

单词 分辨出

See also:



recognize v

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觀過知仁,我相信每㆒位「心水清」的市民都能 分辨出 哪 些㆟真正服 務社會,致力為港,哪些只懂空喊口號,做政治表演的政客。
I believe that every citizen "who has a clear head"
[...] will be able to differentiate those who really [...]
want to serve our society and work for
the betterment of Hong Kong from those politicians who only know how to stage political shows and shout empty slogans.
到目前为止,MRI只能分辨出容积 至少为 几微米的结构,但这一进展使得这种医学诊断装置能够对个别的蛋白质分子进行成像。
Until now, MRI has
[...] only been able to resolve structures that [...]
are at least a few micrometers in volume, but this advance
makes it possible for the medical diagnostic devices to image individual protein molecules.
PPV 鉴定并非一定分辨出该病 毒的株系,但是国家植物保护组织 可能希望对该病毒的株系进行鉴定,以有利于预测该病毒的流行学行为。
Strain identification is not an essential component of PPV identification [...]
but an NPPO may wish to determine the identity
of the strain to assist in predicting its epidemiological behaviour.
当您和宝宝相处一段时间后,就 分辨出 他 们 的哭声究竟是肚子饿的信号还是其他原因。
Once you get to know your baby’s cries, you’ll know which are caused by hunger and which are caused by other reasons.
他们不但能分辨出声音 的微妙区别,同时还能够确切地描述出他们听到的声音。
Not only were they expected to distinguishing subtle acoustic differences, they were also required to communicate exactly what they heard.
这样您就可以更好分辨出螺 旋角的区别。
In this way, the difference in twist angle [...]
can be seen more clearly.
当数字(位)影像档被写回到胶片时,其结果与原有画面的差异不 分辨出 来。
When the digital image files are written back to film, the
[...] result is not readily distinguishable from the original.
(c) 如無,政府會否將船民的資料送交越南政府查核,當有通緝犯 分辨出 來, 便盡速將他們遣返越南,以增進兩㆞政府打擊罪犯的合作及減輕本港羈留㆗ 心的負擔?
(c) if not, whether the Government will send the personal particulars of the boat people to the Vietnamese Government for vetting, so that the wanted criminals identified can be repatriated to Vietnam as soon as possible, thus promoting cooperation between the two Governments in their fight against criminals and alleviating the burden on the detention centres in Hong Kong?
但是,即使在人与地方的messias有明显预示,在一起的是我们已经学 分辨出 他 第一次也是他第二次来往往给的弥赛亚王国全貌一eschatological性格属于融合的预言实际上只进行到最后阶段。
But even when the person and
[...] place of the Messias are distinctly foreshadowed, the fusion together in prophecy of what we have learned to distinguish as His first [...]
and His second coming
tends to give to the whole picture of the Messianic kingdom an eschatological character that belongs in reality only to its final stage.
消费者未必分辨出Scott 和Kleenex面巾纸之间的差别;但如果不同产品品牌有鲜明的特色,他们就会更容易辨认。
Consumers may not be able to tell the difference between Scott [...]
and Kleenex tissues, but if the product brand is well characterized,
it makes it easier for them to recognize.
   UL 研发部门 (Corporate Research Center) 现正积极着手研究 PV AFCI 的测试方法,基于 PV AFCI
[...] [...] 必须要能够在各种不同的情境下及时准确地侦测到故障电弧并切断系统电源,研究的首要工作是设计可模拟各种真实故障电弧状况的测试机具,包括接点松脱、接触不良、接线断裂、绝缘材碳化、电线受潮、绝缘材破裂…等;另研发的工作尚涵盖仿真一些伪讯号,如系统启动时的突波、直流开关切换、变频器的相变化等,由于这类的讯号特征十分接近故障电弧,而良好的 PV AFCI 则必须分辨出两者的不同。
