

单词 切磋



gradual improvement by slow polishing (idiom); fig. education as a gradual process

See also:


External sources (not reviewed)

履约协助方案小组在曼谷开展的甲基溴淘汰活动也是在与工发组织、开发计划署和 世界银行进行切磋商的 情况下进行的。
The MB phase-out activities of the CAP team in Bangkok are also
[...] undertaken in close consultation with UNIDO, UNDP [...]
and the World Bank.
凡大幅度调整/改变原有的行动构想、 接战规则或部队的要求,均应与部队派遣国进行 切磋 商 并征得部队派遣国同 意。
Any significant adjustments in or changes to the original concept of operations, rules of
engagement or force requirements should be
[...] made in close consultation with, and with [...]
the consent of, the troop-contributing countries.
自上届执行局会议以来,本组织与巴勒斯坦当局 切磋 商 , 努力制定计划并将其付诸 实施,以便:(i) [...]
将目前在正常计划项下及预算外资金项目下的援助重点放在新通过的“教 科文组织援助巴勒斯坦被占领土的恢复与发展计划”确定的优先工作事项上;(ii)
将这些优 先事项全部纳入 2006--2007 年双年度计划周期,即 2006--2007 计划和预算草案,(iii) 具体拟 定教科文组织/巴勒斯坦权力机构联合委员会第六届会议(2004 年 7 月)确定的八个旗舰项 目,为今后的捐助方活动做准备。
The period under review witnessed
programmatic and operational efforts
[...] undertaken in close consultation with the Palestinian [...]
authorities, so as to: (i) focus
current assistance under the regular programme and extrabudgetary projects on the priorities defined in the newly approved “UNESCO Programme of Assistance for Rehabilitation and Development in the Palestinian Territories”; (ii) fully incorporate these priorities into the programming cycle for the 2006-2007 biennium, that is the Draft Programme and Budget for 2006-2007; and (iii) formulate the flagship projects identified during the sixth meeting of the Joint UNESCO-Palestinian Authority Committee (July 2004), in view of a future donor event.
以下事例说明了帕劳在人权方面的努力:与民间社会 切磋 商 , 编写国家报 告;就按照《巴黎原则》建立国家人权机构的可能性与太平洋岛屿论坛秘书处和 [...]
Some examples of Palau’s commitment to human rights include: the
preparation of the national report
[...] in close consultation with civil society, consultations with the Pacific [...]
Island Forum Secretariat
and the Asia Pacific Forum on the possibility of establishing a national human rights institution in compliance with Paris Principles, and public education and awareness-raising campaigns on human rights.
港進聯 認 為 , 通 過 理 性 的 討論切 磋 , 深 入 瞭解和 認 識 《基本 法》有關 政制設計原則的內 涵 , 才 能 取 得共識, 在 維 護 政制健康 發 展和社 會 穩 定的基 礎 上 , 抓 緊 實施 CEPA 和 國家一系 列 挺 港 政 策 帶 來 的發展 機 遇 , 和 衷 共 濟 , 促 進香港經 濟繼續 復甦。
On the basis of maintaining healthy constitutional development and social stability, we should seize the opportunities offered by CEPA and the series of State-initiated support policies, and pull together to promote the sustained recovery of the economy of Hong Kong.
必须严格遵守第 1612(2005)号决议第 3 段的规定,其中明确规定,监 测和报告机制的开展必须与相关国家 切磋 商。
Paragraph 3 of resolution 1612 (2005), which clearly states that the
monitoring and reporting mechanism must
[...] work in close consultation with the country concerned, must be [...]
strictly adhered to.
这种在制裁委员会和阿富汗政府之间 切磋 商 的 做法还可能消除阿富汗 政府的另外一个担心,即当制裁委员会在事前没有预告的情况下宣布新的列名或 除名事项时,阿富汗政府似乎变成了局外人。
This practice of close consultation between the Committee and the Afghan Government could also meet another concern of the Afghan [...]
Government, which is
that it appears sidelined when the Committee announces new listings or de-listings of which it has had no warning.
我們歡迎其他人士描述他們的點算方法,互 切磋 和 印 證。
We welcome explanation of other methods developed by other parties, so that we can learn form each other.
环境规划署与开发计划署切磋商, 定期就下列问题与斐济政府开展讨论: 控制甲基溴进口所需行动计划和额外干预措施的履约状况以及与用户的技术信息交换。
In close consultation with UNDP, discussions [...]
are periodically held with the Government of Fiji on the compliance status
with the action plan and additional interventions needed for controls on MB imports and technical information exchange with the users.
特别委员会促请秘书处与会员国特别是部队派遣国 和警察派遣国切磋商, 制订拟议的战略,同时在考虑对行动效果的影响时,委 [...]
员会强调需要有明确的管理框架,报告路线和问责安排,要以回应特派团需求的 能力为重点。
The Special Committee urges the
Secretariat to elaborate on the proposed
[...] strategy in close consultation with Member States, [...]
