

单词 刑具

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External sources (not reviewed)

虽然也许没有证据表明刑具有威 慑作用,但 是它是法院仍然可以使用的判决之一,社会也强烈要求将其保留。
Though there might not necessarily be evidence
[...] that the death penalty is a deterrent, it was one of the sentences still available [...]
to the court, and
there was a great demand by the society for it to remain.
最后,缔约国重申无确凿理由可 认为,申诉人一旦返回刚果民主共和国,即会面临遭受 刑具 体 的 人身风险。
In conclusion, the State party reiterates that there are no substantial grounds
for believing that the
[...] complainant faces a specific and personal risk of torture if she returns [...]
to the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
我們認 為有關的法例和刑具足夠的阻嚇力。
We consider that the relevant
[...] legislation and sentences have sufficient [...]
deterrent effect.
列支敦士登也指出,没有证据表明 刑具 有 威 慑价值。
Liechtenstein also noted that there is no evidence of a
[...] deterrent value of the death penalty.
In addition, he invented some horrible torture instruments, among which
the most infamous one was so-called "Fire Dragon Winds Waist", that was,
[...] winding the prisoner with a red-hot metal chain.
这些形式包括威胁和恐吓行为;施加毫无道理的全面隔 离;关押条件使被拘留者无从知道自己被关在哪里、关了多久;对人实
[...] 施假处决;完全不理睬一个人或将其带 刑具 室 , 或者将其置于一个可 能产生拘留当局准备实施酷刑的印象的环境。
Those forms include acts involving threats and intimidation; the imposition of total and unjustified isolation; detention in conditions that render the detainee incapable of knowing where he is being held or how long he has been there; subjecting a person to mock execution; and totally neglecting a person
or putting him in a place equipped for
[...] the infliction of torture or giving the impression [...]
that the detention authorities
are preparing to inflict torture.
工作组认为剥夺 Turgunov 先生与证人对质的权利侵犯了《世界人权宣言》 第十条和《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第十四条第3款(戊) 项所规定的基本 公正审判的保障,何况该证人的陈述对其 刑具 有 决 定性作用。
The Working Group considers that deprivation of Mr. Turgunov’s right to confront the witness whose statement played a decisive role in securing his conviction, undermined the basic fair trial guarantees as provided for in article 10 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and article 14, paragraph 3 (e), of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
那 些 間 中 曾 對 本 國 的
刑 事 司 法 制 度 造 成 破 壞 的 詴 圖 迫 供 極 端 方 法
[...] , 例 如 拷 問 台 和 夾 拇刑 具 , 不 但 為 文 明 社 會 所 厭 [...]
棄,而 且 如 同 其 他 雖 未 致 如 此 可 怖 但 效 用 未 必
較 差 的 迫 令 被 控 人 說 話 的 方 法 一 樣,都 是 未 必 能 令 被 控 人 說 話 或 吐 露 實 情 的 。
"It is not only that those extreme means of attempting to extort confessions, for example the rack and
thumb-screw, which have sometimes
[...] disfigured the system of criminal justice in this country, [...]
are abhorrent to any civilised
society, but that they and other less awful, though not necessarily less potent, means of applying pressure to an accused person to speak do not necessarily produce speech or the truth.
第 62 号法令(《刑法典》)第一部分(关于危害国家安全的犯罪行为)第二章 第 7 节第 106
[...] 条也涉及恐怖主义,该条对恐怖主义罪行作出了规定,并规定了判 处 10 至 20 年监禁或刑的具体刑罚。
Terrorism is also covered in Act No. 62 (Penal Code), which in title I, relative to crimes against the security of the State, chapter II, section 7, article 106,
provides for the crime of terrorism and specifies penalties ranging from 10 to 20 years’
[...] imprisonment or the death penalty.
此外,根据第 7 条第
[...] 1 款的规定,普遍刑事管辖权适用于 刑 法 》 具 体 列出 的罪行,包括不适用追诉时效法的种族灭绝罪(见表 [...]
1),第 7 条第 2 至 11 款还补 充了有关其他罪行的规定(见表 1)。
Moreover, under the provisions of
[...] paragraph 1, universal criminal jurisdiction is [...]
applied to the crimes specified under the
Code, including genocide, to which no statute of limitations applies (see table 1), while paragraphs 2 to 11 of article 7 set forth additional crimes (see table 1).
这些类型的定罪不仅是由于缺乏将 刑 列 为 具 体 刑 事 犯 罪的规 定,而且在一些情况下被用来将酷刑行为视同轻罪对待。
These types of convictions not only result from
[...] the lack of a specific criminal offence of torture, [...]
but are in some instances used
to treat the act of torture as a minor offence.
