

单词 分歧

分歧 noun, plural ()

disagreements pl
divisions pl

分歧 ()

difference (of opinion, position)


(意见) 分歧 n

split n

(意见) 分歧 v

split v

有分歧 v

differ v

See also:

side road

External sources (not reviewed)

由於議員意分歧,內務委員會主席 建議把李卓人議員的建議付諸表決。
The Chairman suggested putting to vote the proposal of Mr LEE
[...] Cheuk-yan, given the divided views among Members.
在举行的各次 工作会议中,有两次会议特别值得一提:在议会联盟召集的一次会议上,来自 20 多个国家的约 50 名议员组成的代表团展开了辩论,讨论议会在促进跨文化对话
和理解中的作用,以及议会参与国家计划和区域战略的程度;另一次是以“应对 仇视伊斯兰现象:利用相互尊重和包容的未用机会”为主题的圆桌会议(由不同
[...] 文明联盟、伊斯兰会议组织、欧洲委员会和英国文化协会共同主办),这次会议 产生了意分歧,并引发了一些争议。
Among the various working sessions, two deserve special mention: the meeting convened by IPU with a delegation of approximately 50 legislators from more than 20 countries who debated the role of parliaments in promoting cultural dialogue and understanding, as well as their participation in national plans and regional strategies; and the round table on “Addressing Islamophobia: building on unused opportunities for mutual respect and inclusion” (co-organized by the Alliance of Civilizations, the Organization of the Islamic
Conference, the Council of Europe and the British Council),
[...] which generated polarized opinions and [...]
sparked some controversy.
预审法官的其他权力包括:(a) 评价检察官在起诉书内的各项指控;及需要 时(b)
请检察官减少或将这类指控重新归类;(c) 便利当事方之间的交流;(d) 应任一当事方的请求签发传票、逮捕令和其他命令状;(e) 询问匿名证人;(f) 为
[...] 审判分庭起草完整的案卷,其中要列明当事方之间对法律和事实的主 分歧 点,并表明自己对案件中的主要事实和法律要点的看法。
The other powers of the Pre-Trial Judge include: (a) evaluating the charges brought by the Prosecutor in the indictment and, if need be, (b) requesting the Prosecutor to reduce or reclassify such charges; (c) facilitating communication between the parties; (d) issuing summonses, warrants and other orders at the request of either party; (e) questioning anonymous witnesses; (f) drawing up a complete
file for the Trial Chamber
[...] listing the main differences between the parties on points of [...]
law and fact, and indicating his
views regarding the main points of fact and law arising in the case.
加拿大和高级别工作队共同促进就涉及发 展权的困难和分歧的问题达成共识。
Along with the high-level task force, it was helping to build a consensus
[...] on difficult and divisive issues related to [...]
the right to development.
伊朗支持国际社会与朝鲜的建 设性合作,强调各国应始终在平等和相互尊重的基础上,解决在人权领域中分 歧。
It supported the international community in its constructive cooperation with the State and emphasized that countries should always seek to solve their differences in the field of human rights on the basis of equality and mutual respect.
工程策劃總監將負起協調政府各決策局/部門高級首長級人員、 西九管理局和其他相關各方的主要領導角色,就各項影響西九計劃的
[...] 事宜提出意見,促進各方了解相關問題、化 分歧 , 並 且制訂各方接 受並且切實可行的工作方案,以處理西九計劃與鄰近基建計劃的各項 [...]
發展區( 包括西九) 的未來發展而引致的交通需求、廣深港高速鐵路( 下 稱「高鐵」) 臨時工地在適當時間交還西九管理局以配合西九計劃甚為 緊迫的發展時間表、高鐵上蓋發展可能對西九造成的各項影響,以及 為盡量減低有關影響而所需採取的緩解措施。
Project Manager (HAB) will play a leading role in coordinating inputs from senior directorate officers in Government bureaux/departments, the WKCDA and other concerned parties on all matters affecting the development of the WKCD
project, keeping them apprised of related
[...] problems, resolving differences and formulating [...]
workable action plans acceptable to all
to tackle interface issues between the WKCD project and all infrastructure projects in the vicinity of the WKCD. The interface issues include traffic improvement works in the West Kowloon district to meet the traffic demand arising from the future development in the entire West Kowloon New Development Area including the WKCD; timely handover of XRL temporary works area to the WKCDA to meet the very tight development schedule of the WKCD development; and the possible impact of the topside developments of XRL on WKCD as well as the mitigating measures needed to minimise such impact.