UL R & D department ( Corporate Research Center ) is actively working on PV AFCI test methods, based on the PV AFCI must be able to in a variety of different situations timely and accurately detect the fault arc and cut off the power supply system, the primary research work is the design can simulate a variety of real fault arc status testing equipment, including contact loose bad contact, connection, fracture, insulating material, insulating material moisture, carbide wire rupture ... ; other R & D work still covers some pseudo signal simulation, such as the system startup surge, DC switching converter, phase change, because this kind of
signal characteristic is very close to the arc fault, and good PV AFCI
[...] must be able to distinguish between the two different.
通过不同的显示符号能清晰分辨出 各 个 测量环
The short waviness is a very useful tool for judging point to point detail and not only the general waviness of the complete flange.
連接思維的訣竅在於能夠把現代工程師和工程 分辨出 來。
The knack of connected thinking is what distinguishes the modern engineer from the geek.
但是,CLIP是有局限的,由于UV交联的低效率,这是因为非交联的RNA分子更加容易被逆转录,结果导致高的噪声比和很 分辨出 交 联 与非交联的靶RNAs。
However, CLIP is limited because of low efficiency of the UV crosslinking, because non-crosslinked RNA molecules are more readily reverse transcribed, which
in turn results in high noise ratios and
[...] difficulty to distinguish between the [...]
crosslinked and non-crosslinked target RNAs.
为了能正确区分而便于进行有重点的介入治疗,急切期盼有可以从糖尿病患者 分辨出 引 起 血管障碍病发症可能高的患者的方法。
It has been expected to establish a detection method of highly possible vascular disorders in diabetic patients so that intensive interventions are available.
作为行人,我们能够从汽车发出的声音快 分辨出 汽 车的基本驾驶情况,如加速度、速度、方向,甚至驾驶员的态度。
As pedestrians we quickly decide from the sound a car makes what its basic driving parameters are, such as acceleration, speed, direction, even the attitude of the driver – and we mostly do this subconsciously.
看某些些乐队,可能很分辨出硬核 和重金属的区别,但是从Black Sabbath出现后两者基本的差别就很明显的存在了,金属倾向更黑暗和更富威胁成分,而硬核(大部分情况)还是保留着华丽的,庞大的派对音乐。
With some bands, it can be difficult
[...] to tell where the dividing line between hard [...]
rock and heavy metal falls, but the basic
distinction is that ever since Black Sabbath, metal tends to be darker and more menacing, while hard rock (for the most part) has remained exuberant, chest-thumping party music.
指定属性(Appointment Attributes)-Xtreme Calendar提供了几种途径来定制日程表中指定任务的外观,这样的话,只要观察一下外观,就能很容易 分辨出 是 哪 种指定任务。
Appointment Attributes - Xtreme Calendar provides several ways to customize the appearance of the appointments in the calendar to make it easy to see what the appointment is simply by looking at it.
之所以设置此上限,是因为人类肉眼很 分辨出 更 高 的帧率了(大多数人观看 30 FPS [...]
The reason for this is it’s well above the level humans can notice (most
[...] humans by 30FPS see animation being “fluid”).
對肉眼來說,大部分鑽石都是無色的;然而一位專家卻 分辨出 最 微 小的顏色差別,以決定鑽石的價值。
An expert, however, can distinguish the minimal nuances of colour that determine the value of a stone.
還借鑒了 Cayenne Turbo 極具特色的夜間照明設計的燈光佈局,可以透過外側進氣口內的前燈,及主頭燈內的四個 LED 日間行車照明聚光分辨出來。
Also borrowed from the Cayenne Turbo is the light graphics with characteristic night design recognisable by the front lights in the outer air intakes and by the four LED spots for the daytime running lights in the main headlights.
然而,这些消息在编制时要非常仔细,因为大多数客户都 分辨出 他 们 收到的是预制消息。
However, such messages should be
[...] written very carefully, as most customers [...]
will be able to tell when they've been sent a canned message.
本研究選擇使用人均生 産總值的比例計算同等價值,部分原因是由於這個地 區的人均生産總值數據是容易得到的資料。此外,人 均生産總值可以非常理想地把相對富裕的香港和澳門 從珠三角其他城分辨出來。