此外, 一些成員認為應檢討現時的檢控成效,例如 刑 是 否 具 阻嚇 作用。
Others proposed that the effectiveness of prosecution should be reviewed to see if, for
[...] instance, the existing penalties had adequate deterrent [...]
刑法没有具体提 及种族动机的犯罪,而 侵害人身罪法则对以种族因素为动机的某些犯罪作出了处罚规定。
While penal law did not specifically mention racially [...]
motivated crimes, the Offences against the Person Act created penalties
for offences some of which may be motivated by racial considerations.
The task force meets on an ad hoc basis to consider
[...] specific cases on criminal prosecution of suspected [...]
pirates held in custody of the Danish naval military forces off the coast of Somalia.
2006 年 3 月 6 日关于反恐怖主义的第 35-FZ 号联邦法、2002 年 7 月 25 日关
[...] 于打击极端主义的第 114-FZ 号联邦法和 2006 年 2 月 15 日关于反恐怖主义措施 的第 116 号俄罗斯联邦总统法令、以及刑法 》 中 具 体 规 定了与恐怖活动相关的 各种罪行具体罪责的刑事法准则,构成反恐怖主义的全部法律依据。
The legal basis for counter-terrorism was provided in its entirety by the norms enshrined in the 6 March 2006 Federal Law No. 35-FZ on counter-terrorism, the 25 July 2002 Federal Law No. 114-FZ on counter-extremism and the 15 February 2006 Decree of the President of the Russian
Federation No. 116
[...] on counterterrorism measures, as well as criminal law norms contained in the Criminal Code that specified the liability [...]
for crimes associated with terrorist activities.
申诉人指出,根据他刑事案的具体背 景,他的担心有充分理由,他相信如果被引渡回俄罗斯联邦, 在俄罗斯当局的同意或默许下,他将在监狱内外遭受酷刑或甚至遇害。
The complainant submits that in the
[...] light of the specific background of his criminal proceedings, he [...]
has a wellfounded fear to believe
that he would be exposed to torture or even killed in prison or outside with the consent or acquiescence of the Russian authorities, if extradited to the Russian Federation.
第二个标准体现在第 6 条和第 7 条中,涉及国家及个人刑事责任的 具体 情 况,其范围更窄,因此仅限于针对“对人类具有特别重大意义之文化遗产,包括对直接有 [...]
The second threshold appears in Articles 6 and 7 for
[...] the specific cases of States and personal criminal responsibility [...]
which have a narrower scope
and are thus limited to intentional destruction of “cultural heritage of great importance for humanity, including such cultural heritage which is of special interest for the community directly affected by such destruction”.
各缔约国均应特别确保使依照本公约应当承担责任的法人受到有 效、适度而具有警戒性刑事或者 非 刑 事 制 裁。
Each State party shall, in particular, ensure that legal persons held liable in
accordance with the convention are subject to effective,
[...] proportionate and dissuasive criminal or non-criminal sanctions.
然而,委员会表 示关切的是,在实践中,与酷刑罪相关的指控并没有明确地确认 刑 是 一 项 具体 和独立的罪行,刑被列 为司法官员认为更为严重的其他罪行的加重情节。
However, it is concerned that, in practice, a charge relating to
crimes of torture does
[...] not clearly identify torture as a specific and separate offence, given that [...]
it is subsumed under
aggravating circumstances relating to other offences regarded as more serious by judicial officials.
為加強情報收集的成效,勞工處聘請 具 備 刑 事 案 件 調查經驗的前警務人員協助收集情報、分析和調查欠薪罪行。
To strengthen the effectiveness of intelligence collection, LD had
been employing former police officers
[...] with experience in criminal investigation to [...]
assist in intelligence collection, analysis
and investigation of wage offences.
国家中央局还进行其具体工 作,例如任命反恐联络员;刑警组 织的 I-24/7 计算机系统同各警察单位联系 起来,使移徙和移民事务总局能够进入刑警组织的固定网络数据库和机动网络数 据库,检查国际机场旅客名单,以防止恐怖分子入境和过境;更新丢失和被盗护 [...]
The National Central Bureau
[...] carried out other specific work such as appointing the terrorism liaison official; linking the INTERPOL I-24/7 computer [...]
system and police
units, giving the General Directorate of Migration and Immigration access to the Fixed Interpol Network Database and Mobile Interpol Network Database (FIND/MIND) to check passenger lists at the international airport in order to prevent terrorists from entering and passing through the country; updating the database of lost and stolen passports; and investigating and registering international foundations that wanted to operate in the country.
