

单词 列缺霹雳

See also:


lightning (archaic word)


Perak (state of Malaysia)
clap of thunder

External sources (not reviewed)

这一节目将呈现大众媒体保存、推广和改变个人风格和“超本土”艺术表达的方式, 霹雳 舞 、 机械舞、锁舞以及吉特舞等。
This piece displays the way in which mass media preserved, popularized and altered individual style and hyper-local artistic expression, such as breaking, poppin’ and lockin’, and the Jit.
而当Vanessa试图了解法国是否有同样的支持体系时,得到的答案就如同晴 霹雳 - - 没有。
When Vanessa tried to find out whether similar state structures existed in France, the answer fell like a hammer – nothing.
The other
[...] dances include techniques such as break dancing and [...]
蠅蛆病可影響任何人,但體弱缺乏自 理能力的長者感染此病的機會一般較其他人高。
Myiasis could infect anybody, but frail or elderly people who cannot look after themselves tend to have a relatively high chance of infection.
在访问期间,工作组发现,非洲人后裔在葡萄牙面临的挑战主要涉及他们 作为一个特定群体在葡萄牙国家政策和立法框架中得不到承认;其在历史上对 该国的建设和发展作出积极贡献得不到承认;没有按种族或族裔 列 的 定 性和 定量的分类数据;贫困、获得教育、公共服务和就业机会不平等,以及在行政 和司法制度运作方面的歧视,形成恶性循环;存在种族貌相和警察暴力;在政 治和体制决策进程中代表不足,以及葡萄 缺 少 针 对非洲人后裔或其他少数群 体的具体措施或扶持行动政策。
During their visit, the Working Group found that the challenges faced by people of African descent in Portugal related mainly to their lack of recognition as a specific group in the national policy and legal framework; the lack of recognition of their positive contribution throughout history to the construction and development of the country; the lack of qualitative and quantitative disaggregated data by racial or ethnic origin; the existence of a circle of poverty, unequal access to education, public services, employment,
as well as discrimination in the
[...] administration and functioning of the justice system; existence of racial profiling and police violence; underrepresentation in political and institutional decision-making processes, as well as the lack of special measures or affirmative action policies in Portugal for people of African descent or other minorities.
同一年,Gongga Food所生产的烘焙白咖啡粉也获取来 霹雳 州 回 教部门颁发清真认证(HALAL)。
In the same year, Gongga Food also obtained a HALAL certification from the Islamic Religious Department of Perak for the production of its roasted coffee powder.
未来几年中将可看见集团的不断成长,这不仅局限于令人振奋与崭新的课程,同时也包括了 霹雳 州 发 展的全新现代化校园。
The next few years will see continued growth for the Group, not only with the implementation of new and exciting programmes, but also with the development of a new modern campus in Perak.
与此不同的是,如上所述,《特别法庭规约》及《程序和证据规则》所定的 被告缺席情况下的审判应遵循的规则,除了使该程序不同寻常以外,还赋 缺席 被告一列重要权利,尤其是在被告 缺 席 诉讼情况或终止藏匿后要求重审的权 利,以及(特别是)上诉权。
In contrast, as stated above, the rules governing trials in the absence of the accused, as provided by the Tribunal’s statute and Rules of Procedure and Evidence, in addition to making the procedure
exceptional, confer a set
[...] of important rights on the absent accused, in particular, the right to retrial if he or she [...]
is apprised of the
default proceedings or terminates his or her hiding, as well as ( a fortiori ) the right of appeal.
总结报告指出,超过四分之三的报告缔约方提到有效执行《公约》中遇到的列限制和障碍缺少适 当的技术和财政资源;国家立法和(或)实施细则和条例 软弱或缺乏;公共信息不充分;公众和媒体缺乏认识;缺乏烟草控制能力;烟草 业的干扰;以及缺乏有效的税收政策。
The Summary Report notes that more than three quarters of
the reporting parties cited
[...] the following constraints and barriers to the effective implementation of the Convention: lack of adequate technical [...]
and financial resources; weakness or lack of national legislation and/or
rules and regulations for implementation; insufficient public information; lack of public and media awareness; lack of capacities for tobacco control; interference on the part of the tobacco industry; and lack of effective taxation policies.
公正霹雳州迪 渣区州议员郑立慷今日揭露自动执法系统其中一家承包商Beta Tegap私人有限公司的最大股东是前柔佛州巫统州议员的女儿,因此质疑这是巫统朋党公司受惠的案例。
