单词 | 分界 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 分界 noun —delineation nExamples:分界线—dividing line 大分界岭—Great Dividing Range, mountain range in Eastern Australia 隔军事分界线—military demarcation line MDL • refers Korean demilitarized zone DMZ
(f) 選管會須顧及現有的地方行政區的 分界 及 現 有的地 方選區分界( 第 20(4)條 ) 。 legco.gov.hk | (f) the EAC shall have regard to the [...] existing boundaries of Districts and existing boundaries of GCs (section 20(4)). legco.gov.hk |
另一个教训是,争议不断的水域应成为一个和平区,直至将军 事 分界 线 延长 至该海域。 daccess-ods.un.org | Another lesson is that the dispute-torn waters should be turned into a peace zone until a new extension [...] of the Military Demarcation Line is set there. daccess-ods.un.org |
进入室/接入间 [...] (ER) 数据中心结构化布线系统与大楼间布线之间的接口使用的空间(包括运营商 分界硬件和设备)。 molexpn.cn | The space used for the interface between the Data [...] Centre structured cabling system and inter-building cabling (this [...] includes carrier demarcation hardware and equipment). molexpn.cn |
基 本科学和应用科学之间本来就不十分清晰 的 分界 线 现在变得越发混淆。 iprcommission.org | There has also been an erosion of the division, never very distinct, between basic and applied science. iprcommission.org |
6] 应确定其他国际标准制定组织的工作的相关性,向所有参与者明确说 明分界线。 codexalimentarius.org | 6] The relevance of the work of other international [...] standards setting bodies should be determined, and a [...] clear statement of demarcation lines made clear [...]to all participants. codexalimentarius.org |
政府當局提出增加該兩個區議會民選議席數目的建議,應 可提供所需的空間讓選管會重劃東涌和將軍澳的區議會選區, [...] 以維持每個議席相對的人口在標準人口基數的±25%之內,而無 須大幅改動區內其他區議會選區的 分界。 legco.gov.hk | Its proposal of increasing the number of elected seats on these two DCs should provide EAC with the necessary scope to redraw the DCCAs in Tung Chung and Tseung Kwan O in such a way as to bring the population-to-seat ratio to [...] within 25% of the population quota without causing substantial [...] changes to the boundaries of other DCCAs [...]in the districts. legco.gov.hk |
全球分工的增加是行业内贸易流动持续上涨的部分原 因,意味着零部件和子系统供应必须跨越机构和国 际 分界 进 行 协调。 daccess-ods.un.org | Increases in the global division of labour, which help account for the continuing rise in [...] intra-industry trade flows, mean that component and subsystem supply must be coordinated across [...] organizational and international boundaries. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于“贵国政府是否考虑对外层空间下限和(或)空气空间上限进行定义 的可能性”的问题,由于如问题(b)所述,目前尚未在协商一致的基础上建立外 层空间与空气空间之间的分界线,阿尔及利亚政府继续支持的通常认识是,空 间活动就是发射预定在轨道中停留一段特定时间的空间物体。 daccess-ods.un.org | In response to the question “Does your Government give consideration to the possibility of defining a lower limit of outer space and/or an upper limit of airspace?”, given that the boundary between outer space and airspace has not yet been established on the basis of consensus, as mentioned in question (b), the Government of Algeria continues to support the conventional view that space activity consists in the launch of space objects intended to remain in orbit for a specific period. daccess-ods.un.org |
Krieglar [...] 委员会建议设立两个新的委员会――临时独立选举委员会和临时独 立分界审查委员会。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Krieglar Commission recommended the establishment of the two new [...] commissions – The Interim Independent Electoral Commission (IIEC) and the [...] Interim Independent Boundary Review Commission [...](IIBRC). daccess-ods.un.org |
联合国 [...] 海洋法公约》第 15 条规定,海洋区域重叠时,将在两国 海岸线等距离处划分界限, 然而有些因素可能影 响 界限 划分,包括有关的海岸线长度,各大陆和岛屿海岸线之 间的距离,以及争端各方拥有的不同岛屿标志的数量。 crisisgroup.org | When maritime zones overlap, Article 15 of UNCLOS states that the boundaries will be established at an equal distance [...] from both countries [...] coasts, although there are other factors that can modify this, including the lengths [...]of the relevant coastlines, [...]the distance of the various mainland and island coastlines from each other, as well as the number of different island features owned by the various parties to the dispute. crisisgroup.org |
