单词 | 分泌物 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 分泌物—secretionSee also:分泌—secretion secrete 分泌n—endocrinologyn 泌—secrete excrete
前列腺的分泌物是很重要的,可使一个女人的卵子成功受精。 cn.iherb.com | Prostatesecretions are important in [...] successful fertilization of a woman's egg. iherb.com |
病毒性结膜炎的分泌物通常比细菌性结膜炎少,可是眼睛可能会更加湿润,对光线敏感。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Viral conjunctivitis usually has lessdischarge than the bacterial kind, though the eyes may be more watery and sensitive to light. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
这些分泌 物常常有异味,并令人尴尬、紧张和耻辱感, 但是它能够得到有效控制。 thewpca.org | It isusually smelly and causes embarrassment, distress and stigma, but it can be effectively managed. thewpca.org |
这就是为什么您的狗狗可以知道您今天工作很不顺利:它可以嗅到您身上荷尔蒙分泌物的苦涩味道以及您午餐时在奶酪汉堡上抹了芥末。 eukanuba.com.cn | This is why your pet knows when you've had a bad [...] day at work: He can literally smell the [...] bitter hormone secretions on yourbody—and [...]that you had mustard on your cheeseburger for lunch. eukanuba.es |
如双手被呼吸道分泌物弄污,例如打喷嚏或 咳嗽後,应立即用梘液洗手。 www6.cityu.edu.hk | Wash hands with liquid soap promptly if they are dirtied [...] by respiratorysecretions,e.g. after sneezing [...]or coughing. www6.cityu.edu.hk |
细胞形成包囊期间,胞质内发生自噬作用,并产生由许多膜管聚集在一起组成的高尔基体,在高尔基体内其分泌物质聚集成高电子密度的嗜锇晶体。 actazool.org | The tubular complex, in which many membranoustubules converged closely together, occurred in the cytoplasm, and the osmiophilic crystals showing high electron density, appeared within the complex. actazool.org |
基本㆖,㆟体免疫 力缺乏病毒主要是由血液、精液和阴道分泌物所传染,因此,感染的主要途径是透过 性交、输入带菌血液或血液制成品、共 用 针筒注射毒品以及经由受感染的母亲在怀孕、 生产或哺乳时把病毒传染给婴儿。 legco.gov.hk | Essentially, HIV is transmitted mainly through blood, semen and vaginalsecretion.Thus, the main routes of infection are through sexual intercourse, through transfusion of contaminated blood or blood products, through sharing of needles for drug injection and perinatally from an infected mother to her offspring. legco.gov.hk |
先进的亲水性敷料,可吸收暗疮分泌物,令皮肤更快回复原状。 aster.com.hk | Hydrocolloid dressing absorbs secretionand promotes healing of acne. aster.com.hk |
食物环 境衞生署( 食环署) 会继续在进口关卡检查禽鸟,并收集血 液及泄殖腔分泌物的样本进行检测。 legco.gov.hk | At the point of importation, the Food and [...] Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) will continue to inspect the birds and collect blood samples andcloacal [...]swabs for testing. legco.gov.hk |
很多研究已经证明对鼠类有驱赶作用的2,2-二甲基硫代环丁烷和2-丙基硫代环丁烷在黄鼬肛腺分泌物同时存在, 说明黄鼬肛腺分泌物对鼠类可能有很强的驱避作用。 actazool.org | Many studies have documented that [...] synthetic [...] 2,2-dimethylthietane and 2-propylthietane were effective rodent repellents, and since both 2,2-dimethylthietane and 2-propylthietane occurred in the Siberian weasel, the anal sac secretions of Siberian weasels may be highly repellentto rodents. actazool.org |
感染B型肝炎的唯一途径是接触到感染者 的血液或体液,如精液或阴道分泌物。 hepbsmart.com | The only way to get hepatitis B is to come in contact with an infected person’s blood or body fluids, such as semen orvaginal fluid. hepbsmart.com |
子宫癌的其中一个症状就是阴道分泌物异常,即不同于典型的宫颈粘液。 thebillingsovulationmethod.org | One symptom of uterine cancer is an abnormal vaginal discharge that is different from typical cervical mucus. thebillingsovulationmethod.org |
如果在患者恢复有效吞咽和咳嗽反射之前 [...] 排空充气罩囊内的空气,上咽部中的分泌 物可能会进入喉部,引发咳嗽或喉痉挛。 vitaid.com | If the cuff is deflated before [...] the return of effective swallowing and [...] cough reflexes, secretions in the upper [...]pharynx may enter the larynx, provoking coughing or laryngeal spasm. vitaid.com |
它是用来,在irigações和阴道分泌物,子宫的出血,治疗伤口,溃疡,impingens,特别是腹泻和ENAS喉咙的感情,在这种情况下,皮肤水煮沸,过滤器,将几滴柠檬和漱口。 zh-cn.arteblog.net | It is used in irigações and vaginal discharges, uterine bleeding, treatment of wounds, ulcers, impingens, especially diarrhea and Enas throat affections, in which case the skins in boiling water, filter, placing a few drops of lemon and gargle. en.arteblog.net |
