

单词 刑求

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External sources (not reviewed)

刑求的 目標便刑求,權力的目標便是權力,權力將他們的心靈撕成碎片,然 後根據他們自己的選擇而重新組合成一種新的形態。
The question is not that the autocratic government is clinging onto powers but that the so-called democratic camp is engaged in a quest for power to further their own ends.
[...] 6(c)段中,理事会敦促各国 “确保在任何诉讼程序中不得援引任何业经确定系以酷刑取得的口供为证据,但 这类口供可用作被控施用刑者刑求 逼 供 的证据”。
Moreover, in paragraph 6 (c), the Council urges States to “ensure that no statement established to have been made as a result of torture is
invoked as evidence in any proceedings, except against a
[...] person accused of torture as evidence that the statement was made”.
[...] 前关于波多黎各,特别是关于波多黎各自由邦地位 和确定地位的制宪会议的相关性的决议,呼吁停止 对波多黎各人实施刑,要求大会 重新审议波多黎 各的自决权。
Accordingly, the Special Committee, in its draft resolution, must reaffirm its earlier resolutions on Puerto Rico, in particular on its Commonwealth status, as well as the relevance of a constitutional assembly on
status, call for an end to the
[...] application of the death penalty, and demand that the General Assembly [...]
reopen consideration of Puerto
Rico’s right to selfdetermination.
我們會繼續處理和統籌香 港特區提出和收到有關移交逃犯、司法互助及移交被 刑 者的 請求。
We will also continue to handle and co-ordinate requests to
and from the HKSAR concerning surrender of fugitive offenders, mutual legal assistance
[...] and transfer of sentenced persons.
确确实实发生过前面提到的一些情况,这一点是不容置疑的,不过这些大 概是孤立事件,并且想必已经及时向检察机关提出了指控,从而以犯 刑 罪追 求有关负责人刑事责 任(根据《刑法》第 209-A 条)。
If any such act were to have occurred, it would undoubtedly have been an isolated incident, and would have been duly reported to the Public Prosecutor’s Office, in order to hold the perpetrators criminally liable for the offence of torture (Criminal Code, art. 209A).
(1) 請求方須應 請求而承諾將取 得 的特定物件或 物料,在協助求所關刑事事 宜完結時,立即交回被請求方。
(1) Upon request, the Requesting Party shall
undertake to immediately
[...] return to the Requested Party any particular thing or material obtained at the conclusion of the criminal matter in respect of which the request for assistance [...]
was made.
军法署署长将大多数这类事件(12 起)直接提刑事调查(不求进行 指挥部 调查或等待指挥部调查的结果),另一些事件(7 起)的提交调查,则是在军法署署 [...]
长审查了指挥部调查收集的结果和记录并作出结论认为有理由怀疑以色列国防 军部队进行了犯罪活动之后。
The Military Advocate General referred most
of these incidents
[...] (12) directly for criminal investigation (without requesting a command investigation [...]
or awaiting the
results of one), while some of them (7) were referred after the Military Advocate General reviewed the findings and records gathered during command investigations and concluded that there was a reasonable suspicion of criminal activity by IDF forces.
(2) 如有關求關乎在請求方屬可判刑 的 罪 行,但被 求 方 並 無判刑的規定,或通常 不會執 行刑,則 除非求方作出被求方認 為 充 分的 保證,即 有關的人將 不會被判死刑,或即 使被判刑 亦 不會執 行,否則被求方可拒絕提 供 協助。
(2) The Requested Party may refuse assistance if the request relates to an offence which carries the death penalty in the Requesting Party but in respect of which the death penalty is either not provided for in the Requested Party or not normally carried out unless the Requesting Party gives such assurances as the Requested Party considers sufficient that the death penalty will not be imposed [...]
or, if imposed, not carried out.
如公民在赡养、工伤刑事诉讼、 求 国 家 赔偿和请求依法 发给抚恤金等方面需要获得律师帮助,但是无力支付律师费用的,可以按照国家 [...]
Where citizens require legal assistance with regard to
[...] support, industrial injury, criminal procedure, claims for [...]
State indemnity
and claims for pension payments under the law, they may, if they cannot afford to pay the service fee, obtain legal aid in accordance with the provisions of State laws.