咨询委员会获悉,大会第 65/230 号决议授权修订相关联合国标准(囚
[...] 犯待遇最低限度标准规则),目前禁毒办没 具 备 刑 事 改 革方面专门知识的工作 人员。
It was informed that the revision of the relevant United Nations standards (the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners) was mandated by General
Assembly resolution 65/230 and that there is currently no staff member at UNODC with
[...] specialized expertise in penal reform.
此外,监察员被指具有《禁止刑 公 约 任择议定书》下的国家预防机 制的作用。
Furthermore, the Ombudsman has
been appointed the National Preventive Mechanism under the Optional
[...] Protocol to the Convention against Torture (OPCAT).
(b) 為確保能按照法庭要求,以高 度公平的程序處理個案,導師
會是來自其他普通法司法管轄 區 ( 包括英國、澳洲和新西蘭) 具有法律背景兼且經驗豐富的
[...] 人員;當局已邀請聯合國人權 事務委員會一具備處理酷刑 聲請經驗的法律專家就培訓課 程的內容給予意見;當局亦會 [...]
考慮原訟法庭在最近一宗司法 覆核個案當中提出的意見
(b) to ensure high procedural fairness as required by the court, the trainers would be experienced officers with legal background from other common law jurisdictions, including the United Kingdom, Australia and
New Zealand; a legal expert with
[...] experience in handling torture claims from the United [...]
Nations Human Rights Committee had
been invited to give advice on the contents of training courses; consideration was given to the views of the Court of First Instance in a recent judicial review case
毒品和犯罪问题办公室还支持越来越多的这类次区域协调中具备刑事情 报能力,诸如中亚区域信息和协调中心、三角举措的联合规划小 组、西非海岸行动方案打击跨国犯罪小组,以及位于多哈的海湾刑事情报中 心。
UNODC supports the criminal intelligence capabilities of a growing number of subregional coordination centres, such as the Central Asian Regional Information and Coordination Centre (CARICC); the joint planning cell of the Triangular Initiative; the transnational crime units of the West Africa Coast Initiative; and the Gulf Centre for Criminal Intelligence, based in Doha.
[...] 毒办正在协助会员国制定国家行动计划,并特别通过帮助参与调查、起诉和判具体案件的刑事司 法人员等方式,协助贯彻国家行动计划。
In response to the increased demand for sustained, custom-tailored, capacitybuilding assistance on the ground, UNODC is assisting Member States in developing national action plans and supporting
their implementation, in particular by
[...] reaching out to the criminal justice practitioners [...]
involved in the investigation, prosecution
and adjudication of concrete cases.
强调鉴于艾滋病毒造成的日益严重的挑战,包括颁布对艾滋病毒的预防、治 疗、护理和支持工具有反作用刑 法 和其他法律的明显趋势,以及对艾滋病毒 阳性患者在入境、逗留和居留方面实行的种种针对艾滋病毒的限制,需要加强努 [...]
力,确保普遍尊重和恪守所有人的人权和基本自由,以减低感染艾滋病毒的机 率,防止与艾滋病毒
Emphasizing, in view of the increasing challenges
presented by HIV/AIDS, including
[...] apparent trends to enact criminal and other laws that [...]
are counterproductive to HIV prevention,
treatment, care and support efforts and the ongoing application of HIVspecific restrictions on the entry, stay and residence of HIV-positive people, the need for intensified efforts to ensure universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all in order to reduce vulnerability to HIV, prevent HIV/AIDSrelated discrimination and stigma and reduce the impact of AIDS
为了使这些文书全面生效,各国应通过国内立法, 将国际反恐文书列出的罪具体定为 刑 事 罪 、设置适当的处罚并对界定的罪行确 立管辖权,以确保嫌疑人得到引渡或起诉。
In order to make the instruments fully effective, States
should adopt domestic
[...] legislation that specifically criminalizes the offences set forth in the international counter-terrorism instruments, sets appropriate [...]
penalties, and
establishes jurisdiction over the defined offences in order to ensure that suspects are either extradited or prosecuted.
作为预防和技术合作的具,《禁止 刑 和 其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格 的待遇或处罚公约任择议定书》的批准将有助于更有效地保护人民免受这种苦 难。
Ratification of the Optional Protocol to
[...] the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman [...]
or Degrading Treatment or Punishment,
as an instrument for prevention and technical cooperation, would contribute to a more efficient protection against this scourge.




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