

单词 分项

分项 ()

sub-item (of program)

External sources (not reviewed)

代表团还可就一并审议分项(b)和(c)各发言一次,最好 是合并发言一次,单个代表团的发言以 7 分钟为限,代表若干代表团的发言以 15 分钟为限。
Under sub-items (b) and (c), which are to be considered jointly, delegations may make two separate statements (one under sub-item (b) and one [...]
under sub-item (c)), preferably
combined together and not exceeding 7 minutes for individual delegations and 15 minutes for statements made on behalf of a group of delegations.
为审议有关实施《公约》第 12 条的分项目, 将首先进行小组讨论,包括根据 [...]
The consideration of this sub-item in the implementation [...]
of article 12 of the Convention will be introduced by a panel discussion,
including a presentation on the background papers for the topics under discussion, based on input from States parties.
[...] 七届会议期间第三委员会工作方案,其中包 项目 65 分项(a)和(b)(第 66/540 号决定)。
Also at the sixty-sixth session, under the item entitled “Revitalization of the work of the General Assembly”, the General Assembly approved the programme of work
of the Third Committee for the sixty-seventh session, which
[...] contained sub-items (a) and (b) of item 65 (decision [...]
[...] 表,经与谈判小组代表磋商,商定将 分项 目 的 审议推迟到第三十二届会议进 行。
The Chair informed the delegates that, following consultations with the representatives of
negotiating groups, agreement had been reached to defer the
[...] consideration of this sub-item to the thirty-second [...]
2009 年 5 月 18 日经济及社会理事会第 7 次全体会议决定,在理事会 2009
[...] 年实质性会议临时议程中题为“经济和环境问题:可持续发展”的议程项目 13(a)下列入一个题为“伊拉克南部地区沼泽地复原”的补 分项。
At its 7th plenary meeting, on 18 May 2009, the Economic and Social Council decided to include in the provisional agenda of the substantive session of 2009 of the Council, under agenda item 13 (a), entitled “Economic and
environmental questions: sustainable
[...] development”, a supplementary sub-item entitled “Rehabilitation [...]
of the marshes in the southern regions of Iraq”.
代表团还可就一并审议分项(b)和(c)分别发言一次(一 次是分项(b),一次是分项(c))。
Under sub-items (b) and (c), which are to be considered jointly, delegations may make two separate statements (one under sub-item (b) and one under sub-item (c)).
第一项,这是在第 1 款所设想,
[...] [...] 即条约在国家继承之日只是对其中一个被继承国有效:在这种情况下,应该假定 任何条约领土范围的扩大也涉及到被继承国有可能已经提出的对条约的保留,除 非继承国在这种扩大之时明确表示相反的意向 ( ( a ) 分项 ) , 或 保留因其性质或目的 而具有有限的领土范围((b)分项)。
The first, contemplated in paragraph 1, was that of a treaty that, on the date of the succession of States, had been in force for only one of the predecessor States: in such cases it should be presumed that any possible extension of the territorial application of the treaty also concerned any reservations to the treaty that might have been formulated by
the predecessor
[...] State unless the successor State expressed a contrary intention at the time of such extension (subpara.
有一个代表团强调,必须澄清开发署如何在有关布拉迪斯拉发区域中心 (DP/2010/23)方面“明确分项目管 理与业务咨询方式”,因为这涉及开发署如 [...]
One delegation stressed the need for
clarification on how UNDP will make “a clear
[...] distinction between project management and [...]
consulting modes of operation” with regard
to the Bratislava Regional Centre (DP/2010/23), as this relates to how UNDP defines the role of a regional centre versus a regional bureau and with regard to the context of achieving efficiency and effectiveness.
应开发并落实包分项数据 在内的少年司 法统计系统,以评估、预防并应对暴力侵害儿童事件。
A system for establishing juvenile justice statistics,
[...] comprised of disaggregated data, should [...]
be developed and implemented in order to
assess, prevent and respond to incidents of violence against children.
主任建议,鉴于一些成员表示希望会议一开始即审议氟氯烃淘汰管理计划项目,议 程项目 7 应在审议完议程项目 9 后即开始审议,分项目 7 (c)不在此列,分项目应 在议 程项目 9 之前审议,因其可能对所涉讨论具有影响。
The Chief Officer suggested that, in view of the desire expressed by some members to consider HPMP project proposals earlier in the meeting, agenda item 7 should be taken up after agenda item 9, with the exception of sub-item 7(c), which should be addressed before agenda item 9 as it might have an impact on the discussions thereunder.
