

单词 划清

External sources (not reviewed)

2010 年,他写信给同一 媒体敦促中国划清红线”,抵制美国的围堵行为。
In 2010, he wrote to the same media outlet urging
[...] China to “draw a clear red line” against [...]
U.S. attempts at encirclement.
总之,回答这些问题有助划清不同的 公共与私人利益享有者之间的冲突线。
In combination, responses to these questions can help map conflict lines between different public and private interest holders.
必须要在维和授权划清维和 职能和冲突后建设 和平职能。
It is important to demarcate peacekeeping [...]
and post-conflict peacebuilding functions in peacekeeping mandates.
业经修订的 《2010-2011 年出版和发行划》清单提 供了有关每项目的预定目标、需求和预期影响的信 息。
The revised list of the Publication
[...] and Distribution Plan 2010-2011 presents information [...]
related to each project’s intended
purpose, demand and expected impact.
为了获得有关教科文组织出版物的全面信息,执行局第 179 EX/31 号决定要求每个双 年度提交一份“出版与发行计划”并附上初步的出版物 划清 单。
In order to obtain comprehensive information on the publications that UNESCO produces, 179 EX/Decision 31
requested that a publication and
[...] distribution plan with a preliminary list of planned titles be submitted [...]
for each biennium.
适当的国内减缓行动与划清洁发 展机制有何不 同?
How will the funding level be determined?
解决冲突需要采取不止一项生态系统服务评估——但 是,一项评估可以划清不同的公共与私人利益享有 者之间的冲突线提供帮助。
Addressing conflict takes more than an ecosystem service assessment – but an assessment can help map the conflict lines between different public and private interest holders.
发达国家庞大的一揽子拯助划清楚 地表明,金融部门的问题是发达 经济体的主要问题,改革建议正在解决过度放松管制所带来的不稳定问题。
The sizeable rescue packages in
[...] developed countries clearly demonstrated [...]
that the financial sector problems were essentially
problems of the developed economies, and that the reform proposals were addressing the problems of instability brought about by excessive deregulation.
混合行动划清理积 压在苏丹 港和区物流基地的大部分(甚至全部)物品,以加快 深入布署进程。
The Operation plans to clear most (if not all) [...]
of its backlog at Port Sudan and at the regional logistics bases to expedite the deep deployment process.
本公司还宣布,其董事会已批准在资产出售完成后,按照《清算和解散 划 》 清 算 和 解散本公司。
The Company also announced that its Board of Directors has approved the
liquidation and dissolution of the
[...] Company pursuant to a Plan of Liquidation and Dissolution [...]
following the completion of the asset sale.
同样,我们认识到联合国与世界 银行之间建立战略关系的重要性,这样做是为了在问 责划清职能和职责的基础上,制定有效对策并改进 实地协调和集体影响。
Likewise, we acknowledge the importance of developing strategic relations between the United Nations and the World Bank with a view to articulating effective responses and improving coordination and the collective impact on the ground on the basis of accountability and the delimitation of functions and responsibilities.
在国家宏观能源政策的引导下,能源审计、能效评估、节能 划 、 清 洁 生产等能源管理活动快速发展,越来越多的企业希望能从策划、实施、检查与改进的系统中对能源管理活动进行系统化、规范化。
Under the guidance of the national macro energy policy, energy management events are developing rapidly, including
energy audit, energy efficiency
[...] assessment, energy-saving plan and clean production, and [...]
much more enterprises hope to systemize
and normalize their energy management events from planning, implementing, checking and improvement systems.
因此,根据技术审查员提出的建议, 秘书处提议在审查该项目文件时要考虑到上述评论意见,在 试点阶段(第一阶段)的 说明、 费用和实施期限与全范围实施阶段(第二阶段)的说明、费用和实施期限之 划清 界 限
Therefore, given the suggestions provided by the Technical Reviewer, it proposed the project document be revised taking account the comments above, and clearly delineating the description, costs and the implementation time frame of the pilot phase (stage I) from the description, costs and implementation time frame of the full-scale implementation phase (stage II).
在这方面,在必须遵守空间活动法的活动 与不必遵守此类法规的活动之划清 界 限 ,对于有效管理澳大利亚国内的空间 活动是必要的。
In this respect, the delimitation of activities that must comply with the requirements of the Space Activities Act and activities that need not comply is necessary for the efficient regulation of domestic Australian space activities.
