

单词 分租客

See also:

分租 v

sublease v
sublet v

租客 pl

landlords pl


rent v
hire v

External sources (not reviewed)

(d) 考慮把政府作為納入條例草案第38及
[...] 39條 的涵蓋範圍,並擴大條例草案第39(3)及 (4)條的涵蓋範圍,使分租客同樣 受保障。
(d) consider including government acts within the scope of Clauses
38 and 39 and extending the coverage of Clause 39(3)
[...] and (4) to cover sub-tenants within the scope of [...]
protection as well.
(b) 關注到撤銷租住權管 制的建議生效後,對 住宅樓分租客所作 的過渡安排
(b) Concern about the transitional
[...] arrangements for sub-tenants of domestic premises [...]
after the proposed removal of security of tenure
當局認為有關修訂已能有 效阻遏騷租客和分租客的行為,因此,沒有迫切及充 分有力的理據顯示必須推行這項建議。
There is no compelling justification to take forward this recommendation.
(c) 集體承租的公共屋 街市,經營者分租客可自 行作出商業決定。
(c) Operators and sub-tenants of single-operator [...]
markets in public housing estates are given a free hand to make their own commercial decisions.
(43) 就任何目的向香港任何的審裁處提出申請,尤其是申請命令將本公司之 任何樓宇或本公司於其擁有權益之樓宇摒除於業主與租戶(綜合)條例第
[...] 一部分的進一步適用範圍之外,向該等樓宇之租戶 分租客 或 佔 用人支 付賠償金,及拆除和重建上述樓宇。
(43) To apply to any Tribunal in Hong Kong for any purpose and in particular for an order excluding any premises of the Company or premises which the Company is interested in from the further application of Part I of the Landlord and Tenant
(Consolidation) Ordinance, to pay
[...] compensation to the tenants, sub-tenants or occupiers [...]
of such premises, and to demolish and rebuild the same.
若 業主因 主租客 欠 交 租 金而終止其包租 權 , 為 保分 租 客 的利益 ,主席同 意 業主應分租 客 批 出租 約 ,租期以不超 過主租客 與業主原先所 訂 的 為限。
To protect the
[...] interest of sub-tenants when the principal tenancy was terminated by the landlord due to non-payment of rent by the principal tenant, the Chairman agreed that sub-tenants should be granted a tenancy which term [...]
was not longer than
the tenancy term between the principal tenant and the landlord.
(iv) 如果經營者分租客的表現不符理想,房委會保留終止與單㆒經營者所 訂租約的權利。
(iv) the Authority retains the right to terminate the agreement with the single operator in case of unsatisfactory performance on the part of the operator or his sub-tenants.
第 二 ,條例草案亦建 議 更租客和 分 租客因 住 所 重建而獲得的法定賠償 金 的 計 算方法 。
Secondly, the Bill also recommends that change be made to the formula of calculating
statutory compensation payable by the
[...] landlord to the tenant and sub-tenant as a result of [...]
repossession for redevelopment.
在 文件中闡 明政府當局將 採取何種 行政措
[...] 施,令前土發公 司 餘下13個 項 目租客及分 租客, 仍可有權 享有原來補償,一 如該條例第 [...]
IV部 的 相 關 條 文 未有廢除。
To include in the paper the administrative
measures which the Administration
[...] would adopt to enable tenants and subtenants of the [...]
remaining 13 former LDC projects to
continue to be entitled to compensation as if the relevant provisions in Part IV of the Ordinance had not been repealed.
這 項 建 議會令佔用較小面積租客及 分 租客獲得較合 理的賠 償 , 有 助 紓 解 他 [...]
們 搬 遷 時 的 負擔。
This proposal enables tenants and sub-tenants occupying smaller [...]
areas to receive more reasonable compensation to alleviate
hardship arising from removal.
(d) 在 表 格
[...] 22A及 22B內答辯人的 姓名一 欄 下 加入分 租客”。
(d) include “sub-tenant” under respondent’s [...]
name in Forms 22A and 22B.
(10) 依 據第(1)款獲批予收 回 管有命 令 的業主,須 推 定 為對該命 令 的 作 出 、該命 令 的條款 以租客或分 租 客就交 回 空 置情況㆘的管有所給予的 同 意 , 均 屬 知 情 , 直 至相反證明成立為止。
until the contrary is shown, to have knowledge of the making of the order, of the terms of the order, and of any consent given by the tenant or sub-tenant in connection with the delivery of vacant possession.
正 因 為香港今㆝的 租 盤 供 應 量 十 分 充 裕 , 大分 租客不用 害 怕 租不到合適 的單位 , 或 遭 業主無 理 抬 價 , [...]
因 此 , 徹底取消 租管的條文,是切 合 時宜的做 法 。
As there is an
[...] abundant supply of rental flats in Hong Kong, the majority of tenants no longer [...]
need worry about not being
able to find suitable dwellings, or being force to accept unreasonable rents.
(c) 在政府當局有關“條例草案的指定實施日期”的文件中,加 入在撤銷租住權管制的建議生效後,對住宅樓 分租客所 作的過渡安排。
(c) include in the Administration’s paper regarding the “appointed date for implementation of the Bill” transitional arrangements for subtenants of domestic premises after the proposed removal of security of tenure.
2.2.10 受助人若打算與其他申請人共住一個單位,兩 人 必須與業主 或租客分 開 訂 立租約 。
2.2.10 A recipient who intends to share the flat with another applicant must
[...] arrange for a separate lease with the landlord [...]
or the principal tenant.
2008 年和 2009 年,项目厅向客分租空间 而产生的收入可以完全抵充付给 出租方的费用。
In both 2008 and 2009, the income generated by
[...] UNOPS through sub-leasing to tenants fully covered [...]
the costs payable to the lessor.
最近,位於屯門第 38 區的環保園終於找到租客,分別經營廢塑膠、 廢輪胎和廢木材的循環再造生意,但步伐來得太慢、也太小。
But the pace is really too slow and small.
租 約付款額會時常變動,以反映市場租金走勢,其中亦包括 租客 營 業 額用不同的 分 率 計算的或有租金。
