单词 | 切痛 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 切痛 —sharp painExamples:切肤之痛—keenly felt pain • bitter anguish See also:痛 n—pain n • headache n • ache n 痛—sorrow • thoroughly
教宗把 安樂死 定 義 為 “ 為 了 消 除 一 切 痛 苦 而有所為或 有所不為, 這 些 作為或 不為的 本 身 會 導 致 死亡, 或 意 圖導致 死亡。 legco.gov.hk | The Pope defined euthanasia as "an action or omission which of itself and by intention causes death, with the purpose of eliminating all sufferings. legco.gov.hk |
為此,我與絕大多數市民㆒樣,感 到深切痛心。 legco.gov.hk | The majority of the public and I myself [...] feel deeply sorry about that. legco.gov.hk |
深切痛惜恐怖主义给受害者及其家属造成的痛苦,对他们深表同情,并 强调必须向他们提供援助 daccess-ods.un.org | Deeply deplores the suffering caused by [...] terrorism to the victims and their families, expresses its profound solidarity with [...]them, and stresses the importance of providing them with assistance daccess-ods.un.org |
在今天大会向他表示他当之无愧的敬意之时,首 先请允许我代表非洲国家集团,表示我们对这一无法 挽回的损失的深切悲痛之情。 daccess-ods.un.org | On this day when the General Assembly pays a well-deserved tribute to him, allow me at the outset to express, on behalf of the Group of African States, our profound grief at this irreparable loss. daccess-ods.un.org |
最近 的事件——例如在坎大哈省潘杰瓦伊区残忍杀害大 多为儿童与妇女的 16 名无辜平民,在喀布尔北部焚 烧《古兰经》和类似暴行——造成阿富汗人民的 深切 悲痛、愤 怒和沮丧,可能破坏我们的信任与合作。 daccess-ods.un.org | The recent incidents — such as the brutal killing of 16 innocent civilians, mostly children and women, in the Panjwayi district of Kandahar province, the burning of the Holy Koran north of Kabul and similar atrocities — could undermine our trust and cooperation by inciting deep sorrow, anger and frustration among Afghan people. daccess-ods.un.org |
香港未來的利益對總督並無切膚之痛 , 而 有關後果對這些㆟士的影響又是微乎其微, 我不禁要質疑當局能否公正㆞評估其方案所帶來的後果。 legco.gov.hk | His future stake in Hong Kong is so peripheral that I most naturally question the Administration’s capacity to even-handedly assess consequences which have little impact on them personally. legco.gov.hk |
有㆒㆝我們任何㆟都 可能要面對子女或親㆟染㆖毒癖的切 膚 之 痛 , 誰 會知道這樣的事情不會發生? legco.gov.hk | Who knows one day, anyone [...] of us may face the agony of our own children, [...]our own relatives fallen prey to drugs. legco.gov.hk |
他的囡囡正是面對這種情況,所以他比起我更 有 切 膚 之 痛, 他的親身體驗比我更多。 legco.gov.hk | His daughter is facing such [...] conditions and so he feels the pinch of the problem acutely as he has more [...]personal encounters with it than I do. legco.gov.hk |
這㆒切都令㆟痛心,如果我們不是 本 真理必勝的信念,恐怕早已投降了。 legco.gov.hk | We probably would have capitulated long ago if we had had no faith in the invincibility of truth. legco.gov.hk |
打開香港的歷史檔案,我們亦看到殖民地政府直至戰後才開徵入息稅, 而且稅率維持在低水平,不是因為信奉某種經濟理論,而是殖民地政府自知 缺乏統治的正當性,不想納稅人因“ 切 膚 之 痛 ” 而時刻評估殖民地政府的正 當性、價值和施政得失,以免影響政治穩定。 legco.gov.hk | It was not because the colonial government upheld a certain economic theory, but because it was conscious of the lack of legality of its rule and fearing that political stability might be undermined if the taxpayers, who would suffer directly from an increase in tax, evaluate the colonial government's legality, value and success of administration time and again. legco.gov.hk |
同时,争取人权是联合国工 作的核心,但是有可能成为政治影响和政党游戏的 [...] 一部分,从而扭曲了人权的本旨,损害人权普遍性, 损害所有为保障人权而牺牲的人和所有要求尊重人 权而承受切肤之痛的人的名声。 daccess-ods.un.org | That struggle, which was at the very heart of the Organization’s action, must not be pursued in a context of power games and political one-sidedness; that could debase its underlying significance, impair its universality and offend the memory of all those who had given [...] their lives for it and of those who [...] were currently suffering personally for [...]having demanded a minimum of respect for human dignity. daccess-ods.un.org |
