单词 | 切忌 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 切忌 —avoid as tabooless common: avoid by all means See also:忌 v—fear v • scruple v 忌—give up sth. • be jealous of • quit • avoid or abstain from • dread
切忌一个人移动或举起泵。 graco.com | Never have one person move or lift the pump. graco.com |
在尋求解決辦法方面,我認為政府 切忌 為 了 急於求成,而倉卒制定㆒些嚴苛及 不合理的措施,使民生、經濟皆受到損害。 legco.gov.hk | It must avoid formulating harsh and unreasonable measures hastily which will impair people's livelihood and the economy. legco.gov.hk |
实际测试前,切 忌进行大面积粘合操作。 quadrantplastics.com | Never start bonding on a large scale before doing a practical test. quadrantplastics.com |
對此,我熱切期待,但寄語當局切忌 重 蹈覆轍,制訂另一套不公平的收費及 [...] 上訴機制。 legco.gov.hk | I earnestly look forward to this, [...] but I wish to tender a piece of advice to the Government: Do not repeat the past mistake [...]of putting in place another unfair fee-charging and appeal mechanism. legco.gov.hk |
因此,政府仍須遵守謹慎理財的原 則,切忌為博 取一時掌聲而大幅減稅及增加社會福利開支,埋下日後出現財 政危機的禍根,市民是會諒解的。 legco.gov.hk | It must not introduce any drastic tax reduction and increase social welfare spending for the sake of winning momentary applause lest this may sow the seed of financial crises in the future. legco.gov.hk |
為了 社 會的穩 定,教育是 一個戰 略 性 的 陣 地 , 在這方面, 切 忌 輕舉妄 動。 legco.gov.hk | Education is a strategic front where every move must be made with caution. legco.gov.hk |
既然施政報告同意「政府有責任支持經濟轉型」,就要果斷和徹底的 進行,切忌拖泥帶水。 legco.gov.hk | Since the policy address maintains that the Government has a duty to support the economic structural change, the Government must discharge this duty decisively and thoroughly. legco.gov.hk |
如 果特區 政府能 本 “小政府”的原則運作, 切 忌 不 務 正 業,隨 便 插 手 干預商 業市場運作, 盡 量 放 手 讓 相 關業界去辦 , 則可以增 加 市場的投資機 會。 legco.gov.hk | If the SAR Government operates according to the principle of "small government", strictly refrains from neglecting its proper duties and making whimsical interventions in the market, and, as far as possible, gives a free hand to members of the industries, there will be more investment opportunities in the market. legco.gov.hk |
切忌将非导电的聚丙烯或 PVDF 泵用于非导电易燃流体。 graco.com | Never use a non-conductive polypropylene or PVDF pump with non-conductive flammable fluids. graco.com |
近 年,內地改革 開 放 為社會 與 人民創 造 了 財富; 而 香 港作為特別行政 區 , 在習慣 了較為富 足的生 活 後 , 面對新的困難與 挑 戰 , 亦 要 切 忌 抱 保 護 主 義 的心態 。 legco.gov.hk | In recent years, the policy of reform and opening in the Mainland has created much wealth for the people and society; Hong Kong is a Special Administrative Region, and having enjoyed comparative affluence for so long, it must guard against any protectionist tendency when faced with new difficulties and challenges. legco.gov.hk |
切忌将料 桶吹卸空气辅助装置用于损坏的料桶。 graco.com | Never use drum blowoff air assist with a damaged drum. graco.com |
還有,民建聯認為,為配合推行強積金“半自由行”的安排,政府 必須加強現時的宣傳和教育工作,除了讓強積金中介人清楚瞭解他們 就條例草案所需遵行的要求及制裁外,同時亦需持續提醒市民在挑選 強積金受託人時必須注意的事項,包括必須清楚自己的實際需要、因 應自己的投資目標及考慮自己可承受的風險能力,來挑選合適的強積 金計劃;不要輕易和簡單地被過去投資回報率高的基金所吸引;或受 中介人的銷售手法所影響,魯莽地把自己的累算權益轉移至新的受託 人戶口中;又或切忌以“為轉而轉”及 “人轉我轉”的心態,而盲目地轉 換受託人,並要時刻警惕不可授權中介人轉移自己戶口的累算權益。 legco.gov.hk | Apart from enabling MPF intermediaries to have a clear understanding of the requirements and sanctions imposed on them in the Bill, the Government should also constantly remind the public of matters of concern in the choice of MPF trustees, including to consider their own actual needs, investment objectives and risk tolerance level in the choice of suitable MPF schemes; to avoid being easily and simply appealed by funds with high-return records in the past; to avoid recklessly transferring their accrued benefits to a new trustee account under the influence of sales gimmicks of intermediaries; never to blindly switch to a new trustee with the mentality of "switching for the sake of switching" and "switching because others do"; and to remain vigilant at all times not to authorize intermediaries to transfer the accrued benefits from their accounts. legco.gov.hk |
遇有故障特别是重大故障时,一定要先弄清楚相关情况后再决 定下一步的工作,切忌盲目处理。 newrocktech.com | In case of faults, especially major faults, take caution that no action is performed until all necessary information is collected. newrocktech.com |
政 府 固 然 應 鼓勵競 爭 , 但切忌 規 管 太 多 , 令 業 界 欠 缺 靈 活 性 或 令 巿 場 出現惡 性 的 競 爭 。 legco.gov.hk | Of course the Government should encourage competition, but it must be wary of overregulation sacrificing flexibility of the trades or causing vicious competition. legco.gov.hk |