联席主席介绍了分项目, 并提请与会代表注意一份载有关于臭氧消耗物 质过渡政策措施相关信息的决定草案的会议室文件,该份会议室文件由澳大利 [...]
The Co-Chair
[...] introduced the sub-item, drawing attention [...]
to a conference room paper containing a draft decision on information
on ozone-depleting substance transition policy measures, proposed by Australia, Canada, Croatia, the European Union, New Zealand and the United States of America.
在第4 次会议上,履行机构商定在第三十五届会议上继续审议这 分项 目, 并依照目前适用的议事规则草案第16 条,将这分项目列入该届会议的临 时议程。
At its 4th meeting, the SBI agreed
to continue
[...] consideration of this sub-item at its thirty-fifth session and, in accordance with rule 16 of the draft rules of procedure being applied, to include this sub-item on the provisional [...]
agenda for that session.
[...] 体活动联系起来,并列出每项活动的详 分项 费 用 ,为今后的预算制定打下良好的基础。
The Delegation reiterated their view expressed at the last session of the Commission that a business plan,
linking the strategic plan to activities and
[...] providing a breakdown of costs per [...]
activity could provide a favourable environment
for discussions on future budgets.
如果有与海外运营有关的信息的话,这些 信息一般出现在企业财务报告分项 报 告 中。
Overseas information, if any, was
[...] found in the ‘Segment report’ of the company’s financial reports.
新法会对参保人员定义和许多其他社会保 分项 都 有影响,如残 疾、失业、收入扶持、流动性和长期护理等。
The new Law has implications on the
definition of insured persons and many
[...] other social security branches, such as Disability, [...]
Unemployment, Income Support, Mobility and Long-term care.
科技咨询机构注意到秘书处编制的技术文件39 及本机构以前在这个议分 项目之下的结论和缔约方在本届会议期间表达的意见。
The SBSTA took note of the technical paper prepared by the
secretariat,39 its previous conclusions under
[...] this agenda sub-item and the views [...]
expressed by Parties during this session.
(a) 正如提交委员会的上一份关于技术合作与援助的说明(A/CN.9/675, 第 8(d)段)所述,秘书处向区域实施国际货物销售和国际商事仲裁公 分项 目定 期提供咨询,分项目是 东南欧开放区域基金项目——法律改革的一个组成部 分,由德国技术合作公司负责执行。
(a) As set forth in the previous note submitted to the Commission on technical cooperation and assistance (A/CN.9/675, para. 8(d)), the Secretariat has
provided regular
[...] advice to the sub-project Regional Implementation of the Convention on International Sale of Goods and International Commercial Arbitration, a component of the Project [...]
Open Regional Fund
for South-East Europe — Legal Reform, implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft fűr Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ).
国际原子能机构的代表指出,除了 CAC/29 INF/6
[...] 号文件中强调的那些活动之 外,粮农组织/国际原子能机构粮食和农业核技术联合司的粮食和环境保 分项 计 划将 于 2006 年 12 月在原子能机构总部组织召开国际植保公约植物检疫措施委员会植物检 [...]
疫处理技术小组第一次会议,尤其将讨论使用电离辐照对新鲜水果和蔬菜进行检疫处 理的问题。
In addition to those activities highlighted in document CAC/29 INF/6, the representative of the IAEA noted that the Food and Environmental Protection
Subprogramme of the Joint
[...] FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture was hosting the 1st Technical [...]
Panel on Phytosanitary
Treatments under the IPPC Commission on Phytosanitary Measures at IAEA Headquarters in December 2006 to discuss, among other issues, the use of ionizing radiation for quarantine treatments of fresh fruits and vegetables.
(f) 虽有上文(d)㈥、㈦和分项的规定,秘书长也可核准支付工作人员的 [...]
(f) Notwithstanding subparagraphs (d) (vi), [...]
(vii) and (viii) above, the Secretary-General may also authorize payment of
travel expenses for the repatriation of a former spouse of a staff member, provided that the staff member is holding a fixed-term or continuing appointment.
决定 决定 决定 决定在大会第六十七届会议临时议程题为“处境特殊的各国家组”的项 目下,列入题为“与内陆发展中国家的特殊需要和问题有关的具体行动:内陆和
[...] 过境发展中国家与捐助国及国际金融和发展机构过境运输合作问题国际部长级 会议的成果”分项目。
to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-seventh session, under the item entitled “Groups of countries in special situations”, the sub-item entitled “Specific actions related to the particular needs and problems of landlocked developing countries: outcome of the International
Ministerial Conference of Landlocked and
[...] Transit Developing Countries and Donor Countries [...]
and International Financial and Development