(b) 由於大部分獨立非執行董事未
[...] 必在公司的決策過程中擔當積 極角色,因此,求他們就刑事 罪行負上法律責任,未必是恰當 的做法。
(b) as most independent non-executive directors might not play an
active role in the company's decision-making process, it might not be
[...] appropriate to hold them liable for criminal offences
警方通常不会依法登记案件和开展正式的刑事调查,更为普遍的做法是: 鼓励受害者或者投诉人求刑事歧 视案件的非正式解决办法,往往是通过“调 解”。
Rather than register cases as required by law and initiate a formal criminal investigation, it is far more common for the police to
encourage the victims or
[...] complainants to seek informal settlements to criminal discrimination [...]
cases, normally through a “mediation”.
[...] 況,並會繼續利用《危險藥物條例》第 56A 條1 及偷運毒品入境的加 重刑罰因素,在適當案件中求加重 刑 罰。
We will update Judges and Judicial Officers on the latest drug scene and continue to utilise section 56A of
the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance1and the aggravating factor of drug
[...] importation for enhanced sentencing in appropriate cases.
有许多建议求废除死刑,批准废除死刑的《公民权利和政治权利国际 公 约 第二项任择 议定书》。
[...] recommendations asked for the abolition of death penalty and for the ratification [...]
of the second Optional Protocol
to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights abolishing the death penalty.
(1) 請求方如請求搜查、檢取和交付任何與在 求 方 的 某 刑 事 事 宜有關 的 物件或 物料,被請求方須在其法律的規限下執行該請求,但必 須有合理 理 由相信 該 物件或 物料與該刑事事宜有關,並且位於被請求方。
(1) The Requested Party shall, subject to its law, execute a request for the search, seizure and delivery of any thing or material which relates to a criminal matter in the Requesting [...]
Party if there
are reasonable grounds for believing that the thing or material is relevant to the criminal matter and is located in the Requested Party.
(b) 為了保障合理㆟權,當局會否考慮當事㆟的 求 , 提 出 刑 事 檢控,如否,原因 為何?
(b) whether the
[...] Administration will institute criminal proceedings at the [...]
victims' instance for justifiable protection of
human rights; if not, what the reasons are?
[...] 顧實情地提供虛假或具誤導性的資訊,目的是為了令資料使用 者依從其改正求,便須處刑事罰 則。
In this regard, the Administration considers that criminal penalty would become necessary if the data subject knowingly or
recklessly supplies false or misleading information for the purpose of making
[...] the data user comply with the correction request.
为了澄清南斯拉夫联盟共和国是否具有 《海牙公约》缔约国的地位,秘书处将这一问
题列入了《公约》缔约国第四次会议临时议程 中(1999 年 11 月 18 日,巴黎)并提出了一项 替代解决办法,即由教科文组织大会根据《联
[...] 合国与联合国教育、科学及文化组织的协议》 (1946 年)第 X(2)条,求国际刑事法庭 提出咨询意见。
In order to clarify the status of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia with regard to the Hague Convention, the Secretariat included this issue in the provisional agenda of the fourth meeting of States Parties to the Convention (Paris, 18 November 1999) and proposed an alternative solution of requesting, via UNESCO’s General
Conference, an advisory opinion of the
[...] International Court of Justice under Article X(2) [...]
of the Agreement between the United Nations
and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (1946).
這些正是引起 社會廣泛關注及有求刑事化的行為。
These are the activities that have aroused widespread community
[...] concerns and calls for criminalisation.
提交人认为,根据国内法,总检察长是唯一能够 求刑 事 法 院院长排定审 理案件的人。
In the author’s view, according to domestic law,
the procureur général is the only
[...] person who can request the president of the criminal court to list [...]
a case for hearing.
(1) 如被請求方提出請求,則請求方須在提出協助 求 所 關乎 的 刑 事事 宜完結後,把根據在本協定下提出的請求而提供給請求方的任何證據(包 [...]
(1) The Requesting Party shall, upon request, at the
[...] conclusion of the criminal matter in respect of which the request for [...]
assistance was made return
to the Requested Party any evidence, including documents, records or items, provided to the Requesting Party pursuant to a request under this Agreement.
