

单词 分流

External sources (not reviewed)

如情況需要並在消防處要求下,醫管局會派出一名醫療控 制主任和若干醫療隊到現場為傷 分流 和 急 救。
If the situation warrants, and on the request of Fire Services Department, HA will send
a Medical Control Officer and Medical Team(s)
[...] to provide on-site triage of casualties, and [...]
emergency medical treatment.
政府當局估計,該路段將會為日 漸繁忙的獅子山隧道、大老山隧道、城門隧道以及大埔公路沿路的交 通,帶來疏導交通分流效應
The Administration has anticipated that there would be a diversion effect to ease the increasing traffic flow in the Lion Rock, TCT and Shing Mun Tunnels as well as along Tai Po Road.
由於海隧的擠塞問 題存在已久,當局希望探討是否可把海隧的 流分流至 另外兩條過海隧道。
As congestion at CHT is a long standing problem, the Government would like to explore whether there is room to divert traffic from CHT to the other two crossings.
就管制區的建議使用費水平,部分委員認為政府當 局須考慮所有相關因素,包括建議使用費水平對公共交通票價的影 響,以及有關水平可為各條替代路線帶來 分流 效 應
On the proposed toll levels for TSCA, some members expressed the views that the Administration should take all relevant factors into consideration, including the impacts of the proposed toll levels
on public transport
[...] fares as well as the effectiveness of the proposed toll levels in achieving traffic [...]
diversion among alternative routes.
這樣 有
[...] 助 於建立一個共 同的收 費 架構,以達致更好分流效果
Such would be conducive to establishing a common toll regime that would facilitate
[...] better traffic distribution.
(一) 現時使用上述通道的各類型車輛的平均每天實際數量與預測數 字如何比較; (三)
除了容許跨境貨運公司貨車無須事先向廣東省有關部門辦理增 加深圳灣口岸的批注,以及延長過境私家車試用該口岸的安排
[...] 外,粵港兩地政府會否採取其他措施,鼓勵更多貨車、貨櫃車以 至其他類型的車輛使用上述通道,以確保該通道可以發 分流作 用;若會,有關措施的詳情?
(c) in addition to exempting goods vehicles of cross-boundary freight companies from the requirement for applying to the relevant authorities in Guangdong Province in advance for additional Shenzhen Bay Port (SBP) crossing endorsement, and extending the arrangements for cross-boundary private cars to use that control point on a trial basis, whether the Governments of Hong Kong and Guangdong will adopt other measures to encourage more goods vehicles, container trucks and other types of vehicles to use the above corridor, so as
to ensure that the corridor can achieve
[...] its function of diverting traffic flows; if so, of the [...]
details of such measures?
經修訂的法例將只要求來自小投票站及點 分流 站 的 選 票,必須混合大點票站內最少一個票箱的選票後才可進行點 票。
The amended legislation will only require that, before counting the ballot papers delivered from the small polling stations and ballot paper sorting stations, they must be mixed with the ballot papers from at least one of the ballot boxes of the main polling station.
這次 選舉是《在囚人士投票條例》於二零零九年施行以來,首個 設有專用投票站和選分流站的 區議會一般選舉。
This was the first DC ordinary election in which DPSs and BPSSs were set up since the implementation of the Voting by Imprisoned Persons Ordinance in 2009.
(b) 由於駕駛者要 使用海底隧道才 能 獲 取 使用東隧/ 西隧的代 用 券 ,因此與方案 1A 及 1B 相 比 ,這個方案分流車輛至 另 外 兩 條隧道方面的效益 較 低 。
(b) As motorists would have to use CHT in order to obtain the coupons for use at WHC/EHC, it would be less effective in diverting traffic to the other two harbour crossings when compared with Options 1A & 1B above.
分流動網絡營辦商均贊 成這項建議,但有部分固定網絡營 [...]
Majority of mobile network [...]
operators support this proposal while some fixed network operators have concern and wish to study it further.
小組委員會察悉政府當局的意見,當局在釐定青沙管制區建 議的使用費水平時已考慮一籃子因素,包括用者自付原則、公眾的接 受程度及負擔能力、為各條替代路線疏導交通 分流 效 應 ,以及青沙 管制區的樞紐位置,以及替代路線的使用費等。
The Subcommittee notes the Administration's view that in determining the proposed toll levels for TSCA, the Administration has considered a basket of factors, including the user-pays principle, public acceptability and affordability, the diversion effect to ease the traffic of the alternative routes, and the strategic location of TSCA and tolls of alternative routes.