出现节余的主要原因是:运费和相关费用低于预算,因为特派团的许多资产 被转移到非洲其他维和特派团或捐赠给非洲联盟,而非按原定计划运往联合国意 大利布林迪西后勤基地;固定翼飞机和直升机的飞行时数低于 划 ; 清 理 和拆除 联合国设施的所需资源低于预算;军事特遣队缩编速度高于计划。
Underexpenditures were attributable mainly to lower-than-budgeted freight and related costs owing to the fact that many of the Mission’s assets were transferred to other peacekeeping missions in Africa or donated to the African Union rather than shipped, as originally planned, to the United Nations Logistics
Base at Brindisi,
[...] Italy; lower-than-planned hours flown by both fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters; lower-than-budgeted requirements for cleaning and dismantling United [...]
Nations facilities;
and faster-than-planned drawdown of military contingents.
在秘鲁,“悔过自新 者”是指同恐怖分子集划清界限 ,通过告发他人而免于刑罚或者获得减刑之 人。
The communication also makes the objection that a witness for the prosecution was a “repentant”, the term used in Peru to refer to persons who have given up their allegiance to terrorist groups and been exempted from or received reduced sentences for having denounced other persons.
它表 现为:一是管理体系不严谨,既没有一个专门负责统筹协调的权威领导部门, 也没划清各部 门之间权限和职责,理清各部门之间的相互关系,以至于形成 了一种“各自为战”的局面。
Second, there exists the phenomenon of “management by multiple departments” and “repeated management” among various enforcement departments, resulting in a waste of administrative resources.
在远北的 Gulf Country 和约克角半岛,广阔的无人区被数 清 的 干 涸河 划 成 无 数小块,而到了雨季,这些河床会变成溢水的河流。
In the far northern Gulf Country and Cape York Peninsula there are huge empty regions cut by countless dry riverbeds, which can become overflowing rivers in the wet season.
降低 这种风险的措施将包括认真挑选合作伙伴,确保 WIPO 与那些决心发挥变革促进者作用的合作伙伴
[...] 一同工作,这些机构在对中小企业知识产权需求进行系统研究的基础上 划 工 作, 有 清 楚 的中小企 业知识产权资产管理意识建设和能力建设政策和策略,对自己各项活动的质量和费效比进行监测和 [...]
Efforts to mitigate these risks will include choosing partners with care and ensuring that WIPO works with those partners who are committed to their role as change agents, who plan on the basis
of a systematic study of the IP needs
[...] of SMEs, who have a clear policy and strategy [...]
for creating awareness and building capacity
of SMEs on IP asset management, who monitor and evaluate the quality and cost-effectiveness of their activities and, above all, who are likely to continue their programs of assistance to SMEs in the medium to longer term.
考虑 到一些前提,其中最重要的是使各区域的计 划和目标与国家和整个欧洲的战略重点保持 一致,以及考虑到国家关于对中小型企业的 援助的项目(援助会按国家统一标准进行) ,所以要对地区运营划的具体项 清 单内 的活动进行协调。
The need to harmonise the list of activities implemented under regional programmes resulting from a number of premises, of which the most important is to ensure the consistency between the regional approach and goals and priorities of the national and European strategies, as well as taking into account activities concerning state aid for the SMEs sector (uniform criteria for the granting of aid are laid down at the national level).
尽管这些摇摇欲坠的路障的象征意义大于其实际作用,但它们的存在本身即构成了摩擦与冲突的源头;它们在神圣与世俗之 划 出 了一 道 清 晰 的 分界线。
Although the value of these somewhat rickety barriers may appear above all symbolic,
their presence is a source of friction and
[...] conflict; they delineate a clear-cut boundary between [...]
the sacred and the mundane.
作为接 受援助的受战争遗留爆炸物影响的国家,波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那代表团介绍了该
[...] 国向其他国家提供援助的情况,该国从自己的经验出发,表示愿意协助受战争遗 留爆炸物影响的其他国家开展广泛领域的工作,包括设立国家地雷行动中心、制 定必要的规章、战略和活动划,以 及培 清 除 人 员和识别疑似危险地区等。
For its part, the delegation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which has experience of receiving assistance as an ERW-affected country, provided information on assistance which it had in turn provided to other countries, drawing on its own experience, and expressed its readiness to assist other ERW-affected countries in a wide range of areas, including with the establishment of national mine action centres, the development of necessary
[...] strategies and activity plans, as well as with the training of clearance personnel and the [...]
identification of suspected hazardous areas.
还有人指出,划大纲没有清楚地 将持续经济增长的概念同中等收入国家的需要联系起来,有 人要求澄清,“具有特殊需求的国家”是否包括中等收入国家。
It was also noted that the plan outline did not clearly link the concept [...]
of sustained economic growth to the needs of medium
income countries, and clarification was sought on whether the term “countries with special needs” included medium-income countries.