Institutions on Transit Transport Cooperation”.
作为计划的一分,项目将 提供关于风场 的运营和维护培训。
Training will be provided for the operation and the maintenance of the
[...] wind park as part of the project activity.
2009 年开始实 施了康分项目, 举办了以职业和培训康复为题的方法研讨会;组织了视频会 [...]
议,以处理匈牙利和罗马尼亚有关残疾人和工作能力改变的人的专业培训和再培 训的经验,将在培训中心的网页上推出培训康复论坛页面,将通过收集与传授经 验有关的内容元素编写一本方法手册。
The rehabilitation sub-project was started [...]
in 2009, whereby methodology seminars are organised in the topics of occupational
and training rehabilitation; video conference is organised to process the Hungarian and Romanian experiences regarding the professional training and re-training of people living with disabilities and changed work abilities, a training rehabilitation forum page will be launched in the homepage of the training centre, and a methodology brochure will be compiled by collecting the content elements involved in the delivery of the experience.
发展本地工程及建筑业能力是喀布尔学校方案的主要组成 分 , 项 目厅为约 500 个工程专业的学生提供了现场培训,这些学生中有传统上一直被阿 富汗建筑业排除在外的妇女。
Capacity development of the local engineering and
construction industry
[...] is a major component of the Kabul Schools Programme, with UNOPS providing onsite [...]
training for approximately
500 engineering students, including women who have traditionally been excluded from the construction industry in Afghanistan.
提供大部分的群件功能,包括行事历、联络人、待办 项 、 分 享 项 目 与 文件、分享知识、讨论区、书签和电子邮件。
Provide most of the groupware features including calendar,
[...] contacts , tasks , projects and share documents [...]
, share knowledge , discussion forums, bookmarks and e-mail.
如果认缴参加国已交存了合格的承诺文件,并且在此之后通知受托人在到期日期之 分 期款 项或部分分期款项是无限制条件的,那么即应在此通知日期之后的30 天之内支付分期款项 或部分分项款项。
(d) If a Contributing Participant has deposited a Qualified Instrument of Commitment and thereafter notifies the
Trustee that an
[...] installment, or part thereof, is unqualified after the date when it was due, then payment of such installment, or part thereof, shall be made within 30 days of such notification.
此项规定与前述规定相同,也考虑到了残疾问题,将对残疾家庭 的成员构成认定扩展到了与申请户主共同居住的患有残疾的子女和孙 子女,而在评分制度的分项中,规定户主,无论男女,如有残疾, 都可获得额外加分。
The decision also defines “disability”, extends the definition of a household to include partners’ children and grandchildren and provides for the allocation of bonus points under the points-based system to single heads of household with disabilities.
经济及社会理事会通过的第八届 会议临时议程(第 2007/277 号决定),把项目分为两个分项,即(a) 采取执行 方式,包括财政资源、能力建设和转让无害环境技术;以及(b) [...]
关于全球自愿金 融机制、组合办法和森林筹资框架的决定。
The provisional agenda for the eighth session, adopted by the Economic and Social
Council (decision 2007/277),
[...] has further classified this item into two sub-items, namely, (a) [...]
Applying means of implementation,
including financial resources, capacity-building and the transfer of environmentally sound technology; and (b) Decision on a voluntary global financial mechanism, a portfolio approach and a forest financing framework.
又决定在其第六十六届会议临时议程中列入题为“南南合作促进发展”分项目, 并请秘书长就南南合作促进发展的情况向该届会议提出一份全面报 告。
Also decides to include in the provisional agenda of its
[...] sixty-sixth session the sub-item entitled “South-South [...]
Cooperation for development”, and
requests the Secretary-General to submit at that session a comprehensive report of the state of South-South cooperation for development.
这所学校由Diane Fraser管理,她是法国少数采用ABA (Applied Behavioral Analysis,应用行为分析) 分析法的人员,项分析法在美国已使用60多年。
The school is run by Diane Fraser, one of the few people in France to use the ABA (Applied Behavioral Analysis) method that has existed for over 60 years in the USA.
在老师的日常工作中,对学生的成绩进行统计分析管理是一项非常重要也是十分麻烦的工作,如果能够利用EXCEL强大的数据处理功能,就可以让各位老师迅速完成对学生的成绩的 项分 析 统 计工作。
In the teacher's daily work, the performance of students for statistical analysis and management is a very important work is very troublesome, if able to take advantage of EXCEL's powerful
data-processing functions, so that teachers can prompt students to complete the
[...] results of the Analysis of statistical work.




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