合。
Camila Klein offers three collections: Aspen’s necklace and long earrings, with crystals of deep ruby and blue suspended on golden chains, has an antique feel; the bold opulence of the aptly-named Cleópatra collection offers two looks: the deep blue crystals of a ring, earposts and long necklace set, plus a second set featuring a necklace, bracelet and earposts with deep blue statement crystals combined with textured gold and exotically colored slender ropes; lastly, the two necklaces and earrings of her Meduse collection come in soft shades of Graphic Fancy Stones mixed with Crystal Yarn micro-strands threaded with tiny pearls.
這是一款明快而感性的香氛,就像使用它的女性一樣,香氛透過充滿活力而令人垂涎的水果以及微妙的花香來表現女性的柔媚氣息,升華了從她 上 散 發 出 的 東 方 情調以 迷人 魅 力
This bright and sensual scent, like the woman who wears it, defines the essence of femininity through the vibration of mouth-watering fruits and delicate flowers, which sublimate the oriental and gourmand whispers that have been left on her skin.
公园的吸引力上腺素和现代热复杂的山麓Pohorje以及城市马里博尔,它拥 迷人的 , 老 城区的核心,具有丰富的文化遗产,愉快的经验和友好的人民,只是更多的理由为什么要访问Mariborsko Pohorje 。
The attractive adrenaline park and modern thermal complex on the
foothills of
[...] Pohorje as well as the city of Maribor, which boasts a charming, old town core, a rich heritage, pleasant experiences [...]
and friendly
people are just a few more reasons why you should visit Mariborsko Pohorje.
施莱佛还说,"解决多数困难的最好方式,就是更多地关心关注智 人 士 , 消除他们不能工作 上 学 、 无法控制管理自我健 的迷 思。
The best way to solve a multitude of challenges is to focus more attention on people with intellectual disabilities and dispel the myths that they can't work, can't go to school, and can't control their own health care.
其中一個小組委員會(即研究在香港實施聯合國 安全理事會就制裁事宜所作決議的小組委員會)已獲准在本屆任 期的餘下會期繼續工作;一個小組委員會(即研究雷曼兄弟相迷你債券及結構性金融產品所引的 事 宜 小組委員會)正請求內 務委員會通過其在本屆任的餘下 會期繼續工作;而另外兩個 小組委員會(即殘人士及 長者住宿及社區照顧服務事宜小組委 員會和樓宇安全及相關事宜小組委員會) 則已工作不超過12個 月。
Of these, one subcommittee (i.e. the Subcommittee to Examine the Implementation in Hong Kong of Resolutions of the United Nations Security Council in relation to Sanctions) had obtained approval to continue its work in the remaining sessions of the current term; one subcommittee (i.e. the Subcommittee to Study Issues
Arising from Lehman
[...] Brothers-related Minibonds and Structured Financial Products) is seeking the endorsement of the House Committee to continue its work in the remaining sessions of the current term; and the other two subcommittees (i.e. the Subcommittee on Residential and Community Care Services for Persons with Disabilities and the Elderly [...]
and the Subcommittee
on Building Safety and Related Issues) have been working for less than 12 months.
在此次發表會中,時尚迷不僅能一睹她在伸展 上的迷人 風 采 ,更能一睹她化身F1賽車手的英姿煥發。
This time her fans were able to see her [...]
on the catwalk, and also in a different role – at the wheel of an F1 car!
谨代表安全理事会关于刚果民主共和 的第 1533(2004)号决议所设委员会, 依照安全理事会第 2021(2011)号决议第 4 段,随函上刚果民主共和国问题专家的中期报告(见附件)。
On behalf of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1533 (2004) concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and in accordance with paragraph 4 of Security Council resolution 2021 (2011), I have the honour to submit herewith the interim report of the Group of Experts on the Democratic Republic of the Congo (see annex).
[...] 力,具体做法是对以下活动提供了支持:a) 2002 年 2 月 15 日--19 日在内罗毕举的“促 进”大湖地区刚果人相互对话的 内 罗 毕(肯尼亚)讲习班;b) 2002 年 9 月 17 日--22 [...]
日 在法国图卢兹举办的第三次法语男女平等主义者国际讨论会,c)
2003 年 3 月在智利圣地亚 哥的智利大学社会科学学院设立了性别平等研究教席;d) 2003 年 7 月为乌干达的律师和法 官举办了能力培养讲习班,具体办法是将国际人权标准用于判决对妇女施暴案件。
National capacity was strengthened in research, education and training, and in increasing women’s participation in democratic processes through support to:
(a) the Nairobi
[...] (Kenya) Workshop on “Engendering the Inter-Congolese Dialogue” in the Great Lakes region, Nairobi, [...]
from 15 to 19
February 2002; (b) the Third International Colloquium on French-language feminist studies, Toulouse, France, from 17 to 22 September 2002; (c) the creation of UNESCO Chair on Gender Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile, March 2003; (d) capacity-building workshop for Ugandan lawyers and judges on applying international human rights standards in adjudicating cases of gender-based violence against women, July 2003.
在 11 月 10 日第 50 次会上,刚果代 表发言后,理事会注意到 2010 年 7 月 12 日刚果常驻联合国代表团给秘书的 普 通 照会 (E/2010/103),内载关于增 加联合国难民事务高级专员方案执行委员会成员数目的请求;并建议大会第六十 五届会议就将执行委员会成员数目从 [...]