The average person-years of life lost (PYLL) per death of the nine prefectures was also the same as in Hong Kong.
其像素密度之高,讓你的眼睛根本無 分辨出 個 別 像素。
Its pixel density is so high,
[...] your eye can’t distinguish individual pixels.
所有柱状体对不同波长的光具有相同的感觉灵敏度,因此不 分辨出 物 体 的颜色。
All rods have the same sensitivity to the wavelengths of light and, therefore, cannot see the color of an object.
該 詮 釋 要 求
[...] 香 港 財 務 報 告 準 則'運 用 於 集 團 不分 辨 出 接 受 的 全 部 或 部 分 商 品 或 服 務,但 同 [...]
時 以 權 益 工 具 或 負 債(基 於 集 團 權 益 工 具 的 價 值)作 為
對 價,且 此 部 分 商 品 或 服 務 的 價 值 小 於 權 益 工 具 或 負 債 的 公 允 價 值。
This interpretation requires HKFRS 2 to be
[...] applied to any arrangement in which the Group cannot identify specifically [...]
some or all of the goods
or services received, for which equity instruments are granted or liabilities (based on a value of the Group’s equity instruments) are incurred by the Group for a consideration, and which appears to be less than the fair value of the equity instruments granted or liabilities incurred.
1 4 處 理 涉 及 多 宗 交 易 的 罪 行 所 出 現 的 問 題 , 在 於分 辨 出 究 竟 當 中 只 有 一 個 根 本 的 協 議 ( 因 此 所 有 交 易 均 屬 於 該 協 議 的 組 成 部 分 ; 有 人 稱 這 樣 的 協 議 為 ﹡ 連 環 共 謀 ﹢ ) ,14 還 是 同 謀 者 犯 案 的 形 式 是 將 每 一 宗 交 易 分 開 處 理 , 故 此 參 與 了 多 個 獨 立 的 共 謀 。
The problem in a multi-transactional offence is whether there is only one underlying agreement (and therefore all of the transactions which took place are part of that agreement, sometimes called a "rolled-up" conspiracy),14 or whether the conspirators decided to conduct their criminal activities on a transaction-by-transaction basis and participated in a number of separate conspiracies.
广州文化市场服务平台”手机应用提供了正版书籍查询功能,市民只需通过智能手机(Android平台以及苹果平台)下载应用程序,通过摄像头扫描书籍的条形码,就能将书籍的信息与官方的正版书籍数据进行比对,从而辅 分辨出 书 籍 是否盗版。
In this regard, “Guangzhou Cultural Market Services Platform” Mobile applications provided a “Genuine Books Query Function” for the Public to download to their Smartphones (Android Platform or Apple iOS platform).
在本報告內,如果計數系統(液體閃爍計數系統除外)測得的 輻射水平過低,以致統計㆖不 分辨出 信 號 是否來自本底噪擾, 我們便根據所測得的本底,估算出最小可探測放射性活度。
In this report, if the radiation level for a counting measurement, except the liquid scintillation counting, is too low to distinguish the signal from the background noise with statistical confidence, the estimated minimum detectable activity (MDA) for detection, based on the background noise detected, is reported.
希腊人和罗马人当时忽略了仍有利用磁场寻找方位的可能性,与此同时,似乎中国人早就知晓以某种方式利用它: 在公元前2600世纪左右,感谢一架不可思议的拖车,黄帝赢得了一场与蚩尤王子的战役, (拖车指向南方)。多亏了这个装置,皇 分辨出 了 敌 兵出逃之路,虽然敌兵掩藏在一层焰雾覆盖下: 在战车上固定了一个木质人形的模型,它围着自己转动,手臂张开,指向南方(指示南方显而易见,同时也是指向北方,但是中国人认为南为大,指南更为重要)。
The Greeks and the Romans didn't know the possibility to use magnetic fields for orient, but this possibility probably was known by the Chinese people: about in 2600 B.C. Hoang-Ti the emperor won Tchi-Yeou the prince using a magic cart, the See-Nan (cart indicating the South), finding the way of escape of the enemy that has been covered by smoke: on this cart there was a rotating human shaped figure with an arm stretched indicating the South (obviously indicating the North too, but the South was the most important cardinal point for the Chinese people).




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