你能使用结合颜色或图案的背景给图表中重要的Y值 划 分界 线。 evget.com | You can now use background bands of color [...] or pattern to demarcate significant [...]Y values in charts. evget.com |
民意研究計劃大約在選舉前個半月(即七月下旬左右),便開始搜集有關各選區 的 分界 地 圖 、票站位置、人口數目、登記選民人數、候選人背景、過往選舉投票記錄等資料,方便日後分析及選取票站。 hkupop.hku.hk | Around one and a half month ago (around late July), POP began to collect [...] information such as the [...] constituency boundary maps, location of polling stations, population of different geographical constituencies, [...]number [...]of registered voters, background of candidates, as well as past election and voting records for future analysis and selection of stations. hkupop.hku.hk |
其中包括具有里程碑意义的建议,即呼吁双方从宽阔的胸怀,放弃了所有的 [...] 言之凿凿的言辞,依据现有的北南协议、《停战协定》和国际公认的法律的要求, 处理好西部海域的冲突,直到在朝鲜西海确定新的军 事 分界 线 ,建立和平水域以 及共同捕鱼区。 daccess-ods.un.org | They included landmark proposals calling on both sides to give up all their assertions with a broad mind, handle the West Sea conflict on the basis of the already existing north-south agreements, the Armistice Agreement and the demands [...] of internationally accepted laws, [...] until a new military demarcation line is set in the [...]West Sea of Korea, and fix the peace [...]waters and joint fishing zone. daccess-ods.un.org |
隨著直選議席不斷增加,除非選舉制度或選 區 分界 出 現 重大變化,否則,選舉工程和配票策略將會愈來愈重要。 hkupop.hku.hk | Followed by the increasing number of directly-elected seats, [...] unless there are drastic changes in the [...] electoral system or boundary of constituencies, [...]the election engineering and tactical [...]voting strategy will become more and more important. hkupop.hku.hk |
所有 Metro Connect 服务类型均包含一个端对端连接,包括在我们的 IBX 设施内客户分界处( 通常是客户机笼光纤分配板)的交叉连接。 equinix.cn | All Metro Connect service types include an end-to-end connection inclusive [...] of a cross connect at [...] the customer demarcation in our IBX facility (typically the customer cage fiber distribution panel). equinix.nl |
大块窗户和大量植物的使用,模糊 了内外分界线的概念。 hansgrohe.com.cn | The boundary between outside and inside [...] is blurred by large windows and lots of plants. hansgrohe.hr |
表达自由与仇恨演说、特别是与宗教问题有关的仇恨演说之间 的 分界 线 问 题最 近在国际一级开展了讨论。 daccess-ods.un.org | The demarcation line between freedom of expression and hate speech, especially in relation to religious issues, has recently been subject to discussion at the international level. daccess-ods.un.org |
对于机械型组织的通常描述是: 高度专业化、例行性的组织任务; 形式化的运营流程; [...] 泛滥于整个组织的繁文缛节、规章制度以及沟通形式; 大规模的运营单元; 组织任务所高度依赖的功能基础; 相对中心化的组织决策; 明晰的组织行政架构,以及在作业单位与支持单位之间的严 格 分界。 12manage.com | A clear configuration of the design parameters is described consistently in the research: highly specialized, routine operating tasks; very formalized procedures in the operating core; a proliferation of rules, regulations, and formalized communication throughout the organization; large-sized units at the operating level; reliance on the functional basis for grouping tasks; relatively [...] centralized power for [...] decision-making; and an elaborate administrative structure with sharp distinctions between line [...]and staff. 12manage.com |
正如其他人已经指出,在发达国家和发展中国家之间存在着数字 化 分界。 iprcommission.org | As others have noted, there [...] is a digital divide between the developed countries and the developing world. iprcommission.org |
可打印字符(^)和(~); 但是,如果选中它们作为分界符则 不可在 主机数据流中打印,因为会发生打印错误。 printronix.com | The characters (^) and (~) are printable; however, [...] do not use them as printables in the host data stream if either [...] is chosen as a delimiter because print [...]errors will occur. printronix.cn |