84 国增至 85 国的问题作出决定。
At the resumed substantive
[...] session of 2010, at its 50th meeting, on 10 November, following a statement by the representative of the Congo, the Council took note of the request [...]
to enlarge
the membership of the Executive Committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees contained in the note verbale dated 12 July 2010 from the Permanent Mission of the Congo to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General (E/2010/103) and recommended that the General Assembly, at its sixty-fifth session, decide on the question of enlarging the membership of the Executive Committee from 84 to 85 States.
在一般性辩论中,新闻委员会下列成员国的代表发了言:阿尔及利亚、安哥 拉、阿根廷、孟加拉国、贝宁、巴西、智利(代表属于里约集团成 的 联 合 国会员 国)、中国、古巴、朝鲜民主主人民 共 和国 刚 果 民 主共和国、埃及、印度、印 度尼西亚、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、以色列、牙买加、日本、哈萨克斯坦、黎巴嫩、墨 [...]
西哥、巴基斯坦、秘鲁、菲律宾、大韩民国、俄罗斯联邦、塞内加尔、西班牙(代 表属于欧洲联盟成员的联合国会员国)、苏丹、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、泰国、突尼
斯、美国、委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国、也门(代表属于 77 国集团成员的联合国会员 国和中国)和赞比亚。
Statements in the general debate were made by the following States members of the Committee on Information: Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Bangladesh, Benin, Brazil, Chile (on
behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the Rio Group), China, Cuba, the Democratic
[...] People’s Republic of Korea, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), [...]
Israel, Jamaica, Japan, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Mexico, Pakistan, Peru, the Philippines, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation, Senegal, Spain (on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the European Union), the Sudan, the Syrian Arab Republic, Thailand, Tunisia, the United States of America, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Yemen (on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the Group of 77 and China) and Zambia.
35 C/COM SHS/DR.1(提案国:刚果民主共和国;附议
[...] 国:阿尔及利亚、安哥拉、比利时、贝宁、中国、哥伦比亚、科摩罗、科特迪瓦、厄瓜多 尔、埃塞俄比亚、几内亚、印度、马达加斯加、马里、摩洛哥、尼日尔、圣基茨和尼维斯、 塞内加尔、南非、苏丹、泰国、多哥、乌干达、坦桑尼亚联合共和国及赞比亚),请执行局 在第一八四届会上对定 稿的可行性报告进行分析,决定以大会的名义将第 2 类地位授予该 地区中心,并授权总干事签署教科文组织与代表大湖地区国 的刚 果 民 主共和国政府之间关 于建立该地区中心的协定3。
During its seventh meeting, the Commission also examined 35 C/COM SHS/DR.1 (submitted by the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and co-sponsored by Algeria, Angola, Belgium, Benin, China, Colombia, Comoros, Côte d’Ivoire, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Guinea, India, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Niger, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Thailand, Togo, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania and Zambia), inviting the Executive Board, at its 184th session, to analyse the finalized feasibility study, to decide on its behalf on the granting of
category 2 status to the regional centre,
[...] and to authorize the Director-General to sign an Agreement between UNESCO and the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, on behalf of the Great Lakes Countries, establishing the regional centre.3 30.
10.9 委员会提请注意,遭到逮捕的风险本身不构成违反《公约》第3条。10在 这方面,由于申诉人未能证明他人 返 回 刚 果 将 面临遭受酷刑或迫 的 风 险 ,他 关于因逃离军队会遭到逮捕的指称本身不会导致违反《公约》。
10.9 The Committee further recalls that the risk of arrest does not in itself constitute a violation of article 3 of the Convention.10 In this respect, the complainant’s allegations that he risks arrest for desertion would not of themselves entail a violation, since he has been unable to show that he is in personal danger of being subjected to torture or persecuted if he is deported to the Congo.
(k) 专家组 5 月份访谈的两名来自 Chanzu 的平民曾看到卢旺达士兵过境进 入刚果民主共和国,这些士兵开始穿着卢旺达国防军军服,后来又 上刚 果 (金) 武装部队军服。
(k) Two civilians from Chanzu interviewed by the Group in May saw Rwandan soldiers also crossing into the Democratic Republic of the Congo, initially wearing RDF military uniforms who subsequently changed into FARDC uniforms.
這香味的靈感來自於美容護膚的親密感受,薈萃了美容產品的所有香味範疇,締造獨 迷人的 印 記……仿如一片輕軟的浮雲貼在皮 上 , 帶 來細緻的感官體驗。
Love, Chloe' embodies all the olfactory vocabulary of cosmetics, leaving an original mark … An airy cloud that softens the skin, the signature of a sophisticated finish.
委员会还敦促缔约国致力于打击缔约国内出现的对白化病人 的歧视,为此与增进和保护白化病人权利的社团建立紧密合作,为其工作提供资 金支持,并开展提高意识活动,以打击危害白化 人 福 祉 的迷 信 思 想。
The Committee also urges the State party to apply itself to combating the discrimination against persons with albinism which takes place in the State party, and to this end, to establish close cooperation with and financially support the work of the associations promoting and protecting
the rights of people
[...] with albinism, and conduct awareness-raising campaigns to combat superstitious beliefs which are [...]
detrimental to their well-being.




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