in particular troop- and police-contributing
countries, and, in considering the impact on operational effectiveness, the Committee stresses the need for clear management frameworks, reporting lines and accountability arrangements that focus on responsiveness to mission requirements.
按照所宣布的权力下放原则,有关的助理总干事受托与这些机构的主任 切磋 商 并 与 战略规划编制局(BSP)合作,在实际中实行关于第 1 类研究机构和中心的标准(162 EX/18 文件第 19 段)。
In line with the announced principle of
delegation of
[...] authority, the ADGs concerned have been entrusted with the application in practice of the criteria identified for category 1 institutes and centres (162 EX/18, para. 19), in full consultation with their respective [...]
directors and
in cooperation with the Bureau of Strategic Planning (BSP).
在目前的任务期限内,专家组将根据第 1857(2008) 决议第 4
[...] 段(f)分段的规定酌情与人道主义机构和地方当局 切磋 商 , 重新研究 这一问题。
During the current mandate, the Group will revisit this
[...] question, in close consultation with humanitarian [...]
agencies and local authorities, as
appropriate, and pursuant to paragraph 4 (f) of resolution 1857 (2008).
在与机构间常委会和高 级别工作队的切磋商下 于 2010 年 10 月编制的区域计划将得到区域人道主义伙 [...]
伴关系小组的支持,以加大向区域和国家主导的进程提供的支助力度,包括粮食 安全分组和/或国家一级的粮食安全计划。
A regional plan prepared in
[...] October 2010, in close consultation with IASC members [...]
and the High-Level Task Force, will be
supported by a regional humanitarian partnership team providing enhanced support to regional and countryled processes, including food security clusters and/or country-level food security plans.
小组委员会满意地注意到,秘书处与小组委员会主席 切磋 商 ,采取措施 使小组委员会的时间得到合理、最佳的使用,包括安排在第二周举行专题讨论 [...]
会,在届会期间为题为“一般性交换意见并介绍所提交的国家活动情况报告” 的项目安排较长讨论时间,并限制每次会议的发言人数。
The Subcommittee noted with satisfaction that the Secretariat had taken
[...] measures, in close consultation with the Chair of [...]
the Subcommittee, to rationalize and
optimize the Subcommittee’s use of time, including by scheduling the symposium during the second week, by scheduling the item entitled “General exchange of views and introduction of reports on national activities” over a longer period of time during the session and by limiting the number of slots for statements per meeting.
此項為其三日之激烈賽事, 目前獲超過80名來自德國、瑞典、波蘭、澳大利亞、菲律賓、俄羅斯、印度、泰國、中國、日本、新加坡、臺灣及香港等地區的調酒師報名參加, 務求在此項激烈的國際賽事切磋技 術, 一較高下。
In the forthcoming three-day competition, more than 80 bartenders from Australia, China, Germany, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Poland, Russia, Singapore, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand and the Philippines will be competing at the Cocktail Competition this year.
[...] 要求食典委秘书处与奶及奶制品规范委员会主席 切磋 商 , 编写一份通函,以探讨开 展进一步工作的可能性。
The Commission agreed to suspend the decision on discontinuation of work on a standard on processed cheese until its next session
and requested the Codex Secretariat to
[...] prepare, in close consultation with the Chairperson [...]
of the CCMMP, a Circular Letter
to explore the possibility of further work.
M+採取開放、靈活多變、高瞻遠矚 的態度,致力啟發、吸引和教育公眾,鼓勵公眾參與,鼓勵對 話、互切磋和伙 伴合作,探索多元,以及促進創意和跨界別 互動交流。
With an open, flexible and forward-looking attitude, M+ aims to inspire, delight, educate and engage the public, encourage dialogue, interaction and partnership, explore diversity and foster creativity and cross-fertilization.
道德操守办公室将在与全球工作人员包括全球工作人员协会 切磋 商 的 情况 下拟订该指导意见。
The Ethics Office will develop this
[...] guidance in close consultation with staff globally, [...]
including with the Global Staff Association.
我们也举办了工作坊,让海内外的伤健艺术家在艺术方 切磋 交 流
Workshops were also organised for local and overseas artists with or without disabilities to share and to exchange their experiences in the arts.
[...] 容社区的状况,继续分析营地外和城市环境中的国内流离失所者面临的特殊人权 挑战,查明挑战和良好做法,并与会员国 切磋 商 , 在参加机构间常设委员会会 议时,以及在向大会和人权理事会提交的定期报告中提出建议,以期制定更加系 统地保护这类流离失所者的人权、推动持久解决办法的方针。
Invites the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of internally displaced persons, in accordance with his mandate, to continue to analyse the particular human rights challenges faced by internally displaced persons outside camps and in urban settings, while taking into account
