

单词 刑期

刑期 ()

prison term



life imprisonment


limited term of imprisonment (i.e. anything less than life imprisonment)

See also:


sentence n
torture n
punishment n
penalty n
corporal punishment n

External sources (not reviewed)

委员会还注意到提 交人的如下诉称:对他的关押采用的是与他最 刑期 相 同 的监管制度。
It also notes that the author’s claim that he was detained under the same prison
[...] regime as for his initial prison term.
他也已服完法院判决刑期,因 此他继续被拘留似乎是无 法律依据或理由的。
The court’s sentence too has been [...]
spent and his continued detention appears without legal basis or justification.
因此,申诉人显然未能证实如果被引渡以服刑期并接 受审判,他将接受警方审讯并因此面临在墨西哥监狱遭受酷刑的危险。
The complainant had therefore apparently failed
to establish that if he was extradited to
[...] complete his sentence and stand trial [...]
he would be questioned by the police, and
would thus be in danger of being tortured in Mexican prisons.
还请说明是否向他提供所有的基本法律保 障,包括在刑期间和 现在与自己选择的律师接触和与家人联系。
Please also indicate whether he has been afforded all fundamental legal
safeguards, including access to a lawyer of his choice, and contact with his family,
[...] both while on probation and at present.
雖然在 現行制度㆘刑期減免並非囚犯的法定權利,但卻是囚犯的合法期望。
Although remission under the present system is not a legal right, it is
[...] a legitimate expectation of the prisoners.
如果某位選民 是在囚人士並以其在香港的最後居住地方或入境事務處根 據《人事登記規例》( 第 177A 章 ) 最後記錄他的居住地址作
[...] 選民登記,而選舉登記主任有合理理由信納該選民 刑期 屆滿及離開監獄,但沒有通知 選舉登記主任其新住址,則 [...]
選舉登記主任須按照相關法例所訂的程序將該選民的姓名 及住址載入遭剔除者名單內。
For an imprisoned person who used his last dwelling-place in Hong Kong at which he resided or the address last recorded under the Registration of Persons Regulations (Cap 177A) as the address for registration as an elector, if the ERO is satisfied on
reasonable grounds that he
[...] has served his sentence of imprisonment and left [...]
the prison without reporting his new residential address to
the ERO, the ERO must enter his name and address on the omissions list according to the procedures prescribed in the relevant legislation.
在一些情况下,通常从有利于犯罪人的角度权衡条件,在下列条件下,不会 进行起诉:(a)
[...] [...] 如果犯罪人已在外国服完被判的刑罚,或根据国际协定,决定犯 罪人应在法院地国服完在外国做出的判决;(b) 如果犯罪人已被外国法院宣判无 罪,或刑期已被 赦免,或执行判决涉及法定时效问题;(c) 若根据外国法,只 有受害方提出指控,相关刑事罪行才可以被起诉,而受害方没有提出指控(如斯 [...]
In some instances, the conditions were weighed generally in favour of the perpetrator; and would not be prosecuted (a) if he had already served the sentence imposed on him in the foreign country or if it was decided in accordance with an international agreement that the sentence imposed in the foreign country was to be served in the forum State; (b) if the perpetrator had been
acquitted by a foreign court
[...] or if his sentence had been remitted or the execution of the sentence had fallen under the [...]
statute of limitations;
or (c) if according to foreign law, the criminal offence concerned may only be prosecuted upon the complaint of the injured party and such complaint had not been filed (e.g., Slovenia).
一些政府指出,一旦满足数个条件,则应确立管辖权,这些条件包括(a) 被 指控罪犯在司法管辖区内;(b) 双重犯罪;(c) 主管机构提出请求;(d) 无引渡
[...] 请求或引渡请求被拒;(e) 对相关罪行有明确的最刑期(如奥 地利、喀麦隆、 捷克共和国、丹麦、意大利、葡萄牙、斯洛文尼亚、瑞士)。
Some Governments indicated that jurisdiction was established once several cumulative conditions were met, such as: (a) presence of the alleged offender within the jurisdiction; (b) double criminality; (c) a request by an appropriate authority; (d) there was no extradition request or the request was denied; and (e) the offence in
question carried an established minimum of a
[...] number of years of sentence (e.g., Austria, [...]
Cameroon, the Czech Republic, Denmark,
Italy, Portugal, Slovenia, Switzerland).
[...] 承认,由于错误,案件被分配错法院一段时间,但坚持认为提交人丈夫被羁押额 外时间已计刑期。
While the State party admits that, due to an error, the case was assigned to the wrong court for a
certain period of time, it maintains that the additional time spent in custody
[...] was credited in the term of his sentence.
不过,代表团 举 例 说, 几 年以前, 准军事团 伙一年大约要犯下 250 起大屠杀
,而国家 当局对此 不作 反应,现在,所有准军事领袖 都 被关押 在高度戒 严 的 监 狱 ,并因 他 们 犯 下的罪 行 而 受到审 判 ,他们 要 严 格 承 诺 透
[...] 露 真 相、向受害 者提供 赔偿、 服刑 期 才 能 退 役 。