就此,我們給政府的忠告,是一字記之曰“誡 ”: 切忌做出瓜田李下的舉動,又或嘗試干預傳媒自主。 legco.gov.hk | The Government should consider the feeling of the public. In this connection, we wish to tender an advice to the Government, that is, a simple word "caution": it must be cautious not to do anything to arouse suspicion or attempt to intervene with the autonomy of the media. legco.gov.hk |
所謂 前 車 可 鑒 , 這 次 政 府在擴 充 學額 時 ,務必 要達到 質 、量並 重 , 切 忌 盲 目追求數量上的指 標。 legco.gov.hk | The Government should learn from past lessons and in seeking to expand higher education this time around, it must make sure that both quantity and quality will be given due consideration. legco.gov.hk |
這是特區政府未能有效解決失業的關鍵,應該把握時間, 立即行動,切忌議而不決。 legco.gov.hk | The SAR Government has failed to effectively solve the unemployment problem and it should grasp the time and take actions immediately, and it must guard against having deliberations but not resolutions. legco.gov.hk |
切忌在有压力的时候移动或吊起泵。 graco.com | Never move or lift a pump under pressure. graco.com |
但與此同時,我亦要勸誡政府切忌「 矯 揉造作」,因為過分標榜成就及政績可能導 [...] 致「浮誇風氣」,甚至對政府的工作會造成不健康的發展。 legco.gov.hk | But at the same time, I have to exhort [...] the Government not to be "too artificial". [...]Because excessive flaunting of its attainments [...]and political achievements may lead to a "proneness to boasting and exaggeration", and this will affect the progress of work of the Government. legco.gov.hk |
由此可見,若想政策得以有效落實,必須時刻檢討當中的程序是否因時 制宜,切忌墨守成規,不懂得變通。 legco.gov.hk | From this, we can see that for a policy to be effectively implemented, the procedures involved must be consistently reviewed to ascertain whether they are in keeping with the times. legco.gov.hk |
切忌從寵 物店購買貓兒,因幾乎可肯定母貓 在極不人道的環境下被迫繁殖。 animalsasia.org | Never buy your cat from a pet store, where it is almost guaranteed that the mother has been bred inhumanely. animalsasia.org |
董 先生的 新 玫瑰園 計 劃 固 然 未能振 奮 人 心 ; 不少論 者 亦 指出,基建計劃 對於 刺激經濟及創 造就業 效 果 有限,尤其是在財 赤 嚴 重 的日子 ,政府 切 忌 好 大 喜 功 , 應該重新檢 討 基 建 工 程 的時間 表 , 集 中發展 具有經濟效 益 的項目。 legco.gov.hk | While Mr TUNG's new rose garden proposal has certainly failed to give people some sort of encouragement, there have also been views pointing out that infrastructure projects have just very limited effects in stimulating the economy or creating employment opportunities. legco.gov.hk |
最近,證監會拍攝了一輯電視宣傳片,宣傳切勿“跟隨羊 ”的信 息,並在電台作出廣播,提醒投資者 切忌 盲 目 跟風。 legco.gov.hk | The SFC has recently produced a television Announcement of Public Interest on the message of "do not follow the crowd" as well as radio programmes reinforcing the same message. legco.gov.hk |
但切忌以 炸 薯條,又或是太鹹、太甜的食物作為小吃。 centraleastlhin.on.ca | Avoid fried, salty and sugary snacks. centraleastlhin.on.ca |
切忌給您 貓兒餵飼人用藥 物(除非在獸醫直接指導下),這會引致非常嚴重後果。 animalsasia.org | Do not give your cat human medicine (unless under the direct supervision of a vet), as some can be fatal. animalsasia.org |
乘客被困在电梯内应按下应急按钮或用电话求救,并耐心等待救援人员到来, 切忌用力砸门、撬门和攀爬电梯。 newera.edu.my | Be patient and wait for rescuers to come. Do not bang on the lift door, force open the lift door or climb up the lift. newera.edu.my |
在這 裏 , 作為政 府 的 一方, 除 了 提 出適當的 配合及 鼓勵措施 外 , 便 須 緊守尺 度 , 切 忌 過於行政 干預或介 入 市 場 運 作 , 以 免 影響業 界 的商業決 定, 甚 至令市 民 產 生 種種脫 離 市 場 運 作 準 則的不 切 實際的 期 望 。 legco.gov.hk | Apart from putting forward suitable matching measures and incentives, the Government should apply its yardstick firmly and avoid excessive administrative intervention or participation in market operation. legco.gov.hk |
兩個辦事處切忌空泛 地加強經 貿聯繫或集中搞公關宣傳,應切實協助港商發掘投資機會,解決投資困難, 令港商(特別是中小型企業)較放心營運和開拓市場。 legco.gov.hk | Instead, they should assist Hong Kong businessmen in exploring investment opportunities and resolving their investment difficulties in a pragmatic manner to enable them (particularly small and medium enterprises) to be more at ease in operating their businesses and developing the market. legco.gov.hk |
此外, 我認為政 府在促進金 融 市場發 展 的工作 上 , 其 角色應 該 是 提 供 一 個優良 的 環 境 , 以 確 保 所有市場參 與者能在公 平 的 原 則下競爭, 但 切 忌矯枉 過 正 , 以過度的行政手段扶 助 中小規 模 的 業 者 , 而 違反公 平 競爭的 原 則 。 legco.gov.hk | However, the Government must bear in mind not to assist small and medium businesses by means of excessive administrative measures for that will violate the principle of fair competition. legco.gov.hk |
最后,我们应比以往任何时候都清醒地认识到, 要 切忌 自 满,毫不 动摇,坚定不移,持之以恒,并争取各类合作伙伴的支持和贡献。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Finally, more than ever, we are aware that we cannot be complacent in our efforts, but rather display unwavering determination and a strong will over the long term, drawing on the strengths and contributions of all partners. unesdoc.unesco.org |