单词 | 切成 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 切成—sliceless common: shred cut up (into pieces) 切成verb—dicev carvev Examples:切成块—dice (vegetable) cut into cubes 切成丝—shred (vegetable) grate
业界应使用专门用具分开处理生的食物和即食食物,把生 的淡水鱼切成薄片,以便彻底煮熟火锅和粥品中的鱼片。 cfs.gov.hk | They should use separate utensils to handle [...] raw food and ready-to-eat food, cut raw [...] freshwater fish intothinslices to facilitate [...]thorough cooking during hotpot and congee cooking. cfs.gov.hk |
我们要为 本组织提供必要的资源,以及时而主动的方式积极应 对发展挑战,从而使这一切成为可能。 daccess-ods.un.org | Let us make that possible by providing the Organization with the necessary support to respond to development challenges in a timely and proactive manner. daccess-ods.un.org |
下方的应用程序列表使这一切成为可能。 jabra.cn | The list of apps below make all of that possible. jabra.com |
镶嵌的工序用以较深色的燻制橡木,利用激光技术准确地将它切成三毫米的木条,提升木制底板的整体设计感。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Inlaid work using darker smoked [...] oak, precisely cut into three millimetre [...]strips using laser technology, helps to enhance [...]the design of the wooden floor. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
(第1条) 委员会重述对缔约国的建议,在《刑法典》中纳入涵盖《公约》第1 条所述一切 成份的酷刑定义。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee reiterates its recommendation that the State party include a definition of torture in its Criminal Code incorporating all elements contained in article 1 of the Convention. daccess-ods.un.org |
经过一夜的固化,Rucker先生和Pohl女士用解剖刀将制成的模型切成两部分,并将蜡质的曼德拉头部原型移除。 wacker.com | Having left the material to harden [...] overnight, Rucker and Pohl then used a [...] scalpel to cut the resultant mold into two pieces [...]– and removed the RP starch/wax head of Mandela. wacker.com |
小组委员会曾讨论 的事宜包括该宗塌楼事故的确切成因;政府当局 的跟进行动及当局对该宗事故的死因研讯结果 的初步回应;就私人单位的违例内部改建工程采 取的执法行动;政府当局为加强楼宇安全而采取 的多管齐下措施;以及整合各项有关楼宇保养及 维修的财政支援计划。 legco.gov.hk | The issues discussed included the actual cause of the incident; the Administration's follow-up actions and its initial response to the findings of the Coroner's inquest into the incident; enforcement against unauthorized alteration works inside private premises; the Administration's multi-pronged measures to enhance building safety; and consolidation of financial assistance schemes for building maintenance and repair. legco.gov.hk |
(rr) 支付因本公司的发起及成立而产生或须承担或本公司认为属初始性质 的一切成本、支出及开支,包括广告宣传成本、包销佣金、经纪费用、 印刷及文书开支以及於成立代理或地区理事会相关的开支。 pccw.com | (rr) To pay all costs, charges and expenses incurred or sustained in or about the promotion and establishment of the Company or which the Company shall consider to be preliminary, including therein the cost of advertising, commission for underwriting, brokerage, printing and stationery and expenses attendant upon the formation of agencies or local boards. pccw.com |
因此, 所需要的列支不准确,无法对工程的确切成本作出预计。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The definition of needs was thus imprecise, and a reliable provisional cost for the operation could not be derived from it. unesdoc.unesco.org |
模切是将纸料切成所需图案和形状的工艺。 leo.com.hk | Die-cutting is the process of cutting paper stock into any pattern or shape that is desired. leo.com.hk |
第一个人必须沿着桔子的赤道,把 它横切成两半;第二个人必须沿着桔子的南北轴、顺着自然的桔子瓣走向把它切成两半。 sallee.info | The second person must divide his on the north-south axis, along the naturally occurring segments. sallee.info |
24. 支 付 与 公 司 注 册 成 立 及 组 织 有 关 或 附 带 的一切 成本及开 支 golikmetal.com | 24. to pay all costs and expenses of or incidental to the incorporation and organization of the company golikmetal.com |
估算旅行的“确切”成本非常困难(估算应该包括 交通工具磨损吗? teebweb.org | Estimating the ‘true’ cost of travel can be difficult (should the calculation include wear and tear on cars? teebweb.org |