此外,根 据监督厅关于人力资源和管理做法的检查报告,近三分之一(31%)在检查过程中 接受意见调查的工作人员表示,他们在过去 12
个月中没有同主管完成关于电子 考绩报告的讨论。36 在此次检查中,监督厅分析电子考绩工作计划随机抽样样
[...] 本后发现,工作计划的编写方式存在差距:明确说明产出和交付成果的工作划不到一半(40%),清楚说 明如何考评目标和业绩的工作计划仅占三分之一 [...]
In addition, based on the OIOS inspection report on human resources and management practices, nearly one third of the staff surveyed at the time of the inspection (31 per cent) indicated that they had not completed an e-PAS discussion with their supervisors in the last 12 months.36 In that inspection, an OIOS analysis of a random sample of e-PAS
workplans showed gaps in how they
[...] were developed: less than half (40 per cent) clearly [...]
defined outputs and deliverables,
and only one third (32 per cent) articulated how the goals and performance would be assessed.
在摩洛哥王国政府出台的 e-摩洛哥国家战略的框架内,办事处支持经济和一般事 务部在电子政务领域实施的划,并且资助了一张摩洛哥地方电子政务的路线图,目 的清查摩洛哥的地方电子政务倡议,研究和分析其他国家的类似建议以及分析和概 括所清查的倡议的优点和缺点。
As part of the e-Morocco national strategy, drawn up by
the Government of
[...] Morocco, the Rabat Office is providing support to the programmes being implemented by the Minister of Economic and [...]
General Affairs in
the field of e-government, and has funded a roadmap on local governance in Morocco with a view to collecting information on all local e-govenance initiatives in the country, identifying and analysing similar programmes in other countries, and analysing and summarizing the strengths and weaknesses of those initiatives.
而且,我要清的是,1956 年 1 月划定了 Abiad 湖在苏丹共和国与南苏丹共 和国之间边界,这方面不存在争议,整个 [...]
Abiad 湖地区不属于两国边境上有争议 的四个或五个地区,受到苏丹人民解放军和正义运动部队攻击的我国武装部队是 驻扎在苏丹共和国领土上。
Furthermore, I would like to clarify that the Abiad Lake is divided [...]
between the Republic of the Sudan and the Republic of
South Sudan by the border line of January 1956 and there is no dispute on that, the whole of the Abiad Lake area is not among the four or five disputed areas on the border between the two countries, and our armed forces, which were attacked by SPLA and JEM forces, were stationed inside the territories of the Republic of the Sudan.
[...] 止采取的三个主要步骤,日本的教育促进可持续发展十年行动计划;举行有关部 委间会议,以清行动计划的目 标,培养适合于促进可持续发展的适当人力资源; 利用联系学校网络,以推动教育促进可持续发展。
The three major steps taken so far were outlined as Japan’s action plan for the Decade,
and concerned
[...] inter-ministerial meetings to clarify objectives of the action plan, to build human [...]
resources suitable for promoting
sustainable development, and the use of the associate schools network to promote education for sustainable development.
虽然原子能机构根据伊朗的“保障协定”继续开展核查活动,但伊朗并没有 在履行以下一些义务,包括:没有执行其“附加议定书”的规定;没有执行其“保 障协定”经修订的“辅助安排”总则第 3.1 条;没有中止浓缩相关活动;没有中 止重水相关活动;以及没有清对 其核 计 划 可 能的军事层面引起关切的遗留未决 问题。
While the Agency continues to conduct verification activities under Iran’s Safeguards Agreement, Iran is not implementing a number of its obligations, including: implementation of the provisions of its Additional Protocol; implementation of the modified Code 3.1 of the Subsidiary Arrangements General Part to its Safeguards Agreement; suspension of enrichment related activities; suspension of
heavy water related
[...] activities; and clarification of the remaining outstanding issues which give rise to concerns about possible military dimensions to its nuclear programme.
目 前 已清楚地 显示,划的“Givat Hamatos”非法定居点将至少包括 4 000 个定居单元。它 [...]
将完全包围被占领的东耶路撒冷,并将该城,特别是位于伯利恒的南部城区,与 巴勒斯坦被占领土的其余部分实际割裂开来。
It has become clear that the plans for the illegal settlement [...]
of “Givat Hamatos” will contain at least 4,000 settlement
units and will complete the encirclement of Occupied East Jerusalem and effectively sever that city from the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, particularly the city’s southern environs in the Bethlehem area.




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