Automated Enforcement System (AES) contractor Beta Tegap Sdn Bhd has not fully answered allegations of its links to Johor Umno through its largest shareholder Rozana Redzuan, said PKR.
工作组严重关切阿尔怀迪 先生受到的一列审判缺乏透明度和适当程序的问题。
The Working Group notes with grave
[...] concern the lack of transparency and due process of the serial trials of Mr. [...]
除取得的进展外,审查还发现了在总部和业务层面存在缺 点,并提出了一列解决这些缺点的具体行动建议。
In addition to progress, the review identified
[...] existing weaknesses both at Headquarters and at operational levels and has resulted in a series of concrete actions [...]
proposed to address them.
在一些国家,禁止(如哥斯达黎加)或避免(如以 列)缺 席 审 判,与之相对的 是宪法保障适当程序(如哥斯达黎加),而在一些司法管辖区,一般要求在审判期 间被告到场(如澳大利亚、马来西亚)。
In some instances, trials in absentia were prohibited (e.g., Costa Rica) or avoided (e.g., Israel), as contrary [...]
to constitutional guarantees
of due process (e.g., Costa Rica), while in some jurisdictions the presence of the accused during the conduct of the trial was generally required (e.g., Australia, Malaysia).
统计司和其他国际机构 将基本原始数据和机构统计能力存在结 缺 陷 列 为 主 要障碍。
Structural weaknesses in basic source data and institutional statistical capacity were identified as key impediments by the Statistics Division and international agencies.
缔约国 还表示,在能否实践其在地雷受害者中间并在政府当局、服务提供商和公众中间
[...] 提高对地雷受害者的权利和可提供服务的认识以便促进承诺尊重对包括地雷幸存 者在内的残疾人的权利和尊严方面存在 列 挑 战 : 缺 乏 财政和技术资源。
States Parties have also expressed that the following challenges remain in being able to live up their commitment to raise awareness among mine victims about their rights and available services, as well as within government authorities, service providers and the general public to foster respect for the
rights and dignity of persons with disabilities including
[...] mine survivors: the lack of financial and technical [...]
但是,如果没有磨机换衬板系统的其他组成部分,例如RME的冲击锤冲头导向器、澳星衬板吊具 霹雳 冲 击 锤和悬吊设备,选矿厂的经营者的能力就会受到限制,无法取得世界最佳的磨机换衬板速度从而使磨机作业率最大化。
However, without Mill Relining Systems elements such as RME's T-MAGs, O-ZONE Tools, THUNDERBOLT Hammers and Suspension, concentrator plant operators are limited in their ability to achieve world's best mill relining time and consequently maximise plant availability.
一般而言,如果能做到這兩方面的話,即使環境有很大問題, 也不容易感染蠅蛆病的。
Generally speaking, if people can observe these, they will not be infected with myiasis easily even though the environment is not satisfactory.
主席先生,最後我希望引述魯迅先生曾經說過的話:「蒼蠅受嚇是會飛走的,不過 ㆒㆘子又飛回原處。
Mr President, I want to quote LU Xun's words as my concluding remarks: "Flies would fly away when they perceive a threat but would fly back just a while.
當然,我們希望有一個清 晰的所謂 baseline,知道每年有多少宗個案,讓我們看到蒼蠅為患的問題有 否惡化。
Of course, we hope that we can have a clear baseline enabling us to ascertain the number of cases each year so that we can determine whether the fly infestation problem has deteriorated or not.
这些先决条件歪曲当地现实,转移辩论焦点, 回避核心问题,被以色列用来作为逃避和平进程中责
[...] 任和破坏和平过程的借口,暴露了以 列 不 仅 缺 乏诚 意,而且根本不尊重和平进程的最根本原则。
Such preconditions distort the reality on the ground, distract the focus of the debate from the core issues and have been used by Israel as a pretext to evade responsibilities in the peace process and
to sabotage the process, revealing not
[...] only bad faith but total disrespect for the [...]
most fundamental principles of the process.
一项研究报告说,一种胃泌素释放肽(GRP)拮抗剂能减退良性前列腺增生(BPH)大鼠模型的前列腺尺寸,良性前列腺增生(BPH)是一种进行性的、与年龄有关的前列腺组织扩增,其特征是 列 腺 扩大 和 缺 乏 有 效的疗法。
A study reports that a gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) antagonist reduces prostate size in a rat model of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a
progressive, age-related proliferation of prostatic tissues characterized
[...] by prostate enlargement and lacking effective treatments.