有關安排將取代 傳統的理科、文科及工/商科分流。
This replaces the traditional practice of streaming students into science, arts and technical/commercial subjects.
[...] 的意見後,同意提出修正案,以訂明大點票站 內最少有一個投票箱的選票須與小投票站或選分流站或專用投票站的選票混和,使大點票 站其餘投票箱內的選票可在其他投票站的選票 送抵前開始點算。
After considering members' views, the Administration agreed to move CSAs to the effect that the ballot papers in at least one of the ballot boxes of the main counting station should be mixed with the ballot papers from the small
polling stations or the
[...] ballot paper sorting stations or the dedicated polling stations, in order that the [...]
counting of votes of
the ballot papers in the remaining ballot boxes of the main counting station could commence before the arrival of the ballot papers from the other stations.
可見自深圳灣口岸開通後,其他陸路口岸的過境車輛流 量有所下降,深圳灣口岸初步發揮 分流 作 用
The decrease in the volume of cross-boundary traffic at other land boundary crossings since the commissioning of the SBP gives an initial indication of the diversion effect of the SBP.
附件第二部分列 舉了一些不能達至有分流的收 費方案的例子。
Some examples of the toll scenarios that cannot achieve effective traffic re-distribution are shown in Part II of Annex.
25.21 已推行的主要措施包括使用對身心機能造成障礙的 副作用較少的精神科藥物;為長期住院精神病人提供家居
環境形式的深入康復服務;為有思覺失調的青少年提供及 早評估;透過及早發現患有抑鬱症的長者以防止他們自
[...] 殺;為出院精神病人(尤其是經常入院的病人) 提供支援; 為居於私營安老院的長者提供老人精神科外展服務、急症 室精神科診症聯絡服務,以及在精神科專科門診診所設分流診所
25.21 Among the major initiatives implemented are the use of psychiatric drugs with less disabling side effects, intensive rehabilitation service in home-like settings for long stay mental patients in hospitals, early assessment for young persons with psychosis, prevention of elderly suicide through early detection of depression, support to discharged mental patients, particularly the frequently readmitted patients, psychogeriatric outreach services for the elderly in private elderly homes, psychiatric consultation-liaison service at
accident and emergency departments and
[...] the setting up of triage clinics at psychiatric specialist outpatient clinics [...]
(f) 加快立法會、區議會及村代表選舉的選 分流 站 的 選票分 類工作,規定首項工序是按選區/鄉村把選票或載有選票 的封套分類(而非點算及記錄每個投票箱內選票或載有選 [...]
(f) speeding up the sorting process in the ballot paper sorting stations [...]
for the LegCo, DC and VR elections, so that the
first step is to sort the ballot papers or envelopes containing the ballot papers according to each constituency / village (rather than to count and record the number of ballot papers or envelopes containing ballot papers in each ballot box).
(b) 保持高度警覺,採取病分流及員工自我隔離措施。
(b) Adoption of high index of
[...] suspicion by patient triage and self-exclusion [...]
of staff.
政府當局經考慮委員的意見後,建議透過提出委員會審議 階段修正案(下稱"修正案")修訂上述規例的相關條文,以訂明大點 票站內最少有一個投票箱的選票須與小投票站或選 分流 站 或 專 用投票站的選票混和,其餘投票箱內的選票因而可在小投票站、選分流站或 專用投票站的選票送抵前開始點算。
After considering members' views, the Administration has proposed to amend the relevant sections of the above regulations by Committee Stage amendments ("CSAs") to the effect that the ballot papers in at least one of the ballot boxes of the main counting station must be mixed with the ballot papers from the small polling stations or the ballot paper sorting stations or DPSs.
就基礎文憑(級別三)課程而言,如學生由個一課程 分流 轉 修 另一課程 分流 也 作轉 讀論。
For students studying FD (L3) Programme, transfer from one Programme / Stream to another is regarded as Transfer.
收割後,通常經除害劑和液臘處理,以免在運輸和銷售過程 受到真菌、害蟲的感染、或分的流 失 而致水果腐爛變壞。
Post-harvest treatments with pesticides and liquid waxes are often
carried out to avoid deterioration during
[...] transport and distribution due to fungal [...]
diseases, insect pests or loss of moisture.