该事务的实际情况制定几乎可以在这些方面,但是,由 分歧 组 成 ,在大多数情况下,仅仅在某些句子的变种,还是在实际上有不同的作者,其中发射机;虽然许多这些偏差是由R.约拿和R.圣何塞,谁住在太巴列contemporaneously,教引,这一事实证明几乎假设有两种不同的Talmudim,一个由约拿和其他由何塞教授,它仍将是显而易见的,从上面提到的声明,即犹太法典中存在的一些明确的形式在整个amoraic时期,而且,而且,其最后节录了其他修改之前。
The actual condition of affairs can scarcely be
formulated in these terms,
[...] however, since the divergencies consist, for the most part, of mere variants [...]
in certain sentences,
or in the fact that there were different authors and transmitters of them; and although many of these deviations are cited by R. Jonah and R. Jose, who lived and taught contemporaneously at Tiberias, this fact scarcely justifies the assumption that there were two different Talmudim, one taught by Jonah and the other by Jose; it will nevertheless be evident, from the statements cited above, that the Talmud existed in some definite form throughout the amoraic period, and that, furthermore, its final redaction was preceded by other revisions.
[...] (ICHS)已经加强了其促进和平、相互了解与和解的国际对话和推动比布鲁斯各研究所之 间的合作的活动,以便弥和黎巴嫩社会各阶层之间 分歧。
To this end, the Byblos Centre for Human Sciences (ICHS) has strengthened its activities to promote international dialogue on peace, mutual understanding and reconciliation and to enhance collaborative work among the
various research institutes in Lebanon, in
[...] order to bridge the divides across different segments [...]
of the Lebanese society.
列入第六十八届会议临时议程,并参照各国政府的评 论以及在大会第六十二届和第六十五届会议期间举 行的辩论中发表的意见,在第六委员会一个工作组的
[...] 框架内进一步审查以上述条款为基础拟订一项外交 保护公约或采取任何其他适当行动的问题,并找出关 于条款的任何意分歧。
In addition, the Assembly would decide to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-eighth session an item entitled “Diplomatic protection” and, within the framework of a working group of the Sixth Committee and in the light of the comments of Governments, as well as views expressed in the debates held at the sixty-second and sixty-fifth sessions of the General Assembly, to examine in more depth the question of a convention on diplomatic protection, or any other
appropriate action, on the basis of the abovementioned articles, and to
[...] also identify any difference of opinion on the [...]
第四,关于人道主义、文化和发展问题方面的合 作,虽然我们了解各方对科索沃地位问题意见不同,
[...] 但在国际法院就此问题提出咨询意见前,我们呼吁各 方搁分歧,在人道主义和发展问题上相互合作,以 便改善所有科索沃人的生活,不分族群。
Fourthly, with respect to cooperation on humanitarian, cultural and development issues, and although we understand the differing viewpoints between the parties regarding the status of Kosovo, while awaiting the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice in
this context we call on all parties to
[...] set aside their differences and to cooperate [...]
with each other on humanitarian and development
issues in order to improve the lives of all Kosovars, regardless of their affiliations.
协议》的终稿反映了这分歧,并 在要求进行下一步工作时承认在一些重要的 领域无法实施该协议。
The final text of the agreement
[...] reflects these divisions and, in mandating [...]
further work, recognises that agreement could
not be reached in a number of important areas.
很多会员国支持教科文组织在信息与传播技术和教育方面进一步努力,在重大计划 I 和 重大计划 V 之间开展一个联合项目。但是,会员国在提出的项目重点上存 分歧 , 有 人提 到利用信息与传播技术(特别是针对年轻人),也有人提出师资培训,还有人提出信息与传 播技术在非正规教育中的作用。
A large number of Member States supported increased action by UNESCO in the field of ICTs and education, through a joint initiative involving Major Programmes I and V. Nevertheless, the focus suggested differed among Member States, ranging from access to ICTs, especially for young people, and the training of teachers, to the role of ICTs in non-formal education.
所有由此订单引起或与此订单相关 分歧 、 争 议或差异 30 天内不能通过非正式方式解决的,可有任一一方提交深圳的中国经济贸易仲裁委员会 [...]
(“CIETAC”),根据 CIETAC 的现行规则和程序进行最终的和具有约束力的仲裁,可通过引用将这些程序加入该条款。
All disputes, controversies or differences arising out [...]
of or in connection with this order that are not resolved within