It added, however that, for example, a few years ago paramilitaries were responsible for 250 massacres a year without reaction from the State authorities, but now all paramilitary leaders are held in maximum security prisons and are being tried for their crimes, and their
demobilization requires strict commitments to reveal truth, to provide reparations to victims
[...] and to carry out prison sentences.
如 果 法 官 不 接 受 此 抗 辯 而 把 被 控 人 定 罪,我 們 認 為 假 若 被 控 人 所 作
出 的 承 認 有 縮 窄 審 訊 時 的 爭 議 點 的 作 用 , 節 省 了 法 庭 的 時 間 , 這 一 點 便 仍 應 視 為 一 項 考 慮
[...] 輕 判 的 因 素 , 並 據 此 而 反 映刑 期 的 長 短 之 上 。
If such a defence is rejected and the accused is convicted we are of the view that if the effect of the admission has been to limit the issues at trial, resulting in a saving of court
time, then this should still be regarded as a mitigating factor and be
[...] reflected in the length of sentence accordingly.
2005-2009 年间,刑期分列 的监狱人口所占比例变化不大。
In 2005-2009 the proportion of the prison
[...] population by length of sentence did not vary much.
实施了严格监督,确保被定 罪的恋童癖者刑期满,总统最近提出的《刑法典》 修订案加重了对恋童癖者的惩罚。
There was rigorous oversight to ensure that
convicted paedophiles served
[...] out their sentences and the President had recently proposed amendments to the Criminal Code that increased [...]
penalties for paedophilia.
有关引渡的请求若是为了对所通缉者执行对此类罪行 作出的监禁判决或其他剥夺自由的判决,仅在其未 刑期 至 少 有四/六个月 时方可准予引渡。
Where the request for extradition relates to a person who is wanted for the enforcement of a sentence of imprisonment or other deprivation of liberty imposed for such an
offence, extradition shall be
[...] granted only if a period of at least four/six months of such sentence remains to be served.
2004年,中国的高等法院系统对于侵犯知识产权采用了更为严格的标准,将惩戒的门槛降低了一半,同 刑期 增 加 了120%。
In 2004, China's higher court system adopted
stricter standards for IP offenses, lowering the threshold for
[...] punishable offenses by half and increasing prison terms 120%.
卢旺达常驻联合国代表在 2009 年 10 月 26 日的信中向委员会主席转交了塞 拉利昂问题特别法庭代理书记官长 2009 年 10 月 26
日的信,信中请求委员会豁 免安全理事会第 1171(1998)号决议第 5 段实行的旅行限制,以便将被塞拉利昂问
[...] 题特别法庭定罪的两名列名的个人(Morris Kallon 和 Issa H. Sesay 先生)移交 给卢旺达,以执行对他们判处刑期。
In a letter dated 26 October 2009, the Permanent Representative of Rwanda to the United Nations forwarded to the Chairman of the Committee a letter, dated 26 October 2009, from the Acting Registrar of the Special Court for Sierra Leone containing a request to the Committee to grant a waiver of the travel restrictions imposed by paragraph 5 of Security Council resolution 1171 (1998) to allow for the transfer to Rwanda of two listed individuals who had been convicted
by the Special Court for Sierra Leone (Messrs. Morris Kallon
[...] and Issa H. Sesay) for the enforcement of their sentences.
我 們 無 法 在 此 一 一 列 明 各 種 損 害 和 利 益 , 但 損 害 和 利 益 兩 詞 包 括 了 各
種 不 同 的 事 物 , 例 如 恐 嚇 對 人 身 施 以 嚴 重 或 持
[...] 續 的 暴 力 , 表 示 監刑 期 絶 不 會 短 , 恐 嚇 會 落 [...]
案 貣 訴 對 方 的 近 親 , 答 允 准 予 保 釋 , 以 及 更 多 其 他 例 子 。
An exhaustive catalogue of types of prejudice and advantage is impossible, but the two expressions include such varied things as a threat of serious personal
violence or continued violence, an indication
[...] that the prison sentence will be but short, [...]
a threat to charge a near relative,
a promise of bail and many more.
除了授予豁免权外,检察官常常与被告达成认罪求情协议, 通过取消一项或多项指控诱导被告合作,和/或建议被告通过合作换取较短刑 期。
In addition to granting immunity, prosecutors often negotiate a plea agreement with a defendant to induce that defendant’s cooperation by dismissing one or more
of the charges, and/or by recommending that the defendant
[...] receive a lower sentence in exchange for [...]
his/her cooperation.
2008 年 6 月,吉尔吉斯斯坦制订了两年期战略, 目的在于改进有关囚犯社会康复的国家立法,帮助他 们在囚禁期间做好获释的准备,确保囚犯获释后能重 新融入社会,以及争取民政卫生机构和监狱卫生机构 合作,确保囚犯刑期间及获释后能得到医疗卫生服 务。
In June 2008, it had put in place a biennial strategy designed to: improve national legislation relating to the social rehabilitation of prisoners; prepare them for release; ensure their social reinsertion upon release; and obtain the cooperation of civilian and prison health agencies in providing medical and health care for prisoners while in prison and upon their release.