為鼓勵將已在源頭分類的廚餘由堆填 分流 到 這 些廢物處 理設施,我們需要在設施啟用時推出相應的措施以提供經濟誘因推動 減廢和循環再造,包括透過建議的都市固體廢物收費計劃的方案下, 就都市固體廢物和廚餘進行收費。
This may include creating economic incentives through appropriate MSW and food waste charging options to be identified under the proposed charging scheme for MSW.
重要會計政策彙總說明如下: 資產與負債分流動與非流動之標準 流動資產包括現金或約當現金、主要為交易目的持有之資產,以 及預期於資產負債表日後十二個月內變現之資產;固定資產、無形資 產及其他不屬於流動資產之資產為非流動資產。
Non-monetary assets or liabilities carried at fair value that are denominated in foreign currencies are retranslated at the rates prevailing on the date when the fair value was determined, and the resulting exchange differences are included in profit or loss for the current period except for the differences arising on the retranslation of non-monetary assets and liabilities in respect of which gains and losses are recognized directly in equity.
政府當局已列明其為管制區擬訂使用費水平時曾考慮 的關鍵因素,包括用者自付原則、樞紐位置及替代路線的使用費、公 眾的接受程度與負擔能力、管制區每日的估計車輛流量,以及可疏導 各條替代路線的交通分流效應
The Administration has set out the key factors which it has taken into consideration in drawing up the toll levels for the TSCA, namely, the user-pays principle, the strategic location and tolls of alternative routes, the public acceptability and affordability, the estimated daily traffic flow in TSCA and the diversion effect to ease the traffic of the alternative routes.
重要會計政策彙總說明如下: 資產與負債分流動與 非流動之標準 流動資產包括現金或約當現金、交易目的持有之資產,以及預期 於資產負債表日後十二個月內變現之資產;固定資產、無形資產及其 他不屬於流動資產之資產為非流動資產。
Current assets include cash and cash equivalents, assets held for trading and those expected to be converted to cash, sold or consumed within twelve months from the balance sheet date.
(三)資產與負債分流動與非流動之 分 類 標 準 流動資產係企業因營業所產生之資產,預期將於企業之正常營業週期中變現、消 耗或意圖出售;主要為交易目的而持有;預期於資產負債表日後十二個月內將變現; 現金或約當現金,但不包括於資產負債表日後逾十二個月用以交換、清償負債或受有 其他限制。
Current assets include assets resulting from operating activities which are expected to be converted to cash, consumed, or sold within the normal operating period, assets held mainly for trading purposes, assets that are expected to be converted to cash within 12 months of the balance sheet date, and cash and cash equivalents that are to be exchanged or for debt repayment within 12 months of the balance sheet date and are not restricted.
(四)資產與負債分流動與非流動之 分 類 標 準 現金或約當現金、為交易目的而持有或預期於資產負債表日後十二個月內變現之 資產,列為流動資產;非屬流動資產者列為非流動資產。
Cash or cash equivalents and assets that will be held primarily for the purpose of being traded or are expected to be realized within 12 months after the balance sheet date are classified as current assets; all other assets shall be classified as non-current.
重要會計政策彙總說明如下: (一)資產與負債分流動與 非流動之標準 流動資產包括現金及約當現金、交易目的持有之資產,以及預期於資產負債表日 後十二個月內變現之資產;固定資產、無形資產及其他不屬於流動資產之資產為非流 動資產。
The Company’s financial statements were compiled in accordance with the Regulations Governing the Preparation of Financial Reports by Securities Issuers, the Business Entity Accounting Act, the Regulation on Business Entity Accounting Handling, and Republic of China generally accepted accounting principles.
[...] 基本皮膚性質分析及護膚方法、化妝及髮型訓練及實習、整體配搭技巧、市場 流分 析 、 顧客溝通 技巧訓練、職業英語及普通話。
Course Content Basic skin type analysis and skincare methods, make-up and hair styling
training and practice, mix and match technique,
[...] market trend analysis, communication [...]
skills with customers and vocational English and Putonghua.
本論文藉由黏彈模型結合三維電腦 流分 析 討 論典型之鏡片成型 案例,本文不但發現模擬結果預測出一些在充填與保壓過程中的有趣現象,並且證明此 COC 材料的預測結果在流動方向與厚度方向都與實驗相當吻合。
Furthermore, experimental verifications on the phenomena have been conducted with reasonable accuracy not only in form accuracy but in residual stresses.




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