the situation of the
[...] host communities concerned, to identify challenges and good practices and, in close consultation with Member States, [...]
to make proposals
with a view to developing a more systematic approach to the protection of their human rights and the promotion of durable solutions in the context of his participation in the Inter-Agency Standing Committee and in his regular reporting to the General Assembly and the Human Rights Council.
他说,新的国家方案是 依照缅甸国家发展计划、同政府伙伴 切磋 商 后制定的,旨在帮助儿童和孕产妇 的保健、基础教育、儿童保护以及水和卫生等优先领域。
The new country programme, he said, was
[...] developed in close consultation with government [...]
partners, in line with the Myanmar national
development plan, and aimed to contribute in the priority areas of child and maternal health, basic education, child protection, and water and sanitation.
(e) 与集束弹药受害者及其代表组织 切磋 商 , 并鼓励其参与有关活动
(e) closely consult with and involve [...]
cluster munition victims and their representative organizations
公報同時說明:「我們歡迎其他人士描述他們的點算方法,互 切磋 和 印 證......我們期待更多專業人士加入日後的人流及人數統計工作,更加客觀和有效地提供可靠的數據,避免基於政治考慮而扭曲人數。
Meanwhile, the press release also stated, "we welcome people expressing their counting methodology for comparison and verification…...we hope more professionals can be involved in the counting task, and thus, statistics can be provided in a more objective and effective way, so as to avoid distortion of figures due to political consideration.
他向代表们保证人口基金将 继续与成员国进行切磋商。
He assured delegations that UNFPA
[...] would continue close consultations with the Member States.
青年企业家联系网/事业女性组/华语讲演会/歌唱班/书法班以及摄影俱乐部是为配合会员的兴趣与爱好而设立的多个会员专项小组,让志趣相投的会员们相 切磋 、 学 习。
The Young Entrepreneurs Network (YEN), Career Women’s Group (CWG), Mandarin Toastmasters Club, Mandarin Singing Classes, Chinese Calligraphy Appreciation Course, and Photography Club have been set up to allow members to share and pursue their common interests.
9.13 根据发展议程的原则,基于国家的需要、实力和需求,提供技术援助将是按需求驱动的, 并将通过与国家管理机构和包括私营部门与消费者权利及其他民间社会组织在内的相关利益攸关者切磋商来进行。
9.13. Following DA principles, technical assistance delivery will be demand-driven, based on country needs, strengths and requirements and will be undertaken in close consultation with national authorities and relevant stakeholders, including the private sector and consumer rights and other civil society organizations.
通过此项努力,与捐助方和该区域东道国开展了切磋商— —特别是通过咨询委员会——并与联合国 [...]
在纽约总部进行了接洽,在整个进程中随时向纽约 联合国总部的各代表团通报相关情况。
The effort had
[...] entailed close consultation with donors and [...]
hosts in the region — in particular through the Advisory Commission
— and engagement with United Nations Headquarters in New York, where delegations had been kept informed throughout the process.
特别顾问办公室与联合国合作伙伴 切磋 商 ,继续评估在苏丹出现灭绝种族、战争罪行、族裔清洗和危害人类罪行的风险,并就采取预防行动提出具体建议。
In close consultation with UN partners, [...]
the Office of the Special Adviser continues to assess the risk of genocide, war
crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity in Sudan and provide specific recommendations for preventive action.
注意到秘书处仍在制定早期建设和平战略,并就此请秘书长在拟定这项 战略的整个过程中与会员国、建设和平委员会、联合国各机构、基金和方案以及 秘书处所有相关实体切磋商, 着重指出维持和平特派团执行的具体的建设和平 任务应按照国家自主权原则,基于相关国家的优先事项和具体情况
Notes that the strategy for early peacebuilding is still being developed by the Secretariat, and, in this regard, requests the Secretary-General to consult closely with Member States, the Peacebuilding Commission, United Nations agencies, funds and programmes and all relevant Secretariat entities throughout the process of preparing the strategy, and underlines that specific peacebuilding tasks undertaken by peacekeeping missions should be based on priorities of the country concerned and on the specific context, in accordance with the principle of national ownership




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