30 days through friendly negotiations may be submitted by either party to the China Economic and Trade Arbitration Committee (“CIETAC”) in Shenzen for final and binding arbitration to be conducted in accordance with the rules and procedures of CIETAC for the time being in force, which procedure is deemed to be incorporated by reference into this clause.
该部在使世界各地媒体对促进和平 与容忍文化、消除偏见分歧以及消除媒体陈规定 型做法的需要保持敏感方面起到重要作用。
The Department had a vital role to play in sensitizing the media throughout the world about the need to promote
a culture of peace and tolerance, combat
[...] prejudice and division and eradicate [...]
the practice of stereotyping in the media.
虽然这分歧出现 了,但值得指出的是,一位赞同“特殊裂变材料加上 镎”定义的与会者建议,按照这一定义,可以考虑不同水平的核查,取决于裂变 [...]
材料的战略敏感性,即对于经过辐照的乏燃料中的钚以及对低浓缩铀,可以进行 较低水平的核查,而对于分离的钚和高浓缩铀可以进行高水平的核查。
While these differences emerged, it is worth [...]
noting that a proponent of the definition “special fissionable material plus
neptunium” suggested that under that definition, different levels of verification could be considered, depending on the strategic sensitivity of the fissile material – e.g. there could be a lower level of verification for irradiated plutonium in spent fuel and for low enriched uranium, and a higher level of verification for separated plutonium and for high enriched uranium.
担任联络组协调人的澳大利亚代表报告说,尽管已经就一些问题达成共识,但在列 入可转产工厂的问题上仍有一些意 分歧。
The facilitator of the group, the representative of Australia, reported that although consensus had
been reached on a number of issues, there
[...] was still some difference of opinion concerning [...]
the inclusion of swing plants.
上文所述为满足公共利益而实施的公用工程包括:(a)为满足国家利益而实施的 工程――得到国会的批准;(b)为满足地方行政区的地方公共利益而实施的工 程――得到本行政区议会的批准;(c)为满足一个以上的省和/或自治市公共利益 而实施的公用工程――得到相关各省/市议会的批准(如 分歧 , 由 中央政府决 定);(d) 为满足同一个省内一个以上的市和/或村公共利益而实施的公用工程―― 得到市和/或村议会的批准(如分歧 , 由省议会决定)。
Public interest is declared: (a) for national interest works – by the Parliament; (b) for local interest works of the territorial administrative unit – by its council; (c) for the public interest of more than one raion and/or
municipalities – by their
[...] councils, and in case of divergences – by the Government; (d) for public interest works of more than one city and/or village in one raion – by the councils of the cities and/or villages, and in case of divergences – by the raion [...]
最后也可能是最重要的一点,对条约的保留(欧洲)观察站的目标是针对 其他国家提具的保留建立尽可能统一的“阵线”,这显然不会是此处考
[...] 是为了一方面向有此愿望的国家提供技术援助,另一方面帮助在保留方 面存有意分歧的国 家(和国际组织)解决这 分歧 , 拉 近彼此观点,并 向有关国家或国际组织提供关于可适用的法律规则的具体资料。
Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, whereas the objective of the (European) Observatory of Reservations to International Treaties is to present as united as possible a “front” with respect to reservations formulated by other States, this would obviously not be the function of the assistance mechanism envisaged here; it will be clear from the preceding section that its purpose would be rather to provide technical assistance to States that wished to receive it; to help States (and international organizations) with
differing views
[...] concerning reservations to resolve their differences by finding common ground; and to [...]
provide those countries
or international organizations with specific information on the applicable legal rules.
第一分歧点是,一处用了“武装冲突中武装部队的活动”,另一处用了“武 装冲突中,包括在外国占领下的各方的活动”。
The first related to the use of the terms, in one case, “the activities of armed forces during an armed conflict” and, in another case, the terms “the activities of the parties during an armed conflict, including in situations of foreign occupation”.
如果必须根据第七条就空白时期提 交报告,则也许在审评期间会出现一些复杂状况,因为缔约方和专家审评小组有 可能就哪些补充资料需要报告和审评发生意 分歧。
If reports under Article 7 covering the gap period have to be submitted, complications may arise during the review, as there may be disagreement between the Party and the expert review team about what supplementary information needs to be reported on and reviewed.
[...] 山由纪夫首相敦促《条约》的所有缔约国弥 分歧, 为 实现没有核武器、原子能仅用于和平目的的世界 [...]
In that message, Prime Minister