当然,促成和 平与建设和平之间的分界线模 糊不清,但是正因如 此,安全理事会与建设和平委员会之间达成充分谅 [...] 解将有助于这两个机关特别是在实地更好地执行各 自任务。 daccess-ods.un.org | Of course, the dividing line between peace-making [...] and peacebuilding is hazy, but precisely for that reason a good understanding [...]between the Security Council and the Peacebuilding Commission would enhance compliance with each organ’s mandates, especially in the field. daccess-ods.un.org |
有代表对使用联合国水机制和联合国能源机制等术语以及它们没有得到充 分界定表示关切。 daccess-ods.un.org | Concerns were expressed about the use of such terms as UN-Water and UN-Energy and that they were not yet fully defined. daccess-ods.un.org |
本 集 團 將 符 合 下 文 所 述 的 本 集 團 部 分 界 定 為 經 營 分 部 (a) 從 事 可 能 賺 取 收 益 及 產生開 支 的 業 務 活 動 ; 及 (b) 該 部 分 的 經 營 業 績 由 最 高 營 運 決 策 者 即 執 行 董 事 定 期 審 閱 , 以 作 出 有 關 資 源 分 配 的 決 定 及 評 估 表 現 。 cre8ir.com | The Group identified an operating segment which is a component of the Group (a) that engages in business activities from which it may earn revenues and incur expenses; and (b) whose operating results are reviewed regularly by the executive directors, the chief operating decision maker, to make decisions about resources allocation and assess its performance. cre8ir.com |
在人道主义方面,对复原力和 [...] 减轻灾害风险的日益注重,意味着需跨越私营部门与人道主义行为体之间的传统 分界线建立新的伙伴关系。 daccess-ods.un.org | In humanitarian contexts, the growing focus on resilience and disaster risk [...] reduction implies building new partnerships [...] across traditional dividing lines between private [...]sector and humanitarian actors. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 任何有關變更,包括地域的合併及地 域 分界 的 改 變,皆屬於總會的事務 範圍。 5th-twg.org | (b) Any changes in the establishment, including amalgamation of Regions and [...] changes in Regional boundaries, are matters [...]of the Association Headquarters. 5th-twg.org |
它在 1949 年最初是停战线, 在 1967 年成为分界线, 以色列必须把其部队撤回到 以色列一方,并且它的非以色列一方的领土是被以色 列占领的领土。 daccess-ods.un.org | Having originated in 1949 as an armistice line, it became in 1967 the line to the Israeli side of which Israel had to withdraw its forces and on the non-Israeli side of which territory was occupied by Israel. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管这些摇摇欲坠的路障的象征意义大于其实际作用,但它们的存在本身即构成了摩擦与冲突的源头;它们在神圣与世俗之间划出了一道清晰 的 分界 线。 shanghaibiennale.org | Although the value of these somewhat rickety barriers may appear above all symbolic, [...] their presence is a source of friction and [...] conflict; they delineate a clear-cut boundary between the [...]sacred and the mundane. shanghaibiennale.org |
教條是好的方法之一,在界定和宣傳和教學很普遍的行為,反應和思考被認為是基督教的,所以往往是一個明顯 的 分界 線 之間的"好和壞" ,或至少"可接受的和不可接受的" 。 mb-soft.com | Dogma is good in one way, of defining and publicizing and Teaching very general behaviors and reactions and thoughts [...] which are considered Christian, so there [...] is often a clear dividing line between "good [...]and bad", or at least, "acceptable and unacceptable. mb-soft.com |
手册语言简洁,即使英语为第二语言的青年也可以读懂。所举实例取 自世界记忆登记册和世界文化遗产名单,完全符合“分享我们的 世 界 ; 分 享 我 们的文化”这 一大会主题。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The examples are drawn from the Memory of the World Register and the World Heritage List to suit the theme of the Jamboree: “Share our World, Share our Cultures”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
教科文组织还出席了第 20 届世界童子 军大会“分享我们的世界,分享我 们的文化”(2002 年 12 月 28 日至 2003 年 1 月 7 日,泰 国春武里府),总干事在此为“全球发展村”举行揭幕仪式。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO also participated in the 20th World Scout Jamboree “Share our World, Share our Cultures” (28 December 2002 to 7 January 2003, Hadyao Chonburi, Thailand), where the Director-General inaugurated the “Global Development Village”. unesdoc.unesco.org |