

单词 切肤之痛

See also:


sharp pain

External sources (not reviewed)

这已经导致严重的人类和经济负担,这种情况 我们现在正明显感受到,在过去半个世纪以来已深有
[...] 体会,而且,如果我们继续‘照常营业’,我们将在 未来以更快的速度体会到这 切肤之痛。
This in turn leads to serious human and economic costs which are being felt now, have
been felt for much of the last half-century, and will be felt at an accelerating pace if we
[...] continue ‘business as usual’.
强调少数群体许多成员,特别是少数群体儿童,缺乏平等机会和平等接受教 育的机会,从而不能充分地对所属群体和整个社会作出贡献,造成贫困的代际传 递无休无止,对于遭受歧视、经济边缘化和社会排斥的少数群体成员 切肤之 痛,又 强调少数群体成员有效参与其所属社会的国家政治、文化、宗教、经济和
Stressing that the lack of equal opportunities and equal access to education for many persons belonging to minorities, in particular minority children, prevents them from contributing fully to their own communities and to the wider society, and perpetuates the cycle of poverty experienced acutely by persons belonging to minorities facing discrimination, economic marginalization and social exclusion
同时,争取人权是联合国工 作的核心,但是有可能成为政治影响和政党游戏的
[...] 一部分,从而扭曲了人权的本旨,损害人权普遍性, 损害所有为保障人权而牺牲的人和所有要求尊重人 权而承切肤之痛的人的名声。
That struggle, which was at the very heart of the Organization’s action, must not be pursued in a context of power games and political one-sidedness; that could debase its underlying significance, impair its universality and offend the memory of all those who had given
their lives for it and of those who
[...] were currently suffering personally for having [...]
demanded a minimum of respect for human dignity.
事 實 上 , 一般警 務人員對 於 那
[...] 些 害 之 馬 、 破壞警 隊聲譽 的 行為, 較 我們更切膚 之 痛 , 他 們 是 絕 對 不 會 認 同 的 。
In fact, the police officers at large are more distressed by the bad deeds of their
colleagues which are detrimental to the reputation of the
[...] Police Force; they certainly will not accept those black sheep.
香港未來的利益對總督並切膚之痛 , 而 有關後果對這些㆟士的影響又是微乎其微, 我不禁要質疑當局能否公正㆞評估其方案所帶來的後果。
His future stake in Hong Kong is so peripheral that I most naturally question the Administration’s capacity to even-handedly assess consequences which have little impact on them personally.
一组成熟,漂亮的html组件并且可以很方便 切 换 到 其它 肤。
A group of mature , beautiful html components and
[...] can easily switch to the other skin .
必须倾听他们的 声音,必须赋予会员国必要的机制, 使 之 能 提 供援助、 治愈受害者的痛,并采取切实措施保护和促进他们 的权利。
They must be listened to, and Member States must be provided
with the necessary
[...] mechanisms to offer assistance, heal their pain and take concrete measures to protect and [...]
promote their rights.
在今天大会向他表示他当之无愧的敬意之时,首 先请允许我代表非洲国家集团,表示我们对这一无法 挽回的损失的切悲痛之情。
On this day when the General Assembly pays a well-deserved tribute to him, allow me at the outset to express, on behalf of the Group of African States, our profound grief at this irreparable loss.
真菌通常生长于足跖部及脚之间皮 肤 , 发 作在温暖潮湿的天气和地区。
The fungi tend to favor the
[...] warm, moist areas between the toes and usually [...]
flare up during warm weather.
因此,秋季可引发呼吸系统疾病、便秘、 肤 干 燥 、咽 痛 、 心 脏和血压问题以及情绪不稳。
As a result, autumn can cause respiratory
[...] illness, constipation, dry skin, sore throat, heart and [...]
blood pressure problems and emotional imbalance.
有㆒㆝我們任何㆟都 可能要面對子女或親㆟染㆖毒癖切 膚 之痛 , 誰 會知道這樣的事情不會發生?
Who knows one day, anyone of us may face the agony of our own children, [...]
our own relatives fallen prey to drugs.
最初您的皮肤会发红,随后有不同程度的疼痛,疼痛的程度取决于晒伤的严重程度;经过几天的不适 痛 苦 之 后 , 您的 肤 开 始 剥落,并恢复正常状态。
Initially your skin turns red, followed by varying degrees of
pain dependent on the severity; after a few
[...] days of agony and suffering, your skin starts to peel and [...]
return to normal.
但房委會似乎又再㆒次忘記了,沒有大問題並不是等於居民沒有切膚之痛」的 小毛病,若果居民經常要修補裂縫及處理漏水問題,他們又豈能真正享受 置業安居呢?
However, the Authority seems to have forgotten again that the absence of major problems does not mean that there are no minor defects which may bother the tenants a lot.
他的囡囡正是面對這種情況,所以他比起我更 切 膚 之痛, 他的親身體驗比我更多。
His daughter is facing such
[...] conditions and so he feels the pinch of the problem acutely as he has more [...]
personal encounters with it than I do.
打開香港的歷史檔案,我們亦看到殖民地政府直至戰後才開徵入息稅, 而且稅率維持在低水平,不是因為信奉某種經濟理論,而是殖民地政府自知 缺乏統治的正當性,不想納稅人因 切 膚 之痛 ” 而時刻評估殖民地政府的正 當性、價值和施政得失,以免影響政治穩定。
It was not because the colonial government upheld a certain economic theory, but because it was conscious of the lack of legality of its rule and fearing that political stability might be undermined if the taxpayers, who would suffer directly from an increase in tax, evaluate the colonial government's legality, value and success of administration time and again.
卡塔夫萃取精华——娇韵诗莹润保湿配方蕴含的美肤秘密——锁定 肤 水 分, 使 之 得 到 长达数小时的持续护理。
Katafray—the beauty secret behind Clarins hydrating
[...] formulas—binds moisture to the skin for hours of continuous care.
这款喷洒型香水轻盈、精致,不会 痛 皮 肤。
This sprayable product is light, elegant,
[...] and will not sting the skin.