我想請問局 長,有否具體措施令在醫院留醫的長者不會感染蠅蛆病?
May I ask the Secretary whether specific measures have been implemented to ensure that the hospitalized elderly will not be infected?
列政 府缺乏诚 意导致局势的恶化,它没有认真参加和平进 程,反而继续没收更多的巴勒斯坦土地,建造非法定 [...]
居点,以此在实地制造新的现状,杀害和非法驱逐巴 勒斯坦人,并没收其土地和财产。
What exacerbates the
[...] situation is the lack of good faith [...]
on the part of the Israeli Government, which, instead of seriously
engaging in the peace process, continues to confiscate more Palestinian territory, to build illegal settlements, thereby creating new realities on the ground, to kill and unlawfully evict Palestinians, and to confiscate their land and property.
但經過跟進調查後,發現列作缺席 者 其中1人,其實只是遲到並且由非民研計劃工作人員直接帶領進入會場。
But after the follow-up survey, 1 person who had
[...] been regarded as absent was found to be [...]
late and was led to the venue with the help of non-POP staff.
我們在這方面其實已有緊密跟進,如果有任何 事情發生,我們一定有專業人士到老人院視察,看看它們有何問題,以及教 導那些照顧長者的人如何處理和預防蠅蛆病。
Should any incident occur, we will send professionals to inspect the institutions in order to determine the problem and advise the carers on how to deal with and prevent myiasis.
为了保证在合理的时间范围内补充职位空缺,人力资源管理局将预先发布 2010/2011 年 因为退休而产生的未来职位缺列表。
To ensure that vacancies are being filled in a reasonable time-frame, the Bureau
of Human Resource Management will publish in
[...] anticipation the list of future vacancies due to retirements [...]
in 2010-2011.
剛才何俊仁議員說,希望我們不會只打蒼蠅而不打老虎,我相信當 財務匯報局成立後,它的職能必能鞏固香港作為金融中心的地位,亦不會只 針對蒼蠅而不針對老虎的。
I think when after the FRC is set up, it will certainly consolidate the position of Hong Kong as a financial centre and it will not just target the flies but spare the tigers.
(b) 關於防治害蟲方面,新界東 南堆填區及本港其他運作中 的堆填區均有採用除蟲劑和 殺蟲劑,而食環署會在該3 個策略性堆填區進行例行巡 查,以確保有採取措施防止 蒼蠅及其他害蟲滋生。
(b) on pest control, insecticides and pesticides were applied at the SENT Landfill and other operating landfills in the territory, and FEHD used to conduct regular inspections at the three strategic landfills to check that measures were in place to prevent the breeding of flies and other pests.
十三名成员将按以下方式选出: 非洲国家四名; 亚洲国家四名(包括三个未填补空缺) 东欧国家二名; 拉丁美洲和加勒比国家三名(包括二个未填补 缺 ); 此外,专家工作组仍有列 11 个未填补缺:非 洲国家二名;拉丁美洲和 加勒比国家三名;西欧和其他国家六名,所有任期均从选举之日开始,到 2011 年 12 月 31 日届满。
In addition, there remain 11 unfilled vacancies on the Working Group of Experts as follows: two members from African States, three members from Latin American and Caribbean States and six members from Western European and other States, all for a term beginning on the date of election and expiring on 31 December 2011.
[...] 控制,除此以外,许多正式化方案的失败还归因于 列 几 个 缺 点 : 对从事个人小 规模采矿活动的人口及其动态不够了解;没有可信和可行的其他生计,特别是在 [...]
动;没有足够的经济奖励办法使矿工变成正式,因为相关的行政手续需要金钱和 非金钱方面的巨大牺牲,而且申请执照获得批准的可能性很低;而且法律准许进 行小规模采矿的地区与矿床的地理分布情况毫无联系。
In addition to the geographic dispersion and mobility of the artisanal and small-scale mining activities, which make them inherently difficult to control, failure of many
formalization programmes has been attributed
[...] to the following shortcomings: insufficient knowledge [...]
of the populations involved in
artisanal and small-scale mining and their dynamics; absence of credible and viable alternative livelihoods, especially in many donor-funded projects that have sought to promote alternative livelihoods to such mining; insufficient economic incentives for miners to formalize, given high monetary and non-monetary costs of the administrative processes involved, and the low probability of getting licence requests accepted; and the disconnect between legally permitted areas for small-scale extraction and the geographic distribution of mineral deposits.




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