来自澳洲知名护肤品牌,为品牌中的王牌产品,质地超薄透气,不现形,可阻隔刺激物及吸收痘痘分泌物,更含多种矜贵天然草本及袪痘成分,加速痘痘凋谢及减少发炎症状。 bonjourhk.com | This acne patch is made by Lalisse of Australia and is one [...] of the hero products in the series. [...] This acnepatch differentiatesitselfby its [...]super thin transparent breathable layer, [...]which easily absorb serum stimulated by the acne. bonjourhk.com |
创伤渗出液主要包括血分泌物及高度浓缩之蛋白质溶液,它能提供必要的生长因子,滋养物及细胞之来源。 ord.feg.com.tw | Wound exudate [...] includingbloodsecretions and highly concentrated [...]protein solution can provide the necessary growth factor, [...]nourishment material and the source of cell. ord.feg.com.tw |
例如,你可能几个月都会干燥,然后在接下来的几个月中经历一段分泌物形态不变的过程,直到最后出现粘液,标志着你即将恢复生殖力。 thebillingsovulationmethod.org | For example, you may be dry for some months, then experience an unchanging pattern of discharge in the following months, until eventually, patches of mucus signal that fertility is returning. thebillingsovulationmethod.org |
经常检查肚脐带周围皮肤的颜色是否呈红色或出现绿黄色的分泌物,或有血迹凝固或有臭味。 stranieriincampania.it | examine the umbilical cord frequently to check if the skin around the base of the [...] cord is red, or if there is any [...] greenish-yellowish coloured secretion, or any coagulated blood, or if there is a bad smell. stranieriincampania.it |
乔木,大,雌雄同株,通常具板根的,切割时有红色分泌物。 flora.ac.cn | Trees, large, monoecious, usually with buttress [...] roots, with redexudate when cut. flora.ac.cn |
手足口病是一种非常具有传染性的疾病,对人体的各个部位都有损害,手足口病是通过接触患者嘴鼻的分泌物或粪便进行传播。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Hand, foot and mouth disease is a very contagious illness which has lesions on various parts of the body and is spread from contact with fluids from the nose, mouth, orstool. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
口水和呼吸道分泌物中的病毒和细菌通过空气传播到1米内的人身上。 sir.or.jp | Viruses and bacteria in the saliva [...] and in airway secretionsarespread through [...]the air to people within 1 meter. sir.or.jp |
其次大便习惯改变也是肠癌的典型症状之一,由于直肠肿块及其产生的分泌物,会产生肠道刺激,导致肠癌患者出现便意频繁、排便不尽感和里急后重等症状。 asiancancer.com | Secondly, change in bowel habits is one of the typical [...] symptoms of Bowel cancer, because the rectal [...] mass and its secretionswill cause intestinal [...]stimulation, resulting in the symptoms [...]such as frequent urination, feeling of defecation incompletion and tenesmus. asiancancer.com |
当肿瘤在原发部位严重恶化并体积增大,会直接阻塞气管影响呼吸或使气管分泌物排出不畅从而导致呼吸困难。 asiancancer.com | As the tumor severely deteriorates and enlarges in the primary location, it can directly affect [...] breath by obstructing the air tube or causing breath difficulty by [...] obstructingthe secretion discharge in [...]the air tube. asiancancer.com |
吸烟人士:遍布支气管边缘的细胞表面有数以百万计的微小茸毛(纤毛),这些茸毛以海浪的拍打方式清除气道中的正常分泌物,但烟草等刺激物令纤毛失去活动能力,因而令分泌物积聚。 hsbc.com.hk | The hairs beat in a [...] wave-like fashion to clear your airwaysof normalsecretions,but irritants such as tobacco smoke paralyze [...]the cilia, causing secretionsto accumulate. hsbc.com.hk |
如果被感染者的血液、精液、阴道分泌物或乳汁进入了你的体内,那么就会导致 HIV 的传播。 colgate.com.cn | HIV transmission can occur when blood, semen, vaginal fluid, or breast milk from an infected person enters your body. colgate.com.sg |
白喉是由一种称为白喉棒状杆菌的细菌所引致,并经由呼吸道分泌物和身体接触所传播。 hsbc.com.hk | Diphtheria is spread [...] by respiratory secretions andphysical [...]contact. hsbc.com.hk |
佳发牌邻苯二甲酸二异十一酯(DIUP)可安全使用:不属于生殖毒性类别1或2所列致癌物质,诱变物质或有毒物质,也不在干扰内分泌物质的分类中。 exxonmobilchemical.com | Jayflex DIUP plasticizer is safe for [...] use: not carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic for reproduction category 1 or 2. exxonmobilchemical.com |
医疗技师细分为检验血液、尿液、分泌物等的“临床检查技师”,使用放 射线进行诊断治疗活动的“诊疗放射线技师”,对人工脏器进行操作、维修、 点检的“临床工学技士”等。 jasso.go.jp | Thereare several types of medical technician, including "medical technologists" who examine specimens, "clinical radiologists" who diagnose and treat patients using radiation, and "clinical engineers" who operate and maintain artificial organs. jasso.go.jp |
除了宫缩,可能还有其它的迹象出现,如从阴道内流出液 体,或盆腔有压迫感 提取阴道分泌物进行检查也可以帮助你的医生或者助产士判断你是 否会有早产的危险。 meilleurdepart.org | there may be other signs that happen with the contractions, such as fluid leaking from the vagina or pelvic pressure meilleurdepart.org |