Lease payments may be varied periodically to reflect market rentals and may contain a contingent rental element
[...] which is based on various percentages of tenants’ sales receipts.
我們的高功率衛星 加上廣泛的服務範圍,讓我們得以 客 戶 提 供由單一衛星連接至全球 分 之 二 人口的高質素和可靠服務。
The high power of our satellites and our
range of
[...] services allow us to provide our customers with high quality and reliable access [...]
to two-thirds of the world’s population from a single satellite.
該六個經營部份之主要業務分別為成衣製造、成衣貿易、品牌產 分 銷 、物 業 租 賃 與 管理、物業 發展及投資活動。
The principal activities of the six operating divisions are garment
manufacturing, garment trading, branded
[...] products distribution, property rental and management, property [...]
development and investing activities.
如申請人遞交的租單副本顯示,租金與其在申請表第三 分所 填 寫的金額相同,他只需要遞交申請日期前過去 3 個月的其中 一個月的租單副本(需顯示住戶其中一位為該單位 租客 及每 月租金)。
If the rent shown on the copy of the rental receipt submitted by an applicant
is same as the amount
[...] indicated in Part 3 of the application form, the applicant is only required to submit copy of the rental receipt (showing any of the household members as the tenant of the flat concerned and the monthly rent) of any one of [...]
the 3 months prior to the application date.
如果按照這樣安排,根 據我們以往經驗,㆒個私㆟重建,甚至其他重建計劃,需要時間去推行,如 租客不 揀選搬去那區的話,通常在樓宇就快拆卸時,房屋委員會已經可以安排到若干的公屋 給這租客,雖然並非㆒定是租客 所 挑 選的區域。
According to past experience, a private redevelopment project, or other redevelopment projects as well, takes time to
implement, and under
[...] this arrangement, if tenants are not selective on the districts, than most likely when the building concerned is about to be demolished the HA would have already been able to arrange certain public housing units for these tenants, though these units [...]
may not be in districts of their choice.
(a) 承租人須以獨資經營者身分經營攤檔,不得將攤檔或與其有關的 任何權益或權利轉移、按揭、抵押 租 讓 、 分租 , 或 放棄管有該 攤檔,或將該攤擋或與其有關的任何權益或權利變賣或與他人協 議作上述的交易。
(a) The Tenant shall carry on business as a sole proprietor at the Stall and shall not assign, mortgage, charge, demise, underlet or part with the possession or otherwise dispose of the Stall or any associated interest or right or enter into any agreement so to do.
(i) 將本公司所獲取或持有權益的任何土地發展和加以利用,尤其是將該等土地整理和準備作建 築用途,建造、改動、清拆、裝飾、保養、布置、裝備和改善建築物,以及進行種植、鋪
[...] 路、排水、種植、耕作、以租地建築契或建築協議出租,並向各類建造商 租客 及 其 他人墊 付款項,以及與他們訂立各種合同和安排。
(i) To develop and turn to account any land acquired by the Company or in which the Company is interested, and in particular by laying out and preparing the same for building purposes, constructing, altering, pulling down, decorating, maintaining, furnishing, fitting up, and improving buildings, and by planting, paving,
draining, farming,
[...] cultivating, letting on building lease or building [...]
agreement, and by advancing money to and entering into contracts and arrangements of all kinds with builders, tenants and others.
市建局針對市區重建問題,成立了六 分區                                                          諮詢委員會,問題是這些委員會的業主 租客 、 區議會、本地非政府組織,和 學者代表,都是由市建局委派的,而且會議閉門進行,進一步削弱其認受性。
Although six DACs have been established  to  advise  on  the  URA’s  redevelopment  plans,  these  committees  are  comprised  of  representatives  of  owners,  tenants,  District  Councils,  local  NGOs  and  academics.
[...] 到一张表(见表八.8.),显示联合国所有租赁房地产的租约到期日、年租金估计 数和面积,并在设施管理处签订的长期租约、基本建设总计划周转空间、设施管 理处租用的基本建设总计划周转空间和设施管理处为“团结”项 租 赁 的 房地产 之间进行了分。
In this connection, the Advisory Committee was provided with a table (see table VIII.8) showing the lease expiry, estimated annual rental costs and square footage of all United Nations leased properties, distinguishing between longterm leases concluded by the Facilities Management Service, capital master plan swing
spaces, Facilities
[...] Management Service leases in the capital master plan swing spaces and properties leased by Facilities Management [...]
Service for the Umoja project.
国家中央局还进行其他具体工 作,例如任命反恐联络员;把刑警组织的 I-24/7 计算机系统同各警察单位联系
[...] 起来,使移徙和移民事务总局能够进入刑警组织的固定网络数据库和机动网络数 据库,检查国际机场客名单 ,以防止恐 分 子 入 境和过境;更新丢失和被盗护 照数据库;以及调查和登记希望在萨尔瓦多活动的各国际基金会。
The National Central Bureau carried out other specific work such as appointing the terrorism liaison official; linking the INTERPOL I-24/7 computer system and police units, giving the General Directorate of Migration and Immigration access to the Fixed Interpol Network Database and Mobile
Interpol Network
[...] Database (FIND/MIND) to check passenger lists at the international [...]
airport in order to prevent terrorists from entering and passing through
the country; updating the database of lost and stolen passports; and investigating and registering international foundations that wanted to operate in the country.




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