事 實 上 , 一般警 務人員對 於 那 些 害 之 馬 、 破壞警 隊聲譽 的 行為, 較 我們更 有切膚 之 痛 , 他 們 是 絕 對 不 會 認 同 的 。 legco.gov.hk | In fact, the police officers at large are more distressed by the bad deeds of their colleagues which are detrimental to the reputation of the Police Force; they certainly will not accept those black sheep. legco.gov.hk |
审议了秘书长的报告,6 表示严重关切继续发生惨痛暴力 事件,造成多人死伤,其中包括儿童和妇女 daccess-ods.un.org | Having considered the report of the [...] Secretary-General,6 [...] Expressing grave concern about the continuation of the tragic and violent events [...]that have led to many [...]deaths and injuries, including among children and women daccess-ods.un.org |
这已经导致严重的人类和经济负担,这种情况 我们现在正明显感受到,在过去半个世纪以来已深有 体会,而且,如果我们继续‘照常营业’,我们将在 未来以更快的速度体会到这种切肤之 痛。 teebweb.org | This in turn leads to serious human and economic costs which are being felt now, have been felt for much of the last half-century, and will be felt at an accelerating pace if we continue ‘business as usual’. teebweb.org |
关于我国取得的积极进展,我有许多话要说,我 必须重申我对处理科索沃问题的方法的 关 切 , 这 让我 感到痛心。 daccess-ods.un.org | There is so much to say about the progress in my country that is positive that it always saddens me that I must repeat my concerns about the way in which the issue of Kosovo is being handled. daccess-ods.un.org |
米切尔先生(联合王国)(以英语发言):英国政府谨 [...] 对巴基斯坦洪灾造成的人员伤亡和破坏表示 深 切 的悲 痛,并 对巴基斯坦人民持续遭受的苦难表示关切。 daccess-ods.un.org | (United Kingdom): The British Government would like to express its deep sadness at the loss of life and [...] destruction that has been caused by the floods in Pakistan and our concern for [...] the continuing suffering of the Pakistani people. daccess-ods.un.org |
他們都是從痛苦的切身經 驗㆗瞭解到這些預防工作的重要性,而 提出合理的要求, 因此,政府應該重視他們的觀點。 legco.gov.hk | They all have painful firsthand experience [...] from which they learned the importance of these preventive measures and they [...]have put forward some reasonable requests. legco.gov.hk |
必须倾听他们的 [...] 声音,必须赋予会员国必要的机制,使之能提供援助、 治愈受害者的伤痛,并采取切实措施保护和促进他们 的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | They must be listened to, and Member States must be provided with [...] the necessary mechanisms to offer [...] assistance, heal their pain and take concrete measures [...]to protect and promote their rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
强调少数群体许多成员,特别是少数群体儿童,缺乏平等机会和平等接受教 育的机会,从而不能充分地对所属群体和整个社会作出贡献,造成贫困的代际传 递无休无止,对于遭受歧视、经济边缘化和社会排斥的少数群体成员 有 切 肤之 痛,又 强调少数群体成员有效参与其所属社会的国家政治、文化、宗教、经济和 daccess-ods.un.org | Stressing that the lack of equal opportunities and equal access to education for many persons belonging to minorities, in particular minority children, prevents them from contributing fully to their own communities and to the wider society, and perpetuates the cycle of poverty experienced acutely by persons belonging to minorities facing discrimination, economic marginalization and social exclusion daccess-ods.un.org |
防止酷刑 [...] 小组委员会对该中心关押人员的法律处境、无限期拘留可能带来的精 神 痛 苦 深表 关切。 daccess-ods.un.org | The SPT is gravely concerned about [...] the legal situation of those held in this centre, [...] and about the mental suffering that an indefinite [...]detention may cause. daccess-ods.un.org |