Hatoyama urged all parties to the Treaty
[...] to bridge their differences in order to pave [...]
the way for a world without nuclear weapons
in which atomic energy was used only for peaceful purposes.
[...] 但关于如何开展这一过程工作组仍存在两大意 分歧 : 一 种方法是其作为预防性 审查过程的一部分,根据按照安全理事会第 [...]
1373(2001)号决议设立的反恐怖主义 委员会编制的现有恐怖主义集团清单进行反复核对。
Although it was generally agreed that the review of applications should include a careful examination of the organization’s activities as an intrinsic aspect of the eligibility criteria, there were nevertheless two divergent viewpoints within the working group on how to deal with the process:
one approach included cross-checking
[...] against the existing list of terrorist organizations [...]
prepared by the Security Council
Committee established pursuant to resolution 1373 (2001) concerning counter-terrorism as part of a precautionary review process; the other included using both the Security Council Committee list and national lists of barred, sanctioned and terrorist groups in reviewing all applications.
一位泰国外交部官员表示,可以运用 国际法作为工具来解决任何双分歧 , 并 就这类协 定进行谈判,但“问题的症结是政府受到来自军方 [...]
A Thai foreign ministry official said the tools of
international law could have been used to
[...] resolve any bilateral differences and negotiate such [...]
agreements, but “the crux of the problem
is the pressure on the government from the military and the PAD.
此 外 , 各 辭 任 董 事 確 認 , 彼 等 與 董 事 會(「 董 事 會 」)概 無 意分 歧 , 亦並無 有 關 彼 等 各 自 辭 任之事 宜 須 提 請 本 公 司 股 東 垂 注 。
In addition, each of the resigned
Directors confirmed
[...] that there was no disagreement with the board of the Directors (the ‘‘ Board’’ ) and there were no matters in [...]
respect of each of their
resignations that need to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company.
中方多次强调,安理会在叙利亚问题上的行动, 应该恪守《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则,有助于缓和 叙利亚的紧张局势,有助于推动政治对话、化 分歧, 有助于维护中东地区的和平与稳定。
China has repeatedly stressed that the actions of the Security Council on the Syrian issue should comply with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, help ease tensions in Syria, promote political dialogue and defuse disputes, and help maintain peace and stability in the Middle East region.
总统指出,联合国和政府对副秘书长向政府提出的建议没有意 分歧 ,但 以下两个问题除外:(a) 联刚特派团军事部门的最后撤离时间,该国政府表示应 [...]
在 2011 年完成;以及(b) 技术评估团关于联刚特派团协助刚果民主共和国武装 部队建立能力的建议。
The President noted
[...] that there was no divergence of views between [...]
the United Nations and the Government on the proposals that the Under-Secretary-General had presented
to the Government, with the exception of two issues only: (a) the final withdrawal of the MONUC military component, which the Government said should be completed in 2011; and (b) the proposals of the technical assessment mission regarding the contribution of MONUC to building the capacity of FARDC.
对于这种更正若有意分歧,应 由与该记 录有关的机构的主持会议的主席团成员作出裁定,必要时应与会议录音进行核 对。
Any disagreement concerning such corrections shall be decided by the presiding officer of the body to which the record relates, after consulting, where necessary, the sound recordings of the proceedings.
C. 黨員對政黨欠缺忠誠
[...] 因為不同政黨之間並不存在太大的政 分歧 , 黨 員經常轉換黨籍;只要他們能與地方領 [...]
As there was little difference in political [...]
principles between one party and the next, party members often changed sides
yet remained politically influential, as long as they had good personal ties with local social leaders.
[...] 氧机构非常明确地表述的那样,任何在设备供应、时机选择和专业知识方面 缺少集中的行为都会造成重大拖延 分歧 和 问 题,而这些又可能会在很大程 度上对项目的执行工作产生负面影响。
According to a number of reports, as expressed very clearly by the NOU of Kuwait, any lack of convergence in equipment
supply, timing and expertise leads to
[...] significant delays, discrepancies and problems [...]
that may, to a considerable extent, adversely
affect the implementation of the project.




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