捐助界必须看到双方具有开展 有意义的和平进程的强大决心,制定出完成谈判和两 国解决方案的时间表,否则,继续向巴勒斯坦建国项 目提供资金的愿望将会减弱,进而破坏我们在过去 17 年中所取得的一切成就。 daccess-ods.un.org | Unless the donor community sees a strong determination by the parties to enter into a meaningful peace process with a timeline for the completion of negotiations and the two-State solution, willingness to continue funding the Palestinian State-building projectwill erode, undermining all that we have achieved over the past 17 years. daccess-ods.un.org |
苹果切成小丁状 – 依你的喜好,我通常会切至少6粒。 4tern.com | Usually I will cut at least 6 apples. 4tern.com |
王国政府尽一切努力为所有有能力进行研究、创造和创新的人提供各种条 件,供他们自由推广自己的成果,研究人员和作者的一切成果都受王国政府保护。 daccess-ods.un.org | For everyone who is capable to do research and create the creativity and innovation, the Royal Government provides all types of any possibility for them to promote their achievements freely and all achievements of the researchers and writers are protected by the Royal Government. daccess-ods.un.org |
(1) 支付发起及成立本公司的一切成本、支出及开支。 cre.com.hk | (1) To pay all the costs, charges and expenses of the promotion and establishment of the Company. cre.com.hk |
何时这一切成为现实 取决于我们如何去做。 zurich.com | It is how we deliver when it really matters. zurich.com |
梅指出“尽管(美国) 在非洲艾滋病肆虐的时候还在讨论知识产权的神圣性,但是在2001年11月美国成为利用炭疽 进行生物恐怖攻击的对象,这使得一切成为可能,随后强制许可迅速成为在健康紧急状态下 的合法战略。 lead-journal.org | May notes ‘Despite arguing for the sanctity of IPRs in the face of the AIDS crisis in Africa, when in November 2001 it seemed possible that the US had been the target of a bio-terrorist attack using anthrax, suddenly compulsory licensing became a legitimate strategy in health emergencies. lead-journal.org |
有鉴于这些关切,成立了主席之友小组,以期确定国民账户实施障碍,提出 解决办法,并就 [...] 2008 年国民账户体系实施方案发表看法。 daccess-ods.un.org | 6. In the [...] light ofthese concerns, theFriends of [...]the Chair group was formed to identify and suggest solutions to the barriers [...]to implementation of national accounts and reflect on the 2008 SNA implementation programme. daccess-ods.un.org |
研究人员先把该处的轩尼诗道横切成若干点算通道,然後每10分钟点算一次通过该等通道的人数。 hkupop.hku.hk | The research team first divided the cross section of Hennessy Road into several segments. hkupop.hku.hk |
总而言之,硅基GaN不需要封装,因此 能去除与封装相关的一切成本、电路板 面积、热阻、电阻及封装后功率器件经 常遇到的可靠性问题。 epc-co.com | In short, GaN on silicon eliminates the need for a package and therefore also eliminates both the cost, wasted board space, added thermal and electrical resistance, and the most common reliability issues plaguing packaged power devices. epc-co.com |
民研计划是采用多年来惯用的方法,把上述轩尼诗道地段的行车路面横切成为两条行人路线,每4分钟抽取2分钟点算经过有关行人路线的人数,然後合计经过该路段的总人数,再根据过往调查纪录调整中途插队或离队的人数,得出估计数字。 hkupop.hku.hk | The total number of demonstrators passing through the check point was then calculated, and the figure adjusted by a coefficient previously calculated to cater for the ratio of demonstrators who either left before reaching the check point, or joined the march beyond the check point. hkupop.hku.hk |
在Emilia地区有一个传统,举行聚会和举办宴会时餐桌的中央放上一块一分为二的Parmigiano-Reggiano奶酪,外表硬壳就自然的成为一个盘子,客人们使用杏仁形状的刀从中把奶酪切成片状享用。 knowfood.cn | In Emilia region it’s a tradition at parties and banquets offering in the middle of the table a big whole cheese of Parmigiano-Reggiano split in [...] two, with the rind used as natural plate from which the [...] guests take cheeseflakes withthe special [...]almond-shaped knife. knowfood.cn |
另一项专案位於洛杉矶附近,规模较小、较具中产阶级感受,设计过程很开放、很民主,计画最大阻碍并非经费、社区抗拒或既得利益,而是一位行政官员,他掌控预算,故拥有庞大权力,为了让一切成真,我们等於得为他规划市政预算,设计师该怎麽安排预算,才能让专案落实呢? thisbigcity.net | It was a very open, democratic design process, but what we realised was the biggest obstacle to this project was not money, not community resistance, not vested interests; it was a bureaucrat. thisbigcity.net |
但并非每个地区都具备市中心商业区的优势,且摩希过去25年间的努力,也随着城市不断变化,这些经验如今都在其他地区出现新应用方式,布洛顿(Helen Broughton)为半官方非营利组织「下一个底特律」(Next Detroit)社区主任,他在电话访谈中表示,「市中心当前一切成长,都起源於摩希创立的公司,我们其他人的作为都没那麽破釜沉舟,只是取他人之美,25年前和现在不可同日而语,情势更加艰难」。 thisbigcity.net | Not everywhere has the inherent benefits of being a downtown business district, though, and rehashing the individual efforts of Sue Mosey’s Midtown Detroit isn’t necessary to explain exactly how she began this process 25 years ago. thisbigcity.net |