使用PowerPlate®振动训练器进行短期按摩干预可以改善自身血液循环,减少机能障碍风险和 痛 并 改善 皮 肤 质 量 和弹性。
Carrying out massage on a Power
Plate® machine on settings of both 30 Hz and 50 Hz high can
[...] increase blood flow to the skin and thus improve circulation.
植物聚合物 – 在肌肤上形成一个隐形的覆盖,肤 能 呼 吸 之 余 , 又不会留下白色痕迹。
Plant Polymers – create an
[...] invisible "veil" on the skin, letting it breathe without leaving [...]
white traces.
脊柱内窥镜手术通过几个肤上的小 切 口 ( 通常不到2cm),在管状牵开系统的辅助下进入手术区域并进行手术。
Endoscopic: This spine surgery uses a tiny video camera called an endoscope—which is smaller than a dime—to pass through small surgical incisions (usually less than 2 cm) to access your spine.
国际社会必须作出安排,以防止局势进一步恶化,缓 解巴勒斯坦人民的人道主义和经痛 苦 , 制止 切军 事行动,迫使以色列撤至 2008 年 12 月 27 日之前占 领的阵地,取消封锁,开放以色列控制的所有过境点, 以及允许医疗和人道主义援助进入和撤离伤员。
It must establish arrangements that will prevent further deterioration of the
situation by alleviating
[...] the humanitarian and economic distress of the Palestinian people, putting an end to all military operations and compelling [...]
Israel to withdraw
to the positions it occupied before 27 December 2008, to life the siege, to open all border crossings under its control and to permit medical and humanitarian assistance and the evacuation of the wounded.
对我而言,尽管那个选手在赛车道上丧生的年代已成为过去式,但之后历经的丧 之痛 告 诉我 一 切 仍 历 历在目。
For me, the era when people died on the racetrack was behind us, but then I had to experience that I was wrong.
任何人如在任何巴士或西北鐵路車輛或鐵路處所任何部 之 內 或 之 上 拾獲任何物品或物 體,須切實可 行的範圍內盡快將該物品或物體交予人員;除人員外,任何人不得將遺失或遺留 在任何巴士或西北鐵路車輛或鐵路處所任何部分的財物,移離任何巴士或西北鐵路車輛或鐵路處 [...]
Every person who finds any article or object in or upon any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or any part of the railway [...]
premises shall
hand over the same to an official as soon as is practicable and no person other than an official shall remove from any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or any part of the railway premises any property lost or left behind therein, save for the purpose of handing over the same as soon as is practicable to an official and all articles or objects so found shall as between the finder and the Corporation be deemed to be in the possession of the Corporation.
4 月份由我荣幸担任主席的亚洲集团要我代表它 表达我们最切的悲痛和哀思,并且在波兰人民和政 府遭受这场民族劫之际,表示我们对他们的支持。
The Asian Group, which I have the honour to chair for the month of April, asked me to express, on its behalf, our deepest grief and sadness and our solidarity with the people and Government of Poland in the face of their great national calamity.
[...] 小组委员会对该中心关押人员的法律处境、无限期拘留可能带来的精 痛 苦 深切。
The SPT is gravely concerned about
the legal situation of those held in this centre,
[...] and about the mental suffering that an indefinite [...]
detention may cause.
她回顾说,《消除切形式种族 歧视国际公约》在序言中声明,人与 之 间 基 于种族 肤 色 或 人种的歧视,是对 国际友好和平关系的障碍,足以扰乱民族间的和平与安全,甚至共处于同一国内 的人与人之间的和谐关系。
She recalled that the International
Convention on the
[...] Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination stated in its preamble that discrimination between human beings on the grounds of race, colour or ethnic origin was an obstacle [...]
to friendly and
peaceful relations among nations and was capable of disturbing peace and security among peoples and the harmony of persons living side by side even within one and the same State.
生命科学与医学奖 -
[...] 颁予美国加州大学三藩市分校生理学系主任及教授大卫‧朱利雅斯(David Julius),以表彰他对人类肤感知疼痛 、 刺激和温度以至产生疼痛、过敏现象背后的分子机制的开创性发现。
Professor David Julius, Professor and Chairman of Department of Physiology, University of California, San Francisco, USA for his seminal
discoveries of molecular
[...] mechanisms by which the skin senses painful stimuli and [...]
temperature and produces pain hypersensitivity.
大会第六十四届会议请科学委员会继续进行其工作,包括进行重要的活动, 以增加对切来源之电离 辐射量、影响和危险的认识;请科学委员会下届会议继 [...]
续审查电离辐射领域的各项重要问题,并就此向大会第六十五届会议提出报告; 并决心资源分配一旦确定,便在科学委员会第五十七届会议后,但不迟于大会第
六十四届会议结束前,就委员会的组成作出决定(第 64/85 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly requested the Scientific Committee to continue its work, including its important activities to increase knowledge of the
levels, effects and risks of ionizing
[...] radiation from all sources; requested the Scientific [...]
Committee to continue at its next
session the review of the important questions in the field of ionizing radiation and to report thereon to the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session; and resolved to take a decision on the membership of the Scientific Committee once a decision on resource allocation had been made and after the fifty-seventh session of the Scientific Committee but no later than the end of the sixty-fourth session of the General Assembly (resolution 64/85).




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