最高法院还申明,上述条款可解释为规定了其中所载明强制 性刑罚构成最刑期。
The Court went on to state that the said
provisions could be read down to provide for the
[...] mandatory sentence laid down therein to be construed as a maximum sentence.
此外, 该地区各国家都必须采取一切可能的措施,将已被判 处
[...] 20 年徒刑,但在波斯尼亚监狱刑期间 逃 跑的拉 多万·斯坦科维奇重新捉拿归案。
In addition, all possible measures must be taken by
countries in the region to apprehend Radovan Stanković, who escaped from prison in Bosnia
[...] while serving his 20-year sentence.
(d) 建立一个定期审查贝宁囚犯还押时间的永久制度,以释放在押时间已 超过被控罪行可被判处的最刑期的 所 有人。
(d) A permanent system be set up for the regular review of the time served on remand by prisoners in Benin with a view to releasing
from custody all who have served time in excess of
[...] the maximum term imposable for the offence with which they are charged.
拉克曼刑期间大 部分在万隆的苏加米斯京监狱 度过,他在狱中组织了一个极端主义学习小组并且翻 译了马卡迪斯的著作。
He served most of that time in Sukamiskin Prison, Bandung where he ran an extremist study group and translated works of al-Maqdisi.
庭长指出,Muvunyi 服刑时间已刑期的四分之三,在法庭准予提前释放的 前两个请求中,犯人因类似罪行被 刑期 少 于 或与 Muvunyi 的刑期相同,属刑 期较短的。
The President noted that Muvunyi had
served more than three
[...] fourths of his sentence and that in the two previous requests for early release granted by the Tribunal, the prisoners had served sentences that were less than or equal to Muvunyi’s sentence for similar [...]
crimes sentenced at the lesser end of the spectrum.
作出剥夺自由的判决、这一判决 刑期 、 或 者对特定违法行为的判决,都可以作 为驱逐决定的依据。
The basis for an expulsion decision may be the existence of a sentence of imprisonment, the length of such a sentence, or conviction for a given offence.
[...] 教育或创造性的工作;对外国承担了义务;被 刑 且 刑期 未 满 ,或法院已宣布其无资格。
Various exclusions are provided for in the Law, including individuals holding remunerative positions, other than scientific, pedagogical or creative
work, under obligations to foreign
[...] States, with prison sentences that have not been [...]
discharged or whom a court has declared incapable.
如果是外国法庭作出宣判,适 用法律时可考虑驱逐国对该违法行为宣判 刑期 [ 阿 根廷 2004 年法律第 29(c)和 62(b)条;加 拿大 2001 年法律第 [...]
36(1)(b)和(c)条;西班牙 2000 年法律第 57(2)条;匈牙利 2001
年法律第 32(1)(e)条;挪威 1988 年法律第 29(b)和(c)条;巴拉圭 1996 年法律第 7(3)条]。
Where a foreign court has
[...] passed the sentence, the relevant law may consider the sentence which the [...]
expelling State would
have applied to the violation (Argentina, 2004 Act, arts. 29(c) and 62(b); Canada, 2001 Act, arts. 36(1)(b) and (c); Hungary, 2001 Act, art. 32(1)(e); Norway, 1988 Act, sects. 29(b) and (c); Paraguay, 1996 Law, art. 7(3); and Spain, 2000 Law, art. 57(2)).
[...] to那些谁是真正的使徒弟子,延长 刑期 以 内 to谁相信某些作家以前有过这样适用,而且几乎涵盖所有的遗体原始基督教antedating的第二个世纪的伟大apologies文学,并形成了传统的链接,后者结合这些著作的新约圣经的。
Though restricted by some to those who were actually disciples of
[...] the Apostles, the term applies by extension [...]
to certain writers who were previously
believed to have been such, and virtually embraces all the remains of primitive Christian literature antedating the great apologies of the second century, and forming the link of tradition that binds these latter writings to those of the New Testament.
(j) 加紧迫害属于未获承认的宗教少数群体者,尤其是巴哈教徒,包括利用
国营新闻媒体等手段,不断加紧攻击巴哈教徒及维护其权益者,并侵犯他们的人 权,被逮捕和被拘留的巴哈教徒人数大幅增多,包括有针对性地攻击巴哈教教育
[...] 机构,在经过漏洞百出的法律诉讼后对七名巴哈教领导人恢复执行二十 刑期, 以 及继续采取措施剥夺巴哈教徒在公私两类部门的就业机会
(j ) Increased persecution and human rights violations against persons belonging to unrecognized religious minorities, particularly members of the Baha’i faith, including escalating attacks on Baha’is and their defenders, including in State-sponsored media, a significant increase in the number of Baha’is arrested and detained, including the targeted attack on the Baha’i
educational institution, the
[...] reinstatement of twenty-year sentences against seven Baha’i [...]
leaders following deeply flawed legal
proceedings, and renewed measures to deny Baha’is employment in the public and private sectors




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