4 月份由我荣幸担任主席的亚洲集团要我代表它 表达我们最深切的悲痛和哀 思,并且在波兰人民和政 府遭受这场民族劫难之际,表示我们对他们的支持。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Asian Group, which I have the honour to chair for the month of April, asked me to express, on its behalf, our deepest grief and sadness and our solidarity with the people and Government of Poland in the face of their great national calamity. daccess-ods.un.org |
在主席声明中,安理会还对武装冲突造成的浩劫 和 痛 苦 表示 关 切 , 强 调需要 防止冲突,并在已经发生冲突时恢复和平。 daccess-ods.un.org | The presidential statement also expressed the [...] Council’s concern over the devastation and suffering caused by armed [...]conflict and emphasized [...]the need to prevent conflict and, where conflict had broken out, to restore peace. daccess-ods.un.org |
但房委會似乎又再㆒次忘記了,沒有大問題並不是等於居民沒有 「切膚之痛」的 小毛病,若果居民經常要修補裂縫及處理漏水問題,他們又豈能真正享受 置業安居呢? legco.gov.hk | However, the Authority seems to have forgotten again that the absence of major problems does not mean that there are no minor defects which may bother the tenants a lot. legco.gov.hk |
更 令 人 憂 慮 的是,香港市民 的環保意 識 低 ,家居廢物 回 收率不足 10%,政府 也 [...] 沒有一套 健全的廢 物 回 收 政 策 , 令 廢 物處理成為香港須迫切解決的 頭 痛 問題。 legco.gov.hk | The recovery rate of household waste is below 10%, and the [...] Government has not put in place any sound policy on waste recovery, thus making [...] waste disposal a pressing headache in Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
还有一次,法院在 2002 年 7 月 10 [...] 日对“刚果境内的武装活动”(新的申请: 2002 年时,刚果民主共和国诉乌干达)一案下达的命令中,考虑了事实背景,宣 [...] 布法院“对刚果民主共和国东部的人民由于那里发生的战争而蒙受的悲惨遭遇、 生命损失和巨大痛苦表示深切的关 注”(第 54 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | On yet another occasion, in its Order of 10.07.2002 in the case concerning Armed Activities in the Territory of the Congo (New Application: 2002, D.R. Congo versus Rwanda), the ICJ, taking account of the factual context, declared itself “deeply concerned by [...] the deplorable human tragedy, loss of [...] life, and enormous suffering in the east Democratic [...]Republic of the Congo resulting [...]from the continued fighting there” (para. 54). daccess-ods.un.org |
国际社会必须作出安排,以防止局势进一步恶化,缓 解巴勒斯坦人民的人道主义和经济痛 苦 , 制止 一 切军 事行动,迫使以色列撤至 2008 年 12 月 27 日之前占 领的阵地,取消封锁,开放以色列控制的所有过境点, [...] 以及允许医疗和人道主义援助进入和撤离伤员。 daccess-ods.un.org | It must establish arrangements that will prevent further deterioration of the situation by [...] alleviating the [...] humanitarian and economic distress of the Palestinian people, putting an end to all military operations [...]and compelling [...]Israel to withdraw to the positions it occupied before 27 December 2008, to life the siege, to open all border crossings under its control and to permit medical and humanitarian assistance and the evacuation of the wounded. daccess-ods.un.org |
圣文森特和格林纳丁斯对持续封锁古巴造成的艰苦和人民 苦 痛 , 继续 关 切, 尽 管要求终止这一封锁的多次决议得到压倒性的国际支持。 daccess-ods.un.org | hardships and human suffering caused by the ongoing imposition of the embargo against Cuba, despite overwhelming international support for multiple resolutions that have called for an end to the blockade. daccess-ods.un.org |
强烈痛责一切基于 宗教或信仰原因而对他人采取的身心暴力和攻击行 为及煽动这种行为的言行,针对他人企业、财产、文化中心和礼拜场所的此类行 [...] 为,以及攻击和亵渎任何宗教的圣书、圣地和宗教标志的行为 daccess-ods.un.org | Strongly deplores all acts of psychological [...] and physical violence and assaults, and incitement thereto, against persons [...]on the basis of their religion or belief, and such acts directed against their businesses, properties, cultural centres and places of worship, as well as the targeting and desecration of holy books, holy sites and religious symbols of all religions daccess-ods.un.org |