安理会还求刑事起 诉那些犯有政治暗杀和毒品走私罪行的人。
It also called for criminal prosecution of [...]
those guilty of political assassinations and drug trafficking.
(f) 在所有情况下,对于是否应根据有关证据发出国际逮捕证,应 求 国际 刑事警 察组织(国际刑警组织)的意见;如果国际刑警组织本身并没有发出或建议 发出国际逮捕逮捕证,则任何国家都不应该觉得有义务尊重联合国会员国的个别 [...]
(f) In all circumstances, the opinion of
[...] the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) should be sought on whether an [...]
international arrest
warrant should be issued on the basis of evidence available and where INTERPOL itself had not issued or advised that an international arrest warrant should be issued, no State should otherwise feel obliged to respect an arrest warrant issued by individual judges in individual States Member of the United Nations.
贝尔格莱德区检察官办公室向贝尔格莱德区法院提出 求 , 根据 《 刑 法》 第 288 条第 2 款以及第 278 条,对 Milan Živanović 进行实施破坏一般安全 的严重犯罪调查,并根据《刑法》第 104 条和 103 条,对其进行有关袭击位 于贝尔格莱德 Ulica Kneza Miloša 46 号的美利坚合众国大使馆的严重纵火 [...]
The Office of the District Public Prosecutor
[...] in Belgrade filed a request to the district court in Belgrade to institute an investigation of Milan Živanović for the commission of the criminal act of grave offence [...]
against general security
under article 288, paragraph 2, in conjunction with article 278, of the Criminal Code, and the criminal act of grand larceny under article 104, in conjunction with article 103, of the Criminal Code, related to the attack on the Embassy of the United States, located at Ulica Kneza Miloša 46, Belgrade.
就受害者而言,他们可以在法院要求罪犯赔偿和补偿,提出民事赔偿求 (《刑事诉讼法》第 74 条)。
As far as victims are concerned, they can claim for reparation and
compensation from the offender in court,
[...] filing a civil request for compensation (article 74 of the Code of Criminal Procedure).
有數名回應者( 例如香港律師會及香港中華廠商聯合會) 反
[...] 對建議,關注到權力似乎過大的問題( 例如不遵從求的刑事制 裁,以及可將權力轉授任何公職人員) 。
A few respondents (such as LSHK and CMAHK) disagreed with the proposal and
were concerned about allegedly excessive
[...] powers (such as criminal sanctions for [...]
non-compliance and the right to delegate power to any public officer).
有效应对恐怖主义求刑事司 法系统能够一体化运作,并能够依赖所有组成部 分贡献力量,其中包括警察、检察部门、辩护律师、司法机构和管教系统。
An effective response
[...] to terrorism requires a criminal justice system capable [...]
of functioning in an integrated fashion, able
to rely on the contribution of all components, including the police, the prosecution, the defence bar, the judiciary and the correctional system.
及後的多個月,我花了很多唇舌求刑事檢控科起訴該名僱主,因為這名女孩起碼是這名僱主的第㆓名受害㆟,而警方 亦已撤銷對該名僱主的另㆒項控罪。
For months I argued with the Prosecutions Division that the man should be charged, since this child was at least his second victim and the police had saved him from the other charge.
作为加勒比改进的综合方法的一部分,并作为 2009 年 2
月关于非法贩运药 物、跨国有组织犯罪和恐怖主义对加勒比安全和发展的挑战的部长级会议的后续
[...] 行动,禁毒办正通过其设在巴拿马的中美洲区域方案办事处,并采用在加勒比部 署专家的方式,在有组织犯罪、减少毒品 求 、 刑 事 司 法、反腐败和预防犯罪领 域建设新的专家能力。
As part of a revamped and comprehensive approach for the Caribbean and, as a follow-up to the political declaration adopted by the Ministerial Conference on Illicit Drug Trafficking, Transnational Organized Crime and Terrorism as Challenges for Security and Development in the Caribbean in February 2009, UNODC is building new
expert capacity in the fields of
[...] organized crime, drug demand reduction, criminal justice, anti-corruption [...]
and crime prevention
through its Regional Programme Office for Central America, located in Panama, and by posting experts in the Caribbean.




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